You Make Me Feel Alive Quotes

Sometimes, love is so strong that it feels like there’s no room left in the heart to complete your sentences to that one who makes you feel alive; other times, the feeling seems to hit its low point. While each connection is different, what remains consistent is that when these moments hit their peak, they remind us how lucky we are to have these.

We can’t live forever and there’s a special kind of sadness in acknowledging that fact. On the other hand, there is something truly amazing about the people who make us feel alive. People like this are capable of opening our eyes to a whole new world, making us grateful for having known them; they give meaning to life.

People like this can be friends or lovers. While they live nearby or know you very well, they have this way of making you feel like you are the only person in the world. There’s a calmness which washes over you when they’re around. Most of your days begin and end with them on your mind. You find yourself doing things that don’t make sense to anyone but them because they’re fun and you enjoy spending time together.

It’s amazing how alive you feel when you’re in love. That’s what makes these you make me feel alive quotes so powerful. These are special words that reach into your core and bring about the best parts of you, inspiring you to give it your all each day.

You make me feel alive and you’re the best! I can’t tell you how much you mean to me. You make me feel alive with your special magic and make me laugh for hours on end. I love your sense of humour and your amazing personality. Don’t ever change.

1. When I’m with you, the world spins the way it’s supposed to. You make me feel alive; you give me hope. I love you so very much. I always will.

2. I love you more than words. I always want to be by your side. You make me feel like I’m alive.

3. I love you more than ever. I’m so happy we are together and that I’m the one that you open up to. It makes me feel alive, seeing your smile and hearing your voice. You’ve made everything seem brighter.

4. You make me feel alive. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m in love with your smile, your laugh, and everything about you. I’m glad you are in my life, and I hope we can make every day happy from now on.

5. You’re always there with your smile and sunshine. You give me a reason to get through another day. You’ve even helped me through some tough times. You make me feel alive. I’m so lucky to have you as a friend.

6. You make me feel alive. When I’m around you, my soul transforms into something beautiful, radiant and alive. Your personality connects instantly with mine like two puzzle pieces perfectly cut and carved together. Though stress may surround us and cause us to drift apart, you can always make everything okay.

7. Every time I see your face, I can’t help but smile. You have that effect on me. You make me feel alive every second we’re together, and in the moments we’re apart. You mean so much to me, and I’m so happy you are my boyfriend.

8. Babe, you make me feel alive. With you, I am truly happy. There is no other way to describe it. You have given me something special that could never come from anywhere else. You are always on my mind and in my heart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side.

9. I wanted to tell you that you make me feel alive and happy. I love everything about you, your smile, your laugh, your eyes, everything. You are the best man that I am so lucky to have in my life! I love you!

10. I love being your friend. You bring me so many wonderful things, joy and happiness is my favourite. You make me feel alive, and I am so lucky to have you in my life.

11. I am so glad to have you in my life. You bring me joy like nothing else. I’m so happy we met, it’s crazy how much our lives have changed since we did. I love that you are so adventurous, and always up for anything! You make me feel alive.

12. I love your bubbly personality and the way you shine your light on everything! You make me feel alive! I look forward to living life with you every day.

13. You make me feel alive as nothing else matters in the world. You are my drug, and I just don’t know how I can live without you.

14. My best friend, my companion, my better half. I can’t imagine what my life would be without you in it. You make me feel alive when everything else seems so dull and routine. I’m so glad we’ve crossed paths.

15. The days I spend with you are the happiest in my life. Every moment I spend with you and your family is precious to me, and I cherish them deeply in my heart. You make me feel alive.

16. You make me feel alive. Smiles, fun conversations, and sharing activities that we both love dearly bring us joy and make me feel alive again.

17. You’re the only person I want to come home to, the only one I want to talk to while lying in bed. You’re my best friend and the love of my life. You make me feel alive like nothing can touch me when I’m with you. My love for you is beyond anything I can express. All I can say is that I love you more than you’ll ever know.

18. You are the sweetest man I’ve ever met in my life. Your smile, your love, and your warmth are so addicting. You make my heart do flip-flops every time I see you. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, and there is no one that makes me feel as alive as you do.

19. You are my life! I can’t wait to see you and spend time together. You are such a wonderful person, and I couldn’t ask for anyone better. Thank you for making me feel alive. I love you with all my heart.

20. You make me feel alive. You are the yin to my yang, and without you, I would never know joy like this. I need you in my life, more than the air I breathe. You bring out the best in me, and I love you for that.

21. You make my life so much better, brighter, and happier. You make me feel alive. You are a light in the darkness that I am always grateful for. Thank you for being such an important part of my life!

