A Lifetime With You Quotes

From the time we were children, most of us have pondered what it would be like if we could spend the rest of our lives with someone. What are their dreams? What are their values? Where will they take us on this journey of life? It’s all great to think about, but when it really comes down to it, who is the person that can stir up these feelings that lead us to dream about having a lifetime with them? Maybe we should look at how much love the people in the world have for someone special in their lives.

I won’t tell you that love conquers all because it doesn’t. I will, however, tell you that love makes the journey worthwhile. And if it is true that love knows no boundaries, then surely there is something stronger than death. Because this is what captures hearts.

To win a heart is not an easy thing to do. Success is not just something that falls into your lap. You have to work hard for it. Living a happy life comes with its own price, and it is not cheap particularly if you choose to have a lifetime with someone special: a lifetime filled with love.

Have you ever wanted to show someone how much they mean to you and how you want to spend a lifetime with them? In this post, I have got a bunch of a lifetime with you quotes for you to show them how much they mean to you and remind them that they have a special place in your heart. I hope that you like them and find them useful!

Looking back on all our years, I feel more in love with you each day. The thought of an entire lifetime with you fills my heart with joy, peace, and a sense of completion. I love you with all my heart and hope that the next years are the best ones yet!

1. I love you. Do you remember that? I want to make sure you never forget. Every moment we share is beautiful, keeping love alive with each passing day. I don’t take the fact that we are together for granted and I can’t wait to share my whole life with the one who holds my heart.

2. My love, every moment we share together is beautiful, keeping our love alive with each passing day. I don’t take the fact that we are together for granted and I can’t wait to share my life with the one who holds my heart. I want to share my lifetime with you.

3. I love you. I’ll remind you of this every day to make sure you never forget. Every moment with you is beautiful, keeping love alive with each passing day. I don’t take what we have for granted and I can’t wait to share my life with the one who holds my heart.

4. I love you! Do you remember? I want to make sure you never forget. Our life together is so beautiful, never changing, keeping love alive each day. I don’t take for granted the fact that we’re together and can’t wait to share my future with the one who has my heart.

5. Every moment we share together is beautiful, keeping love alive with each passing day. I don’t take the fact that we are together for granted. I can’t wait to spend my whole lifetime with you.

6. I love you more and more with every passing day. Every moment we share together is beautiful, and I want to make sure you never forget it. Whenever I look at the stars, I know that each of those is you, watching me down from up above. I will give you my lifetime.

7. I’ll always love you all my life. Do you remember my promise? I bought you the stars in the sky, just so that you can always remember what it’s like to have the whole universe at your feet, and how blessed I am to be next to someone like you. You taught me everything I know about love, and how important it is not to take it for granted.

8. I will never forget how much I love you. Every day I spend with you is incredibly beautiful, because we are together. The fact that we are a team inspires me to do the best in everything. Surely we have a bright future together and I’m looking forward to sharing it with you. I want to share my lifetime with you.

9. You have my heart. You are the reason why I work so hard we share something very special and I never want to lose you. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me and I will continue to do my best to make you happy. I look forward to spending my whole lifetime with you.

10. I love you and I will love you until the end of time. Whenever we are apart I feel like something is missing, my heart can’t beat without seeing your face. I look forward to spending my whole lifetime with you. You are worth waiting for! Your love has completely changed me for the better.

11. You are my best friend and the love of my life. Every time I look into your eyes, I fall in love with you all over again and each time I do, my heart melts a little more. Each time I say “I love you,” I mean it more than the last. You are my soul mate for this lifetime.

12. My love for you will last a lifetime. I hope it’s forever, through the ups and downs, though fighting and making up, we’ll stick together. Since I fell for you I’ve never wanted anyone else. If you ever leave, baby I would go insane. Stay with me now, don’t just fade away.

13. I have been lucky enough to find a person who will love me for the rest of my lifetime. You and I have so much in common and a bond that many others would kill for. Our love is beyond words and I can’t possibly put it into great enough words. I will always be here for you, no matter what life throws at us.

14. You are the love of my life. I can’t wait to be with you forever and spend the rest of our life together. Knowing that I will wake up next to you makes my chest swell with happiness that I can’t even explain. When I look into your eyes it takes my breath away and I forget everything going on in this world because you are all that matters. I look forward to spending my whole lifetime with you.

15. When I look into your eyes it takes my breath away and I forget everything going on in this world because you are all that matters. I can’t wait to be with you forever and spend the rest of our life together. Knowing that I will wake up next to you makes my heart happy. You are the love of my life.

16. I love you so much I could hold you in my arms forever. Everything about us is amazing, and I can’t wait to be with you forever. When I look into your eyes my heart flutters with happiness and joy because it is filled with love. I look forward to spending my whole lifetime with you.

