I Need to Be Happy Quotes

Somewhere inside of us lies the need to be happy. Happiness is our nature, and it is ingrained in our subconscious minds. Happiness is a choice. It has nothing to do with wealth, social standing, or physical conditions.

It’s found inside the soul of every human being, and for that reason, you alone have the power to make yourself happy. In this world of much frustration and sadness, everyone is looking for a way to achieve happiness. It’s very important to be happy and stay cheerful, especially when you have a lot of pressure from school, work and relationships.

So it’s quite understandable that most people want to make changes in their lives to improve their happiness. Being happy can help you in your daily tasks. Some people don’t know how to be happy and stay happy permanently.

You want to be happy, and I want to be happy. But what is the need to be happy? In this list of I need to be happy quotes, I am sharing how you can encourage yourself to stay happy forever. It’s more than just being in a good mood; it makes us truly appreciate the little things in life.

I need to be happy, but first I need to be honest. Life is too short not to be happy. I’m feeling good, I’m doing good. Is my life perfect? No, but it’s okay. Live, laugh and love—there are no rules.

1. I need to be happy and will not stop till I regain my happiness and can soar on the clouds of joy; I need to be happy once again.

2. I need to be happy again; I’m raging and in pain. I’m no more than a broken doll; I need to be happy and never be sad again.

3. Draw me closer and lead me to the place where joy’s strings are harmoniously played. I need to be happy once again, close to the sun, where peace and harmony are in it for me.

4. Here I am, alone and waiting for someone to care for me. Honestly, I no longer care about anyone; I just want to know I can still be happy.

5. There are things I need to do in life and things I must take with me. I need to be happy so that I can have memories to hold dear.

6. I know life is not a fairy tale, but I can’t be sad anymore. Believe me when I tell you that it feels like heaven on earth to be happy after such a long time.

7. I need to be happy and will not stop until I am. If it means staying alone, that is how I’d be, as long as I don’t lose myself.

8. If I can’t be happy, I’ll never be free. I won’t stop till I realise I can fly. I need to be happy and will not stop until I achieve my dreams and goals.

9. I need to be happy and in love, but I want to be free to be myself before I can belong to anyone else.

10. Pain can be a real friend; if you let it show you, it’s for your good. I know that pain brings up all your hidden pains, and if I’m not happy, I can’t feel better.

11. I have suffered in sorrow for too long, and I need to be happy to forget all my sorrows. I will not be happy until I regain my happiness and can walk through a life of happiness.

12. It’s time for a new adventure. I need to be happy again. I’m ready to lose myself in the moment and draw you closer, leading me to the place where joy’s strings are harmoniously played.

13. I will no longer be consumed by the darkness and sadness of my past. The sadness of my present will not consume me. I only need to swim in happiness and prosperity.

14. I have suffered in sorrow for too long, and I need to respond with happiness to stop the tears.

15. I haven’t let myself smile in a long time. I’m on the earth, but I feel like I’m under the ground, and I’m only coming out. The only way out is the sky that I have to fly.

16. In loneliness, I cried until my tears ran dry. I have tried to be happy, but my dreams are all a waste. I need to make myself happy because I can’t stop pursuing my dreams.

17. I am not a fool, but I have been hurt. I have suffered in sorrow for too long, and I must be happy to forget all my sorrows.

18. I can hear my soul whisper, “Wherever you are, I’m happy to be your guide and lead you on this new path. You only need to be happy”.

19. How I long for the day when I wake up with a grin and realise that my life is not in vain but happy and fulfilling.

20. I have forgotten the taste of happiness and freedom. I need to release myself and let happiness overwhelm me.

21. Draw me closer and lead me to the place where joy’s strings are harmoniously played; I need to be happy again.

22. I must forget all the sadnesses and trouble of my life and all the pain in my life, as I let myself be happy.

23. I could use a little adventure in my life right now; I need to be happy as I’m learning to trust, open up, and let go of everything that holds me back.

24. Days and nights, I’ve suffered in sorrow. It’s a constant cycle I cannot escape. I need to be happy like all other people if I will break that cycle.

25. I’m on the edge of a cliff, and I’m ready to dive. I need to be happy now because new adventures, new experiences, and a better life are here for me.

26. The best adventures can only be had when you start the journey. Life’s a journey, not a destination. It’s the road that takes you there that matters.

27. Life is only a journey, and joy is its trigger; I need to be happy to make it worthwhile and fulfilling.

28. There’s nothing like a great time to celebrate with friends and family. This is where joy’s strings harmoniously play; I need to be happy again.

29. Whenever I need to be happy, I always remember to be because no one else is responsible for my happiness.

30. All I need now is to follow the path where the grass is green, the flowers are bright, and I’m a happy boy again.

31. We all seek comfort in the middle of our deepest dreams. I will embark on this journey to joy amid my strongest fears.

