Good Night Poems for Wife from the Heart

People often think poetry to be the language of love. In the days of old, Shakespeare wrote poems to express the innermost feelings of the heart. There always has been something powerful and moving about the feelings expressed through the resonance of beautiful words laced together in poetry form. There hardly is any gift to be given in this world that will be able to make up for the kind words of poetry.

However you choose to write down your feelings or even share a poem that can convey true feelings, your wife will be in the clouds of love having such messages forwarded to her to blow her mind away. Ideally, you want to spend the night with your wife, but there may be those times when you are out of town, or the two ought to spend the night apart. What could be sweeter than wishing goodnight through a beautiful poem that will hold her right at night?

For romance, poetry makes the final piece to such an occasion. You can make sure you’re always remembered, felt, loved, and missed with just a goodnight poem. Dedicate one of these good night poems for wife every day from this list, and be sure never to be forgotten by your wife.


Love is such an amazing feeling that everyone wants to be loved or feel loved. As the night always comes, most couples tend to get the feeling of wanting to feel loved, and as such moments, a goodnight poem seals it all

Below are good night poems for my wife.

1. You can now rest your eyes, my sweet wife,
please allow me to draw close to you.
Betwixt the pulsating hearts and covers you lay,
a restful and peaceful night to shelter you.
I know you feel scared to drift off,
the fear you hold, I solely understand.
You fear having nobody beside you when you wake,
to feel so alone
so lonely in this land.
I will be here always for you, my dear wife.

2. No matter what may demand my attention,
no being in this world, no man nor beast,
could ever make me forsake you,
or cause my love to cease to exist.
I told you, we will face what lies ahead of us,
Together, no backing out.
I will never leave your side.
no matter the course,
No matter the plan,
No matter the direction in life,
I will help you decide.
No matter when the moon decides to leave the sky
I will forever be here for you.

3. my truest love, darling, and wife
I lament that this day must end.
For more joyous times were with you,
I wish to spend it more and always.
Submit yourself to the blanket that covers you,
so when your eyes drift to a close.
Your night is only going to get better with its peace,
knowing that as you lay there,
You are dreaming of us here together.
Goodnight, love

4. Fear not the night, my love
I have instructed the moon
That it keeps its watchful gaze on you,
and to the starlight, I said
to proceed to glimmer.
I hope this tells you the love I have for you,
is in the warmth that continues to linger.
To bump in the night,
and reflect in the eyes of the dark,
never fear the night, my love,
for I will make sure that the hug of the night will disappear
To bring you a morning as fair as your face.

5. A woman as beautiful as you
returns home after a long hard day,
tired, feeling weighty, but still smiling,
knowing the good, she has done today.
Especially knowing she is running through someone’s heart
Such a woman deserves a prayer for tonight,
A poem to make her relax
And a kiss to usher her into a peaceful night’s rest.
That woman is you, my love.

6. The pets that gather around you
In sleeping form,
to shield you from the chaos,
of the cosmically torn world.
Your beauty prevails all the time,
all through the rays of the morning sun,
and the shade of the lit moon.
Through the many phases of the day,
morning, night, and noon.
My dreams are filled with the sweetest moments,
when I sleep right by your side.
Good night my love.

7. Tonight I will not get to spend with you,
to me, it is a great longing for endearment
Being with you is a source of everlasting pride.
For tonight,
I pray and hope that your dreams are kind to you,
as you are to me.
And that you find much comfort and peace in them,
even though the raging abyss of sleep.

8. Again, the clouds have turned orange
once again, the world is swiftly running to its night.
I, on the other hand,
I am still here waiting.
Fully clad with some ray of hope
That someday,
you will return to my arms
To spend the night with your only man
And never thinking of the distance between us
But until then,
Goodnight, babe.

9. When I am with you, I feel like sunshine; your happiness spreads, a smile
It feels like I can do anything.
It’s a great feeling to know you have someone you care about a lot.
You feel as if you have wings and can fly; that is why your thoughts make me happy.
It’s why I know you will have a goodnight’s rest

10. You will be my sun,
but to the world, you will be the moon
you are the sweetest sun,
and even more, an amazing moon.
you shine my life,
but tonight, let the stars watch you sleep, my moon
Goodnight, my wife

11. I read that the moon and the stars
are not real, but they are metaphors for something that is beautifully and wonderfully made
Like you, my dear wife.
My heart is full of love
because you make me feel complete
you are the night sky in the summer, which means you will be the sun in the morning. Goodnight, my Queen.