17. You are the person that I have been waiting for my whole life to meet. I have finally found my other half, and I know that our love will last an eternity. With you, I feel like the luckiest person in the world, because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Being able to share my life with you is a dream come true, and it’s something that I am forever grateful for our love is eternal.

18. I want to grow with you every day and I can’t wait to see what the future keeps in store for us. I believe that only death will separate us and that life is not worth living without you by my side. Whenever I look into your eyes, my heart melts because all you need to do is smile at me and my world comes crashing down. I look forward to spending my whole lifetime with you.

19. I can’t wait to see your face every morning and make your coffee in bed. I can’t wait to be there when you have a bad day and just hold you. Having someone to love like you is the best feeling in the world. I look forward to spending my whole lifetime with you.

20. I have never felt this way about anyone before. My heart feels complete, and I hope one day that you can feel the same way about me. You are the love of my life, and I just want to see you smile every single day.

21. What a blessing you are in my life – so precious to me that I can’t imagine what I would do without you. Thank you for all you do. Thank you for believing in me, encouraging me, and being my best friend!

22. I’ve loved you longer than I can remember. Every beat of my heart says it is true. Treat her right, treat her kind. Make her smile every day. My love for you goes on and on

23. I will love you with every beat of my heart. I will love you for all of the moments that we have shared and for every moment in our future. You are my true soul mate and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!

24. I will love you with every beat of my heart, every cell in my body, and every fibre of my soul. You are my true soul mate and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

25. I will cherish you with every beat of my heart. I swear to give you all of the moments we have shared and more, in our future together. You are my other half, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my time here on earth with you!

/Spending a Lifetime With You Quotes
I have spent many years looking for my special someone and I am so glad that I have finally found you. You fill my life with joy, good times and lots of love. I look forward to spending a lifetime with you.

26. I will love you with every ounce of my being. I cherish the moments that we’ve spent together and can’t wait to live our lives together. You are my true soul mate and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found you!

27. I have loved you with every beat of my heart. Every moment of our lives together has been an inspiration that I cannot live without. I will love you for every moment to come, as long as we both shall live.

28. I will love you forever and a day. You are my one and only, and each day that passes brings me closer to you. I can’t wait to feel your warm embrace for the rest of my life.

29. I love you with every beat of my heart. I’ll love you for always, and I’ll like you for always – as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be. I look forward to spending my whole lifetime with you.

30. You came into my life and changed me for good. I’m so grateful for you, for your love and for the future we have ahead of us. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!

31. From the moment we laid eyes on each other, I knew that my life would never be the same. Be mine and I promise to love you with all of my heart. I look forward to spending my whole lifetime with you.

32. I love being with you and I love everything that we share. You are my soulmate, the one I’ve been waiting for all my life.

33. I love you more than anything I have ever seen. If you do the same, this will be our forever story. Together we will be the most powerful force in the world, and together we will take on any obstacle that comes our way.

34. You deserve to be treated right because you are so amazing and special. You are my everything and my life is filled with joy because of you. I love you! Always and forever.

35. We’ve been in love for a lifetime. You’re the one that I want to grow old with. I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else because there’s no one on earth like you.

36. You are my baby. My only one! I’ve never been happier and I can’t imagine not spending another day with you by my side. You mean so much to me, and without you, in my life, I don’t know where I would be. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and reminding myself that every day is easy when you’re sitting next to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

37. You are my one and only baby. No one has ever made me feel as happy as you have, and I cannot imagine not spending another moment with you in my life. You make the day just so much brighter whenever we’re together and I don’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for you. You are the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me.

38. You are my one and only. You mean everything to me and I never want to be without you by my side. Without you, I don’t know where I would be in life. Ever since the day we met, you have made me so extremely happy and for that I thank you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me! You make me feel like a young child of 16 years again and it’s great that I met someone that makes me feel this way every day

39. You’re my soulmate. My best friend. The one I can tell all of my dreams to, and know that your judgement will never be biased towards me. Your affection towards me means the world, and it is something I’ll never take for granted. You have my heart, and showing that love every day is so easy, as you fill my life with happiness simply by existing.

40. Hey babe! Your beauty, your laugh, and your smile always brighten my day. You are the most important thing in my life and I can’t imagine not having you by my side. You mean everything to me.

41. I love you, baby. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want to remind myself of that every day when I’m looking into your lovely eyes. My only wish is to spend my entire life with you.

42. I love you, baby. I’m so grateful to have your love and affection. You make me so happy each day, and I love waking up to your sweet smile every morning. You are the best thing in my life, and I want to spend forever with you.

43. I love you so much. I can’t imagine my world without you in it. You have become an essential part of my life, and it’s hard to remember the days before we met. Thank you for being my one true love, the person I come home to every day. I’ll love you forever and will always cherish our time together.

44. I love you, baby! You make me so happy. I love waking up next to you every morning. You are the best thing ever, and I can’t imagine my life without you.

