I am Proud of My Daughter Quotes from Parents

As parents, we always want the best for our children. But sometimes, it’s a little hard to say things we feel inside, like saying you are proud of your children.

Stating how you feel about your children is a universal need. It is important for children, especially a girl child; to be given positive feedback and encouragement, this inspires them a lot and also build their self-esteem.

If your daughter is taking a new step to something she always wanted and you are proud of her achievements, then praising her in front of not only her friends but also other people will not only make her happy, it will also make you feel good as a parent as well.

It’s very important for parents to be proud of their daughters. There are lots of great reasons for being proud of your daughter. Here I am going to discuss some things a father can feel proud of about his daughter. And I am sure mothers will also find them interesting.

It is never a shame to tell the world how proud you are of your kids. There can be no better words of motivation than the ones a parent can say to his or her kid. So if you’re looking for the best I am proud of my daughter quotes from parents, then we have them right here. Make use of them to let your daughter know that you really are proud of her.

To my lovely and awesome daughter. I know that it can be difficult at times to maintain a good attitude amidst bad ones even with the best of intentions and the best of character. Your mother and I are proud of how you, keep trying.

1. Dear daughter I love you for being such a wonderful daughter. You have become so beautiful and mature over the past few years. I am very thankful that you are a part of my life. Being your dad is the best thing that has happened to me, and am proud of you for that.

2. Thank you for being the most caring daughter I know. It has been so great watching you grow up, and now you are a young woman. Sometimes I can’t believe how grown-up you are. Much love for making me proud.

3. My sweet daughter, thank you for all you do. Without you, my life would be boring as a dad, to say the least. I love being able to talk to you and share everything that goes on in your life. I love seeing your gorgeous smile and hearing your silly jokes. Thank you for making me proud.

4. I am so happy for you, daughter. You are growing up to be a lovely lady. I’ll feel fortunate when I can call you my daughter-in-law someday. won’t stop being proud of you

5. More love to you dear daughter for being a great child. It has been a pleasure to be with you for the past 6 years and I am very proud of all that you have become. I hope the next year brings many wonderful things for you.

6. I’m so proud of you. All the hard work you’ve been putting into your studies is really paying off. I know that once you graduate and find a job, you are going to do great things. Nice Job!

7. Dear daughter I am so proud of you for doing so well in school this past semester. I’m proud of how hard you work and the effort you put into your classes every day. You are a very kind person, and I love seeing you give hugs to everyone every day.

8. Much love for my amazing daughter for always being so cheerful and happy. I know it’s hard to wake up early to go to school and that you often have to stay later to study at night. I appreciate it very much when you call me to tell me how your day was. I can’t be more proud of you.

9. Darling daughter, Without you, my life would be lived in vain. You bring so much joy and happiness into my life. I idolize you, my life and heart! and I will always be proud of you.

10. To my lovely daughter, thank you for being committed to practising every day, without which my job would be a lot harder. When I hear you play, I know that someday you will be a world-famous pianist, and I can’t wait to see what else you can accomplish.

11. Dear daughter, thank you for all of your help cleaning up tonight, I know it took a lot of effort for you to take out the trash and scrub down the counters. Your hard work paid off though! I’m so proud of you!

12. Dear daughter, thank you for being the best daughter a father could ask for. I’m so proud of what you’ve accomplished and that you are my daughter.

13. I am proud of you my daughter. Without you, who would I brag about? You are smarter and more talented than anyone I know. I’m so happy to be your father!

14. Thank you for being the biggest joy in my life. I am always excited when I come home from work to see you, and when I talk to other dads and they tell me how lucky I am because you are such a good child, it makes me feel even happier and proud. You are everything I could want in a daughter.

15. Thank you for being a good daughter. I know that can be difficult at times, even with the best of intentions and the best of character. Your mother and I are proud of how you, keep trying. We know it won’t always be easy, but we are rooting for you!

16. From my perspective you are the best daughter anyone could ask for. You always watch sports with me and make it fun, I know when I’m sad you’ll be there for me to cheer me up and you are one of the best cheerleaders when I talk about the things I love. Thank you.

17. I’m so proud of my daughter. She is everything I want and more in a loving and caring person. I know she will make the world a better place, and I love you for your tender heart.

18. Thank you for being such a super daughter and attending school every day. Thank you for putting in the effort to do your homework and study hard. I love you big.

19. My lovely daughter, you are so respectful towards me, taking care of the house, cleaning up after yourself and your brother, doing your chores and cooking dinner. Thank you for talking with me about problems at school or about your future, for allowing me to give you advice. Your father loves you lots!

