New Month Prayers and Blessings (August 2022)

It’s the beginning of another month, a brand new day for another month in the year and of course, majority are excited with this new beginning.

No matter who your loved one is or your relationship with them, friends, colleagues, family, distant relatives, school mates, wife, husband, sibling, son, daughter no matter what their relationship with you is, you will love to let them know that they are in your thoughts as they go in the new month of August 2022.

It might seem that everyone is doing fine on the outside but then deep down, they might actually not be happy as you are or and you think they are. Some might be emotionally drained, others are physically sick.
Your wishes and prayers for the new month might be the lifesaver to them at that point.

Money might not be enough to appreciate what some even mean to you.

Let your wishes and prayers make them feel wanted and appreciated as another new month rolls in.

You can choose from this collection of happy new month prayers and wishes to forward to them as text messages, on social media or even printed on a card.

Do you want some happy new month prayer quotes for yourself, friends, boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, or family members? Why not use this copy and paste happy new month prayers and blessings for him or her with love.

1. As the dawn of this new month breaks, I pray that it will wash away every negativity your life is hanging unto and give make your life even more wonderful. Welcome to a colourful new month that you deserve.

2. I wish you an amazing month with the total package of achievements. God be with you this new month.

3. Enter this new month with more than enough positivity and make the most out of the happiness and joys of this new month.

4. May this new month usher in warmth and peace for you all round. Happy new month.

5. I can see this new month bringing to you positive vibes only. Be rest assured that this new month is bringing the best for you. Welcome to another month.

6. The past months have been almost uneventful but trust me, God is giving you good rewards this new month. Believe it.

7. May all your unfulfilled and pending requests come to fulfilment with the dawn of this new month.

8. I wish that this new month be as colourful as a rainbow for you. Happy new month.

9. Get set to grab the package that comes with this new month. Best wishes for you AHEAD of the new month.

10. This new month, may your life be made perfect and your mind healed as you go through it. God bless you.

11. May this month bring you blessings and immeasurable happiness. May the sun of goodness shine bright on your side.

12. The glory of the sun will work for your goodness his new month, don’t forget as you go into it that the Lord is on your side, always.

13. Be rest assured that all your efforts will be crowned with good success in this new month. It’s your month of beautification all around.

14. I’ll always be here with you and cheer you up to good things which your heart desires. You deserve the best, happy new month.

15. Because the time flies and doesn’t crawl, I pray that your heart desires will come rushing through for you as you step into this new month. Happy new month to you.

16. This new month, your joy will be complete, your days will be fruitful and your undertakings perfected. Have a lovely month ahead dear.

17. From my heart, I pray that this new month will be of relaxation for you, have a beautiful one ahead. Happy new month.

18. Goodness and mercies will follow you this new month and thereafter. Happy new month to you.

19. This new month, may you enjoy bountiful proceeds from every of your labour’s. Welcome to another beautiful month.

20. I pray wholeheartedly for you that you enjoy God’s favour and illuminance in every aspect this new month. Happy new month to you.

21. It is well with you today and the coming months of the year. Welcome to another month of goodness all round.

22. This new month, your path is lined with beauty, your days filled with favour and every of your efforts yield positive result. Happy new month.

23. Prosperity and blessings for you this new month in Jesus name. Happy new month to you.

24. As you go into a new month, I pray that your past be gone completely and newness will set in for you. Divine goodness and mercy will be yours. Happy new month.

25. This new month, make sure to make every minute count and you’ll be surprised at the reward you’ll get for your labour. Welcome to another month of breakthrough.

26. I wish you nothing short of beautiful days ahead this new month, have a blissful one.

27. May your days be beautiful and your smiles permanent, happy new month!

28. Goodness and excitement will follow you all the days of your life this new month and even beyond it. Happy new month.

29. Beauty for ashes, glory for shame, blessings and favours these are my prayers for you as you enter into another month. Happy new month.

