God Is Always on My Side Quotes

Life is filled with a lot of troubles right now. From global troubles to national troubles and personal travails, people hardly find solace in anything happening around them. It can be soul-crushing for many.

But, while the whole world continues to complain of overtiredness, you do not have to succumb to the feeling of exhaustion from all the troubles in the world. You can choose to see the positive things around you. And, of course, one of the positive things would be that you are a person of faith.

And against all odds, you have been privileged also to experience some joyous moments. So, if you feel like being happy that God is always on your side, you should not let anyone stop you from doing that.

So, you may go through these God is always on my side quotes if you want the perfect expression of how you feel about celebrating joy during a time like this.

God is always on my side. I don’t have to be alone in this. He’s right next to me, guiding me through the world. God is always on my side. He’s by my side, guiding me through the world and making sure I’m not alone in this.

1. I am never alone! God is always on my side. He’ll hold my hand and guide me through this world.

2. I am never alone! God is always on my side. We do everything together!

3. God is always by my side. He’ll walk by me and help me through this world.

4. In times of trouble, God is always there to guide me and light up my way.

5. God is always there to guide me and light up my way. And no matter how difficult life gets, I believe that everything will be fine in the end.

6. God is always there to guide me and light my way in times of trouble.

7. God is always there for me, guiding my path and lighting my way. God’s light shines over me, and I am never alone.

8. When times get tough, God is always there to guide me and help me find the answers I need.

9. In times of trouble, God guides me to the light. I want to thank God for giving me the strength and courage to overcome these difficult times.

10. In times of trouble, I can always count on God to be there for me.

11. God takes me by the hand and walks with me through dark times.

12. When I’m facing a difficult situation, it’s comforting to know God will always be there for me.

13. During the rough patches in life, God is always there to support me and guide me.

14. God is always there for me when I need him the most.

15. God gives me comfort and love; I know he’ll be there for me when I need him most.

16. God is like a friend who will always be there for me. I can talk to him whenever I need to, and he’ll listen.

17. God is like a friend who will always be there for me. He will listen when I need him and will never turn me away. I can talk to him whenever I need to, and he’ll listen; he will always be there for me.

18. God is my friend. He’s always there to talk, listen, and help. God will never leave me alone.

19. It’s like having a best friend who is always there for you. God listens, and he will always answer my prayers.

20. Like having a best friend, God always answers my prayers.

21. God listens, and he will always answer my prayers. And sometimes, his answers are even better than I ask for

22. God is always there to help, support, and answer my prayers.

23. God helps me every day. He is there to support me and answer my prayers with love and kindness.

24. I know that I can always turn to God because He loves me and always wants the best for me.

25. I know I can always turn to God because of His love and desire for what’s best for me.

26. I know that God is always there for me and wants the best for me.

27. I know God wants the best for me and will always be there when I need Him.

28. I always know God is there for me and wants what is best.

29. God is always there for me and wants the best for me.

30. God is always there for me and wants only the best for me. He doesn’t want me to worry or be stressed. He wants me to be happy and to rest in Him

31. God is always there for me and wants to give me His best.

32. I know without a doubt that God is good. He is always loving and personal. He understands, cares for me, and wants what’s best for me.

33. I know God is in charge and that He loves me. I feel safe with Him in control.

34. I know that God is always there for me. He listens to me and gives me help, and He will never leave me alone.

35. I am always aware that God is there for me, ready to help me. I know God loves me and will always do what is best for me.

36. I know that whenever I’m in trouble, God will always be there to show me how much He loves me.

37. God is there for me if I’m ever in trouble and love me as much as I love Him.

38. When life knocks me down, God will always be there to catch me. His love and guidance can be felt in every area of my life.

39. God is more than just a Sunday friend for me; He wants to be a part of my everyday life.

40. God is our Father, friend and confidant. He wants us to find joy as we become more like Him. He loves us when we fail and helps us try again.

41. God has always been present for me during the good and bad times.

42. I can always count on God to help you through hard times.

43. God’s love is always present even when we feel lost or forgotten.

44. God is an ever-present help in times of trouble and provides comfort and protection from uncertainty and danger.

45. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.

