Father’s Day Congratulations Messages and Quotes

Father’s Day is an occasion to thank the man that helped you build your base and learn life lessons. This is a special day for dads. The father plays an important role in a child’s development. He plays a crucial role in his child’s life – as a provider, teacher, friend and protector.

Father’s Day, in many countries celebrated on the third Sunday of June, is a day when fathers are recognized for their important role in the family. The day is frequently associated with gift-giving and various kinds of celebrations.

Great fathers are not superheroes. They are flawed individuals who are far from perfect. They are human. Although they may have flaws, children will learn to appreciate them for their effort and love for them.

I’m sure you are here because you found it necessary to show your father some love and appreciation by congratulating him on Father’s Day. Well, that’s thoughtful and I commend you for that.

However, to make it quite easier for you, I have arranged here, the best father’s day congratulations messages and quotes for you to use. Carefully go through and pick one or more for the man you call father!

Daddy, having you as a dad is one thing I am so proud of. You are my supporter, my hero, my best friend and a hardworking man. I love you and wish you many feats in life. Congratulations today as we celebrate this father’s day.

1. To the most incredible dad in the world, I hope life is treating you right. You have been there for me my whole life, and you have always made me feel loved. Thank you so much for being a great father to me, even when things were hard. I love you so much! Congratulations today!

2. Happy Father’s Day to my wonderful father. I love you more than anything and I’m so grateful for your willingness to learn and grow. Thank you for always loving me unconditionally, for always making me the priority, and for always being patient with my endless questions. You are an amazing role model to look up to. Congratulations, my dear dad!

3. Happy Father’s day to my father who has done so much for my family. I am so thankful to him for always supporting me in anything I do and always being a good example to me. Thanks, dad!

4. I hope you have the happiest Father’s Day! You always gave me so much support and strength. I am so proud of the man you have become. Congratulations on your newest achievement. I love you so much, dad.

5. You are the best father I could ever ask for. You give me all the love, support, and gentleness that I could ever want. Thank you for making me the wonderful man that I am.

6. I say this every year and I will say it again; You are the most wonderful dad in the world! You make me so proud and I love you so much. I hope you have a great life.

7. Hi dad, thank you for giving me and my siblings a loving household and for always being there to love and support us… I love you so much and I wish u long life.

8. Happy Father’s Day! I love you so much and would never change anything about the man I call “Dad.” You have been a wonderful father, grandfather and great-grandfather. You taught me how to care for people and helped me become a better person. Congratulations to you this day!

9. You are the best dad in the world! You are always with us doing what you can. I know sometimes it gets to be too much with the kids and all, but I wouldn’t change anything about you with all your hard work. You are always looking out for everyone; you’ve raised us very well!

10. Your sons are lucky that you have learned to love them unconditionally. Through the years, I have grown to see you as a wonderful caring father. You are an amazing man, my hero. I am so proud to call you my dad. I love you more than words can say.

11. The best thing about you is that you do anything for me and vice versa. Keep ageing with grace, dad! Congratulations on this father’s day.

12. You are the most amazing father that I know. You’re always looking out for your family and treating us like we’re all one big happy family, and it is because of you that we feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I love you with all my heart.

13. I am very proud of my dad on Father’s Day! He is such a great Dad and is such an amazing person. I love you, daddy! I pray you to grow old with good health. You are the best father I could imagine. Thank you for everything you do! We love you.

14. I’m still your little boy and we hardly know each other. But we grew up fast and we learned the true meaning of love, friendship and family in such a short time. Thank you for this amazing gift of life and thank you for showing me what unconditional love really is.

15. Happy Father’s Day to my dad. I love you so much! I want to thank you for being the best dad a girl could ever have. I hope one day I will be as good a parent as you are, dad. I am so happy to have you as my dad. You’re the best dad ever.

16. I love you, dad, and I want you to know that. Heart of mine, I love you so much. I’ve always seen your heart for the good of others and it has always amazed me. The way you take care of everyone around you is exactly how you should do things. You are my favourite person in the whole world.

