Living Far Away From Parents Quotes

It can be quite challenging to live alone without your parents. It is more tasking and requires more responsibility when you live far away from them. You have to handle and face life alone.

Living far away from your parents is a step toward becoming independent and gaining the capability of handling different situations by yourself. It may not be easy, but it’s worth it. There are days and moments when we just wish to run back to our parents or at least be able to talk to them, but the distance is an issue.

Here are some quotes on living far away from your parents, successfully facing life, and dealing with problems by yourself.

When you live far away from your parents, you will miss them a lot. You will have to make most of your life decisions by yourself, you may have to worry about the future by yourself. The good thing about this is that it makes you better. These are others living far away from parents quoted for you.

1. When you live far away from your parents, you need to be brave and strong, especially when you feel lonely and miss your parents.

2. When you live far away from your parents, you will miss your parents. You may cry and then move on.

3. Living far away from your parents is always hard, but you have to be strong and stand up for yourself.

4. Living far away from your parents is challenging, sometimes you regret it and feel you can go back home.

5. Living far away from your parents can make you feel so alone, but remember to dream, and you’ll be all right

6. It can be a difficult thing to live far away from your parents, but when it is for the better, it will get better.

7. There’s no place like home with your family. It may not be easy to live far away from your parents, but it’s the best way to maturity.

8. Living away from your parents is tough, especially when you are far away. You have to work hard for yourself.

9. To be far away from your parents is a difficult task, but we can succeed if we are strong for it.

10. It feels lonely to live far away from your parents. You miss them and wish they can stay close, it’s not easy being far away from home, but you will succeed.

11. Staying far away from parents is hurting. You feel lonely without them.

12. Living far away from your parents is like a night without a moon and without the stars. You will sometimes be so lonely and empty.

13. Being far away from parents can help a person to stop being afraid of the dark or being afraid of the night.

14. Living far away from parents increases the distance that can sometimes break the person.

15. When you live far away from home, you need to be strong. It’s not easy but you have to be brave for yourself.

16. Living far away from your parents can be hard. Sometimes you cry but you have to be brave, strong, and face life again.

17. When you live far away from your parents, your life gets busy and full. It may not be easy but it is important when you face life.

18. Sometimes staying far away is better, it may be hard but it is for the best. It means stepping out of your comfort zone and being better.

19. When you are far away from home. It feels like you are alone and small, especially when things are difficult.

20. It is not easy, you should have known to stay, living far away from parents keeps them far from you.

21. Living far away from home can make one go through a lot and miss their parents.

22. When you stay and live far away from home, it’s not easy to face life alone.

23. It’s hard when you have no one to give you strength when you are weak, especially when you live far away from your parents.

24. I’ve lived far away from my parents. I have been alone in a strange place for a long time. Sometimes I can’t remember how far I have come.

25. Living far away from your parents will make you feel lonely sometimes. But when you make new friends, you will know it’s all right.

26. I have lived far away from my parents for a long time. I’ve seen and faced things all alone, but no place like home.

27. I live far away from home without my parents. It hasn’t been easy but I have my dreams and they will carry me through.

28. I have my hopes and my fears, things may not be easy as I live far away from my parent but I will live this life with a smile on my face and I will overcome it.

29. It’s such a strange thing to live far away from one’s parents. It’s full of loneliness and sometimes makes one sad.

30. Living far away from one’s parents is a whole lot. It is not easy but if you are ready to face it, you can make it.

31. It’s hard to live far away from one’s parents but I will stay strong and true to whatever life brings my way. It will get better.

32. Living far away from parents can be scary and sometimes make you feel like you’re all alone. It may not be easy at first but it is worth it.

33. You can live far away from your parents but your heart will be home stuck with them and you will miss them so much.

34. You may never think of living far away from your parents or far away from home but sometimes it happens and you have to face it.

35. Living far away from your parents doesn’t mean you should be far from them. You may be far physically but your heart should be with them.

36. Living far away from your parents can leave you feeling small and sad, but remember that your parents love you and their heart is with you always.

37. Living far away from my parents and family is sometimes difficult. It can be a sad and lonely way to live.

38. It is hard to live far away from home. It is difficult and you wouldn’t know what to expect.

39. Living far away from home is not an easy task. You miss home and your siblings and you sometimes feel like you don’t have a home.

40. Living far away from home teaches one to be responsible, more serious, and take life seriously.

41. When you live far away from home, you need to sometimes take out time to visit home and your parents.

42. Living far away from home can be hard. As a kid, your parents are still there, but when you are far away from them, you face life and do things alone.

43. Sometimes, you feel so far, far away from your parents and this is because you live far away from your parents and can’t wait to be with them.

44. When you live far away from your parents, it can be hard to be and stay alone. When you think of how lonely you are, you want to be at home.

45. When you live far away from my parents, but you have some friends around me to keep you company, it is a good and a great feeling.

46. Living far away from your parents might not be easy, but it’s possible when you are determined.

47. Living far away from your parents will teach you a lot of lessons about life and what it means to be responsible.

48. Living far away from your parents can be tough but it’s an act of responsibility.

49. Living far away from your parents is not easy and it sometimes comes with a lot of tears because of the situation that comes with it.