46. God is a friend to everyone who believes in Him, and He gives us rest when we are tired and protection when we’re afraid.

47. In times of trouble and uncertainty, God’s love is ever-present. He provides comfort and strength for those who seek him.

48. God is always with me and is ready to help me in times of trouble.

49. God’s with you when things are going well, and He’s with you when times are tough. It’s not hard to find Him if you look for Him in your heart

50. God is always there for me, and He helps me in every situation I may face. He is kind and compassionate and walks with me through life.

51. I’ve found that God is always there for me, and He helps me in every situation I may face. He is kind, thoughtful, and caring and walks with me through life.

52. God is a faithful companion. He’s always there for you and helps you in every situation. Being filled with kindness and compassion, He walks with you through life.

53. God is always there for you and will help you in whatever situation you may face. He is kind and compassionate and always with you through life.

54. God is my closest ally throughout the trials and tribulations of life. He makes me feel safe and secure, always trustworthy and loving, even when I’m unsure. He is always there for me and walks with me through life. He’s kind and compassionate, and He walks with me through life.

55. God has been with me my whole life, guiding me through every situation I have faced, teaching me to be kind and compassionate, and helping to walk with me

56. God is with me every step of the way. He guides me and teaches me to be kind and compassionate. My faith in Him helps me through all my challenges and makes life easier.

57. Since the beginning of time, God has been on my side. He is always there to give me love and encouragement. He walks with me wherever I go, keeping me safe and helping me succeed.

58. Since the beginning of time, God has been on my side. He is always there to give me love and encouragement. I know that he’ll never leave my side, and whenever I need him, he will be right by my side.

59. God created you and will always be by your side to show you the path to success. He is always there to give you love and encouragement.

60. God is my best friend. He’s always around, and he’s always helping me. God makes me laugh and smile!

61. God is my best friend. He’s around all the time, and he always helps me.

62. God is amazing. He’s always there to help me and give me a hand when I’m in need. Even more, he helps me develop as a person.

63. God’s amazing. He’s always there to help me and give me a hand when I’m in need. He helps me become who I want to be in life.

64. God is very good. He always supports and extends his hand to me when needed. Even better, he helps me develop as a human being, which I indicate as an achievement.

65. God is a great dad. He’s always ready and listening when I need him. Even more, he helps me to grow and improve.

66. God is amazing. God is there for you when you need him. He helps you grow as a person and find the right path in life.

67. God is the person who always helps us and gives us a hand when we need it. He also helps us to become better in life.

68. God is the one person that’s always there for me and wants to help me grow. He will be with me through the best times and the worst times.

69. God blesses my life every day, and he is an amazing friend who makes me happy and helps me when I need it.

70. There’s nothing cooler than having a relationship with the most powerful being in the universe, who just happens to be your best friend.

71. Since I was born, God has always been with me. He is my companion and my friend. He protects me and gives me strength.

72. Since the first time I looked into my mother’s eyes, God was there. He is my companion and my friend. He protects me and gives me strength.

73. From the time I was born, God has been with me. He is a friend and a protector. He provides me with strength and power.

74. Ever since I was born, God has always been with me. Through thick and thin, he is always there for me. He gives me the strength and courage to face all my worries and problems. I can always seek God’s guidance if I don’t know where to turn or what to do. He’s truly an amazing friend!

75. God has been in my thoughts as long as I have been alive. He is my best friend and companion. He helps me and gives me power.

76. God has been by my side since birth. He protects me and gives me strength in times of need

77. Ever since I was a child, I have felt God’s power and presence. He’s my best friend, my protector, and my guide. I know he’ll protect me and give me the strength to face any challenge.

78. I believe in God. He is my best friend, my protector, and my guide. I know he’ll protect me and give me the strength to face any challenge.

79. My walk with God is the most important thing in my life. I know He loves me and will protect me and give me the strength to face any challenge.

80. As a child, I always felt God’s presence. He is my friend, guide and protector. I trust him to walk through every challenge with me.

81. I knew it was God. I knew He would protect me and give me the strength to face any challenge. The most important thing we can do as believers is share this amazing news with others.

