Best Wishes for Congratulation for Colleague on New Job

Life is short and kind of limited, but you do not need to be boring. One of the great things to do with life is to let your impact be felt anywhere and by everyone whose path crosses yours and one of those are colleagues.

Colleagues and coworkers are one of the few people who even though our time with them might be little, have a significant impact on our lives and may even influence us.

As your colleague moves on from your office on a new job, you should say nice things to them because a new job means new prospects, new opportunities and sometimes might mean new troubles.

The new environment already has a lot in store for them and they might be nervous about every bit of it, so why not chip in some  goodwill messages for them?

In life, people come and go, and that is quite normal, but we always have to make sure that we maintain good relationships whenever and wherever. Messages and wishes to friends and acquaintances are one of the greatest ways to maintain healthy relationships

Heartfelt congratulatory messages are a very welcomed idea and I’m so sure they’ll love, so don’t hoard those wishes as it might just be the booster that your ‘soon-to be-former’ colleague needs.

Put a smile on their face and get them pumped for the new position with any of these best wishes for congratulation for colleague on new job.

The first thing to come to my mind when you informed me of your new job was hearty congrats. I am so happy for you that wishes might not even suffice but then, you are my favourite colleague so here goes nothing. I am happy for you my dear friend and I wish you well.

1. You are most definitely one of the ‘best on the job’ persons that I know so I am confident that you will do so well with this new one. Congrats, man.

2. Success and more success, this is my most sincere wish for you dearest colleague. I wish you the best in the new place.

3. You are already a hardworking human so I won’t ask that you put in what you already are. May God bless your efforts over there.

4. May this new job bring you more opportunities and success. Congratulations, pal, I certainly wish you the best of all.

5. No matter what, know that you certainly deserve this new win and I’m more than excited on your behalf. Congrats, dearest colleague.

6. I believe in you and I’m so sure you’ll do very well. Cheers to you, girl and congratulations to you again.

7. I know you’ve always heard this but let me remind you again that you should not stop believing in yourself. You’ve got this, congrats, my friend.

8. There are so many things I want to say to you but the most important is that: Congrats, dear. May this new job be good to you no matter what.

9. Start setting new goals and aim for new posts too, congratulations on your new job, my friend.

10. I wish you success as you embark on this new job and hope that you are strengthened for all that comes with it.

11. No matter how hectic or challenging it may come, I wish you all of the best as you start this new job. Congrats, man.

12. Cheers to the new job and the new position, I wish that you will keep soaring high in life and no matter what.

13. I wish that you will always find the motivation to keep putting in your best even in the new job. Congrats dearest colleague of mine.

14. This is another feather added to your cap and an awesome achievement in your books so accept my heartfelt congratulations here.

15. Your commitment and strength are always commendable and I’m so sure you deserve this new job. Congrats to you.

16. May this new job take you a step further into your ambitions and goals. I wish you the very best ahead.

17. On this new job, may your hard work pay off! This is my sincerest wish for you as you go. Big congrats to you.

18. Good luck in your new venture, you deserve the best of the things that are to come to you. Best of the best lucks to you.

19. It has been a great honour to have you as a colleague. I can only wish that you go with all the best that your life deserves.

20. Take this as a promotion to another and a much better level in life. Congratulations on this new job dear colleague.

21. I hope you won’t find it hard adjusting to the new pattern that you are going into? Congratulations dear, all of the best on the new job.

22. New job and I wish you a new promotion soonest. All of the best to you.

23. On this new job, may you climb a new height of success easily. Have a good one over there, congrats to you.

24. Getting the news of your new job took me right over the moon, I am so happy for you and I am praying for you too.

25. You have got a strong personality and amazing confidence that I’m quite sure you will do so well. Give them the best and enjoy your new office.

26. We will surely miss you here because you are a person that cannot be replaced easily. Congrats on your new job.

27. I am already jealous of your new colleagues because they are the ones that will have your company now. I wish you the best.

28. I hope you won’t get too busy with your new job that you will completely forget us here. We will miss you man, but all the best to you.

29. Knowing you and working with you is bliss that I wished it will never end but now you have to go. May the new job favour you, congrats man.

30. You are just like the ray of sunlight over here that we wish will never have to go. I hope that God will take care of you on the new job.

