My Grandma Is My Guardian Angel Quotes

Grandmothers are sometimes our guardian angels, who watch over us from the time of birth. Sometimes, they constantly drive us towards happiness. Grandmothers in the family take care of their grandchildren and devote their lives to them to nurture them.

Sometimes, our grandmothers are there in the tough times and sweet times of life. She may ignore you, get angry with you or even get mad at you at times but no matter what, their love for you is unconditional.

There are times in our lives when we feel lonely and disoriented. The little things that make us smile aren’t so easy to find on the go and oftentimes, the darkness threatens to overwhelm us. That’s when your grandma comes in handy. She’s your guardian angel and always knows how to lift you.

If you love your grandma, do not miss the chance to read this lovely collection of my grandma is my guardian angel quotes below.

Family is the most important thing in the world, and my grandma is sometimes second only to God. She has been there for us through so many trials and tribulations — she deserves a better life than this, but hopefully, I get to make her proud for being my guardian angel.

1. My grandma is my guardian angel. I’m grateful every day for my grandma who’s been with me since day one. She loves and takes care of me in the same way she does her other grandkids.

2. I love you, my sweet grandma. You are my guardian angel. I’m happy that you’re the light of my life.

3. My grandmother she’s my guardian angel, she’s been there for me since I was born.

4. My grandmother’s been there for me as long as I’ve been alive. She’s my guardian angel, and she’s the person I love most in this world.

5. My grandmother I love her so much. She’s like a second mother to me. I can’t imagine where I would be today without her. She’s always been there for me, through good times and bad. She’s my guardian angel.

6. My beloved grandmother you are my guardian angel, I am forever grateful that you were born.

7. I love my grandmother so much. She’s always been there for me since I was born. She is my guardian angel.

8. When I was a child, my grandmother—my guardian angel—was always there to help me. She’s always been, my guardian angel.

9. I love my grandma so much. She’s been by my side my entire life. She is my guardian angel.

10. My grandmother is my hero and my guardian angel. She has guided me through life, providing unconditional love, support, and advice since I was born.

11. When I was a baby, no one was there for me more than my grandmother. She took care of me, cheered me up when I was down and gave me the life I have today. She will be my guardian angel forever.

12. I would be entirely lost without my grandma. She’s the one who taught me about life, and how to live a good one. She is my guardian angel.

13. I love my grandmother. She’s always been a role model and guardian angel for me.

14. When I think of my grandma, I feel a lot of love. Every day she’s looking out for me and giving me support, and I know she always will. My grandma is my guardian angel.

15. Being with you is like being closer to God. You are my guardian angel, and in no way do I take your love for granted. I love you, grandma.

16. I am nothing without my grandma in my life. She is my guardian angel, and the person I turn to when I need advice or just need someone there for me.

17. My grandma is my guardian angel, my source of inspiration. When I need advice or just need someone to be there for me, she is right there by my side.

18. My grandma is my life and guardian angel. Without her, I would be nothing. She’s my angel, my saviour, and the person I turn to for advice when I need it. She’s always there for me, even when nobody else is.

19. My grandma, my guardian angel. I could not be who I am today without her by my side. There is no one else I would rather go to with my problems and my joys. No one whom I would want to share family memories with more than her.

20. My grandma is the person who loves me unconditionally. She’s my guardian angel, my protector, and the person I will always trust with my life.

21. My grandma is my life. She is the first person I want to see when I wake up, and the last person I want to see before going to sleep. My grandma is my guardian angel.

22. My grandma is my rock and my guardian angel. I can’t imagine where I would be without her in my life. When I was a child, she played the role of both mom and dad for me, taking me to get ice cream after soccer games, and going to plays at my school. I love her so much.

23. I feel stronger knowing that my grandma loves me with such an overpowering passion. I can always count on her to be there for me in a time of need. She is my guardian angel.

24. I owe everything to my grandma. She has always been there for me when I needed her, and she always gives me excellent advice. My grandma is my guardian angel.

25. My grandma is someone I will always love. She is my guardian angel. She’s always there for me, and I would do anything to spend one more day with her.

26. I am a different person now because of my grandma. Her generosity, thoughtfulness, and unconditional love have helped me become who I am today. She will always be my guardian angel.

27. She’s my number one fan. I love and appreciate everything she does for me, from the countless hours spent rocking me back to sleep when I was a baby to listening to me vent about my days. My grandma is my guardian angel.

28. She’s been the best grandmother anyone could ask for, and I can’t imagine life without her. She will always be my guardian angel.

29. Grandmas are like guardian angels. They’re always there to watch over us, protect us and love us no matter what.

30. I love you, and miss you so much, Grandma. You’ll always be my guardian angel.

31. You are my guardian angel. You protect me from the bad people and guide me to the good things in life. Love you, grandma.