82. When it comes to God, I feel a deep sense of trust. He’s always there for me; I know he’ll protect me.

83. The more I know God, the more I realize how powerful and trustworthy he is. Life is so exciting when we have Him as our guide.

84. God has always been there for me. He’s always been faithful, even in difficult times. And His love is never-ending.

85. God guides us through this life, giving us the strength, love and encouragement we need to succeed. He is always there as a constant companion, helping us make good decisions to be the best version of ourselves.

86. I am blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with God. He is my friend and Father, and he taught me how to be kind and compassionate. He is always there for me when I need him. And I feel so lucky to experience his love every day.

87. From an early age, God has been my constant companion and faithful guide. As I’ve grown, He has developed my character by leading me through difficult circumstances.

88. The Lord loves, watches over, and helps me in all my ways. He teaches me to be gracious and loving and to live a life of integrity

89. God is with me! He guides and protects me. I am confident of his presence. He wants to spend time with me, knowing that this is the only way my true needs will be met

90. The Lord has guided and protected me every step of the way. My faith has been tested in many situations. Jesus Christ is my saviour, and he is always with me, even in my darkest hour

91. I never walk alone. God is with me, making my life richer and more meaningful. He has guided me through life’s ups and downs, always encouraging me to look on the bright side of life.

92. From the beginning of time, God has cared for all people. That tenderness continues today when He watches over and guides us every day.

93. God has blessed me with a supportive family and rewarding friendships. He has given me the tools I need to explore my passions, pursue excellence in all facets of my life, and make a difference in the world.

94. God is great. He is kind, compassionate and thoughtful, and I’m lucky to have Him in my life. I know whatever challenges I come up against, I can face them with God by my side.

95. God is like a good grandfather. He is kind and benevolent, watching over you always and helping you through your struggles

96. God is always with you. When you need Him, he will help you. He knows all about you and loves and cares for you, no matter what.

97. The lord has been good to us. The lord’s presence is with us always, in all ways.

98. The lord is with me always. I can see it all around us. The lord has been good to me, and that’s in my heart and mind daily.

99. Hallelujah! The Lord has been good to us. With his presence always among us, we may praise Him and His mighty ways.

100. God has always been there for us. His spirit is always with us. He’s like a father, a mother, or an older brother or sister that we can always count on.

101. God’s word is truth, and it never fails. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is ever-present and gives good gifts to those who love Him.

102. I believe in God and the power of prayer. I pray every day so that I can have a good relationship with God.

103. With God, you will never be alone. He is always with you, guiding, supporting and encouraging you.

104. God is a friend who is always there. He helps me make the right decisions and always supports me in any situation.

105. God is always with me and will find you wherever I am. He wants to be my friend, talk with me and have fun.

106. I feel so blessed to have God in my life. He will always guide and protect me as long as he is by my side.

107. God is always with me. God leads me through my life and guides me.

108. My God is my friend. He’s always with me, and he helps me every day.

109. God will be there for you through all of your journeys. You don’t have to do it alone. You can rely on Him to lead you when you are not sure.

110. We love God and have a deep respect for Jesus Christ. We believe in the concept of God, with whom we can always communicate.

111. God will help you. Look for his wisdom and guidance in every moment.

112. God provides us with the tools to be our best selves if we seek them and asks us to share our knowledge and experience with others who need guidance.

