You Are Not Always Right Quotes

Not a lot of people like to be told they are wrong, but that doesn’t change the fact that occasionally everyone gets to grab a seat on the wrong side.

It’s nothing big. Just part of life and a reminder that we are not angels but humans. It’s something we should accept and live with.

If you need you are not always right quotes to use to express this fact to someone, then today is a lucky one for you because today I’m presenting this collection of quotes to use to tell someone that they are not always right about things.

You can use them to encourage people, correct them, and for many other purposes.

Let’s jump in and check out these quotes to use in saying someone is not always right.

You are not perfect, so you are not always right. Not always being right is part of being human. And shutting down someone who disagrees with you is a no-no. You should be confident and secure. You will know more by learning from people who disagree with you and not always being so rigid about being right.

1. The truth is, you are not always right. You may get something wrong, and that’s okay. But don’t forget to be humble, too. When you’re wrong, admit it and apologize.

2. You’re not always right. The world has a lot of grey areas and different points of view. But don’t let this stop you from being the best version of yourself.

3. You are not always right about everything. You are all fallible, but you are also capable of learning new things.

4. You’re not always right. Life isn’t about being right. It’s about finding out what’s right and being able to accept change.

5. It’s true that you can’t always be right, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be honest and say things the way you think they are.

6. You are not always right, but you can be stubborn enough to fight for what you’re convinced is right.

7. Let’s be honest—there will always be a situation where you’re not right. But learning in those situations makes you stronger.

8. Everyone knows you are not always right, but everyone knows you are and will always be a good person.

9. Surely, I am not always right, and neither are you. We all make mistakes, but how you deal with those moments when you’re wrong says something about who you are.

10. You are not always right. You are a person with your own flaws and faults. You can fail in being right, and that’s okay.

11. You’re not always right, but your voice is something we love to hear, so speak up.

12. You’re not always right, but that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. You just might not know what’s best for you and the people around you right now, and that’s okay.

13. You’re not always right, and that’s fine. It will only be a problem if you decide to never be right.

14. The world is full of people who are not always right. And you, I and everyone you can see are part of these people.

15. You’re not always right. You may be wrong sometimes, and that’s okay. We all are. But when you are wrong, own it. Don’t make excuses, just accept the fact that you were wrong and try again next time — better.

16. You can’t always be right, but if you can judge yourself honestly and know that you’re on the right path, you’ll be fine.

17. You are not right all the time. But that’s okay because you’re learning and growing from your mistakes.

18. Being wrong doesn’t make you a failure. It makes you human. You’re not the only one that isn’t always right. Everyone isn’t too.

19. Keep trying to be right. That doesn’t mean you will always be right, though. You are not and can’t always be right.

20. You are not always right, but the world would be a dull place without your opinions.

21. You’re not always right. You don’t always have to be right. And you should never feel bad about not being right.

22. We are not always right. We are human. Let’s stop judging others and start giving them the benefit of the doubt.

23. You can’t always be right. Be happy for the times you’re right and ready to learn when you’re wrong.

24. You can’t always be right. So why don’t you just step out of your head a little and try to be a little bit more open to what others have to say?

25. It’s okay for your friend to disagree with you. You are not always right, just like them!

26. You’re not always right. If you try to tell everyone what to do and how to think, it’s only going to get messy.

27. You’re a great person, but you’re human, and that means there are times when you are not right.

28. You aren’t and can’t always be right. Be yourself and be able to admit when you’re wrong. That’s how to live!

29. You’re not always right, but it’s okay to disagree with someone when you think you are right.

30. Expressing your thoughts is an important part of being honest in a relationship. But remember that you are not always right.

31. I don’t know why it’s so, but people are not always right. And that’s okay. We are all human, after all.

32. I’m not always right, and you’re not always right—aren’t we all just the same?

33. You aren’t always right, but you and your opinions are always worthy of respect.

34. Everyone has their own version of the truth, based on valid experiences, but that doesn’t mean it’s right.

35. You’re not always right. Just keep your heart in the right place, and you’ll be alright.

36. You are not always right, and you don’t always know what is best for everyone around you. Your opinion is valuable, but it won’t always be the one that matters most.

37. You’re not always right. When you’re not right, see it as an opportunity to learn, not one to prove you’re right.

38. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for not being right. No one is always right. You are not alone.

39. The truth is, we all make mistakes. We are not right always. But by learning from them, you can become a better person.

40. You’re not always right. Remember: You are supposed to be wrong sometimes. You’re just human, just like everyone else.

41. You’re not always right. Sometimes you’re totally wrong, and it’s okay to admit that.

42. There will be times when your ideas about other people or situations are not at all correct. Don’t get upset because you weren’t built to be always right!

43. The truth is that you can’t always be right. But that doesn’t mean your opinion should go unheard!

44. You can’t always be right. But you can always be fair enough to allow what’s right to win.

45. Being too hard on ourselves is a prescription for failure. Learn from your mistakes, use them as learning experiences and make yourself better.

46. You don’t have to be right all the time to look good in my eyes. You just have to be right enough times.

47. You are not always right. Remember this, and open your heart to learn, and everything will be alright.

48. No one breathing is always right, just like you. Learn from others and always be open to new ideas.

49. You’re never right all the time, but you have to work hard to be right more often. Therefore, always be learning, growing and evolving.

