I Miss My Ex Girlfriend Quotes and Messages

I know you’re wondering how telling your ex-girlfriend you’re missing them would make you feel any better. But being apart from your partner shouldn’t be the end of the world to you. It shouldn’t be the end of you not talking with her either or not having things to do with her.

So, it’s okay to miss your ex-girlfriend. Remember, she was once the love of your life and someone you shared everything within the past. Who knows, she can be yours again.

Here’s a list of heartfelt I miss my ex girlfriend quotes and messages you can send to your ex-girlfriend.

It’s been months since you left, but I still cherish in my heart the sweet memories we’ve shared. I know you’re with someone else, but I need you to know that I miss everything about us. I miss you deeply, ex-girlfriend.

1. Although I’ve moved on, the memories we created while we were together still fresh in my heart. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you so much.

2. I miss those beautiful moments we sit together and just stare at each other for minutes without saying a word. I miss you, dear.

3. A day like this makes me wish I could turn back the hands of time and have you back in my life, my arms. I miss you so much it hurts, ex-girlfriend.

4. Ever since you’ve moved on, everything feels mundane and ordinary—nothing special to look forward to with every sunrise. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you deeply.

5. I wish I could have you back in my life again. You were everything and more to me, and now we’re apart. I miss you so much.

6. Now that we’ve gone our separate ways, I feel there’s a big void in my heart; it feels a part of me is missing. I miss you so much it hurts.

7. Thank you for sharing your life with me. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you deeply, and I wish we could give our relationship one more chance.

8. I miss you so much it hurts, even though you’re now my ex-girlfriend. I hope you are doing very well, babe. Stay safe, and be good.

9. With each passing day, I can’t help but think about us and imagine if we could still be together and continue creating beautiful memories. I miss you, ex-girlfriend.

10. The memories of us are always in my mind. Even though we’re apart, I need you to know that I’m glad I once met someone like you on the journey of my life. I miss you so much.

11. Even though it’s clear as crystal, every fibre of my being don’t want to believe that we’re not together anymore. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you.

12. I know we’ve to go our separate ways, but I need you to know that I’m glad I met you, and I appreciate everything you did for me while we were together. I miss you so much, my ex-girlfriend.

13. Now and then, I still miss everything about you, pumpkin. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you so much it hurts.

14. No matter how much I miss you, it doesn’t change the fact that we can’t still be together. I miss you deeply, my ex-girlfriend.

15. Now that we’re apart, the thought of you gives me mixed feelings. My ex-girlfriend, I miss you so much it hurts. Always have, always will.

16. Although I’ve moved on, the memories we created while we were together still lingering in my mind. I miss you, my ex-girlfriend.

17. Sweetheart, I miss you so much every day, and now that we’re apart, I wish I could turn back the hands of time and have you back in my life.

18. I never thought life would be this boring without you right next to me. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you so much it hurts. Yes, I do.

19. I fell in love with you within a twinkle of an eye, but now it’s taking forever to stop reminiscing about the sweet memories we once created together. I miss you, my ex-girlfriend.

20. It isn’t easy to move on without you. I hope to spend every day of my life with you, beautiful. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you deeply.

21. Every day, I hope things will go back to what they were, but I don’t think that’s happening because it’s obvious you’ve moved on. I miss you so much, ex-girlfriend.

22. I still care about you even though we’re not together anymore. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you so much it hurts, and I hope you’re doing great.

23. Being with you gives me chills, makes me a better version of myself, and those are parts of what I miss about us. I miss you so much, my dear ex-girlfriend.

24. I’m tired of pretending to you, sunshine. From the minute you moved on, I’ve never stopped thinking of the moments we’ve shared. I miss you deeply.

25. It’s hard to forget the way you made me feel while we were dating. With you, no dream is too big to achieve. I miss you so much.

26. You’re a great part of me, and with you, I never thought I’d be saying goodbye real soon. I miss you, my ex-girlfriend.

27. I’ll always cherish in my heart the beautiful memories we once created and shared. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you so much it hurts.

28. Our love for each other was second to none, yet you had to move on without me. I hope you’re good, and I miss you so much, ex-girlfriend.

29. For a moment, I thought it was all a dream, but it later dawned on me that this was my new normal. Ex-girlfriend, I miss everything about you.

30. Reminiscing about you and then realising you’re not mine anymore brings about mixed feelings. Babe, I miss you so much it hurts.

31. You made my life more meaningful with your presence and forgetting someone special like you would be a hard thing to do. I miss you so much.

