I Always End up Getting Hurt Quotes

It’s difficult to watch people, whom you love dearly or not, always end up hurting you, whether this happens through t own actions or reactions. But it can be exceptionally challenging when these individuals are family members and loved ones you’re obligated to support and protect.

Getting hurt is a feeling that many of us have experienced. Usually, it happens when we put our guard down and go into something with no expectations, only to get hurt later on. Whether this always happens to you or not, it certainly happens to a lot of people.

Getting hurt has become a part of life somehow. It’s easy to wish it wouldn’t happen but, when it does, that’s all it takes for a wound to begin to heal. These great I always end up getting hurt quotes right below express this feeling perfectly.

I always end up getting hurt by those that I love. I love and care so much but they never seem to care at all and just hurt me over and over again. I’m not sure why, but I can’t get out of this vicious cycle.

1. I always end up getting hurt in life. I wish that I didn’t have to feel this way and that there was a way to turn back time and take it all away. But there’s not. And so, each day that goes by is another reminder of how much pain I’ve been through and how hard life got when things are good.

2. I can’t help but feel this pain inside of me, it hurts so much. It feels like I’m trying to hold back a flood gate that even I’m not sure it’s real. I always end up getting hurt when I try to love.

3. I always end up getting hurt and I’m tired of it. I shouldn’t have let you back into my life because now here I am feeling the same way I felt when you broke my heart the first time.

4. I know I always end up getting hurt, but I can’t help but look past it and hope things are different this time. I can’t help but feel that way.

5. I always end up getting hurt. I just had to let you go. We can’t keep doing this. I’m sorry this hurts you, but it keeps hurting me. That’s why I have to do this. Goodbye.

6. I always end up getting hurt. I don’t know why. Someday I hope someone can fix me because inside I am still the same person. I just want something good to happen to me. I want to finally be special!

7. I always end up getting hurt and I cannot wait for the day that I can find a man who will love me with all his heart. I have been hurt so many times that I have never had the opportunity to be truly happy.

8. Whenever I try to find love, it is as if my happiness is destined for someone else, someone who is not me. I always end up getting hurt.

9. I always end up getting hurt by the one I love. I never thought it would happen to me. It hurts so much. I just want to stay alone and cry for what I lost. If that makes me a bad person, then so be it.

10. I get hurt by the people I love the most. Maybe I’m too sensitive and expect too much. Maybe we are not meant to be together or maybe it’s just my fault for believing in fairy tales.

11. I always end up getting hurt. I never know what it feels like not to get my heart shattered every time. I feel so unloved and uncared for like I’m nothing but a toy that you play with when you want to feel good and then forget about when you’re done.

12. I’m not sure why, but I always end up getting hurt. Every time I get close to someone they always seem to leave. Then it’s just me again.

13. I’m always the one who ends up getting hurt. I can’t stop myself from falling for these fakes. It’s not worth it, why do I keep ending up here?

14. I keep learning the same old lesson, I get hurt and then I cry. A thousand times before I fall in love again, and somehow I always end up getting hurt.

15. I always end up getting hurt every time I fall in love. I try and tell myself that I won’t but it always happens in the end. No matter what happened or if I get my heart broken I will always love you.

16. I should have known not to put my faith in someone so careless. I wish you would have just loved me back the way that I loved you. I always end up getting hurt. I thought this time would be different, but I guess it never is.

17. One day you’ll realize what you did to me. I always end up getting hurt. But no matter how much pain I’m in, I can’t stop loving you. I don’t know how, but it’s true, so very true.

18. I’ve been through a lot. I have been loved and I have been hurt. I guess no one can blame me for being so numb and untrusting of love. I always end up getting hurt, but wholly matters I will give it all that I can.

19. I always end up getting hurt and it kills me every time. I am never going to let you go. I think that when everything is going wrong in my life, all I have to do is think of you, and somehow, it all gets better.

20. You are all I ever wanted, but somehow you always end up hurting me. I don’t understand why. I am here for you but all you ever do is break me. I’ll give my heart over to you and you always throw it in my face.

21. I always end up getting hurt. It is like I am just some helpless toy people get tired of. I want to be with them and yet they’re still out there free from heartache and pain.