32. Happiness is the wind that carries you to places you’ve never been, and I will only be happy when I draw closer to the place that makes me feel joy.

33. I’ve been lost for a while; it’s time to find my way back. I need to stop following the crowd; it’s time to follow my heart and find what makes me happy.

34. Reach out to the sky with your hands, climb up and then jump as high as you can. That’s how life is meant to be lived—in a fearless way.

35. One dream is all it takes to turn on the light in your darkest hour, and when you stand back up again, there’s nothing that can defeat you.

36. Life is but a trip, and I need to enjoy, feel, love, and live it. I can only do that if I am happy!

37. Whenever I am sad, life seems to stand still, and nothing else works out. I need to stay happy for my mind to stand strong.

38. Happiness is a state of mind, and I am the master of my mind. So I will keep my mind happy to keep myself happy.

39. I need to be happy once again; I need to fly; I need to sing and draw closer to the place where I can freely express joy.

40. When situations get me down, I find myself crying. So all I can do is smile, and say, “happiness is right where I want it”.

41. I need to be happy because others may receive happiness too in finding my happiness.

42. Life is only a journey, and it’s full of obstacles. Only when I am happy can I have the freedom to live this journey through each obstacle.

43. Happiness is like a river that flows: We all need to get from one place to another, and then we are happy. I don’t need to be unhappy if I want us to be happy.

44. There is one essence of love: the essence of my happiness, like a pleasing fragrance to the earth. It spreads wings and flies all over, reaching the people I want it to.

45. Life is a journey with no definite end. Even if my steps don’t define me, they will help me to know myself and stay happy.

46. Happiness is a big word, but happiness is a small word too. I am one of the few whose only way to happiness is to understand its meaning.

47. The only way to make joy come true is to be happy. So, draw yourself closer to happiness so you can lead the way to your happiness!

48. The best way to achieve happiness is simply being happy. Whenever I am sad, I try to find a way, and when I do, I make myself happy.

49. Life is full of sweet sorrow, but happiness is the only way to find my wings and soar high when the light shines through my heart.

50. I need to be happy because in finding my happiness, others may receive happiness too. I need to be happy because my happiness brings happiness to others.

51. As long as I am loved and believe in my worth, I know I can be happy because that is a way through all the sorrow.

52. When I am sad, and all the rest of life seems dull, I find happiness in thinking of those I truly love, and then I feel a little happy in my heart.

53. At times, it is hard to find a friend in a world so cold, but in the heart of life’s struggles and challenges, there is a need to be happy.

54. As I go through the challenging journey of life, I need to be happy. If you’re looking to achieve happiness and happiness is all there is, you must look within your heart and find your happiness.

55. Life has taught me to be joyful. It has taught me to be happy. I need to be happy because my life depends on how much joy I express.

56. I can change my life and perspective and will not stop until I recapture the happiness that has been taken from me.

57. I need to be happy, and I will do whatever is necessary to reclaim my happiness. If necessary, you’ll have to pry me off my cloud with a crowbar.

58. I will use all my strength to fly through this darkness and reach the light of joy. I am glad that I can finally be happy again.

59. I am not letting life pass me by without happiness. I will change my tea leaves, pick up my rose petals, and get on with my life.

60. I’m going to be happy because I need to be happy. I’m going to do things that will make me happy. I am going to smile and laugh a lot, I am going to exercise, I’m going to eat right, and I am going to sleep like a baby every night.

61. I’m not afraid of what the future holds, but I am afraid of the lack of happiness I have today. I need to be truly happy because this pretence has created a large vacuum in me.

62. I don’t know how to feel anymore. I am feeling trapped. It is time to find a new way of living. Life is short, and I must go all in on happiness.

63. It’s time for me to be happy. I’m not going to sit around and wait for things to improve. I’m going to make them better.

64. The journey is long, but it’s worth it. I am on a quest to walk back into happiness, and I will not stop until I do.

65. There is a way back to joy, and I am not giving up. I need to be happy and wait for it because good things come to those who wait.

66. I’m not in a good place right now, but I’m not giving up. I am determined to find my way back to happiness.

67. I’m not just trying to make others happy; I’m trying to be happy myself. I don’t care what people think; I will do what makes me happy.

68. I am God’s unique creation. I have the potential for joy inside of me, and I need to feel that happiness before it is too late.

69. Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, but most of all, it’s filled with joy. So I will make this one of my happiest years yet!

70. I’m in a place where I feel like there’s no end to my sorrow and pain. But I will not stop because it’s my time for a new beginning.

71. I will find my happiness, even though sometimes I feel like it is just out of reach. I’m on a mission for happiness, and I will not stop till I find it.