12. You are my darling, my dream
My sweetness, my clouds
My morning, my night
I love you, and it is why I show it
I will never stop loving you
And feels a little easier when you are close to me.
Goodnight dear

13. With you by my side, I feel less lonely
I feel closer to you
Like characters with no space.
Your presence gives me more confidence
It’s why I want to be by your side always.
Goodnight dear

14. You are an experience of more sweetness
A type of love I enjoy more
You and I make a great story to tell
With you, I feel safe
I feel happy, and I feel loved.
Have a goodnight’s rest, my love.

15. Tonight, you will feel safe and warm
A kiss will make me express my emotions
in a share of love and a morning ray of smiles.
Sleep well, my love.

16. Being with you always makes a difference
And my emotions and feelings are worth it
you make me feel happy
without having to find it somewhere else
You are my fulfilled dream
Goodnight and sweet dreams.

17. Yes, you are all mine
And I love you.
I care for you
more than anyone
It makes me obsessed with you
you make me happy every day
you are a special someone
Thank you for being with me forever.

18. Only you keep running through my mind.
No one shines more in my life if not you
When it is night, I yearn for your arms.
You are always with me
Goodnight, my forever baby

19. Being with you makes me happier than ever,
your presence brings light to my life
With you, I feel stronger and healthier.
I have more confidence
Your thoughts bring less stress, anxiety, depression,
Rather it makes me sleep better
I feel more relaxed being around you.
It’s why tonight, I pray for you to sleep well.

20. As the moon is light
loving you becomes more bright
cause you show me to love, right
and such moments I will always write.
like the moon, you rule my world with ease
there’s laughter, love, and peace
my heart holds emotions never cease.
I love how we love and also tease.
Good night my love

21. I hear myself with the shelling of the night
Break into a million smile
Thinking and sinking into ocean thoughts
You as a life jacket, you as a thought.
Whenever the windbreaks on my roof
It brings your scent and kisses like rain
It blows whispers of your name as my sweetness
So I find a reason to live above the clouds
No matter what thick blackness covers my room
My heart is full of light for you
Showing me moons and stars of you.
Know tonight. You will be the sun.

22. We started with fresh mornings
Streaming through our lips
We touched forth our hearts
We may have called today by its name
When goodbye found our ways
Know it is not the end
For my heart still beats for you.
Starlight hold these skies
But not my goodbyes, at least until the rain comes.
So while the night covers this day
Now, this is not the end. I love you all night.

23. I want to be your blanket
Covering the troubles from you
Touching your fears like the bed
Gossiping with the sheets
Echoes of your heart.
I want to be your light
Guiding you through the night
Telling you, I exist to chase your fears away
To the right, your wrong turns
To open your heart and let the love into mine.
I want to be your sound
Whispering past your ears, fixing words into your soul
Saying love, love, love. I want to be your sweet night, love.

24. It is that time again
Where the cricket wakes to its morning
And the butterflies slowly disappear.
It is that time again
Where the clouds become the same with darkness
And the waters warm with my love.
It is that time again
When my arms long for you
My lips are hungry to feed into yours
It is that time again
When my love grows deeper
To break boundaries
It is that time again
When my memories remember only you
When my thoughts are with a sun of you
It is that time again
When I say what I always say
But from the heart.
I love you, baby, even tonight.

25. During the dark time of the day
I know it is the night for me to find alone
To think of the kisses of the day
To wish to be held by this time.
When the world sleeps, you come into my dreams
Always showing the deep part of your heart
Telling of love
Whispering of laughter.
I want our shadows to feel each other
Let their weight be felt like you’re here
Come to me, so we make magic happen
As I call you my girl
The light of my world.

26. As the night skies keep the stars in a sigh
My soul has become with yours a romantic light
To think of you is a curtain in my wind
When on my mind is you, I find.
To be with you is always a desire
So I love and feel as I try to retire.
The moon is just a phase to rid me of your face
I know its radiance will heal this solace.
The easiness of this feeling makes me smile
And how I want this to last longer than a while.
This cool breeze brings thoughts so lovely
Knitted in my mind to look beautiful.
To this night that homes my silent night
Know that I want you to have a goodnight.

