Good Morning Prayers for My Sister

Every morning is another time and opportunity to learn from yesterday, correct mistakes and most importantly, to try something new. This is why every new day is an opportunity to be happy and give oneself another chance at life.

Sending a good morning prayer for your sister is also one of the ways to let her know you love her and also how to strengthen your family bond. It will do a lot of magic and make her love you even more.

I have written these beautiful good morning prayers for my sister for your sister to start her day with this morning. Not only will it make her day brighter, but it will also brighten her up.

As you read this prayer message this morning, sister, light and joy will never cease in your life. Good morning and have a blessed day.

1. Top of the morning to you my darling sister. I believe you had a swell night. I hope your day blooms like the lilies and shines like the morning star. May God’s blessings abound for you in all that you do today. Have a beautiful and productive day.

2. I trust your night was awesome. I hope you enjoy a wonderful day this very day. I’m praying for you, and strongly rooting for you. I pray that God’s peace be yours and your joy continually overflows. Take care of yourself, sis.

3. I’m sending you all of my love this morning, my dear sister. I pray that your path continues to shine brighter and brighter, till it reaches its peak. In fact, there is no peak! Love you today and always, sis. Have fun.

4. It’s a good way to start the day. I wish you a wonderful day today, dear sister. So glad I’ve got to do life with you. I pray God’s power shall lift your head and cause you to triumph. Have a good day.

5. Wishing you a very good day today, sister.
I hope you get to enjoy a beautiful day just as you are a beautiful person. Gladly extend my love to you this morning. Have a good day dear sister and I’ll see you soon!

6. No need to mention how much you mean to me. You’re highly esteemed and loved by me. This message is just to show how much in the world you mean to me, and to wish you a wonderful day ahead. Good morning, sister.

7. Glad I know you. Glad to have you. Glad we’re family. Glad to call you my sister. So glad to send this to you this morning. I hope your day flourishes and is full of light. Good morning, dear, sister.

8. Sending you my morning blessings, dear sister. I pray that your day today is blessed and wonderful. May this day be filled with many blessings and fulfilments. Good morning, sis.

9. Sister, you’re one of the many persons I adore and treasure so greatly. And this day, I’m glad to remind you of this and bless your day. May your day be filled with love and laughter. Good morning to you.

10. Dear sister, I’d want you to know that I’m praying for you. I pray that your joy is extremely full and that you prosper in all that you do. Good morning to you, sister and have an amazing day ahead. Love you always.

11. Giving God the ultimate thanks this morning. Sister, I pray that today wraps up all of the good things you so desire in life. Have a good day dear.

12. Sister, you can already tell that I appreciate all you mean to me. For the sake of the bond shared and love built, I wish you nothing short of the best in your undertakings today. May God continue to prosper you sister. Good morning.

13. Hope your night was splendid, sister. I see a better day ahead, and I hope you enjoy it to its fullest. Sending you my love, you’re dear to me. Good morning, dear, sister.

14. So glad to wish you a good morning. Trust me, the thought of your good deeds and awesomeness kept me awake. I couldn’t but text you this morning to bless you. I pray your days on earth be blessed. Good morning sister.

15. Never would take you for granted. You’re my only sister and you’ve grown to be my best friend in my hardest moments in life. This morning, I pray that whoever blesses you is blessed. Grow in grace dear sister.

16. Beautiful morning sister. Trust you’re all fine. Praying for you always. I hope you enjoy a wonderful day today. Just my little way of expressing my love sissy.

17. Bless God for the bond that keeps waxing stronger and better over the years. Thank you, sister, for staying through, I feel so blessed to have you. I hope you have a good day. Good morning.

18. Sister, you’re of course the best. Be sure that I’m praying for you and watching out for the unfolding of that greatness that lies within you. Great grace is upon you, dear. Good morning to you

19. Having you by my side gives me so much comfort that words can’t fully describe. May God also comfort you on every side just as you have comforted me over the years, sister. Good morning to you.

20. Good morning sister. Such a great day I see ahead of today. Enjoy God’s blessings this day, may you be blessed. Amen.

21. Sissy! Such an awesome lady you are. I trust you’re wonderful and having a good time there? How was your night too? Just saying hello and blessing you this morning. God bless you love.

22. Good morning sister. How are you doing today? What was your night like? I bet it was splendid, as usual. May God’s goodness be upon you, dear. Pls, have a good day.

23. Hello dear one. How are you doing? How have things been too? I believe they’ve been all good. Pls, ensure you’re fine and taking enough rest. I pray that you shall prosper in all you do.

24. Sister, for as many years as you’ll live, I pray that your days be filled with love and bliss. Lots of love and hugs. Good morning sister.

25. Morning blessings to you my dear sister. I hope that you enjoy a very one today. Pray that God’s best be all yours. Love you and be good.

26. What an amazing day!
Dear sister, have fun and be good. Pray, you have a splendid day today, and you have bundles of good news. Good morning.

27. Couldn’t really have asked for a better sister. You’re such a great woman and I delight in you so greatly. God’s mighty power is at work in you today, dear. Have fun.

