Always Be Proud of Yourself Quotes

Being proud of yourself is about knowing and appreciating that you have the ability to accomplish anything in life, so long as you put your mind to it. It is at once both internal, a feeling of self-worth and accomplishment that comes from within, as well as an external achievement of something great, which makes others take notice.

Being proud of yourself is a way to maintain self-esteem when times get tough and finding success can’t be taken for granted. When you are proud of yourself, you will continue to accomplish more each time.

You should be proud of who you are because, in the end, that’s all anyone will judge you for. If you try to fit the definitions set by others you’ll never be happy with yourself. You can’t please everyone, so don’t even bother trying to fit under someone else’s category. Instead, allow yourself to stand out and be your own individual person.

Being proud of yourself is one of the most important things a person can do. We are at a time when people look down on others based on looks, race, sexuality, and more so how can we not be proud of ourselves? It’s impossible to be happy when you look down on yourself.

There will always be someone who is better than you but that doesn’t mean you can’t be proud, both of your efforts and achievements. These be proud of yourself quotes below will encourage you to be proud of yourself and your achievements.

Be proud of yourself! We all have days when we think we’re worthless, but that’s not true. You’re a great person and you deserve to be happy and loved by yourself and the world. Always remember that you are awesome!

1. Always be proud of yourself. No matter what you’ve done and no matter where the world is always remember to be humble and stay true to who you are.

2. You are more than what you have. You are more than what you think you should be. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Always be proud of yourself!

3. Always be proud of yourself, because you are what you’re doing right now. There is no other life but the one you live right now. So be proud of who you are right now, even if others around you don’t like it.

4. Always be proud of yourself. Always be happy with who you are and your accomplishments.

5. Don’t let someone tell you that you’re not good enough. You are. Always be proud of yourself, and don’t let anyone take away your self-esteem.

6. Be proud of who you are, be proud of your achievements, and accept nothing less than excellence from yourself.

7. Be yourself. Be proud of who you are, what you do and how you feel about it.

8. Always be proud of yourself. You are an individual, with a unique personality and a bright future ahead.

9. A person’s value lies not in what they have, but in what they do with what they have. Always be proud of yourself.

10. Be proud of yourself, your strengths, and everything that you contribute to the world around you.

11. Don’t ever forget that you’re a great person—and never let anyone tell you otherwise. Being proud of yourself is one of our greatest gifts to others.

12. You’re unique, you’re special, and you should never want to live a day without being proud of yourself.

13. Be proud of yourself. You are awesome, beautiful and perfect just the way you are. Always be your own biggest fan. Make the most of yourself and make the world a better place.

14. When you start something, finish it. When you stop, don’t quit. When you reach the top of the mountain, don’t slide down again. Keep moving forward, and when you get there, be proud of yourself!

15. Always be proud of yourself. You have so much to offer the world and never forget that what you do today will determine who you are tomorrow.

16. Always be proud of yourself, even when you aren’t feeling it.

17. You are an amazing person! Always be proud of yourself and your achievements.

18. Keep on working hard, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t or what you’re going to be. Always be proud of yourself because you’ve accomplished so much.

19. Your biggest success is when you feel happy about yourself. So, always be proud of yourself!

20. Be proud of what you have achieved already and always remember there is only one thing that can stop you from achieving anything else, and that’s not being proud enough of yourself.

21. Be proud of yourself no matter what. Be proud of your accomplishments and always make them visible to the world.

22. You’re unique, you’re beautiful, and you’re worth being proud of.

23. Always be proud of yourself and know that even if life is tough, you’re stronger.

24. Always be proud of who you are and what you do. Never forget that you are never alone in your battle with body image problems, just as long as you remember to fight it by yourself.

25. Always be proud of yourself. You are beautiful and strong. Always remember to hold your head up high and always look at the positive side of things because that’s the way life should be lived!

26. Always be proud of yourself. You are the reason why you are where you are today and you can’t expect anyone else to do your work for you.

27. Always be proud of yourself and never let anyone make you feel less than you are.

28. Always be proud of who you are, because it’s a reflection of who you want to be.

29. Whatever you do, always be proud of yourself. You are unique in your own way, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

30. Be proud of yourself. Be proud that you have fought to get where you are at right now and never give up. Always remember to enjoy the journey and never miss a step—it can be hard sometimes, but keep going!

31. Always be proud of yourself. It doesn’t matter how many times you fail, or what people say about you. You can always accomplish anything if you just get started and don’t give up.

32. Always be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished. Always remember your purpose in this world and always follow your heart.

33. When people see you, they see a part of themselves. Always remember to be proud of yourself, and show the world what makes you special.

34. Always be proud of yourself. You are enough. You have amazing qualities that others will never have. Be confident and always believe in yourself because no matter what happens, you can always change it.

35. Always be proud of yourself, even when you don’t feel like it.

36. Never settle for less. Always be proud of yourself and always strive to be the best that you can be.

37. Be proud of yourself. Be confident in who you are and what you stand for.

38. Don’t wait for someone else to talk about you. Live up to what you want the world to say about you. Be proud of yourself.

39. Always be proud of yourself, no matter what. Because not everyone gets a second chance, and you never know, the next person might be you!

40. Always be proud of yourself. You are an awesome person and you deserve all the happiness and love in the world.

41. Always be proud of yourself—no matter what. There’s so much more to you than your imperfections.

42. Always be proud of yourself. You are a unique person who deserves to be recognized for all your good qualities in life.

43. You were born to be somebody. You’re not a victim or a bystander. You’re an individual who has the power and potential to change this world. Always be proud of yourself!

44. Always be proud of yourself. You are more than the sum of your parts.

45. Always be proud of yourself and the things you do. No matter how small they may seem.

46. Be proud of yourself. You’re amazing and you deserve the best life has to offer.

47. Be proud of yourself in all the ways that matter, even when you aren’t.

48. Be proud of yourself. You are you, and that’s who you have to be to find your identity.

49. Be proud of the person you are, because no one is perfect.

50. You are the only one who can make you feel good. Stay positive and inspired!

51. You are not someone who just starts the day and hopes for the best. You are someone who shows up for all of it, every step of the way, no matter what is on your mind. Be proud of yourself.

52. There’s more to life than just being successful. Be proud of yourself and do what you love.

53. Sometimes it’s okay to be proud of yourself. Be happy with what you have and who you are.

54. Just be proud of yourself baby, that’s all you need to do.

55. The life you live is worth celebrating today, tomorrow and for the rest of your life. Be proud of yourself!

56. Be proud of the person you are, and always work toward being that way.

57. You are the proof that you can do it. Be proud of yourself and everything you have accomplished.

58. Be proud of yourself today, because you always have. Be happy with what you’re doing now and use it as a launching pad to greatness.

59. Be proud of who you are, don’t ever try to be someone other than who you are.

60. I am a woman and I wear confidence like a crown.

61. Celebrate the small things in life, because one day they become big things. Be proud of yourself!

62. You are a work in progress, but the work is never finished. Be Proud of yourself always!

63. You are not whom you will become, you are whom you have become. Be proud of yourself for all the things that you accomplished in your life and be grateful for everything that has happened to you.

Each of us arrives at this world through an opening in the divine veil, we will all leave it again that way. Know that even though things may not turn out as planned or expected, always remember to feel proud of everything you do and believe in yourself.

I hope this always be proud of yourself quotes was inspiring. Please feel free to share this post with your loved ones. Thanks.

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