27. In the midst of all, we sought
In love or sweetness.
I didn’t think twice about you
You became a wonderful story
That the night aches to tell
With sweet candles or fun
Love notes dispersed
I like the water that holds us tight
So we flow in this love
Emotions outpoured, and fears found
We are imperfect to live but flawlessly in love.
When night finds us
Let us be wrapped tight in each other’s arms.
Let us love willingly.

28. I have tried to express my feelings
In the waking of the day.
I have caressed your face in the heat of today,
Most times at night, I feel the flutter of my heart.
I have always shone you how I feel
It is like how proud the moon sits for the skies
And the stars are in the splendour of my emotions
Tickling the skies
And showering light to those finding the dark.
I always made a beautiful decision
Of making a life with you,
No stutters find my heart
No matter the blackness of the night.
Just so this night
Know it is not different from what I have always said
I will love you in the morning or at night.
I will let your emotions show me the light.

29. I have given my whispers to the wind
To wish you a good night with love.
I miss the beginning of today
When we kissed,
To the glowing moon
I see a reflection of your beauty
A soft teary eye hosts your image
And wish my hands would touch you.
To the glowing moon
I say it how my heart prays for it
For your arms to envelope into mine.

30. Mine forever, that’s true.
I don’t mind giving my everything to you.
To secure and protect you, girl.
You are always on my mind.
Even when there’s no star left in the sky
Oh, girl! You are only mine.
Goodnight, my baby.

31. You are my sunshine
You are my moonlight
The one that lights up my beaten-up body.
That the stars in your eyes
Are forever a guide
To my wandering heart.
If you don’t mind, beautiful,
Receive my goodnight kiss to you
With bursts of joy
For me, darling.

32. We can face time. We can talk all night, But all I want is to hug you and let you know,
You mean the world to me.
We can tweet or talk on Facebook,
But I wish I could give you endless kisses.
We could Instagram, and we could text,
But more than anything, I wish we could cuddle
And snuggle all night with no shred of worry.
Goodnight, my dear wife

33. Your eyes call on me
To hang on for dear life.
You know I have been through hell;
Made it back safely in your arms
Where serenity lies,
And strength,
The energy that envelops
From your eyes.
I won’t bail on you.
Goodnight, honey.

34. From the onset
I made it clear to myself
That I will never be elsewhere
But with this one, I cherish it with all my heart.
Even if circumstances threaten my decision,
They will fail woefully
Because I have got my goodnight kisses
As a backup plan,
Well-packaged and sent through this lovely poem.
I hope you’ll love them.

35. As I lie here in my bed,
I can’t help but think about you
With a broad smile plastered on my face.
I feel thankful and lucky.
To call you the love of my life.
I won’t promise you the world
But I promise to be next to you
All the days of my life.
Goodnight, and I love you.

36. The day I met you
Was the day I swore
To never let you go.
So much about you
It gives me joy, peace
And hope that someday
I will have you to hold and to cherish.
Before my dream comes true,
Have a good night, babe.

37. You are the one whom my heart beats for
The one who makes my heart pound a little harder
And my breath fall a little shorter
I would wish for nothing more in the whole wide world
Then to be in your arms forever. I am not ashamed about what we have
Thank you for everything
Goodnight, my dear.

38. I have a funny heart
That knows no shame
As it beats ferociously
And flutters its wings excitedly
To the wind of your presence.
In your kindness,
You could suggest a heart check
To keep safe.
But I am fine
If not better
With my funny heart.

39. Thank you
For making my life worth every heartbeat.
Thank you,
For always been my muse.
Thank you,
your heart is so tender and true
Nothing compares to it.
Goodnight, sweetheart.

Of the many ways to tell the feelings of the heart at night, poems seem to be the best. To say I love you by tickling her through words and meaning it as it comes from the heart can be found in a poem. Take this inspiration to say goodnight poems to her.

Below are goodnight messages to put a smile on her face.

40. Summer leaves the town
Broad and happy.
Winter ice brings with it,
Bright and classy.
You, my baby, only
Fun and pretty
Are much more than seasons
And reasons.
I love you
For whom you are.

41. Did I tell you
That my breath gets caught in my throat
Whenever you smile while making gestures with your slender hands?
Are you aware
That there’s a certain pull
You have on me
Whenever you pronounce my name?
I may not have an exhaustive explanation to the tricks my heart play
Whenever you are with me
But I’m sure
Love has a hand in them.
Goodnight! You are the perfect one.

