Congratulations on Your Graduation Messages for Cousin

A graduation is a major event, so it’s important to be there for your family members or write down your feelings, wishes and congratulations for them, wherever you happen to be. This will surely help your loved ones and friends feel proud and move on with their lives and career.

Attending a graduation ceremony can be one of the most exhilarating and memorable experiences for you and your family.

When your cousin becomes a graduate, you want to make sure he or she knows how proud you are by sending them some congratulatory messages.

It could be graduation from high school or college and then you’ll want to send some congratulation wishes for high school graduation or congratulations wishes for college graduation. It could even be that they just got PhD degree, and then, you’ll be considering some congratulations wishes for PhD degree graduation.

Whether it is a skill acquisition graduation or the likes, this is a beautiful time in your cousin’s life. Let everyone know that you’re proud and happy for their accomplishments. And you can do that with the awesome collection of congratulations on your graduation messages for cousin here. Just copy and send.

Graduation is a big deal and certainly not the last, so I want to wish you good luck in your future. This is only the beginning of something great for you. How do I know? Because you are wonderful and amazing! Be proud, enjoy this day. Congrats, dear cousin.

1. I am so proud of you for making it through college and getting your degree! You inspire me to carry on and finish school as well. You are such a special person and I wish you nothing but happiness. I hope you know how much you mean to me, and if there is anything I can ever do for you, let me know. Congratulations, dear cousin.

2. I’m so proud of you! You are the smartest, most talented person I know. You are like my daughter! Congratulations on your hard work and good luck in your new life. I love you to the moon and back.

3. High school is officially over! I hope you had a great senior year and that prom was amazing. I wish you the best of luck with all your future plans. I love you so much and am so proud to call you my cousin. Good luck!

4. Congratulations on graduating from college. I hope no matter what path you take in life that it brings you happiness and success. You are an amazing person and I can’t wait to see where life takes you.

5. I am so proud of you, honoured to call myself your cousin. Over the years, I’ve watched you persevere through challenges. I know that you will go on to do great things. Thank you for all of your love and support through the years. I love you! Congrats!

6. As you walk down the aisle, I want to say thank you for always believing that I could do it! You will succeed in life and you will be successful. I love you and I am so proud of you. Congrats!

7. You are the best cousin ever! I am so proud of you! You have accomplished so much in your life. Remember it’s not the end, but a milestone for new wonderful beginnings. I love you. Congrats!

8. Congratulations, you deserve it. I’m so proud of you for sticking with it and never giving up. You are one of the strongest people I know, you are the shining star that has shown me what family is all about. I only wish the best for you; happiness forever!

9. I am so proud of you. I am honoured to share this milestone with you. I know your future is bright, and this is only the beginning! May God lead you every step of the way! You will always be my little cousin, but you are growing up fast! Love you.

10. I wish you love, health and happiness always! I promise that even though you are leaving the nest, I will still keep you close to my heart. Love Always. Congrats on your graduation!

11. You made it! Congratulations, sweetie pie. I am so proud of you. Congratulations on your graduation. You did it. You worked so hard and made it through.

12. I am so proud of you and I know this is only the beginning of great things ahead for you. I am so honoured to call you my cousin and best friend. I love you, always and forever. Now we just have to get that boy of yours to graduation.

13. You are the greatest achievement I am most proud of in my life. You are an amazing human being and your accomplishments make me so very happy. I am so grateful to be here at this moment watching you get your diploma! Keep fighting like you always do you are destined for great things.

14. My dearest cousin, I am so proud of you. You are an amazing young lady whose success in school and life is only the beginning of many great accomplishments. I cannot begin to express how much joy your presence brings me daily.

15. I know that the future holds wonderful things for you because you are such a hard worker and can do anything that you set your mind to. Keep up the hard work and your dreams will soon be a reality. So happy for you.

16. No words can express the joy I have knowing that you have accomplished this great milestone. I am so proud of everything you have done and have the utmost faith that the best is yet to come.

17. To my cousin as she finishes school and goes on to do great things. The world is now your oyster. You have a bright future that I know you will reach for. I wish you all the best as you embark on adulthood, I’m proud of you and always will be.

