I am Proud of My Dad Quotes

Fathers are the mirror through which children look into the world. They are the first examples that every child sees as they grow. The responsibilities on them include but are not limited to building the child and building the home. They are moving treasures. They deserve all our pleasant messages of appreciation to let them know that they are important to us.

When a child is proud of his father, then that father deserves beautiful words to show gratitude to fathers which should be more regular than occasional. So, to show this genuine love and appreciation for your father, these I am proud of my dad quotes listed here would be best to send to him.

Each of the messages in this section has been written to cover all spheres of life in which the fatherly role is exhibited and the words used to express it are top-notch. Don’t wait anymore. Our dads also deserve to be praised and adored as we do to our moms. Without them in our world, our world is incomplete. There are several ways to celebrate a father but none will be more pleasant than him reading from you fantastic words to eulogize a father.

Father, you are the pillar and the foundation of my life. What more would I say to you on this day to appreciate your presence in my life. Many words may fail me, even the wisest quotes in the world may not be sufficient but I want you to know that I am proud of you.

1. Dear father, I am lucky to have you as a father. You have dedicated your entire life to hard work for the sake of your family. I am so proud of you.

2. You are my role mentor and my perfect example of a father. I want to be like you and even if possible better than you. Father, I am so proud of you.

3. Your determination in life is enviable. It’s not easy to keep working on the same track to reach a specific goal, but you did it for your family. I am so proud of you as a father.

4. Anywhere I go, I can be proud to say you are my father. I always feel proud of you for your enthusiasm, dedication, and hard-working mentality in your life. Dear father, please never let it go.

5. Dear father, I have always admired you with my friends but today I am telling you that you are my idol. I am so proud of you.

6. A good father is the pillar of his family; when he stands, every other person will. That’s who you are, dear father. I am so proud of you.

7. Fathers are the foundation upon which the beam of the home rests on. You have proven capable in this role and many more. Dear father, thanks a lot and I am so proud of you.

8. On this special day, I want you to know that I am sending all the love and good wishes to you. You are light to my life, father. I am so proud of you.

9. A child is the seed of every home but a father is a root upon which nutrients are supplied. Dear father, thanks for not cutting the supply of nutrients away from the home. I am super proud of you.

10. You just have done the biggest thing in this life and that’s being a responsible father. Super dad, thanks a lot and I am so proud of you.

11. Dear father, you are not just a father to me and my siblings but you have also played fatherly roles in the lives of many people out there. I am so proud of you.

12. It is not a surprise that you are one of the most important people in the city. I am feeling proud of you, dear father. Please continue doing good.

13. ‘If you want to become successful, you need to work hard and be dedicated even to the smallest things’- this is the philosophy you lived by and you made sure it worked. I am so proud of you, my father.

14. The road to success may not be smooth but the vehicle of success is pleasurable. Dear father, you worked hard all your life, and we saw it. You imbibed in us this attitude of hard work. I am so proud of you.

15. The ability to be successful has been given to every man. Dear father, thanks for bringing out yours and making it shine. I am so proud of you.

16. Dear father, I can’t be more proud of you. Looking back at the years, I realized that your ideas about life are golden. I am so blessed to have you as a father.

17. My dear father, having you in my life is a great privilege. I am sending all the good wishes and love to you. You have done your best in bringing me up in the right ways. I am proud of you.

18. Dear father, many people would not know where you started from because to them, it’s all rosy, but we know. I know that you laboured so much to get to the point you are. Your steps are enviable. I am so proud of you.

19. I want to congratulate you s the best father in the world. I am confident that whatever you lay your hands upon shall prosper. You have been a fantastic father. I am proud of you.

20. Dear father, I have always looked up to you, and you have always delivered even in a hard time. Your hard work, motivation, inspiration is very important for me in my life. I am proud of you.

21. Dear father, you have always brought glory and honour to this family. The name of the family is known because of your integrity and hard work. I am proud of you.

22. Being a father comes with such a huge responsibility that it takes only a few people to meet up. Dear father, you remain outstanding in the list of awesome fathers. I am proud of you.

23. Dear father, this text is to tell you that when I consider the ways of your life, I can see that you are above par. I am so proud of you.

24. Life gives us what we demand, yet, no one demanded the type of father we have but you have been so wonderful. I am very proud of you, dear father.

25. Your daily activities are such that is made up of beautiful plans backed up by imparting to lives. Keep touching lives, dear father. I am proud of you.

26. Dear father, I am so blessed to have a wonderful father like you. You always made me proud with all your achievements and dedication. Thank you so much for being a part of my life.

27. Dear father, you are the biggest inspiration to my life. Your awesome works and words of encouragement are nuggets for souls. I am so blessed and happy to have you.

28. When I read the news, then I became grateful for having a father that has never put me down, I always feel proud for you, dad. I am so happy and proud to have you.