42. If anyone wants to behold natural, genuine beauty,
Let him have a peek
At your reposing face.
In the calmness of the night,
Your loveliness causes uncontrollable stirs
Deep in the pit of my stomach.
Enjoy a beautiful sleep, my princess.

43. I wish I were your blanket,
So I could cuddle with you all night. I wish I were a pillow,
So you would rest your head on me
If I were your pyjamas, you’d hug me so tight
I wish I could be your sheets
Just to tug with you all night long
But since I can’t be any of these things
I hope to dream with you every day,
Just to wake up in a happy mood every morning.
I am sending warm goodnight kisses to you.

44. I know I don’t express my feelings quite well
But that doesn’t mean I don’t cherish or value what we have
I am a typical guy that’s too afraid to say how much you brighten my life
I feel more than lucky to be called yours
In so many ways, I don’t think I deserve someone so perfect
But I know we make the perfect team
I love you and have a splendid night ahead.

45. Like a life without choices
A painter without brushes
Flowers without fragrances;
A musician without his voice
A poet without his words,
That’s how I feel without you, my love.
I miss you dearly.
Goodnight, my lady!

46. There’s no mountain too high
No valley too low
To stop my short goodnight message
From holding your head to rest
It reads,
“Darling, embrace the special night. I’m right here with you.”

47. As the moon glows
And the stars twinkle
All I can think of
Is how pretty and divine you are
You drive me crazy
And it makes me happy
Goodnight Sweetheart.

48. When I sing,
I sing for you.
When I dance,
You’ve got my twists and thrusts.
When I moan,
It is for your pleasure, baby.
You mean the world to me.

49. The only way all will be alright
Is if I can hold you tight
Never letting go
Never exhaling
Until I am filled to the brim
With all of you, sweetheart.

50. Experience and time
It didn’t take away
The magic of our union
We are meant for each other
Through thick and thin.
I don’t have to be far off
To write you a blissful goodnight wish.
Goodnight, my darling.

51. The world, they say,
Is for those,
Who has power
Oil, Gold, Diamonds.
But they haven’t met you, precious!
Goodnight, love

52. Until the dark loses its stars
And the moon loses its light
There will be a sweet goodnight in my heart.
The fire within me burns fiercely
As you kiss my forehead lightly
Sleep well, my queen.

53. If I could just set my eyes right now
On your lovely face
I would have no other wish
Then to stay that way, transfixed.

54. Dreams do come true
when you have prayed hard for them
Sleep well, honey,
And wake up to meet our reality
From where we stopped.

55. I have tasted cakes
I have tasted pies
I have tasted chocolates
I have tasted candies
I have tasted sugar
I have tasted honey
But none is as sweet
As to how your lips taste.
Goodnight, mine forever!

56. In the end,
All that will make the ocean waves is,
You and I held tight
while we move mountains,
And our joys spring forth valleys.
It’s that time, my love
To be us, with nothing holding us back
As we sleep peacefully.

57. Stare no further, my wife
For the one, your heart seeks after
Is sound and awake
Just miles away,
holding words of comfort
That your night should be
Soft and splendid
While the morning comes

58. We are counting just hours
Before the night falls, its heavy self
Into the face of the earth.
Be safe for me, my love.
It’s just a goodnight,
And never goodbye.
For morning will come with us
Bouncing into love

59. You are my dearest lover
My purest soulmate
without a doubt.
I will be there for you
Whenever you need me
I will be a turn away.

60. The light of your undying love
Pierces through the eyes of my darkness
That stare mockingly into my soul.
It reflects and shines,
bouncing off my terror.
Never stop loving me, baby. Never stop.

61. With sleep in my eyes tonight,
And a heart full of love and peace
I set my fingers readily steady
To text the love of my life
Have the sweetest night, my love
And don’t forget hubby loves you.

62. The distance between us
draws me even closer to you
To our passionate affair.
I wish things were different
So I see you every day,
Pluck a rose and give you to cheer your sad times
But I guess we will make do
With seeing each other
in our dreams tonight.

63. Falling for you finally made me see a glimpse of heaven
My heart has finally discovered its desire;
You and I will not know goodbye
Neither will I depart your side.
It is just goodnight,
so you know that I cherish you for being mine forever.

64. I miss you
So much my heart melts
The night feels like you are gone
it feels like an eternity of loneliness.
I can’t wait for tomorrow,
For my virtual goodnight kiss tonight
To be the last ever.