18. As you take this next step in life, always remember how much we love and support you. I am so proud of the woman you have become, and I love you.

19. Growing up, we always knew you would go far in life. Remember, the same way we pushed each other in the playground, we will continue to push each other through this next chapter of your life. You are destined for success and you will make your family and the world proud.

20. You have grown so much in the last four years, and so have I. Love you, cousin! Keep being a do-gooder and a role model for future generations! Love.

I am so proud of you and couldn’t wait for us to celebrate your graduation. When we were 5 years old, I never knew all the fun we would go on to have over the next 18 years. I’m glad we are here today and I wish you greater feats in life. Happy graduation and congratulations, dear cousin!

21. I am so proud of you! You have been through so much in life and have always been an inspiration to me. You always help me when I am feeling low and lift me up with your words of encouragement.

22. In this life we will always have each other no matter what. I promise you that I will always love you and be with you in every way possible. I love you cousin.

23. I’m proud of you sweetie. You worked so hard for this day and now you’ve earned another star to hang on your dream board! I’m so proud to call you my cousin, never forget how special you are.

24. Just remember, every time you walk across the stage, or if you ever make it big, or if you ever buy an island somewhere far far away..I’ll always be here to remind you that the sky is the limit.

25. I’m so proud of you We had some pretty big expectations for you when we first laid eyes on you. That very first moment we took one look at you and just knew that you were going to be someone who made some serious waves in this world.

26. With graduation and an exciting future ahead of you, it’s time for you to spread your wings and really fly. You have helped me through the wonderful times and the not so wonderful.

27. I wish you all the happiness and all the success that your heart desires. I love you and I am so proud of you, you did it! wish you the best.

28. You graduated and you can finally get started on all the great things you want to do in life. It is such an accomplishment and I can’t wait to see what amazing things life has in store for you. Your parents and I love you more than words could ever express.

29. Each day has gone by fast, but you also have grown up so incredibly fast! It seems like yesterday we were in the delivery room and now we are here with you getting ready to graduate from high school. Congratulations! Best wishes!

30. I am so proud of you! You never gave up on your dream to succeed in life, thanks for being my shining star. You are an inspiration to everyone around you.

31. Everyone thought I had lost it when they found out about my gambling addiction, but thanks to you I have turned my life into something great. I promise next time I see you I will give you the biggest hug ever! Congrats, cousin.

32. I’m so proud of you. Every time I see your face, I smile. You are my cousin, my friend, and God’s gift to me. We have had the best times together ever since we were kids. Your happiness makes me grateful to have you in my life. I’ll love you forever. Congratulations on this day!

33. I am so proud of you and how far you have come. I still remember when we were kids, I would play with you for hours on end. Even though you were the youngest cousin everyone loved your spunky attitude and it has paid off today. Congratulations!

34. You were always different from the others, but it was a difference that made you the wonderful man that stands before us today. I will never forget all the good times we shared growing up and where our paths will take us in the future. Congratulations on your graduation!

35. I don’t know where I would be today if not for the love and support you gave me over the years. You are like a father to me and I don’t know how I will ever thank you for all you have done. I love you with all my heart and will always be there for you. The best is still to come. Congrats!

36. When I’m lying in bed, thinking about life and its uncertainty, one thing I do know is that I will always have a special place in my heart for you. Love you so much and wish you happy graduation.

37. I love you. I’m proud of you. I’m glad to call you my cousin. Today is the greatest day of your life. I’m so proud of you. A lot of love from your aunty.

38. You are one of the hardest workers that I know and that’s exactly what you needed to be to reach this milestone! I couldn’t be happier for you, congratulations to you.

39. You have been a positive influence on me and I cannot wait to see what you will accomplish in the years to come. You have positively influenced me in many ways. You can tell we care about each other very much. Congratulations on your graduation!

40. I am so proud of you! I never doubted you, and I knew one day you would reach your goal. I am thrilled to be with you on this journey and to watch it all unfold. Here’s to the next chapter, the biggest yet!

I cannot begin to express to you how proud I am of you and everything you have accomplished. You will always be my little cousin and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. I love you and congratulations on your graduation, now go make us all proud.