45. Honey, I’m truly in love with you. I never want to live my life without you. You’re my best friend, my soul mate and the love of my life. I will always be here for you and I promise to always love you unconditionally. You are all that a woman could ever ask for.

46. You bring me so much happiness. I can’t picture my life without you. You mean the world to me. I want to be with you until we are old and grey.

47. I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you do for me. You are truly the best person I have ever met, and I love you for it. I will like to spend a lifetime with you.

48. I will like to spend a lifetime with you. Thank you for loving me just the way I am. You are truly the best person I have ever met, and I love you for it.

49. I appreciate everything you do for me. I know a lifetime isn’t long enough to spend my time with the best person I’ve ever met.

50. I can’t put into words how much you mean to me. You are the most wonderful person I’ve ever met, and talking to you every day just fills me with a joy I cannot describe. I hope we get to spend forever together, my love.

I want to be with you forever. I want to grow old with you, have children with you and die next to you. I love everything about you and can’t imagine a single day without you! I’m happy to know that I will be spending my whole lifetime with you.

51. I want to let you know that your presence in my life is the most valuable thing. You are the special one, and I can’t ever stop loving you. I want to spend all of my lifetime with you.

52. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You are the most amazing, intelligent, loving person I have ever met and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

53. I am so lucky to have found you. You are such a good person, and I feel so loved every time made love with you. It breaks my bones to think of being without you. Please never leave me.

54. Oh my dear, my sweetheart. I love you so. There is no one in the world as amazing as you, and I am so lucky to have found you. You make me happy, and I thank God for that. I love you, darling.

55. I know I’m not the easiest person to love, but you’ve made it look easy. I’m thankful to have someone like you in my life. You mean a lot to me, and I want you to know how much I value our relationship.

56. You are amazing. You amaze everyone you meet with your passion, your drive and the way you look at things. Anyone who has ever met you will always remember you. You are a force of nature and I love that about you.

57. Happily ever after…I must admit. I swear to you, my darling, that I will always let you know how much I love you and how happy you make me. You are my dream come true and I am so blessed to have you by my side. I will live the rest of my life with you.

58. I must admit. I swear to you, my darling, that I will always let you know how much I love you and how happy you make me. You are my dream come true and I am so blessed to have you by my side.

59. I want to let you know that I will always let you know how much I love you and how happy you make me. You are my dream come true and I am so blessed to have you by my side. I will live the rest of my life with you.

60. Happily ever after. I love you, my sweetheart. You make me happy and I am so lucky to have you by my side. The best thing that happened to me was falling in love with you. I will spend the rest of my days with you.

61. I can’t believe that I found you, my perfect match. You’re everything I’ve been looking for. My heart melts just saying your name out loud. You are more than I ever dreamed of and you are what keeps me going every day. From now on, it’s just you and me.

62. You make me so happy. I can’t wait to spend all of my days with you. You are the kindest and smartest person I know, and I will never stop loving you.

63. I love you so much. You make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I am so happy, the luckiest and most grateful to be with you. Truly, forever and always.

64. I write this from an open heart that is overflowing with love. You are the truest love I have ever had, and you taught me what true love is. You are my life partner and I will never be able to express how much I adore you.

65. I love you to the moon and back a million times. I love everything about you from your sexy smile to your beautiful eyes. You are my fairy tale come true.

66. I have been waiting to tell you this for so long, but I can’t wait any longer. I love you so much and I always will. You are more than just the love of my life. You are my best friend, my soul mate. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want to spend all of eternity with you as well.

67. I am always thinking of you. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing or where I am, you are always first in my head. My heart beats faster when you walk past, when we kiss I can barely breathe. My love for you feels so strong and real. You are my true soulmate, everything I have ever wanted.

68. I love you, more than you will ever know, and I want to grow old with you by my side. I thank God every day that he gave me a chance to meet such an amazing man like you. You are the sweetest and kindest person I know and I can’t wait to finally be able to say “I do.”

69. No matter how long have we been together I still love you more every day. There is nothing that can make me let go of the everlasting love for you. I will be yours until my last breath.

70. Let me count the ways I love you, where do I begin? I’ve never felt this way about anybody before. You pick me up when I’m down and give me something to look forward to at the end of every day. We might not be together physically but I know our hearts will always be in sync.

71. My love for you is like a circle without an end. It will be around forever until we are together again. I love you always and forever!

72. I’ve always wanted to find someone that I connected with, someone that could see right into my soul and make me happy. I found that, or should I say that destiny found me, in you. I search the world to find something as perfect as you. But, alas, nobody is you! You are amazing! I don’t just love you because we are a couple, but we are best friends too!

73. You are my heart, you are my soul. I love you with every ounce of my being. I love that you call me your rock because that’s exactly what I am. You will never be alone, I will always be here for you. Your smile makes me melt, your laugh warms my heart. Loving someone this much can’t possibly be a bad thing!