31. I hope you won’t stop aiming big even as you go into a new job. The sky is just your starting point my friend. Congrats on this new job.

32. You are one of the greatest hard workers that I know and I am so sure that you’ve got luck by your side at all times. Congrats to you on the new job.

33. Now you’ve added another achievement to the ones you’ve got on hand. Congrats on this new job, I wish you all the luck that you need on it.

34. I wish I had enough words to say what I feel but right now I am so emotional as I will greatly miss you. Be well, my friend.

35. May this new job bring you great peace of mind and less stress. I wish you plenty of luck as you will surely need it. Congrats on this new job.

36. I’ll forgive you for this because I’m sure that this new job is putting you on another but very much better level. Thumbs up for you dear, congrats on the new job.

37. May every one of your efforts on the new job yield many results for you and you won’t be stressed out at all. Have a good new job ahead.

38. I have total faith in you and I’m so sure you will perform well in your new job. Be fine and take care at your new workplace.

39. See who’s changing office and leaving us all behind, congratulations man. I wish you so much success on the journey ahead dearest colleague.

40. Your future is bright and this new job is another indication of all that. Congratulations dear friend, you are doing so well.

The news of your new job came as a surprise to me but it actually is a very pleasant one. I wish there are more words to say to you that also quantifies as congratulations. Good luck and abundant of it follows you as you embark on this journey, dear, congratulations again my colleague.

41. No matter where you go, you will always remain my dearest colleague. Congratulations on this new job, I pray you are strengthened for it.

42. You are starting this season with a new job and that counts as big congrats. I hope you will get more congratulations as you go ahead.

43. One thing that I am sure of is that you will do so well because that’s just who you are. Congratulations dearest colleague, that is what I will continue to call you even if you are not here.

44. You are a lucky one, I must say. May this new job be far better than this one you’re leaving. Big congrats to you.

45. I celebrate this new phase and level with you dearest friend and colleague. The best is here for you already, trust me.

46. This new job is an indication that you are chasing your dreams no matter what and I sincerely wish you all of the best. Congrats dearest colleague.

47. Is it very okay to say that I am proud of you at the moment because that’s what I actually feel. Congratulations on this new job buddy.

48. Another indication that one of your hard works is paying off, congratulations are in order dearest colleague. I wish you the best.

49. The news of your new job is an exciting one, trust me. You certainly deserve this and I say a very hearty congratulations to you.

50. Even here, you did so well that everyone is always happy to be on a team with you, I’m so sure you’ll do very well over there too. Congrats.

51. The new place you’re going into just found a better person to do their work. I wish you everything that you wish yourself, dearest colleague.

52. I have gotten so used to working with you that I always look forward to each day at work. I wish you didn’t have to go but I’m so sure it’s for your best.

53. I pray that your path is always clear no matter what so that you won’t be stressed out. Congratulations dear colleague, be well over there.

54. You are always an enviable colleague that I wish will remain with us for a long time. I really wish you didn’t have to go because I’ll surely miss you.

55. You are a great asset anywhere and everywhere you go, I’m so sure you will do very well. Congratulations man, I wish you well.

56. May this new place launch you into the next best phase of your life, I deeply congratulate you on this new job.

57. Your space here can not be filled by anyone, that’s just how valuable you are as a worker. Congratulations to you.

58. This is surely the beginning of the next level for you and I can’t be more proud of you as my former colleague. Congratulations to you.

59. You owe me a drink next time we meet so cheers in advance man. Congratulations big time.

60. I am sure happy for you because I’m so sure I will be the next person to advance to the next big thing. Congratulations to you and to me.

61. The good side of this is that you are resuming to a bigger and better position so here is my wish of best luck for you. Congrats.

62. You are not just a colleague but you have come to grow on me as a friend. You’ll be greatly missed here, congrats my friend and be fine.

63. You already have more than enough skill that I’m sure you need little or no luck at all. Still, I am wishing you all of the luck that you need for the new job.

64. A new venture this is and I am wishing that it will all be an exciting adventure for you. Big congratulations dear colleague.

65. I am wishing you loads of success and happiness on the new job. Make sure that you don’t stop giving in your best.

66. May this new journey be filled with pleasant surprises for you and you will encounter nothing but joy through it.

67. I don’t know who I am supposed to work with now as my new teammate, I have gotten so used to working side by side with you.