65. I want to tell you
That I am glad you are part of my life,
That I have always wanted to be a part of your night
To be wanted by you
Loved by you
Cherished by you
And to live like the wants of my wife.
Will, you oblige me the honour,
Of inviting me into your dreams as you sleep tonight?

66. I have always had this dream
Where I will own a home
and you will be part of it.
An undying feeling of love
Will keep us together
In a forever story
Just you and me.
It is good to know,
I have a beautiful woman under my sheets.
Good night, darling.

67. Good night, and sleep well!
I hope you have sweet dreams as I am!
As cute as my face is, but yours is cuter.
And as adorable as I am, but you are most adorable.
I know I and you are
charming that we can’t stop thinking about each other
But just sleep now to meet me in the dreams
So we speak in the language of love.

68. Do not dwell on thoughts about your lost past.
Do not dwell the nighttime planning your future.
Have fun striking mosquitoes with that time
So that you can sleep better.
Knowing fully well you make me happy
Good Night.

69. Hey you, Yes you darling,
The one was holding this card.
Are you ready to sleep? No? Ok, good.
Cause I want to say good night before your eyelashes hug each other tightly.

Romance can be felt in many ways, through touch or words. To make your wife swoon at night, learn to send goodnight poems to her. The moment shared through words is forever remembered and always a place to visit in memories.

Below are romantic goodnight poems for wife.

70. I will send a bouquet
so you decorate our room.
Along with chocolate bars
To chase hunger away while you are alone.
If you never get tired of the flowers and chocolates
By morning I will get them again
Even if you want them over and over again
I will always get them for you.
Good night, twinkle star!

71. Your company from the morning and afternoon
It still feels fresh in my mind.
The killjoy night emerges
with much forcefulness of loneliness
To grab you away from me
while you lay tender in your sleep.
Good thing you’re my wife
So I will be wrapped together with you
Never stop being my wife.
Good night, dear.

72. Do not hesitate to call me when sleep feels far
I will be your guardian angel.
Protecting you from what won’t let you sleep
Have a great time sleeping, dear.

73. The sun is red,
the sky is blue,
I cannot breathe happily
With no talking to you.
Nights are dark,
and the cloud is white. This line means nothing.
Like falling for you
I hope you sleep tight.
Goodnight, my love.

74. Oops! Ouch, I fell hard for you
Like the rain does from the clouds
Like gravity does anything up
we are fallen things in love with you
Cause you are the one who is meant for me.
Good night and sleep tight.

75. Welcome to Sweet Dreams cruise ship.
We’ll be shortly arriving at Dreamland.
Fasten blankets, puff the pillow, close your eyes and get ready to have me in it!
while you sleep
Good Night!

76. Good night!
May you be safe from the ghost of worry.
Also, may peace always knock on your window while you sleep.
There is never anything more beautiful!
knowing you are the one meant for me
In a peaceful sleep and dream sweet.
Have a sweet dream, my love!

77. I pray the most beautiful dream come to you
I pray the sweetest person visits your dream
But don’t make it a habit
Because I’m not free every night
Good Night!

78. No goodnight feels very original
If your voice is not the last I listen to
Before I’m authorized, a good sleep.
It is my wish tonight that you find solace as you sleep
Good night, Sweet dreams!

79. You are my place of peace
You are my place of joy
A place with no stain of loneliness
A place far away from pain.
You’re a secret garden
Where the rainbow lives to make it a colourful place
Of pure love, long kisses, soft touching, body caressing,
With you, the world melts away.
It’s why you’d sleep peacefully tonight. Goodnight

80. The night takes me to a place
where two hearts beat as one
somewhere where two souls are interwoven,
lightly touching the inner-places of one another
A place that I yearn for
over and over again.
someplace of sweet abandon
someplace next to you

81. What sound takes its toll
As I turn away into the shaking room.
A sound that came in on the dark
To remind me that it is night.
And you feel far away
Like poems with no diction
Like ocean beds with no water.
For tonight, I pray you to sleep tight
until the morning brings its light.

82. You brought light to my soul
Helping me to be whole
My love for you feels new
Every day with the morning sun
You are mine, my love
You are such an angel from above
Who has taught me how to love.
Please, forever keep me near your heart.
Like I do tonight in my prayers for you.

83. You brought into my life
when the only thing I saw was rain.
You brought into my life laughter,
when the only thing I felt was pain
You built my romance at the heart
and made me believe love at first sight
like I have known you from before
With you, love feels so right!
It is why, for tonight, I pray you to sleep well, my love.