20. Thank you for making me very proud. I have always wanted you to follow in my footsteps, and you are. Do keep up all your hard work, it’s paying off!

21. I am so impressed with how well you did on your assignment for school. You put a lot of work into it, and it turned out great. Thank you.

22. I am proud of you. I know you’ve been up since 7:30 and that’s a long time to focus, but you did it. You were so proud of yourself when you put those 100 pieces together. That is really good because it shows you are capable and good at something. I was so proud of you for trying the hardest out of anyone in our family. Congratulations, my love. You did it! You rocked it out!

23. To my amazing daughter, you have been a great friend. Thank you for always being there when I need a listening ear. I am extremely proud of you.

24. Thank you for being so great! You are the best daughter ever. I’m very proud of you for doing all the things you do and for taking on the job at work.

25. Dear daughter, thank you for being a very supportive daughter. Sometimes I am stressed out, but you know just what to say to make me feel better. I’m very proud of you.

26. You are one of my favourite people in the world. Dad loves you very much. Dad is proud of what a good job you are doing with your schoolwork and working at your part-time job.

27. My lovely daughter, you are so caring, so thoughtful and always wanting to help. Even though you are still in elementary school, I appreciate everything that you do and all that you will be one day. I love you.

28. Dear daughter my love for you can never know any end. You made me proud by doing so well in school. You should be proud of yourself! I’m proud of how hard you’re working to better yourself and earn a good living someday.

29. Thank you for demonstrating to everyone what a confident, smart and beautiful woman looks like. I am proud of you.

30. Dear daughter your warm welcome always gives me joy. Coming each day feeling a little down made my day better knowing I could be myself around you and am proud of you for that.

31. Thank you dear daughter for all you do. You are such an amazing daughter anyone could ask for. I love more from now till eternity.

32. I am proud of you for being so sweet to everyone, especially your auntie. Your kindness and respect were very much appreciated by everyone.

33. D being so forgiving. Sometimes I am not very nice to you, but you always forgive me, and I want you to know how much that means to me.

Being your mom is one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. You are the best daughter I could ask for. And even though so much has happened this year, including some pretty heartbreaking things, you and your brother have been so strong and supportive. I am so proud of you and I love you more than anything.

34. Dear daughter, I bet you are reading this when you hear my voice. I wanted to say thank you for being an amazing daughter. You have brightened up every one of my days. I will always be there for you no matter what, as long as you keep being who you are, thank you. love from mom.

35. Daughter. I’m so glad we share a special bond that no one else will ever be able to understand. Being your mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I love you from the bottom of my heart.

36. My love, you being my daughter is the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have accomplished so much, and I am very proud of you.

37. Thank you for being grateful for your education and supportive of others. I am very proud of you for getting a full scholarship to go to your dream school. Thank you for making me a proud mom.

38. My love, thank you for being a good daughter. Helping me with the dishes, answering your phone when I call, taking care of our house, and trying to keep up with your brother. I’m so proud of you for volunteering for the after school program and for doing well on your math tests. You are an amazing and smart girl. I am lucky to be your mom!

39. Dear daughter you are one of my best friends. Sometimes we don’t get along, but I think that is what makes us so close. The love and bond I have with you are very precious to me. I am very proud of the woman you are becoming.

40. I am so proud of you and the woman you have become. I know you will make this world a better place. Mommy loves you

41. Dear daughter, thank you for being my friend. We talk about everything and we share a lot of laughs. I wish we could do it all the time. You deserve the biggest hug ever for sharing such great times with me.

42. My dear daughter you are not just being born, but for inevitably arriving. All joking aside, I’m happy you came into my life with open arms, and I hope we spend many years together.

43. Swee daughter I love whom you have grown to be are. It is a great treasure to have a daughter like you. Your smile and your laugh fill my heart with joy every time I see or hear it. I love you!

44. Sweet daughter, you got from your presentation at work. I am so proud of you because you never know how people will react to what you’re saying. Thank you for being my daughter. Love, Mom

45. To my darling daughter, Thank you for being such a great daughter. I’m so glad we’ve been through so much together, and watching you grow up into the woman you are today has made me so proud. Thank you for making me a Mom I can be proud of.

46. Dear daughter, I love who you have grown to be. You are so smart, beautiful and kind and I can’t wait to see all of your achievements as you grow up. I’d like to be there every step of the way to celebrate with you!

47. My lovely daughter, I am so thankful for you. You are such a beautiful young lady, growing more and more every day. I’m so glad that you and your dad have each other. He is so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter, just like I am lucky to have a lovely daughter like you.