50. You can’t choose to always be right. You will fail. However, you can always choose to be better.

51. You are not always right. That’s okay. But I want to be your friend anyway.

52. You may have been right yesterday and may be right today, but that doesn’t mean you’re always right.

53. Don’t think you can always be right. Be a better person by learning from others. Always be curious. Have integrity, never flake out, be genuine, and you’ll be alright.

54. Not everyone is going to always agree with you, and you can’t afford to agree with everyone. No one is always right.

55. Sometimes you are wrong, and sometimes you are right. Your wrong side is not all that there is to you, and you should never stop saying what you think is right.

56. We all have our moments when we are not right. But it’s okay to make mistakes. Learn from these times, though.

57. You are not always right. It’s okay to have flaws and make mistakes, but don’t remember to never stop being the best version of yourself.

58. You may not always be right, but my ears will always be open to hearing from you.

59. You are not always right. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Find a way to work with people who don’t agree with you and those you don’t agree with.

60. Always speak the truth, but never assume that you are always right. People will always differ on things, and that’s alright.

61. Sometimes, you’re wrong. Sometimes, you’ve been misled. You’re not always right, and as a human, that’s alright.

62. Just because you were wrong once doesn’t mean you’re wrong about a million other things. You are not always right, and that’s okay.

63. You’re not always right. You’re not always wrong. The only thing you’re always is human.

64. Our culture needs to embrace the idea that we are never perfect and that there will always be more to learn from those who are different from us.

65. You don’t always need to be right when arguing with someone. Knowing that it’s okay to be wrong will be good for you.

66. Sometimes, you’re wrong, even when you think you are right. This happens to everyone, and I’m not exaggerating.

67. It’s impossible for someone to always be right. Now that I think about it, some really bright ideas were created after people were proven wrong.

68. You are not always right and can’t be right all the time, but it’s not the case with being wrong.

69. You can’t always be right. Your best choices may not be the ones you thought were the best.

70. There are times when we are not right, but others are. You can’t choose to always be right, but you can try to live as honestly as possible.

71. Don’t be afraid of being wrong. You can’t always be right. Be afraid of not living life honestly and with good intentions.

72. It’s important to know that you can’t always be right. It’s also important to know that no one ever died because they admitted that they were wrong.

73. It’s impossible to always be right. Sometimes concede and learn. That’s the way to go.

74. It’s impossible to always be right. But never stop choosing to do the right thing and saying what you believe to be right.

75. You can’t always be right. The only thing that’s constant is change, not your correctness.

76. It’s impossible to be right all the time. But when you realize that you were wrong, it’s time to try not to make the same mistake twice.

77. You can’t be correct all the time, and life is too short for you to be right all the time.

78. You are not always right. Choose to be kind and teachable over always being right.

79. It’s impossible for you to always be right, so it’s important to learn how to listen and respond instead of always being right.

80. It’s impossible to always be right, but it is possible to always be yourself. Stay true to your values, stay honest and willing to learn, and you will be fine.

81. You’re not always right. When you’re wrong, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. It means you’re human.

82. You cannot always be right, and our greatest strength is our ability to admit when we’re wrong. This is the difference between strength and weakness, life and death.

83. You’re not always right. We’re all flawed. Therefore, we should always listen to each other and see the world through different sets of eyes.

84. You’re not always right. Mistakes are just opportunities to learn in disguise. The best way to learn from a mistake is to admit it and move forward.

85. Embracing your mistakes and learning from them is priceless. You have to do these because you are not always right.

86. You’re always right. You just have to learn to listen better and understand that there are other perspectives.

87. It’s impossible to always be right. But you can be honest with yourself and make a choice to go with your gut when it comes to certain decisions.

88. You can’t always be right. Every human should be smart enough to know that.

89. No one is always right—even you. So why not try to be more compassionate and understanding when others disagree?

90. Don’t be afraid to admit when you’re wrong. You lie to yourself if you think you’re always right.

91. People are going to disagree with you, and you’re going to have to live with that.

92. It’s impossible to always be right. That doesn’t mean you’re wrong or a failure. It just means that sometimes you’re wrong about one thing, and so is everyone.

93. When you’re right, it’s easy to admit it. When you’re wrong, it’s hard to admit it. But we both know it’s impossible to always be right.

94. The truth is that you’re probably wrong about something. But isn’t the impossibility of being right always what makes us human?

95. Saying things like ‘I’m always right’ doesn’t make you special. It makes you annoying and exhausting to be around.

96. You can’t always be right, but it doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to be heard.

97. You can’t be right all the time, but you can look at things from different perspectives and learn from them.

98. You cannot always be right. It is very okay for people to disagree with your point of view.

99. Don’t always believe that you’re right. Being wrong is good, sometimes, because you have a chance to know what’s right.

100. Yes, you are not always right, but everyone has an opinion, and it’s not a crime to express yours.

101. You are not always right, but don’t be too hard on yourself. No one knows everything. No one is always right.

102. It’s impossible to always be right. The more you try to always be right, the more likely you are to fail.

103. No one is right all the time. When we are wrong, let’s admit it, apologize if we have to, learn from it and move on.

104. You’re never perfect. Nobody else is either. It’s okay if you make mistakes. It’s better than being perfect all the time!

I’m glad it was I who brought these beautiful quotes to use to say that someone is not always right to you. I hope you love them as much as I hoped you would.

Do you have some time to spare? If yes, I suggest you surf around this blog a little. There are many helpful collections of you are not always right quotes here for you. And if you don’t mind, please share this article with your friends. I’ll be glad if you do.

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