22. I don’t know why you’re so amazing. You’ve always been there for me, listening to my problems, and there as a shoulder to cry on. I can’t help but smile when I’m with you. You make me feel alive.

23. Thank you for always being there to listen. Thank you for always making me smile, even when I don’t want to. Thank you for making me feel alive. Thank you for being such a positive voice in my life.

24. You make me feel alive, you make me feel like I matter. You bring light to my life that no one else can. You put a smile on my face and make me feel safe. I don’t know how you do it, but you’ve made all of my worries fade away. Good or bad, you’re always by my side through thick and thin.

25. I’m better with you than I ever thought I could be. You make me feel alive in a way I never have before. You’re everything to me, and every second spent with you is one that I treasure.

26. I honestly don’t know where I’d be right now if it weren’t for you. You make me feel alive like I mean something to somebody. That feeling is unexplainable, but it’s nice to know I can feel that way. Here’s to say what we truly feel!

27. I don’t know how you do it, but you make me feel alive in a way that nothing else can. I never thought it was possible to smile this much in one lifetime. You make the world a better place, and I’m so glad I found you.

28. You are the most amazing man that I have ever met and one of my best friends. Your smile brightens my day and your eyes soothe my soul. You bring joy to my life in more ways than you could ever know.

29. I can’t count the number of times you’ve brought me back from an emotionally dark place. You make me feel alive. You are always there for me no matter what, and I truly appreciate that. You’re more than just a friend to me.

30. You make me feel alive. I look forward to our evenings alone so much. You are the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for, and I love you more than words can say!

31. You are my heart, my soul. I will love you for the rest of my life, and I wouldn’t want to spend it with anyone else. You make me feel alive and I love looking into your blue eyes every morning and falling asleep next to you every day.

32. I love you. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat. You make me feel alive as if nothing else matters. When I am in your arms, nothing can bring me down. The love I feel for you can’t adequately be expressed with words.

33. Oh, babe. I love you so much. You make me feel alive and amazing in ways that I never knew existed. I can’t believe I have been lucky enough to find a guy like you! You are so amazing!

34. Every day I see your face, I smile. You make me feel so alive. You are amazing, smart, and beautiful. You have shown me such a happy life that I never had before. Every moment is golden with you.

35. How can someone’s mere presence make everything in life feel alright? I don’t know, but you do. Thank you for making me feel alive. Thank you for sending me your cuddles every day.

36. You make me feel alive and beautiful! I love your sweetheart, kindness, and everything about you. I love your hair the most; it’s the colour of the sun and smells like flowers. I just can’t get enough of you!

37. You make me feel alive like music plays when you walk into the room. You are so handsome and sweet, and I always have so much fun when we are together. I am blessed to share my life with you!

38. You make me feel so alive! I thank you for being a huge part of my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there to lean on and making me smile when I’m down and out.

39. You make me feel alive. You are always thinking about those around you, and it makes me think about doing the same. Thank you for giving me your strength, whether it’s physical or emotional, you give it all to me. Not because you have to, but because you want to.

40. You are so amazing. I am glad we can talk and hang out whenever you are free. One day, I hope we can be closer than ever. You make me feel alive in a way no one else could. Stay sweet, my friend.

41. You are so vibrant, loved, and special. It’s contagious, that sense of life you’ve got. I’m glad to have you in my life. You bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart. I just want to say thank you for being amazing!

42. All I have to do is think of you and my heart skips a beat. Every time you make me laugh, I feel that much closer to you. Having you in my life makes everything so much better. You make me feel alive.

43. I love you more than words can say. You’re the most amazing man I have ever known. I love being able to talk things through with you, and even when we don’t always agree, I know that we both want what’s best for each other. You make me feel alive in ways I never knew were possible, and I’m so grateful to have found you.

44. There is no one like you, and I feel so lucky to know you. You make me feel alive. You are fire in my blood. When I’m with you, there’s magic in the air. For you, each day would be Valentine’s Day!

45. I hope you have a fantastic day, I just wanted to say that we have been friends for some time now and I wanted to let you know that you make me feel alive. When I’m around you, there’s no one else in the world, it’s just you and me. Thanks a ton, man!

46. I want to thank you for everything you do. You make me feel alive. I am so glad we are friends. When I look into your eyes, I know we will be together forever.

47. We make a great team, and the best thing is that you love the little things like me singing off-key, and having my feet on your shoulders. I have never felt this way before about anyone, but now it feels so right to have you close by my side. You make me feel alive.

48. Hey, girl! So glad to talk to you. Thanks for calling me. You make me feel alive and wonderful. I wish that moment never ends. I want to make a million moments like this. It is an unforgettable special moment for me.