72. I used to believe I was not good enough to be happy and kept chasing the wrong things. From this moment, I will do all that I can to get there, and I will never stop chasing the dream I see in my mind!

73. It’s time to be happy again. I need to go back to the days when I was truly happy and free when there were no worries, stress or fear.

74. I’m in a place where I am constantly striving to get better. I haven’t been able to be myself lately, and that’s sad. It’s time I stop hiding and start flying again.

75. I’ve been through many storms, and still, I’m here to stay. I need to be happy now that I know that darkness will never win because I have someone to light the way.

76. I am on a mission to regain happiness and soar into the clouds of joy. I will not stop until I get back my happiness.

77. I need to be happy now. From today, I will fly higher and higher on the joys of life. I will not turn back; I will turn my life around.

78. Being sad has ripped me from the joy of my existence. I am going to start small and keep going without taking a pause.

79. Happiness is something that we have to work for. It’s not given by the government or anyone else. I will build it myself, and nobody will take it away.

80. The world is a beautiful place filled with adventures, and I need to be happy because joy is the key to unlocking this magic.

81. I want to feel the warm sun on my face. I need to see a beautiful rainbow in the sky. I want to taste fresh water and walk with my lover through the forest.

82. No matter the season, I’ll always find a way to be happy. I’d discover my true self, let go of the past and enjoy long walks on the beach.

83. I want to be happy. I want to know what joy feels like. I need to be happy; I want my world to be at its best.

84. I am here to be happy. So, let me rejoice in this joy. I no longer have to live up to the expectations and dreams of others or struggle and suffer through these hard times.

85. In life, many things may bring me down. However, I need to be happy because if I lose sight of my purpose and pursuit, I become less than who I truly am.

86. Life is too short to be unhappy. With all the disappointments and the hard times, the only way I can make it through is to be happy.

87. I need to be happy for myself and to keep the happiness in me, I need to be happy for others. When I inspire happiness in others, my happiness lasts longer.

88. When the world begins to frighten me, I begin to doubt my fate and feel less than; it’s the earth telling me that there’s a need to be happy.

89. I do not know what I will get, but I need to be happy and part of something bigger than myself.

90. Some things will pull a man down, and some will stand him up. I have to be happy for myself and others, too, because I do not know when my time will come.

91. I have chosen not to share all the good things with others anymore. I need to be happy for myself, and if I don’t do it, I will drown in utter sadness.

92. No matter how deep the valley is, I have seen that there are no limits that I can not scale. To be happy is a choice, and I choose to be. If I believe in myself and my dreams, my heart will be happy, strong and true.

93. No one can buy my happiness except I hand it to them. It’s something I will earn, and I will earn it by reaching my goals and keeping my best friends close.

94. I need to be happy because the world is full of things I can’t control, but there are always things I can change.

95. Simply put, the need to be happy is natural, and all the things that make you happy make you healthy. By expressing joy – I’m making myself saner.

96. I want to be a good person. To be a good person, I need to be happy. I’ll never be a good person if I’m not happy.

97. I need to be happy because I am human, and happiness is a human right. I can’t cheat myself.

98. The battles we face in life are often overrated. I choose to go with the flow because I cannot be just an observer. I need to be happy in the face of battle, or life will be a waste.

99. I need to be happy because happiness makes a man feel like a superhero and can take on the world.

100. I need to be happy because when I am not, it’s hard for other people around me to be happy too. If I’m not, I won’t be able to help anyone else be happy.

101. To be happy, you don’t need to look any further than within yourself.

102. The more I learn about happiness, the more I realise that it is found in the simple things of life.

103. I need to be happy because my life is good, and I don’t want to lose that.

104. I need to be happy because I want to live my life as I want, without regret.

105. Sometimes, all we need to stay happy is to take time to care for ourselves and do the things that will make us happy all day.

106. I need to be happy to be successful. I will stay happy forever by staying positive and focusing on what’s good in my life.

107. You can meet my need to be happy by being a friend who listens or giving me a hug when I’m feeling down.

108. I need to be happy and satisfied with believing in myself and my ability to create anything I want with my life because I am capable of anything!

109. Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect. It means that I have decided to look beyond the imperfections.

110. I need to be happy because I deserve it as a beautiful person who has so much love to give the world.

111. Happiness, for me, is considered a choice, not a result of circumstance.

Happiness is not an achievable state: it is a journey, a continuous process with many ups and downs. It becomes easier to be happy when one accepts this inevitable fact. To be happy is to have a positive outlook on life.

Happiness affects your attitude and has connections with your overall health and well-being. The same can be said for being unhappy. These I need to be happy quotes have been selected because they can create a positive mindset which can help increase your quality of life.

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