30. The Lord will fight for you and you’ll hold your peace as you go this new month. Stay blessed.

31. The perfect will of God for your life is incoming with the new month already. I wish you a colourful month ahead.

32. This new month, I wish you goodness, mercies and God’s favour to follow you all the days and all your ways as you go.

33. The loving arms of the Lord will surround you and keep you from falling. It will hold you safe throughout the month. Happy new month.

34. Another opportunity to write beautiful chapters of life is presented as a new month to you. May your pages be filled with beauty. Cheers to a great month ahead.

35. You deserve success and excellence. And I wish you these and more this new month. May this new month bring with it blessings.

36. Glory to glory and abundance of blessings I wish you, from now henceforth. Happy new month.

37. As you have waited patiently and bore your struggles, the Lord will perfect all that concerns you as you go this new month.

38. In all you do, you will excel this new month. Just trust God to take care of you. Happy new month.

39. Wisdom, discenerment and success are my wishes for you this new month.

40. You’ve worked hard, you deserve all the best. Have a great month ahead.

41. The Lord will guide your steps gracefully into this new month. Happy new month to you.

42. What the Lord will do in your life this new month will surprise people and definitely stay permanent. Welcome to your month of harvest.

43. Cheers to a month of possibilities, overcoming challenges and all round success. Have a glorious month.

44. All your works and labours will not be in vain but instead will yield great harvest this new month.

45. The Lord will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory this new month and beyond.

46. I wish you a super exciting month of fulfilness ahead.

47. It will be well with you allround in this incoming month. God bless you in all ways

48. May the Lord satisfy you with good things in this coming month and beyond. Happy new month to you.

49. It doesn’t matter how many people you contend with, you will shine this new month and always, amen.

50. It was a pleasure walking every journey with you, happy new month, my dear.

51. Ahead of you this month, I pray that your path be smooth and your ways straight. Have a great month ahead.

52. Because you deserve the best, I wish you a golden month ahead my dear. Happy new month.

53. Remember to always have that smile on your face no matter what the coming month rolls in with. Happy new month.

54. May this new door open unto new and greater opportunities. It’s your time already. Happy new month my dear.

55. I hope you’re ready for the new and beautiful chapter that is about to be opened for you in this new month.

56. I wish that this new month will be a good one. And if you had had a good one, this will definitely be a better one. Happy new month to you.

57. Have a colour and interesting month ahead. Happy new month.

58. In all you do this month, may the God Almighty shower you enough love, peace and keeps you and your family always close to him. I wish you all the best for the upcoming month.

59. I’m confident that this new month will usher in amazing gifts and breakthroughs for you. Stay blessed, happy new month.

60. Let your mind be open to possibilities that will be ushered in with this new month.

61. Don’t forget that the Lord is for you as you go into the new month. I call you blessed.

62. This new month will usher into you lasting and perfect impression. Have a wonderful month ahead.

63. Your hopes and expectations are here already with the new month. The Lord be with you.

64. The next 30 days will be full of smiles, joys, and delights. I already begged the angel in charge to make sure that happens. Happy new month.

65. The new month will have an amazing effect on you, happy new month.

66. Thank God you’re able to cross over to the new month with me. I wish you an amazing month with all the love in my heart.

67. My love for you gets to be another month older. Happy new month to us baby.

68. In and out you’ve been awesome so far, I wish you’ll continue that way this new month. Happy new month.

69. Let’s celebrate another 30 days to love each other completely. Happy new month to us.

70. New achievements, great loving and care is on its way for you for the next 30 days. Happy new month darling.

71. Keep being awesome for another 30 days, you’re loved always darling, happy new month.

72. I wish you all the best for the new month and beyond. God bless and keep you for me always

73. Welcome this new month with all the fullness and energy you’ve got. Happy new month.

74. Another 30 days is here for you to aspire towards your goals yet and explore this new month.

75. Anything can still happen, don’t forget to put in your best for the next 30 days. Happy new month dear.

76. Keep on pushing towards your goals, you’re almost there. Happy new month

77. Positivity would keep you going, don’t forget that. Enjoy your next 30 days of awesomeness.

78. Let the new month roll in and unfold the beautiful turns and twists in your life that you have never expected. Happy new month.