32. Grandmas have the highest rate of guardian angel sightings. I love my grandma in particular.

33. You are my guardian angel, watching over me, and protecting me from harm. I’m always with you and want you to know that I love you very much.

34. Your love is my shelter, my guardian angel. Your heart beats in sync with mine. You are the air I breathe and I will always love you.

35. My love for you is constant and everlasting. Always remember that I hold you close to my heart, never letting you go. You are my guardian angel, grandma.

36. My grandma is my guardian angel. She is the most wonderful, caring person I know. She brings me so much joy and happiness. I love her so much.

37. Grandma, I am forever grateful for your enduring love. Thank you for being a guardian angel that watches over us from the time we are born. We love you.

38. My grandma is my guardian angel, she’s the reason I’m alive today. She taught me everything I know and gave me a love that can’t be replaced.

39. My grandma is the reason I’m alive today. She taught me everything I know and gave me a love that can’t be replaced. My grandma is my guardian angel.

40. My grandma is my guardian angel, I’m alive because of her. She taught me everything I know and gave me a love that can’t be replaced.

41. My grandma is my guardian angel, she’s the reason I’m alive today. Her love goes beyond all others, and she has taught me everything I know.

42. My grandmother is the reason I wake up every morning. She’s the reason I draw, write, and create music. It’s my grandmother who guides me to success and gives me love beyond any words. My grandma is my guardian angel.

43. I’m alive today because of my amazing grandmother who, from the moment I was born, has been my guardian angel. She gave me everything I need to be successful in life and showed me what true love is.

44. I have a love in my life that cannot be replaced, the person I can always count on. She gave me life and showed me the unconditional love I’d never felt before. My grandma is my guardian angel.

45. My grandma is the best. My grandma is my guardian angel. I love her so much because she taught me to reach for my dreams, and helped me live life to the fullest.

46. You are my guardian angel. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, even when I don’t deserve it. I love you with all my heart, grandma.

47. I don’t know where I’d be without her, but I know it wouldn’t be here. My grandma is my reason for being, my life, my love. She is my guardian angel.

48. My grandmother has always been my hero. She’s the most important person in my life and is the perfect example of what a mother should be. My grandma is my guardian angel.

49. My grandma is a symbol of the true power of love to conquer all. She gave me the world and taught me right from wrong. My grandma is my guardian angel. I love her more than life itself.

50. My grandma is my guardian angel. When I was growing up, whenever I said something bad or did something wrong, she would look at me with eyes that were full of love and say, “I’ll pray for you”. And I believe her.

51. My grandma is my spirit guide. When I was growing up, she would always clothe me with love, and make me feel safe. I am proud to call her my guardian angel.

52. My grandma is my guardian angel. She’s the first person I call whenever I’m sick, and she’s always willing to listen when I need her. Whenever I think of her, a smile comes to my face.

53. I am very lucky because I grew up in a family full of love. Everyone in my family loves me, and I believe that my grandma especially loves me and she prayed for me all my life. My grandma is my guardian angel.

54. The love my grandma has for me is endless. She is my guardian angel. I know her heart will always be mine, even when I’m 90.

55. My grandma. My heart overflows with love when I think of her. My grandma is my guardian angel. She is the best!

56. If it were not for the love my grandma held in her heart, I would not be who I am today. She taught me how to love others, and accept people for who they are. My grandma is my guardian angel.

57. Every morning when I wake up, I think of my grandma and feel fortunate to have her in my life. She makes me feel special, loved, and important every day. She is my guardian angel.

58. My grandma is one of my guardian angels. She sits on a cloud and watches over me, enjoying the little things in life with gusto.

59. You’re the reason I’m alive, Grandma. I love you and I am grateful for you. Your life is mine, and my life is yours. You are my guardian angel.

60. My grandma watches over me, making sure I’m always safe. I enjoy the little things in life with gusto thanks to her, and she reminds me of what matters most. She is my guardian angel.

61. My grandma is one of my best-loved and most treasured friends. She is always there when I need her, and she loves me unconditionally. She is my guardian angel.

62. I love you, Grandma. You are someone of great wisdom and beauty, and I am glad that you are always there for me and my family. You’re my guardian angel.

63. Dear grandma, you are my guardian angel. Thank you for showing me the right way to live, by example, and for loving me always.

64. My grandma is a treasure trove of wisdom, love, and life experience. Every moment with grandma is a chance to learn more about the great life we’re meant to enjoy. She is surely my guardian angel.

65. When I was small, my grandma watched me play in my backyard and smiled. She was always there for me, to hug me or tell me a story. She will remain my guardian angel forever.