84. Before you, things had no order in my life:
everything felt normal, a road with no path,
a horizon with no focus,
a glass of wine held nothing but emptiness.
But with you, the world took on a different dimension.
Radiating from within my heart: your golden eyes
as they open to me by morning,
to show how much they love me.
So I am never hopelessly into love.
Sleep well, my darling.

85. With you, life feels like advent roses bursting into flame:
your love feels like an artist of dried-up leaves,
who flicked her untired wrist to change the moon into a rainbow.
You who covers the night black.
with intense feelings that makes me yearn for you always:
Goodnight my love

86. In my thoughts, there is a sweet disorder
In a fine colourful dress
it kindles my heart in a wanton way
you are like a lawn about my shoulders
Into a beautiful distraction–
An erring fibre of smile, which here and there
It stretches my face as I wish you a goodnight’s rest.

87. As the night skies call into the dark
To keep the stars in a sigh
My soul with yours illuminates a romantic light
your thoughts are a curtain dancing in my wind
When my mind seeks you to the end.
To be with you always is my desire
The one true fire I wish as I sleep tonight
Sleep well, my love.

88. So I love the way the day turned out with memories.
so long the moon is just a phase to rid me your face
By bringing in the night.
I know its radiance will heal this quiet loneliness.
The easiness of this feeling brings a smile to my face.
It is why for tonight, this poem is to make your dream sweet.

89. This cool night breeze brings out lovely thoughts
that knit my mind to look so beautiful.
this night homes my silent night in phases
Knowing you will sleep tonight with beautiful dreams

90. For every day, I have tried to express my feelings
In the waking of the day or the slumber of the night.
I have never wanted to stop caressing your face
in the heat of my thoughts
The night makes me feel a flutter in my heart.
It beckons to show you how I feel
It is like how proud the moon sits in the skies.
I wish you a good night’s sleep, love.

91. Why do the eyes carry only watery clouds?
While this city has borders built from heaven
that has admitted not to have a sad adage.
I know these walls are weak like a tensed air
knowing my love feels like a baby
anew every day, anew every moment.
I love you, my princess.
Sleep well

92. Don’t let the music drum and fold
Listen carefully. These notes hold
like the liquid trapped in the pen.
This night feels like a lovely den,
to your soft head, it will behold
“Dum Ding Drum”
Sleep well, my love.

93. To the breaking of this day, I revere at your love
The one who keeps me in her heart
To the curtains that close the day, I savour our love
My moon and my sun
My fresh morning ray
I want you to know you’re the rain,
a wrinkle of hope
I want to think of tonight
before I sleep.

94. Oh dear love,
a thunder was flashing through my brain.
I uphold our love forever
to take me through troubled times.
Know that tonight, and your thoughts keep me through
while my love guides you to sleep.

95. On this page, I write
of a love that feels undying.
In truth, with no borders,
A sing the seraphim chant.
I will forever be your lover
The one who prays for you tonight.
Sleep well, my wife.

96. Everything I have wished for
came in a prayer of two
Even when I prayed for you
I was answered with a beautiful story.
Writing about you always never ends
It is why I wish tonight would soon go
So I stare at your blissful eyes.
Sleep well, love.

97. There is a song
my heart sings always,
There is a poem
My feelings recite
It involves you
It involves me
You and I are made
For each other to love forever.
I just thought of reminding you.

98. I have written to you
letters from my heart.
I have shared
My deepest darkest secrets
Cause you belong to me
In feelings and words
In actions, I can’t deny.
It’s why I can’t stop loving you.
Goodnight love.

99. The sun feels red, the sky feels blue,
I cannot stay happy without worrying you
Nights may look black, and milk is white,
this line means nothing.
I hope you sleep quietly tight.
Goodnight, honey.

100. With you today,
My eyes finally saw a glimpse of heaven in your eyes
My heart finally discovered its desire beating to you
I will never say goodbye even on such a night,
Neither will I depart your side even if you feel far
Only saying goodnight,
And that I cherish you for being mine forever and ever, my love.

Of course! You have arrived here. I am sure you have found poems that will seal your relationship and keep you in love forever. Love can be felt by the things we say, and I am sure you believed me when I told you, you have been in the right space all along.

What do you feel about the post? Kindly let me know in the comment section, as it would be a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you.

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