22. I’ll admit it, I’m no good at relationships, and I always end up getting hurt. I’ve always been this way because I give my all to every guy, and from a guy’s point of view that’s not attractive.

23. I always end up getting hurt by the one person I have loved the most. Each time we had broken up I realized there is a special place in my heart only for them.

24. I don’t know why I always end up getting hurt by the ones I love. It makes me feel mad and sad at the same time.

25. I’m always the one who gets hurt. You have your friends and family, but I have no one. I thought we were going somewhere, but you don’t talk to me anymore. It kills me inside. All I wanted was to be happy, why couldn’t you love me?

26. I’m tired of getting hurt. I don’t seem to find happiness with anyone. I can’t give my heart away because someone always mocks me for it. It hurts to love again, but I’ll never give up hope that someday I’ll find my soul mate.

27. I always end up getting hurt, but I always fall for it. I spent time away from you, wanting to forget and move on. But all I could think about is our history, our memories, and how much I loved being together.

28. I always end up getting hurt so much that it’s my unsaid middle name– broken-hearted. But you were different. I thought we had something worth fighting for. You changed my mind. I will never believe a single word you say ever again.

29. I always end up getting hurt, but I just can’t stop loving you.

30. I always end up getting hurt, even when I do everything right… I always end up getting hurt, even when I don’t want to let go.

31. I end up getting hurt, I guess that is just the way I am. No matter what I do or say someone always gets hurt and it’s usually me. I think I need to be alone for a while, and try to figure out where I went wrong.

32. I have been hurt so many times by the people I loved. I can’t deny the fact that love hurts, but it is worth it.

33. I always end up getting hurt by someone I trusted. I’ve been hurt so many times that I don’t know what to do anymore. Each one hurts just as bad as the last one, even worse sometimes.

34. I keep letting myself fall for you. I always end up letting myself get hurt. I wish that with all my heart that things would be different, and that we could actually have something, but I know all too well how this story ends and it’s not a happy ending.

35. So many times I have fallen in love with you, but why is it that every time I fall I always end up getting hurt and then feel all alone.

36. I always end up getting hurt in life, but I make sure it doesn’t last a minute.

37. I always end up getting hurt in life, and I get back up again. I’m not stronger than your pain, just stronger than your fear.

38. No matter what, I always end up getting hurt in life. every time I believe in something, it gets taken away from me.

39. I want to believe in the possibility of something good and beautiful, but sometimes it’s hard when you’re always being hurt instead. I always end up hurt when I try.

40. I never thought I would fall in love again. But It can’t be avoided, I will end up hurting as well.

41. I always end up getting hurt in life. I just keep falling harder and harder. But there’s no sense in me staying down.

42. Every single day, I end up getting hurt in life. There are no exceptions to this rule.

43. I am always getting hurt in life. But I have learned to understand myself and accept the fact that I can’t change the past. What I can do is learn from it, embrace my faults and try to make better decisions in the future.

44. I always end up getting hurt in life. But it’s okay because pain brings me closer to you, my love.

45. Why does it always end this way? I’m tired of being the victim. I’m tired of being hurt. Help me to be the one who changes things around, help me to change them for the better.

46. Life is a game of chicken, and I’m always the one who gets burned. I always end up getting hurt when I try to love.

47. I always end up getting hurt in life. Some people think that I don’t care about anything, but it’s not true.

48. I always end up getting hurt in life. I learned when to give up and move on, but I don’t know how to stop feeling bad.

49. I always end up getting hurt by the people that say they love me. The pain is becoming unbearable. I cry out most times I try to love.

50. I always end up getting hurt in life, I never get to keep all the people I love. Some people change, and some don’t.

Even though that human relations mostly involve trust, many times people don’t know how to treasure it. And this is what often makes these relationships end in betrayal, guilt, regret and sorrow. When you always end up getting hurt, it becomes hard to want to try again.

But you can always express that feeling with the I always end up getting hurt quotes above, which may be a way to heal fast. Let me know what you think of this post in the comment section, will you? Thank you for reading, please share this post with your loved ones before you go.

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