113. I know that my Lord and Savior are always with me. I can’t fail when God is on my side.

114. God is always on my side. Even when I can’t see Him, He’s always there.

115. God is always on my side. It’s just that sometimes I have to be on His.

116. God is always on my side, and He never fails me.

117. The next time you feel discouraged and overwhelmed, remember that God is always on your side.

118. God is always on my side, I am His hand, and He is mine. I have nothing to fear.

119. I am surrounded by people that love me, even when I don’t feel like it. God is always on my side!

120. God is always on my side. I can’t do anything alone. Whatever I’m up against, I can fight it through His strength.”

121. He is always on my side, and I am never alone. He is always with me, and I am always in his heart.

122. I am never alone. God is always on my side; in everything I do, he is watching over me.

123. When I am with him, I feel secure and confident in who I am. He is never far away and loves me for who I am.

124. I won’t be discouraged by life’s adversities; God is on my side.

125. I will always be prepared for life’s challenges because I know that God is on my side.

126. I believe everything will work out in the end, and God is on my side.

127. Even though life gets hard sometimes, it’s important to remember that God is on our side. He’ll never let us down.

128. I look forward to life’s adventures, but I know that God is always with me no matter what I face.

129. Wherever life may take me, God is always my companion. I look forward to life’s adventures and new experiences, but I know that no matter what I face, God will give me the strength and the courage to overcome difficult times.

130. Wherever life may take me, I know God will be with me. I look forward to life’s adventures and new experiences, but I also know that no matter what I face, God will give me the strength and courage to overcome difficult times.

131. I believe that the strength and courage we need to overcome difficult times will come from God. I look forward to the adventures and new experiences that life has in store for me.

132. Wherever life takes me, I can always count on God as a constant companion. Whether I’m eager to face new adventures or anxious about the future, I can always turn to Him. God is my protector, comfort and confidante.

133. I love that I can always count on God as my constant companion. Whether I’m eager to face new adventures or anxious about the future, I can always turn to Him. He’s my protector, comfort and confidante.

134. I find comfort in knowing God is my constant companion and will always be there for me. His presence brings peace in uncertain times and confidence when facing challenges.

135. God will always be by your side. His love is constant and unchanging, and He cares about everything that concerns you. Remember that God is always there when you feel alone or need comfort.

136. God is a consistent source of strength and inspiration. I can always depend on Him to be there for me.

137. God will always be at my side, and I’ll never be alone because of Him.

138. God will always be there for me, and I will never be alone because of Him.

139. It’s great to know God is always with me and will never leave my side.

140. Even when I feel low and alone, God is never far from me. He always makes me feel safe, cared for, and loved.

141. God is never far away, even when I feel low and alone. God makes me feel safe, cared for, and loved.

142. I’ve felt happy and sad in my relationship with God. But through the good times and bad times, I can always count on Him to be there for me no matter what. He always makes me feel safe, cared for, and loved.

143. Even though I feel like I’m on my own, it’s good to know that God is always close. God will always make you feel safe, cared for, and loved.

144. Even when I’m lonely and sad, God loves me and Is never far away. He makes me feel cared for and protected, just as a loving father always cares for his children.

145. God is always with us, no matter how far we feel from Him. He loves us, cares for us, and will never abandon us.

146. I know that God is always with me to guide and encourage me.

147. As I travel through life, God will always be a part of me. In good and bad times, God will support and encourage me to stay positive and on track! He wants you to be the best version of yourself.

148. God is by my side at every moment of the day. I can face any troubles and challenges in life because God gives me the strength and courage necessary to overcome difficult times.

149. God is a wonderful friend. No matter where I am or what I do, I can rest assured that God will always be with me. Life can be full of surprises, but God will never leave my side.

150. God is always with me, and this gives me the strength to face all that life throws at me. He has helped me through some tough times, and I know he will carry me through whatever comes next.

151. God is with me in all that I do, and life offers me countless opportunities to grow as a person.

152. God is always by my side. He offers strength, courage and protection.

153. I have a good life and look forward to travelling and going on adventures, but I know that no matter what happens, God will always be with me.

154. Through the ups and downs of life, God is always there in good times and bad. I look forward to life’s adventures knowing that God is with me.

155. I am a woman of faith. This means that no matter what I face in life, God is always with me.

156. My life is full of adventure, and I love it, but God’s love never fails through it all.

157. Thank you, God, for reminding me that you are with me whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed and will help me overcome any difficulty I face.

158. I am trusting God with my future. I know He is for me and never against me, so I refuse to be defeated.

Surely, some of these God is always on my side quotes will speak to you. Maybe you’ll relate to more than one of them, or perhaps you’ll find yourself nodding along to the words of one particular quote. That’s okay; that’s what they’re meant to do — they’re here so that people can read and reflect on them and find hope in their darkness and fight back against whatever is bringing them pain.

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