Thank You for the Recognition Quotes

Receiving praise or recognition from your supervisor or coworkers might help you feel valued and respected when it comes to work and performance. A simple thank you or a genuine expression of appreciation for someone’s efforts can have a significant impact on your interpersonal relationships.

Also, appreciating one’s work or achievement can make you feel elated and you may even want to put in your best in whatever you do because you won’t want to disappoint them after being appreciated.

So, with these thank you for the recognition quotes below, you may express that well-deserved thank you.

It is a privilege for me to be one of those delegates. Thank you for recognizing my professionalism and efforts. I’m delighted that the brand is being represented by dedicated employees that want to do their best. It is a privilege for me to be one of those delegates.

1. Thank you for the recognition of my achievement. It means a great deal to me that someone believes in me and is ready to sign my work. I’m going to give it my all so that I don’t disappoint you.

2. Thank you for the recognition of my efforts in this company. It means a lot to me to know that someone appreciates my work and is ready to sign it. I’ll do my best not to let you down.

3. Thank you so much for the recognition of my passionately written novels! It’s so great that someone believes in me and willing to put their name on my work. I’m going to try my best, so I don’t let you down.

4. Thank you again for the recognition of the success of my work. It means a lot that you believe in me and is willing to put your name on my work. I’m going to try my best to never let you down.

5. The award you gave me means a lot to me, and I promise I will always do my best, so I don’t let you down. Thank you for the recognition.

6. Thank you for the recognition of my achievement. It means a lot to me, and I’m going to do my best, so I don’t let you down.

7. Thank you for the recognition. It means a lot to me that someone believes in me and is willing to put their name on my work. I’m going to try my best, so I don’t let you down, and I hope we can do more business together.

8. Thank you for the recognition. It means a lot to me that someone believes in me and is willing to put their name on my work. I’m going to try my best so I don’t let you down, and I’ll prove why you were right!

9. I’m going to try my best, so I don’t let you down. Thank you for the recognition. It means a lot to me that someone believes in me and is willing to put their name on my work. Thank you.

10. . It means a lot to me that someone believes in me and is willing to put their name on my work. I’m going to try my best so that you don’t regret trusting me with this role. Thanks for recognizing my work.

11. Thank you for believing in me and giving me this chance. I’m going to work hard so I can meet your expectations.

12. This recognition means a lot to me that you believe in me and are putting your name on my work. I’m going to try my best, so I don’t let you down. Thank you for the recognition.

13. Thank you for giving me this award. I appreciate it because I know how hard you work and that I must have been nominated by someone who agrees with me. I will work very hard to merit this. Thank you for the recognition.

14. Thank you for the recognition of my achievement. It means a lot to me that someone believes in my talent and is willing to put their name on my work. I’m going to try very hard, so I don’t disappoint them!

15. The recognition you have given me made me feel like the best and I will always be grateful. Thanks for willing to put your name on my work.

16. Thank you for the recognition. I appreciate your kind words, and I’ll work hard so I don’t let you down.

17. Thank you for your recognition. It means a lot to me that someone believes in me and is willing to put their name on my work. I’m going to try my best so that I can give my best during this journey.

18. Thanks. You have no idea how much it means to me that someone believes in me and is willing to record my work. I’m going to try my best, so I won’t dash your hopes. Thanks.

19. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me that someone believes in me and is willing to put their name on my work. I’m going to try my best so I don’t take the opportunity to go to waste.

20. Thank you for the acknowledgement. It makes me happy to hear that others are eager to sign my work. I’ll do my best not to disappoint you!

21. I will not disappoint you. Thank you for the acknowledgement. I appreciate it and take it seriously. I will do my best to please you.

22. Thank you for the honour of being chosen to represent you. We will be proud to have your name on our résumé and in the minds of anyone who hears about this opportunity.

23. Thank you for recognising me as the best employee this week! I promise to continue being an asset to the company. Sometimes a little recognition can go a long way.