41. I want to take this time to congratulate you on your graduation and becoming a doctor. You will go on and do amazing things in the world, I could not be prouder of you.

42. God has blessed us all with such an amazing person as you. Keep smiling and smile at the world as much as you smile at me as you head off to your life as a doctor.

43. I can’t believe you are graduating today! I am very proud of you. I have never seen anyone work so hard for something in my life. You are the smartest person I know so I know your success will continue.

44. Thank you for being such a great friend and cousin, it means so much to me. The world has no idea what kind of person they have waiting for them out there, but they are definitely missing out on something wonderful! Stay strong and keep Fighting. Congratulations!

45. I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished in college. For a little while, it felt like you were away from me, but I’m glad I get to see you now that you are going to be in town for a bit. Congratulations!

46. You always have been a great person and have always made smart decisions. Keep up the good work, and start thinking about what school you want to go to next.

47. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished. I love you to the moon and back, you are my hero. You are one of the strongest people I know. I’m very excited to see what the future holds for you. Love

48. Hey beautiful! I am one proud cousin! I’m so glad you are getting an amazing education, and that you are following your dreams. You are my best friend, and this is only the beginning. I am forever proud of you.

49. I don’t know if I told you yet that I love you, but I do. You are such a sweet person and your heart is so big. I just hope that you find love in your life and that you never give up on your dreams. I am so happy to be one of the few people who get to call you my family. You mean so much to me and we share this very special bond.

50. No one is more intelligent, kind and beautiful than you. As a child, I thought you were perfect and now as a woman you still are. All your hard work, dedication and devotion to your passions have paid off ten-fold. It’s been a pleasure growing up with you and I am so proud of the woman that you have become.

51. I’m so proud of you! We have come a long way in the last 34 years, but never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that you’d be graduating with a degree in Mechanical Engineering! You were always gifted when it came to figuring out how things work, but I have always marvelled at how you are able to bring together all the pieces. Congratulations!

52. I am so proud of you. You have been through a lot in your short time here on earth and I know you will be successful no matter what you choose to do with your future. We may be a long way away but I promise to visit often and support every dream that you follow. Love you, my little cousin.

53. I have had more fun with you these last four seasons than any other of my cousins. There are so many great memories that I will treasure for life. I can’t wait to see what life has in store for you. Good luck in your future endeavours, may they lead you to endless happiness. I am so proud of you, cousin.

54. I remember when you were at my wedding, little did I know that someday soon I would be planning your wedding. I hope you know how proud I am of you and the love you share with your spouse. May your love continue to grow and flourish. You are both amazing people. Congratulations!

55. So proud of you! Love you so much. I have always wanted to help you with your responsibilities, duties, and obligations. You are my better half, my lucky star, my soul mate, my kindred spirit, my best buddy.

56. As you finally graduate from University, please know that I am very proud of you. And even though we don’t live close by and, we don’t get to see each other as much as we used to, I love you and wish for your success and happiness.

57. I am so happy and proud of you. I know you will go far in your new career and will be an amazing success. You have such a kind heart and always put others first, inspiring me to do the same. I love you more each day that we continue life on this earth together. Congratulations, sweetie on graduating! Love always.

58. I am so proud of you. It’s been such a long journey and I couldn’t be happier to see you walk across that stage! I know that you have worked so hard to get here, but I just want to tell you how much it means to me that you are graduating! You are one of the most amazing people I have ever known! With your enthusiasm, love for life, and determination to succeed.

59. 20 years ago you were born, I said congratulations! You have graduated from high school! Congratulations! You have just taken your first steps into the big wide world! It was a long journey but you did it!!! Congratulations, my love upon becoming an adult. May you have many life successes ahead of you. Love, your cousin.

60. I can’t express to you how proud I am of you. You have worked hard your whole life to get to this point and words cannot convey how proud I am of you. You deserve all the joy and happiness in the world, and knowing you will be going out into the real world fills me with pride. I know you will do great things! I love you.

I want you to know that I have been so proud of you these last few years. You have grown into a beautiful, mature well-rounded, kind, and oh so attractive grown-up lady! I love you and can’t wait to see what comes next for you. I wish you the best and say congratulations, dear cousin.