79. May the new month wash away all your sorrows and carry you to the joys unbound. Happy new month.

80. We made it to another awesome year. Congratulations to us, all the best for the next 30 days.

81. Remove all your fears and worries ad the new month will replace all the odds with countless opportunities for you. Happy new month.

82. It’s another 30 days to show you that your dreams are not unachievable. I wish you strength.

83. Push harder to achieve what you desire for. It’s time to welcome yet another opportunity, a new month.

84. Don’t lose hope. Never lose hope. Don’t stop holding unto hope. I just want to remind you of this. Happy new month.

85. More than anything, this month will favour you. Happy new month to you.

86. Before I get enmeshed in the next 30 days, let me wish you a beautiful one ahead. Happy new month to you.

87. May you find all that your heart seek and desire this new month. I wish you the very best.

88. I wish you the most beautiful things ahead for this new month in all your aspirations. May you be blessed with good news always

89. God’s blessings and peace be unto you this month and beyond. The Lord bless you. Happy new month.

90. I pray that your success will locate you this month, have a fantastic month ahead.

91. Thank God I got another 30 days to show you of my love for you. Happy new month to us baby.

92. I appreciate your love and support all this while. Thanks for sharing this love with me. Happy new month to us baby.

93. I have always prayed for your success and happiness, thank God I get to do that yet again, for the next 30 days. Happy new month to you.

94. Let’s have more fun and laughter this new month. I love you babe, happy new month to us.

95. Before I start praying for everyone, may this new month bring love into your home my dear. Happy new month.

96. Stretch your hand to embrace every possibility there is in this new month.

97. Every good thing will be delivered to you this new month, just keep calm and enjoy the days. Happy new month to you.

98. I wish every one of you a beautiful, cute and awesome new month. Enjoy yourselves to the end.

99. May your efforts be crowned with lots of success and prosperity! Happy new month.

100. Don’t forget to thank God for every of your success as you go through this new month. Happy new month to you.

101. Don’t forget to have fun and love your life to the fullest this new month, God’s got you. Happy new month.

102. This month is your month of multiple celebrations. Welcome to it.

103. Greeting cards and sweet flowers I have none, but with a loving and caring heart, I’m sending this new month wish to you.

104. This month, you will succeed where others suck seeds. The Lord will crown your efforts. Happy new month to you.

105. You will not be stranded, may you have it all in abundance this month. Happy new month to you.

106. I am so happy to be loving you all over again for the next 30 days. Happy new month my dear.

107. Welcome to the opening day of another month. Congratulations to us.

108. Begin your walk towards your our because your new beginning is here already. Happy New Month!

109. God is blessing you as you go in this new month, just trust him. Have an amazing month ahead.

110. Everything will be for our good this new month and even beyond. Happy new month to you.

111. Blessed are you in this new month and always! Welcome to an amazing month.

112. Your eyes are destined to see great things and your mind achieving them. I wish you a successful month ahead.

113. Series of happiness is in store for this month. Enjoy it. Happy new month.

114. This is my best and amazing month by God’s grace. Happy new month y’all!

115. Thank you, God, for another 30 days of your goodness and blessings to me. Happy new month.

116. I am the best version of myself yet and this month, I’ll keep proving my awesomeness. Happy new month.

117. This is just messaging thank you Lord for another journey of 30 days ahead. Happy new month everyone.

118. I do not take the grace I’ve enjoyed so far for granted. It’s a beautiful new month already.

119. I have had amazing days and years in the past and yet this new month will record more for me. Happy new month.

120. Happy new month! My heart screams to the world!

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