24. Thank you for always recognising me and being confident in me. Your belief in me is uplifting, encouraging, and inspirational. Thank you for telling me the truth, being conscientious about my opinions, and considering my suggestions.

25. Thank you for being the best manager I could ever ask for and putting my name on the performance board. I hope you know how much it means to me. Thank you for the recognition.

26. Thank you for letting me know that my work was really important. I didn’t do it to win recognition, but it is a nice bonus!

27. Thank you for supporting me today as well. I know it wasn’t easy, but you stayed by my side and were very kind toward me. I appreciate that. Thank you for the recognition.

28. Thank you for the recognition. I was thrilled to receive an award for my hard work, dedication and contributions to the team. I’m very proud of your trust in me, and I will continue to be as loyal, dedicated and hardworking as possible.

29. I’m delighted that the brand is being represented by dedicated employees that want to do their best. It is a privilege for me to be one of those delegates. Thank you for recognizing my professionalism and efforts.

30. I appreciate the acknowledgement I received for my recent volunteer activities. It made me feel accomplished and grateful for the work I do.

31. Thank you for the acknowledgement you gave me earlier today. It was unexpected but gratefully received.

32. Thank you for recognizing my location of business. I was overjoyed. You created a lasting impression on the corporate executives by giving them a gift box and recognizing me. I’m proud of it as well.

33. I am honoured to be one of those representatives. Thank you for recognising my efforts and professionalism. I look forward to continuing to bring in new talents and opportunities for us to succeed.

34. Thank you for awarding me the biggest opportunity of my career. I am grateful for your belief in me and for bringing me on board for this project. I am excited to be a part of what you are doing.

35. I am grateful to be recognised for putting forth my best efforts and being a hardworking employee. I am thankful that I get to represent the company with its excellent standards.

36. Thank you for the award. I was shocked when they told me I had won because so many talented people were nominated. I don’t know how they could have seen my insecurities, but it reminds me that I need to work harder!

37. I want to thank you personally for the award of opportunities you gave me this year. I was truly shocked when they told me yesterday that I had won because so many talented people were nominated.

38. Thank you for the recognition. I was shocked when they told me I had won. I don’t know how they could have seen my insecurities, but I am grateful to them for recognising me!

39. Thank you for the award. I was shocked when they told me I had won because so many talented people were nominated. I am grateful to the organisers for recognising me!

40. Thank you for mentioning me at the meeting but more importantly, for all of your efforts to show people I am competent. I know that being an introvert can be challenging in this job, but your trust and recognition are very meaningful to me.

41. Thank you for the award. I’m floored. I don’t know how they could have seen my insecurities, but I am grateful to them for recognising me!

42. I was shocked when they told me I had won because so many talented people were nominated. However, I am grateful to them for recognising me and sending this award!

43. Thank you for recognising my efforts and professionalism. The recognition for going above and beyond makes all of the hard work worth it. I am honoured to be one of those representatives. Thank you again.

44. It is truly an honour to be recognised like this. Thank you for giving me the award and the recognition it symbolises.

45. Thank you very much for honouring your youngster with this award. As a parent, I’m thrilled they’re getting the attention they deserve.

46. I appreciate your recognizing me as a finalist who is deserving of this amazing honour. I’m not sure how they could have recognized my insecurities, but I’m grateful they did!

47. Many thanks for this honour. Because there were so many excellent people nominated, I was taken aback when they told me I had won. I’m not sure how they saw my flaws, but I’m pleased that they recognized my potential.

48. We are very grateful that you were a part of our program. We were so impressed with your work ethic, your passion, and your willingness to learn. We hope that you will choose to continue your education with us in future years!

49. Thank you for the recognition. I was shocked when they told me I had won because so many talented people were nominated. I don’t know how they saw my insecurities, but I am grateful to them for recognising me!

50. Thank you! I was shocked when they told me I had won the award because so many talented people had been nominated. I don’t know how they could have seen my insecurities, but I am grateful to them for recognising me.