68. This office will never be the same as it were with you in it. We will all miss you here man. But then, congratulations big.

69. It’s going to take a whole while to get used to the fact that I won’t get to see you at your seat again. This is huge my friend and I congratulate you.

70. The new office is so lucky to have a pleasant and genuine person like you. I wish you well, congratulations to you.

Now, this whole place will be so empty to me because you are definitely the life-giver that I have here as my colleague. Thank you for working so hard and giving your best here. The new place deserves you and I am saying my best wishes to you. May God be with you, congratulations on this new job

71. The only person that cracks me up and makes me enjoy my job is leaving and man, I miss you already. Best wishes as you go.

72. I am happy for you because I’m sure this is a job that you have always hoped for and dreamt of. Congratulations to you dear colleague, I wish you the best of it all.

73. One of the things that I admire about you is your strong spirit and now, you are advancing on your dreams. Congratulations to you, you deserve this.

74. The joy that I have is that this new job is what you really wanted so I truly congratulate you for bagging it.

75. May only the best come to you on this new job. I am rooting for you even from here. Congratulation pal.

76. Way to go, man, you needed a bigger and better place and you most definitely got it with this new job you got. Congratulations to you.

77. I hope the days that you stress so hard and work so long on the job is over and the new job is a comfortable one for you. Congrats again.

78. Working with you was a great pleasure that I will always relive the memories for a long. I wish you nothing short of success in this new career.

79. More than anyone, I’ll miss your vibes here. I am just glad you landed a new and much better job. Loads of congratulations to you.

80. I pray that this is the perfect job for you by God’s grace. May the new place be good to you, pal, congratulations on the new job.

81. This new job of yours is worth celebrating and I hope you will be doing that? God’s grace and mercy on this new venture dear colleague. Congrats.

82. Giving you the position is the best decision that the company made, I’ve worked with you so long to know that. Congrats on the new job.

83. Cheers to this new milestone of your career and new phase of your life. I wish you the best in the new job. Congrats man, you will be fine.

84. You are a great achiever so it’s only imperative that you get this new job. Keep doing you, best of wishes and hearty congratulations pal.

85. You are one of the best colleagues this place gave me that I am so sure I’ll miss you. Here are my heartiest congratulations to you.

86. Congrats on the new job buddy, you have proved over time that you are truly unstoppable and the sky is just your starting place.

87. My sincerest wish is that the new place will give you unlimited fulfilment and you will enjoy all of the best experiences. Congratulations to you.

88. Another door of success is opened unto you with your new job and I can’t help but be happy for you. You are doing so well buddy, congratulations to you.

89. I’m so sure you will do well in your new job, that is why I am sending you this congratulation and hope you don’t completely forget me.

90. You are a hard-working and genuine person who deserves nothing short of the good things in life. Best wishes are part of the package I’m sending across to you.

91. With this new job comes new responsibilities and I wish you the strength and the forbearance you need for it all. Congratulations to you.

92. Keep going and moving up on your life ladder, may your aspirations and dreams not be quashed. Congratulations on this new job dear friend.

93. Even among us here, we knew you were too good for this place and we are so happy for you. May the new job and new place favour you, congrats.

94. I celebrate with you and wish that the journey ahead of you be a good and smooth one. Congrats to you, we will miss you here man.

95. Just like the eagle, I wish that you will soar and fly high at your new job. I am sincerely happy for you and wish you the best.

96. Even while you were here, you were a great inspiration to me and that is a fact. I’ll miss you but it’s so good that you are going to a new and better workplace.

97. You are moving forward and steadily advancing to the peak of your career and life ambitions, which I am sure of. Congrats to you, wishing you the best of all that lies ahead.

98. Well done! Even though brief, it was nice working with you. May God guide your steps on the new job my dear colleague. Congrats to you.

99. You are not just a dreamer, you are a doer and that’s why you can advance with your career in this way. Congrats to you, may God be with you.

100. This is a goodbye and congratulations. It means I’m sad you had to leave our office but glad that you are going to a better job that you well deserve. Congrats to you.

One of the best ways to show people that you care about them is to show interest in what they do and the decisions they make. Wish your colleague well as she or he embarks on another job whose prospects are not yet clear with any of these best wishes for congratulation for a colleague in a new job. It’s one of the least but every empathic ways to show concern.

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