49. I feel alive when I’m with you. You make me smile, laugh, and butterflies come out of nowhere. It’s like I’m a kid again falling for the girl next door. That right there is my real life.

50. Every day you make me feel happy, safe and most of all loved. You make me feel alive again after going through so much in my life. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. Thank you for everything.

51. My favourite feeling in the world is loving you. I promise to be honest, loyal, and supportive to you always. Because of you, my life is more amazing than I could ever have imagined. When we’re together, all I want is you and me. This love will last forever. We are going to be okay, and nothing can separate us.

52. What can I say? You make me want to be a better person. Without you, my world would be empty. Your smile and laughter make all my problems fade away without a trace. When you’re with me, I feel like anything is possible; life is worth living.

53. I love how you make me feel when I’m with you. I feel like I can do anything in the world. Some days are bad, but you can always cheer me up with just a smile. You’ve been such a great friend to me, and I don’t know what I would do without you now.

54. Words cannot explain how thankful I am for you. The fact that you chose me inspires me every day. You make me feel alive. You are truly one of the best people I’ve ever met. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful friend.

55. It doesn’t matter what I do or what I say, or where I go or who’s there. It doesn’t matter who I’ve been with before you or what I’ve done before you. It doesn’t even matter if it’s 3 in the morning, as long as you’re next to me, I’m happy, alive, and free!

56. You make me feel alive. Sometimes I wonder what I did before you came into my life. You’ve shown me real love and affection. You alone fill my life with joy, laughter, and happiness. I will always love you.

57. You make me feel alive. When I look in your eyes I see a future. You are the one for me, a mate for an adventure on the sea of life. With you, I am safe and happy, and you will always be my true love.

58. You make me feel so alive and like I can do anything. I love being around you and don’t even mind when we are both sick because it means we can cuddle up on the couch and watch movies together.

59. Thank you for making me feel alive. Thank you for showing me what I am capable of, and thank you for being the best partner anyone could ask for. Love you!

60. I’m so glad to have found you. You make me feel alive again, and I thank God every day that I’ve got you in my life.

I am grateful that you are my friend. You make me feel alive again. I can sit and talk to you for hours over coffee. I am glad that God gave me a friend like you, and I hope that we stay friends for as long as we can.

61. Hey honey, I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. Every time you hold my hand or sneak a kiss on my lips, it gives me butterflies. You make me feel so happy and alive. I love you so much.

62. You make me remember how wonderful it is to be alive, brought me into the deep end of your beautiful soul, where I can drown and never come up for air. I love you.

63. I am so glad we found each other. I can’t remember being this happy. You make me feel alive again. Happy, hopeful, and always loved. You are good for both my body and my heart. I love you so much.

64. You have brought so much happiness into my life since I met you. You have made me feel alive again, and for that, I am eternally grateful. You mean the world to me.

65. My dearest friend, I can never thank you enough for making me feel alive and so happy again. The last few years were filled with pain and sorrow, but now I can look back with a smile. You are a true blessing in my life. I love you.

66. I’m finally happy again – and I owe it all to you. After everything that happened, you pulled me back from the life-sucking drain of death. And seeing you flourish makes me happy too. You’ve helped me get my mojo back, my confidence, and my life; that’s a pretty grand thing to owe anyone.

67. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you to talk to. You are my rock and make me feel so safe and loved. You are the one person I can confide in and count on. I just can’t imagine life without you by my side. I love you more than anything.

68. You are my best friend through it all. You make me feel safe, you make me feel loved, and you make me feel beautiful. I know that being with you is a gift, and I’ll never take it for granted. I’m so thankful to have you in my life.

69. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. Today, you make me feel alive again. When we kiss, I lose all self-control. You bring out a passion in me that is unlike anything else.

70. You made me feel alive again, you gave me a fire inside, and you sparked my heart when I thought it was dead. You are someone very special to me, and I would never hurt you ever.

71. You make me feel alive again. You deserve happiness, you deserve to be loved, and I will always respect that. I’m sorry if I’m not what you want, but with that said remember that my door will always be open…always!

72. You make me feel alive again when I’m down. It’s like you have the power to heal my heart by just being there for me. Your amazing smile will forever be a part of me.

73. I’ve never been so happy to be alive as I am when I’m with you. That feeling has only grown since the first time we met. You’re everything I could ever dream of and more. You make me feel alive again.

74. Thanks for the conversation, today. You always bring a smile to my face. I never felt so alive as the moment you brought me home. I spent the whole day with butterflies in my stomach, and couldn’t sleep all night.

75. I just wanted to let you know that I am so grateful to be alive when you are my friend. Your strength and wisdom continue to guide me through the most difficult times of my life.