50. You will miss your parents when you live far away from them, but you can be connected when you stay in touch.

51. Living far away from your parents means staying away from home and being independent.

52. Living far away from parents can keep you apart and create distance, but the memories built can never be taken away.

53. Living far away from your parents and being on your own can be challenging. You think of them more because you are not close to them.

54. You live far from your parents and you feel alone without them. It may not be easy but it is worthwhile and necessary.

55. You will miss your parents when you stay far away from your parents, it may not be easy at first, but soon, you will get better.

56. Living far away from your parents gives you a chance to spend time with other friends, and also prepare for your future.

57. You might get homesick when you stay far away from your parents but as long as you have great friends around and you do things that interest you, you‘ll get over it.

58. You get out of your comfort zone when you stay far away from your parents. You get involved in things that interest you and you get better at what you do.

59. Living far away from your parents will make you strong and help you make the best decisions in what you do.

60. Living far away from your parents will not only help you prepare for the future, but it will also help you to focus and put your best into what you do.

61. The decision to live far away from home may be hard and scary, but it’s worth it to stay out of your comfort zone.

62. Living far away from home gives you the best experience and helps you make new friends. You might miss your old home, but gaining new things will help you forget about it.

63. It is not an easy choice to live far away from home but it can be the right choice because you are going to make new friends, try new things and get independent.

64. Living far away from your parents can be hard, but if you make the effort, it can be the best choice to prepare you for a bright and great future.

65. Living far away from your parents doesn’t mean cutting them off. The connection with your parents should still be maintained.

66. Living far away from home teaches you valuable lessons that will help you as an adult and help you to be more independent.

67. Just remember that distance means nothing when it comes to family. You live far away from your parents but your heart should be with them.

68. When you live far away from your parents and you are committed to what you do, your life can move to the next level.

69. Living far away from home can make you homesick. But when you take the time and try to figure out what to do with your life, things will get easier with time.

70. It is not an easy thing to live far away from your parents. It comes with challenges, but the challenges can be overcome.

71. It might be hard to live far away from your parents and family when you’re young. But when you make up your mind for it, you find strength.

72. Living far away from my parents and home is quite difficult, it’s not what I expect. I just trust God to make way for me.

73. Living far away from my parents, family, and all my friends, is a lovely way to live, I wish I could change places with anyone.

74. When you live far away from your parents and home, there’s no need to be afraid of what the future holds or what it will bring. Just trust God.

75 Living far away from your parents and home makes one sad and lonely. You just can’t wait to get home and see my parents.

76. Living far away from your parents and home can open you up to big opportunities, you just have to be open to them.

77. Sometimes, living far away from your parents can make you feel small and sad, but know your parents’ love is always there for you.

78. Living far away from your parents and home does not mean your parents won’t be there or you won’t be with them anymore. You will just miss them for a while.

79. Living far away from your parents is quite difficult especially when you just start living and you are not a home person.

80. Living far away from your parents can make you feel lonely and alone. It is sometimes difficult.

81. Living far away from your parents can make you feel like you’re all alone. It’s difficult and sometimes hard to get back.

82. Living far away from your parents can make the heart get depressed and being with your parents eases the pains and depressed mind.

83. You can live far away from your parents, but having your phone and a few friends around can keep you company.

84. Living far away from my parents is not something you sometimes wish for but you will be glad you did in the long run.

85. Living far away from home is a way to find your freedom, it’s the only way your love can grow, it’s a way to get to know yourself, and to see what you’re worth.

86. When you feel lonely because you live far away from home, sitting and staring at the stars, the same way you do with your parents back at home, can make you get better.

87. When you sit and think about your life, You realize how hard it is to live far away from your parents and most times you think about them.

88. Living far away from your parents can be tasking, you have to fend for yourself, and be responsible for your well-being.

89. You can have a hard time living away from your parents, but when you have people around you, you get used to it.

90. Living far away from my parents is sometimes easy when you get constant love and support from your parents.

91. Living far away from your parents can be tough, especially when you are older and have more responsibilities.

92. Living far away from your parents and being on your own can be very hard, especially if it’s your first time.

93. It can be distressing to live far away from home especially when you are not strong and able to face it.

94. Living far away from your parents is not something you should try when you are not ready for it. It is quite tough.

95. Living far away from home will make you know what it’s like to live far away from your parents. You will wish to return home but if you are strong, you will get through it.

96. Whatever it is you are going through as a result of living far away from home, other people have gone through similar things and they succeeded. Be assured and work hard to succeed.

97. No matter how old you are, living far away from your parents is difficult. It is hard and you feel all alone till you meet new people and make friends.

98. You’ve been living far away from your parents for some time. It is so tasking but if you keep the faith.

99. If you live far away from your parents, you have to stay strong and keep believing. Be your best and do your best.

100. No matter how stressful and hard it may be to live far away from your parents. It is achievable if you put your mind to it.

People who live far away from their parents need to be encouraged and need strength to keep going when it gets tough. Share this post with someone today and get them encouraged. Also, don’t forget to drop a comment with your favourite quotes. Thank you.

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