32. Wish someone would tell me that it was all a dream and that you’re still mine. I miss you deeply, darling ex-girlfriend, and I hope you’re doing very well.

33. Our breakup still feels like a dream to me, and I want someone to reassure me that it was all a dream after all. I miss you so much.

34. I don’t think I can completely heal from the pains that come with being apart from you. I miss you deeply, my ex-girlfriend. Yes, I do.

35. You were my dream come true, but now you have to go and be with someone else. Being apart from you is a nightmare. I miss you so much.

36. We were never perfect, but we were right for each other, and I need you to know that I’ll always cherish in my heart the sweet memories we’ve shared. I miss you, ex-girlfriend.

37. I know you’re now my ex, but I want you to know that you’ll always and forever be dear to me. I miss you so much it hurts, beautiful.

38. Every part of me refuses to believe that you’re no longer the one for me. I appreciate all that you did while we were still together. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you so much.

39. It’s clear that you’ve moved on with your life, but I still can’t stop reminiscing about you. I miss you so much, my ex-girlfriend.

40. Time they say heals wound, but I think it would take a lifetime to heal the pain that comes with being apart from you. I miss you so much.

I’ve been emotionally drained ever since we were apart from each other, beautiful. You were my everyday happiness, my heartthrob, and my cheerleader. Without your presence in my life, everything seems out of place. I miss you so much, my ex-girlfriend.

41. Every sunrise comes with the hope that I’ll be seeing you again, but then, it dawned on me that we’re not together anymore. I miss you.

42. Now and then, I close my eyes, hoping to see you right next to me by the time I open my eyes. I miss you, ex-girlfriend.

43. I know being apart from you is only a nightmare that will be over very soon. Ex-girlfriend, I miss everything about you so much.

44. A life without you right next to me seems like an incomplete life. I miss you so much it hurts, my ex-girlfriend. Yes, I do.

45. I miss someone special and dear to my heart, and that someone is you. Ex-girlfriend, I miss everything about you so much.

46. You’re someone my heart can never forget so quickly. You were my everyday happiness, and I miss your beautiful smile. I miss you, my ex-girlfriend.

47. I want to feel your soft and tender body again. I want to look forward to each day knowing that I’ll be seeing you soon. I miss you so much.

48. I miss our late-night games and conversations over the phone. I miss being with you every day. I miss you so much it hurts, ex-girlfriend.

49. Being with you makes the world a beautiful haven, and I have missed that about us ever since we’re apart. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you deeply.

50. Going through everyday life without you feels like a heavy burden to me at the moment. I miss being with you sunshine. I miss you a lot.

51. Ex-girlfriend, I know life happens, and you have to move on without me, but I want you to know that I miss you a lot more every day.

52. Sweetheart, I want you to know that I still love you so much, and I miss everything about you. I miss you deeply, ex and.

53. I’d be very happy if you could be mine again. I’m still completely in love with you, babe. I miss you so much it hurts, my ex-girlfriend.

54. I miss you a lot, and every day, I wish I have the superpower to turn back the hands of time. I miss you so much, ex-girlfriend.

55. I miss your care, your beautiful glowing, smiling face, your love, and your support. In a nutshell, I miss everything about you, my ex-girlfriend.

56. Please, come back to my life because I don’t know how much longer I can live without you right next to me. I miss you, ex-girlfriend.

57. I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that you’ve moved on without me. I still love you dearly, and I miss you so much.

58. I can’t go a day without reminiscing about you and the memories we’ve shared in the past. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you so much it hurts.

59. I don’t know which is more painful, thinking of you or waiting for you to come back into my life again. I miss you, my ex-girlfriend.

60. Every part of me misses being with someone amazing, caring, loving, and that someone is you, my ex-girlfriend. I miss you a lot.

61. I know you’re no longer mine, but I need you to know that I miss everything about you. I miss you so much, my ex-girlfriend.

62. I wish I could hold your hands in mine again; I wish I could go back in time and space and right all my wrongs. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you a lot.

63. Realising that you’re not mine anymore brings pain to my heart, tears to my eyes, and makes everyday mundane. I miss you so much.

64. I know you’re someone else’s babe now, but I want you to know that I’m still deeply in love with you. I miss you a lot, my ex-girlfriend.

65. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you deeply. I’ll never stop cherishing the beautiful memories we created while we were still together.

66. Missing those days when I get to hug you tightly, kiss you passionately, and cuddle you up. I miss you so much, my ex-girlfriend.