66. A wise woman once told me that there is a guardian angel assigned to each person. A guardian angel who watches over you, and guides you whenever he can. My grandma is my guardian angel.

67. My wise and loving grandmother who is my guardian angel. I love her to bits.

68. You are the light in my day. The music in my heart, the rainbow after a storm, the smile on my face, and the breath in my lungs. Thank you for being my guardian angel, Grandma.

69. As long as granny is around, I’ll always have someone to talk to about my days, hot chocolate waiting for me when I get home from school, and a hug that makes everything better. I love her.

70. Happy birthday to my guardian angel. I love you, and I miss you.

71. She lived a simpler life and followed her heart, but she would always accept the people for who they were, and share her wisdom with everyone she met. She was my guardian angel, and I miss her.

72. She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. My grandma is my guardian angel. She’s been there for me, so I’m going to be there for her. I love you, grandma.

73. My grandma is my guardian angel. She’s been there for me, and her love is unwavering. She will always be there for me, so I’m going to be there for her. I love you Grammy.

74. I love you so much, grandma. I’ll be here for you whenever you need me because you’re my guardian angel.

75. Grandma, I will always be there for you. You’re my best friend and the guardian angel who made my life possible. Thank you, grandma.

76. My grandma is my guardian angel. She is the angel inside my heart when our hearts are apart. I love her.

77. I’ll always love you, grand. A. We’ve spent so many wonderful times together. Thank you for being there for me.

78. My grandma looks after me. She cares for me, and I want to love her back. She is my guardian angel. Grandma, I love you.

79. Grandma, you have been a faithful friend and guide to me during this time. You have helped me understand life and myself. I will forever be gratefully indebted to you. I love you, grandma.

80. Being your granddaughter has always been one of my proudest accomplishments. You are my guardian angel. You have always been there for me, and I cannot wait to be there for you as you grow old.

81. I promise to always be there for you, to protect and honour you. I care deeply for you because you have given me an immeasurable amount of love throughout my entire life. I love you, grandma.

82. My grandma is my guardian angel. She’s the one who taught me to dream, to be inspired, and to never stop dreaming, growing, and being inspired. We lost her last year, and I miss her every day.

83. My grandma and I were so close. We could talk for hours and hang out all day if we could. She was a truly remarkable woman who taught me to dream, to be inspired, and to never stop dreaming, growing, and being inspired. She was my guardian angel.

84. My grandma is my guardian angel. She taught me to dream, be inspired, and dream big.

85. I wrote this because I love my grandma, who is and forever will be my guardian angel. She taught me to dream and to never stop dreaming. She had faith in me when no one else did. I miss her every day but she lives on in me and inspires me to be the best person I can be.

86. My grandma’s the most important person in my life. She was my guardian angel, helping me chase my dreams and be who I am today. I miss her every day.

87. I love you, grandma. I still remember you listening to my every problem. You were always there for me. You are, and will always be my guardian angel.

88. My grandma is an inspiration. I’ve never met a kinder or more caring person. She is my guardian angel. I am so lucky to have her in my life.

89. My grandma is my guardian angel. She watches over me and protects me from above. I love you, grandma.

90. Ever since I was a little boy, you’ve been there for me. You’re my guardian angel, watching over me and protecting me from above. I love you, grandma.

91. I love you, Grandma. You have been my guardian angel since the day I was born. You are always watching over me, protecting me, and guiding me.

92. I can’t begin to explain how much you mean to me. You’re my protector, my confidant, my guardian angel. I love you, grandma.

93. Dear grandma, I can’t thank you enough for all the love and support you give me. You’ve always been there and will always watch over me. I love you to the moon and back.

94. You are my haven. I can be myself and express my feelings without judgment. You’re not just my grandmother; you’re my best friend. Thank you for being my guardian angel.

95. You’re my number one, grandma. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thank you for being my guardian angel.

96. Grams, you mean the world to me. I will always be grateful for your love and kindness. You are irreplaceable.

97. My grandma, you are my strength and inspiration. I am so thankful to have you in my life. Thank you for being my guardian angel.

98. My grandma is my guardian angel because she’s the one I can always count on. She’s my family’s guardian angel too because she protects all of us.

99. My grandma is my guardian angel – smiles when I say that, but honestly after everything she has done for our family – loving, caring, and giving without expecting anything in return, I believe this with all my heart.

100. My grandma is my guardian angel. She smiles every time I say that. She loves and gives unconditionally. What’s not to love about her?

I hope you find the collection of my grandma is my guardian angel quotes I have here interesting and helpful. Please feel free to leave your comments and endeavour to share them with your family and friends.

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