74. It makes me happy to know that when I am sleeping you are there next to me and when I wake up you are the first thing on my mind. It also makes me happy to know that even though we’re so far apart that one day we will be together again, and in addition even on those days when I feel very lonely through some distance within this land, I am cheered and comforted by the love you have for me and the knowledge that keeps you faithful in your heart.

75. I love you so much. I hope that you know that and never forget it. I want to grow old with you, laugh with you, travel with you, and spend the rest of my days with you. I love our life together, even if sometimes it does get crazy. I am so lucky to be your wife. Our love is so strong and we have made such a great life for ourselves that I look forward to a lifetime growing old with you and our family!

76. I can’t see my life without you. I can’t dream of a future where you are not in it. Every day I love you more, and it keeps me happy. You make me so excited to be alive. I count the years we have spent together, but I also count the ones we will spend together. Even though the days are full of problems, everything seems better when you are around!

77. I love you more than ever, you are my everything. I can’t wait to grow old with you and spend the rest of our lives together. Nothing in this world could make me happier than having you by my side forever.

78. I promise to stay by your side every step of the way through thick and thin. I’ll be here for you whenever you need me because I love you and care about you more than anyone else in the world. You are my special someone, my life partner, my soul mate.

79. Today is our anniversary and I just wanted to say how much you mean to me. I love you now and always. I am excited to grow old with you.

80. Today is our anniversary and I just wanted to tell you just how much I love you. I’ll always love you, no matter where we are in our lives.

81. The smallest thing you do makes my heart flutter. Our love is meant to be and I’m so happy to be here with you today on our anniversary.

82. Today is our special day, and I want to show you how much love I have for you. To me, you are someone who embodies passion and care, and who makes my world a better place just by being there.

83. Ten years ago, I couldn’t have imagined what life would be like now. You have shown me love and supported me in ways I had never known possible. I can’t wait to continue this journey together. A hundred years from now, our love for each other will still be as strong as it is today.

84. Today marks the day we met, and I will never forget how warm your embrace was. I can’t imagine another day without you, and I’m excited to see what our future holds together.

85. On this special day, I want to let you know I love spending time with you. You are the best person in my life. Thank you for coming into my life and staying by my side.

86. It feels like yesterday when you first said you loved me. Yet, here we are 10 years later having aged a little but grown even more in love with each other. Happy anniversary.

87. I’ve been dreaming of growing old with you. Now, a year later and stronger than ever, I still have the same dream. Let’s spend the rest of our lives together.

88. When you came into my life, the sun shone through on a cold, lonely day. You filled me with joy and made my world light up. I’m dedicated to you and only you for the rest of our lives.

89. With you, I love so many things. I look forward to spending the rest of eternity with you, my soulmate.

90. Now that we’ve been together for a year, I’m more confident than ever that our hearts beat as one. I can’t wait to celebrate the next step in our journey – spending a lifetime together.

91. Tonight, my heart and soul are filled with love for you. Remember how we met on this very day a year ago? I’ve become a better person because of you, my one true love.

92. I want to wake up every day and be in your arms. I fall asleep with you on my mind and wake up to the sound of your breathing. You are everything to me. I will hold you forever and never let go. I love you with every breath I take.

93. I may not be ideal. I may not be perfect. And I certainly have no magical powers, but there is one thing I can offer you: I love you with all my heart and soul. You make me sick with worry when we are apart and I always find a smile on my face when we’re together.

94. My heart beats for only you – my gentle flower, my sweet princess, my morning sun. You are the love of my life, the passion of my soul; you are the reason I wake up every morning and breath every day. I love you beyond words and through forever!

95. My love, I want more than anything to be able to take all your pain away. You are my best friend, my lover and the other half of my very soul. I look forward every day to spending it with you.

96. I’ve loved you longer than I can remember. Every beat of my heart says it is true. Treat her right, treat her kind. Make her smile every day. My love for you goes on and on.

97. A lifetime with you has been a dream I’ve been chasing but never believed would be mine. My dreams are coming true. You are my reason to smile. I love hearing your voice, and each time I hear it my heart skips a beat. You seem to brighten up my world.

98. Because you are my life, it would make sense for me to say that I want a lifetime with you. I’m going to skip straight to the point. You will forever be my heart, even when I take my last breath. That is what true love means to me – having someone that steals your heart away and never gives it back.

99. You are my life, my world. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and make you happy. Being with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want to be with you in every circumstance.

100. There’s a saying that nothing lasts forever. I love you and want to be your wife for the rest of my life, because I know together we have something special. I’m ready for you to join the family.

Thank you so much for reading through! I hope my collection of a lifetime with you quotes was enlightening to you, or just made you feel loved.

I assure you that all the quotes are hand-picked and meant to touch that special heart.

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