61. You are the best cousin ever! I am so proud of you and excited to see what the future holds for you. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. I know your strength comes from your family, so thank you for showing me what unconditional love really means.

62. I’m so proud of you, I couldn’t have a better cousin! I love you more than words can possibly say. You are a beautiful, smart and amazing woman and I wish you great success in your future. I hope to one day be as successful as you are.

63. I am so proud of you. There are no words to express how happy I was to see you walking across the stage. You have worked so hard over the years and now it is time to celebrate.

64. As you navigate through your future, always remember that I love you and am always here for you. I am so proud of the wonderful person that you are and the great things to come in your life.

65. You will do great things in life, I can tell already. You are one of the most intelligent people I know. One day I will move out of your way. But until then, I will cheer you on as you hit every milestone because my happiness is simply too great! My success is bound with yours…always remember. Congratulations!

66. Hooray! I couldn’t be any prouder of you. You have all the potential in the world and your success is just a matter of time. Your ability to face adversity head-on has made you a stronger person and I love that about you.

67. I hope you know that I am here for anything you might need because, in return, I want to make sure I can carry you along when your life seems unmanageable.

68. Where have you been all my life? I have never felt these feelings before. I love you with all my heart, you are the greatest love of my life. I promise to never hurt you, to cherish our love till death do us part.

69. I couldn’t be happier for you. We have always been the closest, and I feel so blessed to have a cousin who feels like a sister to me. I can’t wait for this new adventure that is just beginning! Congratulations on your degree and your future! I love you so much! You will be successful beyond your wildest dreams.

70. I am so proud of you! I know you were nervous about your graduation, but you did it. You are finally out on your own now which is very exciting. Every time I visit your apartment I will be amazed at what you can do, all by yourself. It’s amazing to see how strong and independent you are now. Congratulations!

71. I wish I could be there tomorrow to see you graduate, but I will be thinking of you. I hold you in my prayers every day and will do my best to send lots of love your way. May God give you all the strength you need to follow His plan, and may He lead you towards the future that He has planned for you.

72. You are the best cousin in the whole world. I always wanted to get you out of anything you were in so you could live better. But, you did it. You graduated, and I couldn’t be happier. May all your dreams come true, and may God watch over you always.

73. On this special day, I would like to say congratulations. Graduate school is an accomplishment that only the highest level students get the chance to experience. You are graduating with honours. I am so proud of you and I know you will go down in history as one of the greatest. Congratulations.

74. What I love most about you is your passion and the fact that you always see the good in people. You strive to continue to grow and learn, and for this, I am very proud of you. Have a wonderful time in college and keep working hard! I love you.

75. I am so proud of you and all of the hard work you put into achieving your goals. You deserve all the happiness that comes with this accomplishment! Life will never be the same, but only better from here. Congratulations once again. I love you.

75. There are so many things I want to say to you. I have thought about this moment for so long. You have grown into an incredible woman. I couldn’t be more proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished.

76. So here goes a new adventure for you! May all the best things in the world happen to you. Congratulations on your graduation!

77. I’m so proud of you! Every time I think about your ivy league degree I get all choked up. I can’t wait to see what amazing things you will do in the future. Have some fun this summer but don’t forget to study some math. You know how much I love you.

78. You have accomplished a lot over the years. From getting your first job to graduating from college, you have really grown up. I am so proud of everything you’ve done and wish you nothing but happiness in the future. I love you and hope that it is a great day for you.

79. Where did the time go? From a little boy to a man. Congratulations on graduating from high school and starting your college career. I am so proud of you and all that you have done! I love you and wish you nothing but the best in life.

80. You’ve got such a bright future ahead of you. I know you will do amazing things. You’re so smart and driven, and one of the most amazing people I know. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. But above all, if there is one thing I’m most happy about, it’s that my cousin is also my best friend! Love from your favourite auntie.

81. You are one of the most amazing people I know. When you were born I fell in love with you, and nine years later I am still in awe of the person you’ve become. You carried yourself with such grace and strength throughout your college career and I couldn’t be more proud to call you my cousin. May all your dreams come true.