17. Oh dad, I wish things could be just like they were last year. I miss our trips and vacations to the local zoo. But despite those things I know you love me even now that you have a young daughter to share those memories with. So now you can take care of her and let me take care of your little princess. Happy father’s day.

18. You are the BEST dad ever! I’m so glad to have you around to teach me all the things I never had the chance to learn. You are my hero! I love you, dad and happy father’s day.

19. Here’s to the day, the days are long, but the good thing is they’re all mine. I am incredibly blessed to have you here with me. You are my inspiration, my guardian angel, my hero. I love you, dad. Happy father’s day!

20. I wish I could give you a big hug and say that you deserved the Father’s day wishes. I can’t do that but I can tell you how much we love you and the impact we have on each other. I know for our entire life, you will always be there to look after me, protect me and love me unconditionally no matter what happens. I hope your life is filled with tons of happiness, love and joy always.

21. Happy Father’s Day. You are the best father in the world, and I know I am so lucky to be your little girl! I love you so much! You are my protector, provider, teacher, counsellor, protector, friend. I couldn’t have asked for a better father to have! Love you, dad.

22. I am so proud of you. You have been a dad to three kids for many years now, and I love you as if you were my own Dad. I am so proud of who you are as a person, as a father and as a best friend. I love you!

23. I love you so much. I am so proud of you and what you’ve accomplished in your lifetime and will continue to accomplish. You love me and you’re the best dad in the world and I’m so glad we get to spend our days together. I couldn’t ask for a better father and grandfather.

24. Dear, dad, I hope you have a great Father’s Day. You always give me the best advice and always make me laugh. Thanks for all the milk and cookies on birthdays! Love, your son.

25. You are the best dad ever. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You are so supportive, loving, honest, and hard-working. No matter how hard life seems I’ve always felt protected when around you. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are definitely one of a kind. Thanks for making me the woman I am today.

26. Dad you know how much I love you and miss you every day, and I know we will be together again someday. All my love forever and always. Thank you for being my Dad. You are amazing and I love you so much! Thanks for all the things you do for me, especially letting me pick your brain.

27. You are my hero. I know how hard it is to keep up with the kids and the house, but you always manage to put a smile on our faces. Thank you for everything. You are my dad and biggest supporter through everything life has thrown at us (and I’m sure there will be more). I love you Dad!

28. I’m grateful for each and every day that we’ve been together as a family. You are such a great husband to me and I can’t wait to see what the future holds! The only thing I want for us is a little bit of happiness, love and a lifetime of family.

29. I’m writing to you to congratulate you on father’s day. You are the best dad. I wish you could be here to celebrate the day with us, but I love having our family traditions. Always remember how important it is to make more memories than you miss!

30. I love you more at every waking moment, every night and during the day. You are my hero and I’m proud to be your son. Every painful struggle has made me all the more grateful for what we have. Happy Father’s Day to you.

31. I’m so happy that I got to be your son. Watching you grow up and watch you with our family we love you so much! Happy Father’s Day! Although I may not be as organized as you, Dad, you have been the best father a girl could ask for.

32. When I was very young I depended on you to help me figure out everything from what clothes to wear to first dates. With every passing year, you prove why your wife picked such a great guy! You are a wonderful man and it is an honour to be your daughter. I love you so much!

33. Thank you for being the best father I’ve ever had. You are always there for me and my siblings, with open arms and a big heart. Thank you for your hard work, your patience and your love. I love you with all my heart!!!

34. I want to say thank you for all the hard work you put in to make sure I was taken care of and loved. You always try to put others before yourself and you set such a great example for me. I love you, dad!

35. I am so very proud of you. You are my father, my best friend, my biggest fan, and now the grandfather to my 2 boys. I hope you are doing great today with your health. You have done so much for us and our family, so I hope you know how much we care about you. Happy Father’s Day dad!

36. I am so proud of you today! I love how hardworking, patient and loving your job is. I love the proud father you are when you read me stories before bed or when we go to visit my grandma. You have been a great dad to me and have taught me many important things.

37. I am really glad you no longer drink and watch football instead we can spend time together and laugh and enjoy each other. Thank you for teaching me to never give up and always do my best no matter what happy father’s day.