28. Darling, how was your night? With so much joy in my heart, I pray that you shall be great, and continue to be great. Love you so much, sister. Take care.

29. You’ve been a friend and sister, and I’d want you to know that you’ll remain precious to me. Good morning sister, I hope you get to enjoy a wonderful morning.

30. What a good day to wish a precious being all shades of goodness. Dear sister, I pray you to continue to grow in strength and grace. Have a good day, dear one.

31. Sister, you’re one of the best things that ever happened to me in life. So glad about all the good tidings you’ve been receiving from your work. I hope it just continues to remain great. Love you.

32. You’re such a good young lady, and I appreciate you for the many roles you’ve played, even in my life. Good morning my sister, have a wonderful day ahead, dear.

33. Felt like sending words of prayers to you this morning, sister. God’s mighty hands shall strengthen you, all the days of your life. Take care

Good morning, my dear sister. Continue to enjoy God’s blessings as you step out and go about your daily activities today.

34. Don’t know why I woke up so pumped for the day ahead. I couldn’t help but text my prayers to you, sister. Good morning. May God’s power lift your head like a unicorn.

35. May the peace and joy of the Lord continually be your strength, dear one. So good to know you’re doing just fine. Love you, and please, do take care of yourself, sister.

36. So much to talk about this morning… You’ve been a blessing to me and the family, so proud of you sister. Good morning, dear, sister. God’s grace be upon you.

37. Thanks for always being there for me when it seems like no other person was. Love you sister, I pray you’re blessed in all you do, dear. Good morning.

38. Hello sister, trust your night was all well. I definitely believe it was splendid. Wish you a happy day today dear. God bless you.

39. How are you fairing, sister? Good morning, I smell a day of massive possibilities for you today. Have fun and be good today.

40. Don’t know how best to express how much love I’ve got for you, dear sister. I decided to test this, so you can just wake up to it. Love you so much. I wish you joy, joy and joy.

41. Hello sister. Good morning, dearest. I pray you to enjoy a fulfilling day. Enjoy the best God has in store for you. Take care my dear one.

42. Realized sailing through life would be a lot herculean, if not that you came through, being a friend and sister every step of the way. This is one reason I’m wishing you peace, life and strength. Good morning sister.

43. I promised I was going to do this. Dear sister, you mean the world, and I’d always want you to know that. Have fun and enjoy God’s best today.

44. For being so thoughtful and sweet over the years, I thank and bless you, sister. Good morning and enjoy the best of the day. Love you.

45. You’re such a sweetheart, and I thank God for having you in my corner. Thanks for making life easier, can’t lie that you’ve helped my life a lot. Thanks, sister. I pray that all your heart desires are met today, dear. Love you.

46. Don’t know how best to qualify how much of a blessing you have been to me, dear sister. Love you, and praying for you, dear. May your joy be full. Good morning.

47. Would want you to know that I always have you in mind and that you mean so much to me. Good morning my darling, enjoy the beauty of God’s grace today. Love you sister

48. Without any iota of doubt in me, I know you’ll make a wonderful woman, and I’m so proud of how much growth you have attained. May God’s grace be upon you. Good morning sister.

49. You’re one of my favourite persons on earth, and I’m always glad to mention this to you. Dear sister, I pray you to find favour and joy in all you do. Good morning to you dear one. God bless you so much

50. Need to tell you that you’re so adorable and precious to me. I’m so proud of you, and I wish you the very best in life. Sister, good morning.

51. Hello sister. Good morning to you, trust you’re doing well. And I believe you rested well enough. Good morning, God shall see you through in all that you do, sister.

52. You’re one of the few persons I love so much. God bless you sister for always being there for me, love you so much. I pray that help always comes for you. Good morning

53. I’m glad to tell you that you’re such a great source of joy to me. I hope you get to get the best in life. Today is filled with great testimonies. Love you. Good morning sister

54. Hello sister, good morning. Just wishing you God’s best today, I love and appreciate you greatly, dear. Have a good day, my darling.

55. you are going in and out is blessed, sister. Good morning, you definitely are the most priceless gift I’ve got in this world. Good morning

56. Praying that your coast is enlarged and that you experience the joy of the Lord. Good morning to you, sister. I love you so much

57. Sure you had a swell night, sister. Good morning, have a wonderful day ahead. I only expect the best for you, now and always. Pls, be fine. God prospers you. Amen

58. Good morning to you, sister. How have you been, and I hope your night was good? I bless you and pray you to experience the joy of the Lord like never before. Take care

59. Need to mention that you’re a darling, and I’m really proud of you. Good morning to you dear sister, I hope you’re going out and coming in is blessed. Amen.

60. My dear sister, I believe you’re doing just fine. Would want you to know that you’re very dear to me, and I feel all favoured by God for having you. Have a wonderful morning. I speak peace to all that pertains to you.

61. May God’s goodness and mercy be upon you. Good morning my dear sister. Do have a great time at work today.

62. Just sending this to make you know that you mean the world to me. I’m praying for you and hoping for the best for you. Good morning, pray God blesses you

63. Blessing you this morning, dear sister. I pray that your lot is preserved, by the Lord Himself. Amen. Take care

64. Trust you’re at your best, dear sister. I pray that you experience the favour of God wherever you step into. God bless you so much, dear. Good morning to you.

