Blessed to Have a Mother in Law Like You Quotes

At times we overlook the love and care we receive from our mothers-in-law. She welcomed you wholeheartedly into her family and supports you at every step of the way, making sure your family is held together.

She welcomed you into the new phase of life and made sure you are comfortable. She raised the wonderful person you married, accepted you as a part of the family and taught you several new things. She is the heartbeat of every family.

However, sometimes you may forget to honour her and give her the praise she deserves which is something you should be doing once in a while especially when you are blessed with a good one.

One way of doing that is by expressing your gratitude and appreciation for her through lovely mother in law quotes.

Here are some that can easily make your mother in law feel special.

Before I got married, I was told that mothers in law happen to be an intimidating thing. However, now that I am married, I wonder where those ideas came from because it’s not true in my case. Or maybe I am just blessed to have a wonderful one like you. Thank you for being the best mother in law in the world.

1. I have always taken all of your advice, support and love to heart. Though you are my mother in law, I have grown to love you every bit as I do my own mother and I thank you for our relationship. I love spending quality time with you, and I wish we could do so more often.

2. With all the stories I hear of mothers in law, I was more than a little nervous about becoming a part of your family. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms and for being a mother in law full of love, care and understanding.

3. You haven’t only been a loving mother in law, but your wisdom has been an inspiration and an eye-opening example for both of us to learn from. Thank you for being the woman you are.

4. Your participation in making sure our wedding was perfect is highly commendable, we couldn’t have gotten it all together without you. Thank you for all of your help, for making me feel blessed to have a mother in law like you and for putting the rest to shame.

5. Coming into a new family, I didn’t know how to adjust, but you were with me and made me your own. You gave me your love and I had no need to adjust anymore, as it became my family too.

6. You have nurtured your son to become a loving husband and a caring father. Now I am going to teach the same thing to my children and I thank you for being a motivation to all of us.

7. Thank you for all of your kindness and generosity toward both of us while we get ourselves settled. You’re the mother in law that everyone will wish to have.

8. If I did not have you as my mother in law, I would have loved to be your friend. You are a wonderful woman.

9. I might not say it often but deep down, I always refer to you as a mom. I will always have a memory of you filled with love and positivity only. You are lovely and you motivate me to be kind and generous.

10. The deeper in love I become with my spouse, the more thankful and appreciative I am toward you, for raising such a perfect and loving person. Thank you for being a wonderful mother.

11. I have always run to you anytime I need help and you have never turned me down. I long for the day when I can repay you for your kindness and love my beloved mother in law and my second most favourite person. Thank you for being an amazing confidant.

12. I want to let you know I am blessed to have you as my mother in law and to extend my deepest and most heartfelt thank you for everything that you are and everything that you have done since I came into your family. You deserve all good things, all the days of your life.

13. Dear mother in law, thank you so much for all your help this week. Thank you for being there when I needed help with the meals, kids and generally holding down the fort. I can never thank you enough for your kindness and for stepping in to lend a hand. Thank you again.

14. You are the other mother I received on the day I married your beloved son. I simply want to appreciate you and thank you for the love you have given me. Love in the form of your son with whom I am going to spend my whole life and share the smallest moments.

15. The relationship you have with your grandchildren is awesome. They adore you and enjoy listening to your stories. Thank you for making sweet memories with them and for being a wonderful mother in law too.

16. I was quite in awe of your amazing achievements, but having got to know you, I see your love and compassion for those around you. You encourage and reach out to so many and I am thankful that God blessed me and gave you to me as my mother in law.

17. I never dreamt that I will have a mother in law like you in my life. You are my best blessing.

18. A big thank you for being the most understanding and wonderful mother in law of all time. I am blessed to have you in my life.

19. Thank you for taking me on a lovely date. I enjoyed myself so much and was excited that we have so much in common, especially the love of your dear son. I hope this is the beginning of many more good times together.

20. I love the way you treat me even before your own son. You treat me in a special way like no other. Thank you dear mother in law.

21. Thank you for everything that makes you, you. As a mother, you nailed it, and as a mother in law, you are the best anyone can wish for. Thank you for being such a treasure in my life.

22. We hope you enjoyed your time with us last week. It was a joy to have you with us and we are thankful for all the memories we were able to make together. We hope to share more fun times with you.