38. You are one in a million. You are an amazing father, husband, brother, and friend. I couldn’t ask for a better father than you! I love you more than words can tell.
Happy Father’s Day to my awesome dad. I love you so much, I hope your day is the best ever.

39. I love you Dad. I am so glad you are my dad! We have so many memories, and each of them brings me so much joy. Thank you for trying to help me on this big journey I’m on. You do everything you can for me, and I see that every day. You are my hero.

40. Happy Father’s day dad you are the best father in the world. I know how hard it is to be a father. but you are always there for me when I need you… thank you for being here through all my tears. Thank you for working hard, even when I didn’t. Though life is tough at times I know that I have you. When things get hard, I can count on you for support, trust and love.

A father is a blessing by nature. You have been a fantastic father, friend and caregiver. You have brought so much joy into my life that I have no words to describe just how grateful I am. Thanks for being you, dad! I wish you better years ahead. Congratulations and happy father’s day.

41. I love you, my dad, so much and I couldn’t imagine a day without you. My life wouldn’t be complete without your smile, your jokes and how much you love me. I know we all have bad days, but it would never be the same without you. Thank you for being the wonderful father that you are. Happy father’s day!

42. You taught me things about life that I never thought I would learn and you have given me the greatest gift of all. You have shown me what real love is and it has brought tears to my eyes. Please live your life to its fullest and know that you will always be the centre of my world, even while we are apart. Thank you, dear dad.

43. I love you, papa, I miss you so much I can’t wait till you get home. You will be so happy to see me and that’s what is most important. Thank you, daddy, for being the best father a girl could ever have. Congratulations on this father’s day.

44. I am happy for you, dad, I am so happy to have parents who are so in love. Take care of my mom cause she is the best mom ever! Happy father’s day, dad.

45. Happy father’s day, my friend, my father, my playmate and my mentor. Thank you for all you do, wish you the very best.

46. You have been a great father to me and I am proud that I am your son. You have taught me so many things that I know that I will use in the future. You have been a wonderful example for me and you make me glad that we are able to spend time together. You are my hero and always will be!

47. To the man who has created me, the man who has encouraged me, the man who has taught me, the man who has loved me. The most important person in my life. I get to share every single day with you, all of this makes you my ultimate hero! Happy Father’s Day!!

48. I hope that your heart is saved, that you are loved and that you grow old with the love of family. Keep loving others as much as you do, especially those who love you back. Have fun today. Have fun tomorrow. Have fun forever.

49. Thank you for all your love and support. You are a great father and I am so lucky to have you as my dad. Happy Father’s Day!
You are the best father in the world. Thank you for everything you do for us.

50. I have been very blessed to have a father that has always been there for me. Whenever I feel down or lonely I know you are always there for me to help me through it. All the times we have spent together have been so fun and I look forward to spending more time with you in the future. I love you, daddy – Happy Father’s Day.

51. I am the luckiest woman alive to have you as my dad. You are kind, generous, good-natured, you are the best daddy I could ask for. Happy Father’s Day, Dad!

52. You are the best dad in the world. I am so lucky to have you as a dad. Happy Father’s Day! Hope you have a wonderful day, we love you.

53. I love you. I love you. I love you. I’ve always loved you. I know it seems like it’s never enough but know that there will never be enough space in my heart for all the things you do for me so thank you. You are the best dad in the world and always will be, not goodbye, just come home soon.

54. I wish for you to always continue your journey and make it safely to the finish line! I also want to thank you for all the things you have done for me over the years, from being a great dad to being my hero. I am so proud of you, Dad!

55. Dad, you don’t know but I want to tell you how much you mean to me. Since the day I was born, I have been amazed by your strength and confidence. You could do anything and still go home happy. You always set the right example for all of us, and we miss your smile every day. Happy birthday!

56. Dad, you are my hero. You work so hard just to keep food on the table for me and my two sisters. I know you would do anything for us and that is why I will do it for you. You always give me advice but not once have you ever let me down. I love you so much, dad!