51. Thank you for the award. I was shocked when they told me I had won because it was so close between us. I don’t know how they could have seen my insecurities, but I am grateful to them for recognising me!

52. I appreciate you honouring me with this award. It astounds me because there are so many deserving candidates for this prize. I’m not sure how you saw my insecurities, but I’m happy that you recognized them and gave me this honour.

53. Thank you so much for considering me for this honour. Because there were so many excellent people nominated, I was taken aback when they told me I had won. Not only has it made me feel like no matter what, even if I lack self-confidence and believe no one notices, I’m not alone, but it’s also not true. Many thanks!

54. I was shocked when they told me I had won because so many talented people were nominated. I don’t know how they could have seen my insecurities, but I am grateful to them for recognising me!

55. Thank you for the recognition. I was shocked when they told me I had won because so many talented people were nominated and voted for. I don’t know how they could have seen my insecurities and self-esteem issues, but I am grateful to them for recognising me and telling me about them.

56. I am just overwhelmed with gratitude for this award! I really can’t believe I won because so many talented people were nominated. I don’t know how they could have seen my insecurities, but I am grateful to them for recognising me.

57. Thank you for the recognition. I was shocked to be named a winner because so many talented people were in the nominations. I don’t know how anyone could have seen my insecurities, but I am grateful to those who recognised me.

58. I’m so thankful for winning the award! I was shocked when they told me because there were so many talented people nominated. As soon as I release my first book, I’m going to make sure to send it to them, thanking them for realising my insecurities and recognising me!

59. Thank you for giving me this award. I appreciate it because I know how hard you work and that I must have been nominated by someone who agrees with me. I will work very hard to merit this. Thank you for the recognition.

60. Thank you for the recognition I received for my recent volunteer work. It gave me a sense of accomplishment and appreciation for what I do.

61. Thank you for the recognition you gave me and my team regarding the project you’re working on together. It’s nice to be appreciated for all of the hard work we have done. I appreciate your help.

62. Thank you for recognizing my professionalism and efforts. I am pleased that the firm is represented by hardworking and professional individuals.

63. Thank you for the acknowledgement. You are always recognizing our good work, which lifts everyone around you. We value your advice and assistance.

64. Thank you for the acknowledgement. I hope it doesn’t get to my head, but I feel compelled to say something. It’s wonderful! You’re such a perfectionist, and I believe it comes from a good place, with your strong work ethic.

65. I just wanted to thank you for the recognition. I know it was not easy to pick the right candidates. I will continue to do my best in everything I do with my very humble heart and soul.

66. I was eternally grateful to you for the recognition last year. The money that I received helped me get my business up and running. Without it, I probably would have had to move back home or get a job somewhere else. Thank you for believing in me and my project.

67. Thank you for your recognition of my hard work. I am very happy to be able to receive this award. The amount of effort I put into this position is amazing. I have learned so much since joining the company, and I have been able to utilise it while on the job.

68. Hey, Thanks so much for the recognition you gave me at work. I was so surprised when you said my name and now working harder than ever to advance in my job.

69. Thank you for taking the time to recognise me in front of everyone. I felt very good about what you had to say, and it reminded me why I put in so much effort at work, trying to do a good job. It’s nice to get recognition, especially when you haven’t been getting enough lately.

70. Thank you for recognizing my efforts and commitment to this project. Your acknowledgement means a lot to me, and it motivates me to work harder in all I do.

71. Thank you for the letter of appreciation for my efforts at the company. I had put my heart and soul into it, hoping for something similar to happen one day, but there was no guarantee. Thank you so much for this fantastic chance!

72. Thank you for recognizing my efforts. I know it wasn’t easy for you, but you did it. I’m delighted I know someone like you, who is thoughtful and nice to others.

73. Thank you for the recognition last week. I didn’t expect it, and I am thrilled that my efforts were noticed. I will continue to do my best and make you proud!