76. I can’t thank you enough for making me feel alive again. I have been in a funk for so long that I thought I would never get out, but with your love, it’s lifted, and my world has changed.

77. You make me feel alive again. I love that you think of me no matter where you are and that you can always put a smile on my face. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.

78. When I met you, I knew that I found one of the most beautiful souls that I had ever encountered. You were so warm and friendly, you made me feel loved and alive again. It doesn’t matter what happens in life, because you will always be my love.

79. I needed you so much, and now I feel like I’ve found some purpose in life again. You are my best friend, my soulmate, and the love of my life. Without you, I would be lost and broken. I love you more than words could ever express. Thank you for coming back into my life.

80. I don’t usually write things like this, but after spending some time with you I just had to let you know how I feel. Thank you for making me smile again. Life has been so hard lately, but you have made all of that go away. I can’t thank you enough, and I hope we can spend many more days like this together.

81. I love you so much. Today I feel like a better person because of you. You have brought joy into every aspect of my life. Thank you for being a part of everything I do. I hope that one day you’ll realize how much I love you.

82. I’m so happy to have you in my life. You mean the world to me, and I can’t imagine anyone else being by my side. I never thought I could be this happy. Thank you for making me feel alive again.

83. I sometimes wonder what I ever did to deserve you. You’ve seen me at my worst and stuck by me. You’re my home. My family. My soulmate. We’ve been through so much, but you make me stronger than before. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.

84. You make me feel alive again. I think of you day and night, and get excited at the smallest thought of you. Sometimes I can’t believe you’re with me and I have to look back to see you still here! You are my best friend, my lover, and my soulmate.

85. I love you every second we are apart and even in our longest disputes. The depth of my love knows no bounds as there is no other like you. You make me feel alive again.

86. You make me feel alive again, you fill up my heart with so much love and stability. You are so kind and beautiful. The first time I was around you, I knew that I had to have you in my life forever.

87. Your smell and touch soothe me all the while making me want to hug you tight. Every morning when I wake up without you is the worst day of my life. You make me feel alive again.

88. Thank you for spending time with me. I love you. You make me feel alive again, and when I am with you, I never want to leave. Hold me forever, and don’t let go. You are my everything.

89. I feel alive again when I’m around you. You remind me what love feels like. I wish I could show you directly how much you make me feel. Only in my dreams will I tell you how much I care.

90. I was beginning to forget what it felt like to be alive. When you hug me, I feel that sensation again. You make me feel like a little kid again. I am so glad I met you. I love our time together. You are very special to me, and you have a special place in my heart.

91. I wanted to let you know that I truly, deeply, and sincerely love you. We all make mistakes and in this crazy, messed-up world, I’m lucky to have met you. You make me feel alive, and your smile lights up my life. You are always on my mind.

92. It’s not just lust I have for you. It’s so intense that it physically hurts me at times. I miss you! I love your smile and the way your eyes sparkle in the sunlight. The way your hair is perfect and you smell so good! Damn, I think I’m in love.

93. It’s been a long road for us to get here. It’s almost impossible to describe the way you make me feel. I love how you take the time to listen and how you always understand. You make me feel like I am important and that you are always there for me. I am so lucky to have found someone like you.

94. You are the most amazing person in the world, and I just want you to know that I love you very much. You make me feel alive again, and I can’t look at you without smiling. Stay right here with me, and let’s build a life together.

95. I wanted to take the time to tell you how much I appreciate you. You are such a wonderful person, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Your positive attitude, hot body, and love for life make me want to be a better person. You make me feel alive again.

96. You are my everything. My one true love. It feels like yesterday we were sitting in my living room writing love songs for each other. I will forever cherish those memories. You make me feel alive again, and it is such a gift.

97. I love you with all my heart, will always cherish you, and always be there for you and encourage you to never give up because of life.

98. Things are so amazing now that I am with you. Everything is so bright and colourful. You get me excited about every day, every experience, and every minute. You make me feel alive again, and I’d be nothing without your love.

99. To say that you are my sunshine would be an understatement. You make me so much happier than I have been in so long, even though it was all my fault. I don’t deserve your love, but I thank God every day for bringing you into my life.

100. I wish I could show you my appreciation for everything. There is nothing in the world that comes close to the gratitude I have for you. You are my mentor, my best friend, and my foundation. I don’t know what I would do without you. I count my lucky stars every day that we met.

Thank you for going through the collection of you make me feel alive quotes up there. I’m sure you got some beautiful ones to appreciate the special people in your life. Please, don’t forget to drop your comments and share the post with others. Thank you.

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