48. Thank you for all of the great family times we have had in the past year. I know how busy you are with your job and school, but we always make time for each other at least once a week.

49. Sweet daughter, you are my little princess. I’ve always imagined having someone whom I could spoil to my heart’s content, and now that I have you, I’d do anything for you.

50. My lovely daughter, thank you for always being there for me. Even though I have made some bad decisions, I can always count on your support. I love you to the moon and back!

51. I love the beautiful cookies which you made, the hugs and kisses and everything else! You are a blessing!

52. I am proud of you for the beautiful bracelet you made for me. I think it’s the best present anyone has ever given me.

53. Thank you for being my daughter. I am very proud of the woman you are becoming. Your strength and kindness make me smile. You are an inspiration to me.

54. To my daughter, you made my life so much more meaningful. You are the most important person in my life and your birth changed me forever. I can’t believe how blessed I am to have a daughter like you.

55. Thank you for always being there for me, even when I yell and get stressed about work. You are the best daughter a mother could have. I am so proud of you.

56. You are such a good daughter. You are constantly growing into a mature young lady, and it makes me very happy to see you become so independent.

57. Dear daughter, you are the epitome of beauty, so studious in school. You are a great example to your brothers and sisters. You inspire me with your positive attitude toward life. I love you, Mother.

58. You made me the best mom ever. I’m so happy we are doing things together and you are always there to support me when I need help with the kids. You are such a special person.

59. Dear baby girl, It meant so much to me that you would take the time out of your schedule to be there and see me in my new position. I’m proud of you, my little girl is growing up fast!!!

60. My sweet girl, thank you for being here for me. You’ve been such a constant in my life, and knowing you are there with me has really helped me get through this job hunt. I am more proud of you, love you so much!We are so Proud of You Daughter Messages and Quotes

To our daughter, the one we love more than words, more than life itself. We want you to know how proud we are of the person you are becoming. Thank you for being so kind and thoughtful, for taking care of us, and for being such a wonderful friend. We couldn’t be happier with you in our lives who have grown into amazing adults. Love Mom & Dad.

61. We are so proud of you, for taking an active role in the community. Your hard work and dedication is showing in how much people enjoy attending the events you organize. Keep up the good work!

62. As a parent, it’s our job to support you no matter what. We are so proud of you. You have grown so much and become a young women school can be very tough, but you handle it with great grace. Thank you for being our daughter. You are an inspiration to us.

63. You are a wonderful daughter. We are so proud of you. Thank you for all of the good things you do. Thank you and have a nice weekend! We are so proud of you.

64. Dear daughter, you are the best daughter a mom can ask for. I love being your mother and watching you grow. You are one of my greatest accomplishments and I couldn’t be prouder of you.

65. I can love more for being such an amazing daughter. I know it isn’t easy making good grades and doing your best at everything, but we are very excited about what the future holds for you. We hope you are as well. We are so proud of you!

66. Thank you for being our daughter. Our lives wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t in it. You are a wonderful person, and we are so proud to be your parents. We love you more than words can express.

67. Thank you for doing so well in school. You are such a smart, strong and determined person. We are so proud of all you have accomplished; it creates new challenges for you to keep moving forward. We love you.

68. Sweet daughter, You are just too good, no parent could ask for a better daughter. Thank you for being there for us when we need you. We are very proud of you, so keep up the good work. We all love you.

69. Sweet daughter, you are such a wonderful daughter. We are both very proud of you. You were such a big help at home and in school, and we are very grateful.

70. To my baby girl, you are always so hardworking and diligent. We are so proud of you for working so very hard this semester and getting good grades. You are such a wonderful daughter, and we love you very much.

71. God bless you, my daughter. Thank you for all that you do. You are not easy your brothers and sisters, but we love you very much! We are so proud of your accomplishments and all the hard work you put into everything you do. We look forward to seeing what great things you have in store for yourself.

72. To my amazing daughter, you always make us so proud. We love to watch you dance and would never miss your recital. I hope you know how much you mean to us.

73. To my beautiful daughter, we love you, and we saw all of your hard work. We are so proud of how you are running the business and being so strong-willed. We think that someday you will be able to run the business on your own and it makes us very proud.

74. Dear daughter, you for always doing your best. You have so much talent, I am always so amazed at the things you can do. I love watching you grow into a confident young woman who knows how to be respectful and kind to others.

75. To my love, you are such a great daughter. You are so mature and responsible, yet still so much fun. Everyone always loves you. We are very proud of you!