29. I am proud of every moment I have spent with you, they make up to many years spent on my own. I m gifted and blessed to have you as a father.

30. Dad, I know that are many things competing for your attention but the way you schedule time for everything marvels me. I feel so blessed to have you in my life as a father.

31. To me, you are the world. My lovely father, you are a superman with many achievements. You are a special breed. I am proud of you.

32. Dear father, your presence makes the difference. You are the most important man in the world; I am blessed to be your daughter. I am proud of you.

33. Despite all your busy schedules, you create time to perform your fatherly roles. As your son, I can ask for a better father. Thanks. I am proud of you.

34. You are to be the hardest working man in the world, to be the most inspirational man in society. I am proud of you, my father.

35. In pains, in shine and rain, you have taken care of me at its best. I am so proud of you, my father. I hope you continue to achieve more in all spheres of life.

36. Dearest father, what can I do without you? You have sacrificed so much for me and my little ones. Much respect to you. I am so proud of you.

37. Your successes cannot be fully documented because it comes naturally to you. I hope you will find so much success and joy in everything you do. I am proud of you, my dear father.

38. I am so happy that you are the father that God gave to me. Where would I have been without you? You have shown me the right path. I am proud of you.

39. Dear father, I feel proud of you every day. You have brought so much peace and joy to my life. Thank you for being an achiever; one who is not deterred by challenges. I am proud of you as your daughter.

40. You give so much that sometimes I wonder if you spend on yourself. Dear father, you are a blessing to me. What more can I wish for, you are a darling father. I am proud of you.

41. My life has been so much easier because of your presence in it. Thanks for all you do. No wonder your name rhymes with achievements. I am proud of you.

42. Dear father, everywhere you go, you make your mark known. Please, keep setting the pace; you are a pacesetter. I am proud of you.

43. With you, father, life feels so easy. No wonder everyone wants to be in your team. You are an achiever. I am so proud of you.

44. In everything you do, you will always excel because your name connotes excellence. I am so proud of you, dearest father. I love you more than everything.

45. I am the luckiest son on earth to have a loving father like you. You are a father in whose presence there is no dull moment. I love you and I am so proud of you.

46. I am so proud of you, my father. I couldn’t have someone better, sweeter, and loving than you. I am also proud of your achievements. You are ago-getter.

47 Having you is a privilege because, with you, more honours is brought to me and our family. Your numerous achievements tell of you. I am proud of you, my dear father

48. Dear father, if there is an award for prestigious fathers, you deserve it. You are the best father alive. I am proud to be your son. I am grateful to be associated with all your achievements.

49. I always feel thrilled and inspired to see you working very hard for your dream. You are an achiever and I am proud of you, my father.

50. My father, let me tell you today that you rank as the best father in the world. I am so proud of you.

To the best father in the world, everything that you deserve shall not be denied you. I am so proud of you. Were the entire book in the world be filled with quotes for fathers, I would channel everything to you. Thanks for being a super father.

51. Dear father, you are the NUMBER ONE ambassador of this family and you have not been disappointed because you fly the flag so well. I am proud of you.

52. I am so grateful to have a wonderful father like you. You always made the entire family feel proud of your good works, keep doing that.

53. Beautiful times are met with beautiful words; dear father, you are the epitome of everything good. I am proud of you.

54. Dear father, I am sending all the love and good wishes to you on this wonderful day to appreciate you for being a father for every occasion. I am so proud of you.

55. Like they say, hard work always pays off. You have shown that it does. I know how hard you worked throughout your life. I am proud of you sister.

56. the shining of the sun is never deterred by the threats of the clouds. Dear father, you taught us consistency in good things. It is really working. I am proud of you.

57. It needs a bit of luck to have a wonderful and kind father like you. Dear father, thanks for always being there. I am so blessed and proud of you.

58. My father is like a superman; one who carries a heavy burden with joy for his family. I am so proud of you for your wonderful works.

59. I always felt great whenever my thoughts flash to you. You are so supportive and helpful that helped me to get success in my life, I am proud of you, dear father.

60. Hello dad, the news of your promotion got the entire house into a raucous celebration. You have made the entire family proud with your excellent successes. I am so proud of you.

61. The bond of love and family ties never breaks. You have proven that times without number, dearest dd. I am so proud of you.

62. In the presence of good deeds, joy overwhelms the soul. Dear father, your numerous good deeds bring joy to us. I am so proud of you.

63. Dear day, you may be father, but you are more like my guardian angel. Ever so true, ever so sure. I am so proud of you.

64. In together, even a bunch of brooms becomes difficult to break. Dear father, you have worked so well to keep the family together in joy and love. I am so proud of you.