74. Thank you for the recognition. You are the one who took the time to look at my work and tell me how good I was at it. This is something that helped me push on in my project. Thanks again!

75. Thank you for the recognition you gave me last Monday. I appreciate it so much and know I deserve to be recognised for my dedication, hard work and innovation.

76. Thank you for the recognition that came into my life. I was on cloud nine with all of my accomplishments.

77. Thank you for recognising my efforts and giving me the flexibility to be myself at work. I know what I need to do, so it’s okay if I need to take some time off. Keep being a great boss!

78. Thank you! It was very unexpected when you recognised me in front of the whole company, but I appreciated it. Having your trust and being able to work with you all this time has been an incredible and exciting journey. I hope we keep working together for a long time.

79. Thank you for recognising my work and giving me a raise. I appreciate it. I know your business is doing well, and your customer service is great, so I wanted to thank you for working to be an even better employee.

80. Thank you for planning the party, contacting us all, and inviting us. I consider myself fortunate to have been invited.

81. Thank you for the acknowledgement. I wanted to express my gratitude in person, however, it appears that you have gone on holiday. While the timing of the trip could not have been better, I wish you a safe return trip home.

82. Thank you for the acknowledgement. I am truly honoured. This is quite valuable to me. Thank you once more.

83. Thank you for the recognition of my work. It made me feel awesome to have others acknowledge my ability and hard work in this capacity. I hope to continue producing good, quality material in the future.

84. Thank you for the recognition you have given me. I appreciate it and, if you have time, would be happy to hear more of your feedback on my growth.

85. Thank you for the recognition of my work! It does not go unappreciated.

86. Thank you for giving me an award. I didn’t think I would win, and I appreciate the recognition. It means a lot to hear such positive feedback from my colleagues and supervisors.

87. Thank you for recognising my hard work. I have put in a lot of hours to get these reports done, and I appreciate your praise. This means a lot to me in terms of getting recognised for my efforts.

88. Thank you for co-leading our team through this project and recognising my contribution. I never felt so appreciated as a manager and happy to be up to date with the set agenda of customer satisfaction.

89. As a leader of the year, I would like to thank everyone else who was also nominated. We have all worked hard, and it is good to know that we are being noticed by so many people.

90. Thank you for giving me credit for the work that I am doing. It feels good to know what I do has value. Sometimes I get down on myself because of all the criticism, but you remind me to stand tall and proud, knowing I am doing a great job.

91. Thank you for the job promotion. You trust me and have faith in my abilities by giving me this opportunity. I’ll do my best. Thank you for the recognition.

92. Thank you for the acknowledgement. It’s an honour to be representing the firm and my department on stage. I appreciate your acknowledgement.

93. Thank you for recognizing my contributions to the company’s growth. I am delighted that people recognize my commitment and competence in this area, and I am thrilled to be a part of something so amazing.

94. Thank you for the acknowledgement. I wasn’t expecting you to notice my efforts, so the medal I was able to proudly wear on my sleeve made me very happy. It’s just a small ornament, but knowing that you notice my acts and words means a lot to me.

95. Thank you for the recognition. It’s always a pleasure to be recognized by your peers and colleagues.

96. Thanks for the recognition and for being a part of our family. We love you, too!

97. We love to see the milestone in your development industry and want to thank you for all the recognition.

98. This is for all of you who have recognized us and given us kudos! We are grateful for your feedback and love.

99. You’re the best! We appreciate all the recognition and love for showing off your milestones!

100. We rely on the development community for technical expertise and insights, and we appreciate all the praise and recognition.

101. Thanks! Thank you for being so awesome and recognizing us in your epic list of the best small businesses. We are honoured to be on this list with so many great companies.

102. We work hard and we deserve a little recognition! Thank you big time for all the love, support and recognition. We are so grateful!

I hope these thanks for the recognition quotes above were helpful. Please do not hesitate to share this post with your social network. Thank you.

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