57. Happy Father’s Day to the best dad ever! Thanks for all the lessons and love and support you pass on to me and my brothers. You make me so happy! Congratulations

58. Dear Dad, I wish to say “Happy Father’s Day” and “thank you” for everything you do for us. I hope you like the card. Congratulations, Dad.

59. I love you, dad. You are always there for me, you never fail to surprise me, and I am so grateful that I have you as my dad. Thank you for being the man that you are. I hope your day is full of memories of us dancing together.”

60. I love you more than anything in the world. I can’t believe you are my father. You are so amazing, I don’t think I could ever find anyone better. Our time together is what makes life wonderful, I truly cherish our time. Happy father’s day!

61. You are the strongest man I know. You are so good to me and do so much for us. It is so amazing to see all your fatherly qualities act out in our daily lives. I love you so, so much.

62. You are my favourite person in this world. I’m so happy to be your son, and long to be there for you. With every task, every goal, every problem, I wish I could make it perfect because knowing that you love me is all that matters. You are the most fun person who loves life with all your heart. I love you, dad. Congratulations on this day!

63. It takes a special man to take care of a young woman. You stayed by my side and supported me through my hard times. I can look at you with pride knowing that you showered me with love and affection. I’m fortunate to have such a kind, loving and caring father. God bless you!

64. You’re a great father. I love you no matter what you do. Because you’re a good, dad, I am a good son. I also love you unconditionally, no matter how hard it is. I am so proud of you. I love you, dad.

65. You give me so much more than you ever know! I couldn’t be happier today than I was the day you came into my life. This year may be another year of happiness, but I can already tell it will be another year of love. Congratulations on this day!

66. Congratulations! I am so happy to have a dad who loves me so completely, and an amazing wife who is the best caretaker in the world. You deserve so much love it’s not even funny. Happy Father’s day!

67. We have been through so much in our lives, but I have never seen you happier. I regret so much of the things I did when younger which caused so much pain. I am grateful for our time together these past few years especially since my mom passed away. You are truly the best dad in the world. Congratulations on this father’s day.

68. You are my hero and the best father I could ask for. I won’t let anything get in our way, so no matter what happens, I will be there for you, always. Happy Father’s Day, daddy.

69. Congratulations to you, congratulations to us. It’s the greatest day of your life. I love you, daddy.

70. Happy Father’s Day to my favourite man! You are an amazing father and husband and I am so proud of everything you do. I love you more every day and can’t wait to be your little girl.

I’m so thankful for all you have done for me and so happy that I can keep doing it with you by my side. You are the best dad I could ever ask for and no amount of time will separate us. I wish you more years of happiness and good health. Congratulations and happy father’s day.

71. You’ve been a wonderful father, husband and friend to our family. It is because of your love for our family that we all feel so loved, especially us kids. Thank you for all you do for us. You have a very special gift that you have been blessed with and I am so proud. I love you, Dad!

72. You are a wonderful father and a handsome man. You have a heart of gold and I’m sorry for all the things I said to you over the years. I love you dearly dad. We all miss you so much.

73. Happy Father’s Day to my dad. You are an amazing father to me. I am so thankful for everything you do for me, and I love you so much. You are my hero & best friend, and I will never stop loving you.

74. I am so proud of you, dad. You are always there for me. You have been through so much and have been a great father to our family. I love you, Papa! Happy father’s day to you.

75. Happy Father’s Day to my dad. I love you so much and I am so thankful that we found each other. You were always there for me when I needed it the most, and now that I need you the most you are here for me. THANK YOU!

76. I really truly appreciate all your hard work with your children. For a parent not to have the greatest of dreams for their kids is always a disappointment that I know must sting. You have taught us well and our lives have been transformed. Just know that I am very proud of you.

77. I love and appreciate you more than words could ever express. I am extremely proud to be your son. You are such a strong and dedicated person and it has been such a pleasure getting to know you over the past few years. I look forward to spending time together and laughing, growing old together. Happy Father’s Day Big hug.

78. I love you Dad. We came from different walks of life, but together we have created something beautiful. I am so proud of you and the man you are turning into. You are my hero and best friend, and I couldn’t ask for a better husband or father. So thanks dad for giving me the world!!