23. Thank you for being the most incredible mother in law that I could have hoped for. I consider you to be one of my closest friends and cherish the way our relationship keeps getting better.

24. I love and I appreciate my mother in law because every second I spend with my wife is great and it is all because of the way her mother raised her.

25. I hear a lot of bad talks and complaints from people about their mothers in law, I am convinced that they do that because their mother in law is not you. I am so blessed and thankful for you.

26. My husband treats me like a princess, he definitely must have been raised by a queen. Thank you for being a wonderful mother, I am blessed to have you as a mother in law.

27. It is definitely a fact that it is very difficult to become a perfect mother in law but it is not at all difficult to become a good one. My mother in law is a perfect example of that.

28. You are a talented and resourceful mother in law, and I hope to be like you in future. I deeply appreciate all that I have learned from you. Thank you, too, for sharing much of your son’s childhood with me. It was heartwarming to hear how you nurtured him into the adorable man he has become.

29. You have always been a great and heart-warming mother, and you will forever be one. I love you from the core of my heart.

30. I am happy every day because of the way you raised your son, he is the most amazing man I have ever met, and I feel blessed for how you accepted me into your family.

31. Thank you for the loving and warm relationship we have developed that some might consider uncommon for in-laws and for being a source of joy to your grandchildren.

32. We so appreciate your positive, joyful involvement in our family. We all care deeply for you and hope you feel that. The times we spend together are always uplifting and we really look forward to your visits.

33. Having a mother in law like you is no less than a pure blessing. I love how you unselfishly give everything to me, be it love, material or motherly advice. Only a heart as dear as yours will be so lovely and generous.

34. I can see why my wife loves and adore you, you are a remarkable person and I feel privileged to have been able to spend some time with you lately. Thank you for sharing so many wonderful stories and encouragement from your own happy marriage.

35. My dear mother in law, you have taught me great things. You are my teacher, my guide, and my friend. You are a great human being who must be appreciated. You are the superhero that everyone needs in their lives.

36. I am really blessed that you are the mother of my husband and has also become my best friend.

37. I am so blessed to have you as my mother in law. You have been a caring mother to my wife and your love and commitment to our family’s wellbeing is such a gift to us.

38. You have been the best mother in law I could ever imagine in my life. So much love, care and joy you have given me all these years. I truly am blessed for having you in my life.

39. I am grateful you see me as a major part of your family. Treat me like your own daughter in every way. I love the way you care and love me like my own mother. I never feel out of space with you.

40. I truly consider myself blessed to be a member of the family and that is thanks to your loving and open heart. You have raised a good, solid man and I am happier than I ever dreamed I could be. You have helped to make him all he is today and for that, I will forever be grateful.

41. When you are with us, it is as though our family is complete. You hold things together with your calm and gentle demeanour. We are grateful that you take the time to pour your love into our lives.

42. You have truly made me feel as if I am your own daughter. For this, I am so grateful to you, and also for being a mother in law who cares so much. Thank you.

43. As far as mothers in law are concerned, you are the best there could be, and I am grateful. Thank you so much for being a loving and caring addition to my life.

44. You welcomed me as a member of your home and in no time you made me a part of your family with your love and care. I thought no one could be like my mom, but I am happy that I was wrong.

45. A daughter in law cannot be perfect by herself. A beautiful mother in law helps her be one. I am blessed to be among the perfect ones.

46. Thank you for teaching me how to create an inviting and loving home. For all the amazing recipes you thought me and your homemaking skills. I am grateful for it all, but most especially, I am grateful for you.

47. You happen to be a new mother whom I am blessed to receive after my marriage to your son. I thank God for the gift.

48. My dear mother-in-law, you never let me feel alone. Whenever I needed help you were there for me. I am blessed to have you in my life. You are a great woman, whose daughter is my cute wife.

49. Your life is an inspiration to me. You are a virtuous woman and I have learned a lot from you. You have always been there whenever I needed some counsel. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with me.

50. You can make the dullest day so damn interesting with your bright smile. You are simply awesome and I am simply blessed to have you as my mother-in-law.

Having gone through this post, I hope you found the ones that best express how blessed you are to have an amazing mother-in-law. Please share with a friend to also let their mother-in-law know how much they cherish her. Don’t forget to drop a comment, will appreciate it.

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