Clothes Do Not Make the Man Quotes

It is not a lie that a person’s inner qualities are more important than their outward appearance. Most people have been known to judge people based on how they look. But a person’s character matters most, even more so than any kind of aesthetic appeal.

You shouldn’t be swayed by the cosmetic appearance and the expensive clothes of another person. A person should only determine the worth of another by his or her character and personality.

Using these clothes do not make the man quotes below will make you see that you can never know for sure what a person is like until you have spent quality time with people before you can make an educated guess at what lies beneath their surface.

Clothes are just meant for covering, no matter how beautiful they may be. They do not add up to one’s personality in any way. Clothes do not make a man.

1. Clothes do not make the man, but manners are what greatly improve his appearance and what he is made of.

2. Clothes do not make a man, so it is better to judge people by what they are like than by what they have. People may have a lot of expensive clothes or jewellery, but it does mean that they are good people.

3. Clothes do not make a man. They merely emphasize his personality and make it more visible.

4. The poorest beggar at your door is capable of more than you think. Clothes do not make a man.

5. Clothes in themselves do not make a man but they show what he is.

6. Clothes don’t make a man. Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them.

7. Remember that clothes do not make the man. They merely corrupt a clean mind.

8. Clothes do not make a man. Man can not be measured by the clothes he wears.

9. The clothes do not make the man. The man makes the man.

10. A man should be judged by his character, not his clothing. A man would be a very foolish person to judge another man by the clothes he wears. The clothes of a person are not proof of what he is, but they could be an indication of what he is.

11. Never fabricate your own worth. Other people can judge you, but you are the only one that knows your true value.

12. Clothes do not make a man. Be the best version of yourself, not the image of someone else.

13. Be the best version of yourself, no matter your clothes.

14. Clothes don’t make a man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

15. Clothes don’t make a man, but clothes have a good job many a man.

16. Clothes don’t make a man, but they do play a big part in first impressions.

17. Clothes don’t make the man, but they certainly have a strong effect on his self-confidence.

18. Clothes don’t make the person, nor what is inside. It’s how you carry yourself that makes the person.

19. Clothes don’t make the woman, but they sure help.

20. Clothes do not make a man. You should always choose to be original.

21. The clothes you wear don’t really matter, but the way you carry yourself does. It’s all about how you feel inside that reflects on the outside.

22. Clothes do not make a man. The reason is that he is a man, and he dresses as it suits him. He does not dress like someone else.

23. The real worth of a man is his character and not his looks.

24. Your clothes don’t make you beautiful. It’s the person inside the clothes who makes them beautiful.

25. Clothes are just a materialistic thing. You can have nice clothes and still be very ugly inside.

26. What kind of man you are deep inside will reveal itself in due time, regardless of the suit that covers your body – be honest and noble in everything you do

27. Being well-dressed is integral is good, but the test of the real person is in the inner part of your being.

28. No matter what story your clothes tell, in no time, your real nature will soon be exposed. Clothes do not make a man.

29. Clothes don’t make the man; they are simply a reflection of his attitude.

30. No matter what story your clothes tell, they won’t be able to hide your original self. Clothes do not make a man.

Look beyond the clothes because it is not the clothes that make a man. A man’s real person is found deep within his inner core. His real being and personality are what make him up.

31. Whatever you wear, be real and confident. Clothes are just a compliment to your personality.

32. Dressing well does not mean you are a gentleman; your real nature will soon be exposed. It’s not the clothes that make the man.

33. Don’t judge a book by its cover. It is not just about the clothes you wear, but also the state of mind.

34. Appearances do not make the unseen character. It’s not the clothes that make the man.

35. Let your first impression about someone be deeper than the superficial whenever you see a person.

36. No matter how hard you try not to judge other people based on their appearance, the real you is still within. It’s not the clothes that make the man.

37. Always focus on the potential that others can face and reveal because everyone has something valuable inside that deserves to be discovered and brought out. The clothes do not make a man.

38. It is hard not to judge a person when you look at someone’s physical appearance, without even knowing his name, but clothes do not make a man.

39. Clothes do not make a man because there are some good looking people you meet who have no personality and you meet some people that dress shabbily who can be very interesting and funny and make you start to wonder if beauty really is on the inside.

40. There is more to a person than just how he looks. It’s not the clothes that make the man.

41. Don’t forget to look inside before judging others because the world needs more love and gentleness than condemnation.

42. What we look like on the outside can be deceiving. It’s not the clothes that make the man.

43. Do not judge a man by his appearance but by his personality. Clothes do not make a man, but your personality is what shapes you into who you are forever.

44. Looks can be deceiving; you have to dig deeper. It’s not the clothes that make the man.

45. Appearances can be extremely deceptive, but there is more to people than meets the eye.

46. Do not judge a man by the way he looks but look deeper and find the character traits that make him up.

47. A person may dress good, but the only effort can make his heart good. Do not be judgmental about others.

48. Clothes do not make a man. If you look beyond a person’s appearance, you might find out something surprising about that individual.

49. It’s human to make judgments based on visual impressions, but clothes do not make a man in all truthfulness.

50. Be appreciative of what an individual is made of because it is not the clothes that make the man.

I hope you love these clothes do not make a man quotes up there.

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