76. To my lovely daughter, you are the sweetest child in the world. The fact that I have you by my side is what gives me the strength to keep going each day. In the future when we reflect on our lives as mother and daughter, we will both be proud of what we have done together.

77. I am proud of you for being a good girl at school and listening to all of your teachers. We are very proud of you and you are the happiest person I know.

78. Thank you for being very intelligent. Your achievements and your hard work never cease to amaze us. We are truly proud of you.

79. My baby girl, your seriousness, and hard work in school earn you a good grade for working so hard. I know it’s not easy and it makes me proud of you to see you accomplish so much.

80. You are such a kind and responsible person, dear daughter. You are so much like me, you are pursuing your education and taking that big step into the world of work. We can’t wait to see where it takes you.

81. We’re so proud of you, our darling daughter! We love you, and we’ll always be behind you with all our hearts. I trust that you will get married, and if your husband is a man of virtue, then remember to be loyal to him as you have been to us. May God bless you, my child!

82. You’re an amazing daughter and a wonderful woman. Keep being yourself. We love you very much!

83. I am so proud of you and happy that we have shared some wild and wonderful times together. You have accomplished so much and always strive to do better each day. I love you so much and wish you the best.

84. To my amazing daughter, you are my pride and joy. I am so proud of whom you have become and the work that you do. I can’t wait to see where your future will take you, I know it will be grand! You are bright and beautiful if only all people could be as kind as you.

85. I’m so proud of you and everything you have accomplished. I’m so lucky to have a daughter as wonderful as you! You have done so much for our family, I can’t thank you enough. You are incredibly talented, intelligent and stunningly beautiful. I hope that you know how much I love and care for you…I will always love you my sunshine!

86. I love you to the moon and back. You have grown into such a beautiful, smart young lady. I am so thankful to have you as my daughter. I just don’t know how to put that into words!

87. Let me tell you what you mean to me. You are my number one love, the light of my life, the keeper of my heart. No matter how many years that pass by, how old we become, or what happens in our lives – my love for you will never change. You are truly special and I want you to know that I am so thankful for this gift called life… and I’m thankful for having you as a daughter!

88. I am so proud of you. Any accomplishment you make I am there to cheer you on. I know your dedication and determination will lead you to great things. You have an amazing mind! And with it, your future is endless!

89. I will tell you every day how proud of you I am if you promise to never stop making me a proud father. You are my shining star, the brightest thing in the sky!

90. I don’t know if you know this or not, but you are the strongest girl I know. You amaze me with your determination and grace at such a young age. I’ve been so proud of you since the day I found out that I was going to be a mom. Keep up the good work!

91. We are so proud of you! We love you and we can’t wait to see you! Love, Mom and Dad.

92. We are so proud of you. Your diligence, drive and willingness to succeed will always impress us. We love you and there is nothing that can change that!

93. I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter. You are so beautiful inside and out and are such an inspiration. We love you so much and are so proud to be your parents.

94. Happy Birthday my sweet daughter. We all love you so much and are grateful for the amazing person you are. Your kindness, caring and warmth touch everyone who has the pleasure of knowing you. Thank you for making our lives so full of smiles, laughter and joy! We are so proud of you.

95. You were the most amazing daughter any parent could ask for. You were the type of child that when you grow up, you never have to wonder what you want to be when you grow up. You have all the qualities of a wonderful Mother and will make some lucky guy very happy. You’re caring, compassionate, thoughtful and smart–not to mention beautiful!

96. You are so smart, kind and beautiful. You have made such a difference in my life, for that, I am ever grateful. You make me so proud every day and I will always love you.

97. You are our daughter and we won’t ever forget that. We are so proud of you and all that you have been able to accomplish. You make us smile every day. We love you!

98. Dear Daughter, we are so proud of you! I know it has been a long journey but it was worth all the struggles to get where you are today. We know you can do anything because you give your all to everything you do. There is no doubt in our minds that with great talent comes great success. Wow, I am so proud of how beautiful and talented my daughter is, I just can’t stop saying it. You have done it again sweetie!

99. Dear Daughter, I want you to know how much I love you. I am proud to be your father. You make me so happy every day, and even when times get tough, knowing you are there makes them easier for me. Thank you for being the perfect daughter!

100. We know how hard you work to be your best and we are so proud of you daughter! We know you have reached your dreams because of the hard work, sweat and determination you have put forth. We love you so much and we always will.

It is a good thing to express your feeling of how proud you are of your daughter. One easy way to go about that is, sending her lovely I am proud of my daughter quotes from parents above.

Feel free to go through and select any as your choice may be.

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