79. You are an amazing father and I am so lucky to call you dad. Thanks for all your hard work and for always being there for me. I love you and thank you for loving and raising me the way you did. Happy Father’s Day!

80. You are an amazing Dad and I am so glad that you came into my life. I wish our relationship could last the rest of my life. You brought me more love, joy and happiness than anyone could ever imagine. I love you Dad!

81. I am really happy that you are my dad. As the days go by I keep loving you more and more. I hope you can find it in your heart to love me back as much as I cherish you. I know you are a hard-working man, who works long hours. You deserve the best.

82. I love you Dad. You are such a great man and yet somehow manage to make me bring out the wild side in you! When I look at the face of my father I see a handsome man who is strong, smart, handsome, loving and caring. I love all your many wonderful qualities, Dad. I am so lucky to have you in my life.

83. I hope you know how much I love and admire you. I want you to know that I am so proud of the man you are, and I love to hear all the stories about the amazing man you used to be. You’re a great man, and an amazing father and husband. You deserve everything good in life!

84. How can I summarize my bond with you? You’ve been a father figure to me my entire life. You’ve been a loving dad, a supportive husband and a great inspiration for many young aspiring writers. You have an incredible heart and never cease to amaze us. I am so lucky to have you as a dad. Congratulations and happy father’s day!

85. You were the best father ever. I know that some fathers aren’t like that, but you were. You taught me about sports and raised me to be the man I am today. Thanks for everything you have done for me.

86. Best wishes to my father today. Happy father’s day to my dad!

87. I am so proud of you, I’m sure you already know this. Thank you for all you do. It’s because of you that I get to see my dad. You are the reason I am here today and I couldn’t be luckier. You are my best friend and family and the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you!

88. You’re are my hero. You have never once failed at anything. Your sacrifices mean the world to me, and I am so proud of you! Congratulations and happy father’s day!

89. I love you. dad, you are my best friend. I’m so happy to see your smile every day. You make me laugh and smile, and I can’t imagine my life without you. Thank you for all of the love and support throughout. I am so proud of the father you are!

90. I love you Dad. you make my world a better place and I am so proud to be your daughter. Happy Father’s Day from your beloved family.

91. Dad, you are such an amazing father and husband. You do such a great job at both of your roles! I love you dearly and am so lucky to have the guy I call dad. Thank you for all you do for me and my sister! I love you

92. Congratulations, dad! I hope your grandchildren will always remember your stories of school, hockey games and cars. You can be proud of what you accomplished and that is all I want for you.

93. Everyone has a special someone in their lives. I love you dad, thanks for being my favourite. You are not only an amazing father but also an amazing man. Love you!

94. Congratulations to you on the day of father’s day. Though it is hard for me to imagine not being born, I’m so glad that at least, one of my fathers was here with me on your special day. I love you as much as you do.

95. I am proud to be your son. I hope you own as many as you deserve as I own plenty of them! I love you, dad, and will always be here for you if you ever need a shoulder or a friend.

96. I loved you long before becoming your daughter. You are everything to me. You’re my best friend and I love you, I am so thankful you are celebrating father’s day.

97. I would have been so lost without you in my life. You’ve been so patient and kind with the boys all these years. I love you, daddy, I know we’re going to be friends for a long time.

98. Happy Father’s Day to the best dad in the world. You are my baby, best friend, confidant and most reliable man. I love you more than anything.

99. I am proud to call you my father. I hold you all the time in the highest regard, and I know that this is what you set out last Christmas. That is why I wanted to share today’s love with every member of the family because they too are part of this celebration!

100. Because you are the best dad in the world, I wish you more life. Thank you for always reminding me of who I am for making good decisions. I love you, dad and happy father’s day.

One of the greatest joys of a father is to have the children grow well to appreciate his efforts. Father’s Day is a great opportunity to feed his expectations. That is why you have the best congratulations wishes here for your dear dad on Father’s Day.

He will only feel fulfilled and your relationship will only get better when you celebrate him with one or more of the wishes. I hope you already found the one(s) that ticks the box for you. Kindly let me know in the comments!

Want to share this post with loved ones? You are free to do that. Father’s deserve to be shown, love.


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