65. Good morning to you. Texting you to pray God’s mind to you. You move from glory to glory. Amen. Love you sister

66. You’ve been such a wonderful gift from God to my family and even me. Glad I’ve got you cos you make doing life so fun. I pray that your Joy abounds. Good morning

Dear sister, God’s grace and mercy will continue to abound all the more towards you as go about your endeavours today. Have a blessed day.

67. Praying for you, that you shall continue to be great. Grateful for all you’ve been to me. You’re a sister and friend, and I’m grateful for you. Good morning.

68. Good morning sister. Love to tell you that you’ve been on my mind and I’ve been praying for you. God shall supply all of your needs. Amen.

69. You’re a great woman, and I’m so proud to have you as my sister. I love boasting about you everywhere I go. I pray that you keep moving from grace to grace. Good morning, dear sis.

70. Good to know you’re doing just fine. Trust you had a swell night too. Wish you a beautiful day. Good morning sister.

71. Dear sister, how are you feeling today? Great, I suppose. My prayer to you this morning is that your joy will become full. Good morning to you.

72. Dear sister, pray you to rise beyond every challenge that comes your way. Stay victorious and jiggy. Love you. Good morning.

73. Woke up so pumped for the day, and out of the abundance of my happy heart, I’m blessing you. May the blessings of the Lord be upon you. Good morning to you, sister

74. Wouldn’t have thought of having a better sister. You’re a complete bunch of goodness. Pray you, joy doesn’t become sour. Good morning to you, sister.

75. Good morning, dear sister. Would want to pray for you this morning. That you shall obtain mercy before the Lord, Amen. Love you so much my darling.

76. I wish I had you in my hands so I can give you a warm hug this morning. All the same, I’m extending my love in this text. And wishing you peace and light. Good morning sister

77. Sister, you’ve been on my mind for a while now, why I decided to text and pray for you this morning. I pray that all your needs are met. Amen.

78. My sister is definitely one of the most wonderful persons I know. You’re a light, you brighten my mood. May your light never go dim. I feel blessed to have you. Good morning

79. Hello dear sister. How was your night? How’s the day going already? I declare an unspeakable joy to you. Good morning

80. Dear sister, you’re wonderful. I’d want you always to be reminded of this. God’s keeping you. You’re helped of the Lord. Amen. Good morning.

81. Wishing my sister a productive day ahead today. You mean so much to me. Thanks for everything. Good morning, sister.

82. Dear sister, good morning to you. Feel so thrilled to message you this morning. My heart greatly blesses you. May God’s favour be upon you. Best regards dear.

83. My dear sister. Woke up to send this to you because I’d want to prove that I always have you in mind. Love you so much, dear. God bless you. Good morning

84. Hello sister. Top of the morning to you. May this day be a blessed one. Love you so much, sissy. I’d want you to always keep this in your heart. Bye

85. Growing up with you and being sisters with you is one of the best things that ever happened to me. Good morning sister. Just felt like a blessing to you this morning. Great grace shall be upon you.

86. Can’t but text you this morning just because you’ve been such a wonderful person to me all through the years. God bless you, sister! Amen. Pls, enjoy your day

87. Wish I could come over there to give you a warm hug. Instead, I’d pray and ask God to lift you up, lest you fall, darling sister. Good morning to you

88. Don’t exactly know how I feel about you today. Feel like praying for you, that you prosper in all that you do. I love you so much dear sister, and I wish you the best in life. Good morning

89. I’ve chosen to celebrate and pray for you this morning. Dear sister, when everything goes bleak and gloomy, may heaven arise for you. Amen

90. So blessed to have you as my sister. It’s such a great privilege to have you as a sister and friend. Thanks for helping me in my journey through life, you’ve been a mentor and cheerleader. I pray you to continue to excel in all you do.

91. God’s presence shall be your confidence. Help arises for you everywhere you run to, every day of your life. Good morning my dear sister.

92. You’ve been the best, and I appreciate you for the time past. I’m praying that your days on earth be long and fulfilling. Good morning to you, sister.

93. So glad about this bright morning. It’s a good day to bless my sister for being so friendly and motherly. God shall always keep you. Good morning sister

94. Your days on earth are blessed and fruitful. Good morning to you, sister. You’re one of the best things that ever happened to me. Thanks for all you’ve been

95. Pray you continue to grow in strength and wisdom. Thank you so much for being kind and caring. Good morning to you, dear sister

96. Trust you had a very good night. Hope you get to enjoy a wonderful day today sister. Sending you my love from here. Love you so much. Good morning

97. For all you’ve been to me and all you still represent, I’m really grateful. I hope you have a fulfilling day today. Good morning sister.

98. Thank you for your love and support. I pray that God’s best is all you experience. Good morning sister. You’re the best

99. It’s such a good day to wish my beautiful sister everything she so desires in life. Good morning to you, sister. Love you.

100. May your light never run dim, and your joy would not grow dry. Amen. Just blessing you this morning sister. You’re really wonderful. Good morning to you.

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