67. I want to go back to being the love of your life, sunshine. I miss you so much it hurts, and every fibre of my being is still in love with you.

68. Every day isn’t the same without you in my life. From the minute you left, life seemed incomplete and boring. I miss you a lot.

69. I’m still in love with you, babe, and I hope things can go back to what they used to be. I miss you deeply, my ex-girlfriend. Yes, I do.

70. I miss you so much it hurts, my ex-girlfriend. I know you’re with someone else now, but I want you to know that I’m still in love with you.

I am missing everything about you with each passing day; I miss your beautiful smile, tender love, and care. I miss being with you every day. In a nutshell, ex-girlfriend, I’m still in love with you, and I miss you so much it hurts.

71. Now I’ve come to realise that without you, every day feels just the same; nothing special to look forward to without you in my life. I miss you a lot.

72. You were the best part of me, and I want you to know that my heart still craves for you and your love. I miss you so much, ex-girlfriend.

73. Damsel, come rain or shine, I’ll always cherish the sweet memories we once shared. I love you, and I miss you deeply.

74. I know you’ve moved on; I can’t help but think about you every day. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you so much it hurts. Yes, I do.

75. I miss you so much every day, and I wish you could be mine again and again. I miss you so much, ex-girlfriend.

76. Even though you’re now my ex, I still miss you every day. My heart longs for you, your love, and your care. I miss you a lot.

77. The memories of you and I will always be in my mind and my heart. I’m glad to have met you, and I wish you all the best in life. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you so much.

78. You were once my one and only, and now you’re someone else’s love. I miss everything about you, my ex-girlfriend.

79. I still can’t believe you’re someone else’s woman now. Thank you for all the sweet memories we created and shared. I miss you a lot.

80. You were the sunshine in my life, and now, you’re with someone else. I miss you so much it hurts, my ex-girlfriend. Yes, I do.

81. Babe, I know you’ve moved on, but I need to ask for a little favour. Please, can you be mine again? I miss you so much, ex-girlfriend.

82. With you, every day feels magical, but now, every day feels mundane without you right next to me. I miss you deeply, my ex-girlfriend.

83. I need you and your love in my life. Not a day goes by that I don’t reminisce about you and the sweet memories we once shared. I miss you a lot.

84. Please, can you be mine again? I miss you every day, sweetheart, and I want you to know that I’m still completely in love with you.

85. I can’t stand the thought that you’re not mine anymore, but someone else’s, babe. I miss you so much it hurts, ex-girlfriend. Yes, I do.

86. For you, I’d walk a thousand miles just to have you back in my life again. Please, be mine again, pumpkin. I miss you so much.

87. Sweetie pie, you’re with someone else now, but I still can’t get you out of my heart and mind. I miss you a lot, please, can you be mine again?

88. It’s been weeks since we were apart, but not a single moment without you in my mind. I still love you, and I miss you so much, ex-girlfriend.

89. Babe, do you care to give our love one more chance to blossom? Ex-girlfriend, I’m still passionately in love with you, and I miss you a lot.

90. Your presence brought so much happiness to my life, and I miss that about us. I miss you so much it hurts, my darling ex-girlfriend.

91. I miss the warmth that comes with being with you, beautiful. Please, be mine again because I never stop loving you. I miss you so much.

92. I know things have gone sour between us, but I need you to know that I’m still in love with you. I miss you a lot, and I want you back in my life.

93. Darling, when we parted, it was like a part of me was taken away. Deep within my heart, I still care about you. I miss you so much.

94. Babe, the love we both shared certainly deserves another chance. Ex-girlfriend, I miss you so much it hurts, and I’m still in love with you.

95. Being apart from you has made me realise that my life will always be incomplete without you in it. I love you dearly, and I miss you a lot.

96. With every sunrise, my heart craves something special, and that is your sweet love. Please, be mine again, cuppy cake. I miss you so much.

97. It’s so hard surviving each day without someone special like you in my life. I miss you so much it hurts, ex-girlfriend. Please, can you be mine again?

98. Darling, please give me one more chance, and I promise to make it right. I miss you a lot, and I’m still completely in love with you.

99. A part of me still craves for you and your love, even though you’re someone else’s girlfriend now. I miss you more than you can imagine.

100. I will do anything to have you back as my dear girlfriend. Life has become mundane ever since we parted. I miss you so much.

Thank you for checking out this beautifully written I miss my ex-girlfriend quotes and messages.

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