82. Today is a special day because you are officially graduated. I’m so proud of you! You have always been a bright light in my life. You are one of the best things to have ever come into my life. I am so happy that I get to share this joyous moment with you.

83. To the world’s best cousin, you proved your disability in no way hinders your ability to do anything in life. I am so proud of the young man you have become and wish you lots of love, laughter and happiness in everything you do. Remember to always stay true to yourself and remember who you really are! I love you with all my heart.

84. Well I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately. I was just doing a job search and stumbled across your name. I hope this email finds you well. I know you’ve been busy graduating from college, but, I could use your help if you find the time.

85. You are one of the most amazing men I know. I admire everything about you, everything you do and everything you will do. You are so intelligent, so smart, so capable and ahead of your time. I find great joy in having the luxury to watch you succeed. You will do many great things in your lifetime. Congrats!

86. I’m so proud of you! I can’t believe how far you’ve come and how far we have both grown since the first day I met you. You are an amazing person, inside and out. You are truly one of a kind. I hope this new chapter in your life brings you everything you want and more.

87. I remember the day you were born, seeing you for the first time, holding you in my arms. I will never forget the thrill of your first steps, your guiding hand through your youth. As you celebrate another year of life there are so many things I want to say. But here’s the gist of it all…. I love you.

88. I am so proud of you, you are the best. I love you with all my heart. I’m so happy that you are graduating. You will always be my baby cousin. I’m so proud of you and all the wonderful things you have accomplished in your life. Always remember that you can achieve anything with hard work and dedication.

89. Well, as some of you might know, today was the big day… my cousin graduated from high school! You’ve made the family proud and we couldn’t ask for a better cousin. We’re all very proud of you and we wish you only the best.

90. Your achievement is an inspiration to us all. I’m so proud of you and know that great things are in store for you as you embark on the next chapter of your life. It’s been such a pleasure watching you mature into such a strong, smart and compassionate person. Congratulations again and we love you.

91. I just love you so much and I wish that we could see each other more than we do. I am so proud of you and I know that you will be a great success. I love you to the moon and back, here is a little gift, as well as this heartfelt card.

92. It has been so great to watch you grow up and become the amazing young woman you are today. I am so proud to call you my cousin, and I will always be there for you. Know that I love you so much!

93. I am so proud of you and all the wonderful opportunities and possibilities that await you! The world is your oyster. There is nothing that you can’t accomplish just please please – take care of yourself and be safe – I love you so much.

94. you are the best cousin, I could hope for. I’m so proud of you for finishing school, but even more proud of all the accomplishments you have made in your lifetime thus far. Good luck in whatever you choose to do next.

95. You are my beautiful cousin, intelligent and organized. I am so proud of you. No matter where life takes you, I hope you always make me proud. I love you to the moon and back.

96. Thank you for being a part of my life even though we are separated by distance. I am so proud of who you have become and thankful for your continued love and friendship. I hope you reminisce about the days spent with us because I will never forget any of them. You mean the world to me and I am happy to be your cousin.

97. It’s hard to believe that you’ve reached this milestone. We’ve grown up together and even though I won’t be there by your side when you cross the finish line, I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you… Wishing you all the best in life! I love you.

98. First of all, thank you for being an amazing person, cousin. I’ve said this before but it bears repeating. Your family is very lucky to have you. The world is lucky to have you. I am VERY lucky to have you in my life. Congratulations on your graduation!

99. I can’t believe I am sitting here watching you graduate. You are the first person in our family to ever even go to college; let alone get a degree! I’m sure hard work has paid off. We are all so proud of you for your achievement, but especially your parents. The future is yours now, and I know that you will be great.

100. Happy Graduation! We are so proud of you and we love you so much. I just know you will go far in life and I promise to support you every step of the way. Never doubt that we love you and your family is here for you every day.

I know that you’re looking forward to the big day for your cousin or the day is here already, but it can be tough to decide what to say.

No matter where you are if someone close to you is graduating, you’ll want to send him or her your best wishes, congratulations and more! Well, no stress on the right words to use anymore, the graduation wishes and quotes above cover it all. Kindly use them as you rejoice with your cousin.

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