65. Challenges are the vehicles on which great men ride to glory. Dearest dad, you are the perfect example of this. You were faced with a lot of challenges but they took you to the place of glory. You are my example. I am so proud of you.

66. Since you are everything I’m not, I consider you as the motivation to be that which I want to be. I am so proud of you, my father.

67. Dearest father, your absence resonates more in dual ways; one, we miss your warm presence but your teachings ring in our memories to keep us on the right path. I am so proud of you.

68. Good work cannot be hidden, no matter how long it may be, it will shine forth. Dear father, your good works are seen everywhere. I am so proud of you.

69. Wonderful people are like pearls; they are not found on the surface. Thanks for being in my life, dear father. I am proud of you.

70. Beautiful words can motivate but good works and corresponding actions do more. Dear father, you are not just a talker, you are a doer. I am proud of you.

71. I appreciate what you are doing for your community and the people. You are like a role model to many people, I can’t be more proud of you, dear father.

72. Being a model is a responsibility that special people carry. Dear father, you have been like a role model and idol to many people in the community for your wonderful contribution to human life, I can’t be more proud of you.

73. Success has many friends; failure is an enemy to the multitude. Dearest father, you taught us not to stay down when put down. I can’t be more proud of you. Thank you.

74. When your father outperforms, the heart of the children merry. I am sending all the good wishes and blessings to you, dear father. I am super proud of you.

75. Growth is the desire of many people but only a few are ready to pay the sacrifice. Dear father, you paid the sacrifice and taught us to do the same. I am so proud of you.

75. I learn many things from you, my dear father. You remain my number ONE mentor. You have got all the great tips and suggestions for life, I am proud of you.

76. Life has a way of giving you what is bigger than you. Dear father, you beat my expectation, I am proud of you. Keep shining.

77. Dear father, I couldn’t be more proud of you. You are the jewel of my life. Thanks to all of you.

78. Dearest father, forever is a desire with you. I would pray to have you over and over again. You are the one in whom I am well pleased. I am very proud of you.

79. Dad, you did not concede to the desires of the old but you invented a newer way of getting things done. I am very proud to be associated with you.

80. Father, I can be more proud of you when I hear people thank God for meeting you. Keep up the good work. I am proud of you for everything you do.

81. My dear father, what more can I say, you are a pillar not just at home but in society for love, generosity and compassion. I am proud of you. Keep it up.

82. It is my passionate appeal that you will continue in your good works. I am super proud of you.

83. Your hard work has taken you to another level in life. Dear father, I am thankful that I have you as my dad. I am proud of you. I am so blessed for you.

84. It is a blessing to have you in my life, my super dad, whatever you have started, you will definitely complete. I am proud of you all the way.

85. Dear father, you defied all odds to make sure your children get the best through hard work. I am proud of you, dear husband.

86. The testimony on the lips of everyone alone is enough to make us all proud of you, dear father, I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work.

87. Thank you so much, dear father, for making me proud. You always give me something to rejoice over in your life.

88. When a father does something that makes his children very proud, then, heaven rejoices. Dear father, your good works speak volumes. I am very proud of you.

89. Whatever that is beautiful and good, that’s what I want you to dwell on. You have been a force to reckon with in the home and community. I am proud of you.

90. Thank you for always being a good representative of this home, dear father. Wherever you go, I hear of your exploits and good deeds. I am proud of you. Thank you so much for being a part of my life.

91. Dear father, you have lived your life on the tenets of touching many more lives. I can’t begin to count how it has affected our own lives positively. Thanks so much. I am proud of you.

92. Good deeds have a multiplier effect on the lives of the people around the doer. Dear father, I am so proud of you.

93. I am so blessed to have you in my family, congratulations. Dearest family, I am proud to be your son.

94. Love is the only universal language in the world; it does not need interpretation. So you taught. I am so proud of you, my father.

95. Empty barrels make the loudest noise. Dear father, you taught us that we should work silently and let the result speak volumes. I am so proud of you today. Keep glowing with pride.

96. The greatness in the DNA of great people will never make them settle for less. Dear father, I am so proud of you. You are a great man. Keep shining.

97. I will forever hold on to your name because your name commands respect in society. I am proud to be called your son. More power to your elbow, dad. Thanks for being who you are.

98. I’m proud of your wonderful achievement, I hope you will find all the happiness and joy in your life. I can call you my father with all pride.

99. Dedication is the difference between the average man and the achiever. Your dedication and hard work will forever be studied. I am proud of you, my dad.

100. Dad, today I realize that you are superman because it is only a superman that could meet up with everything you did while bringing us up. Now, I know better. I am proud of you. Please keep it up.

Nothing could be as beautiful as a father reading from his children any of these I am proud of my dad quotes listed above on his device. Every person loves to be appreciated, much more than our father for their roles and sacrifice in our lives. Please feel free to share with your friends. Thank you.

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