Home Is in Your Arms Quotes

‘Home is in your arms’ is a very common phrase, used by people when they are describing or appreciating a person for being the best thing that has ever happened to them or they are so thankful that they found someone that they want to be with and makes them feel safe.

The truth is the places which are home to us are the spaces where we feel safe and happy and at peace which is not necessarily where we live. It can be anywhere your loved one is.

There’s something very calming and reassuring about being in a pair of strong, protective and loving arms. That loving, nurturing feeling can make one feel so safe and nothing can be compared to that feeling.

When we feel truly loved, it feels like we’re finally home. Love is often associated with having a home in someone’s arms. Here are beautiful home is in your arms quotes below that perfectly describe this beautiful feeling.

Home is wherever you are. I would do anything to stay in your arms, to be with you every night for the rest of my life. I love you and I just want to stay here and hold you forever. Home is wherever you are, remember that!

1. A home isn’t a place. It’s the people who you love and who love you, and who fill it with life. So thank you for building me a home in your arms.

2. Home is where the heart is. And my heart is in your arms and you have a home there. There’s nobody else I’d rather be with than you. We may not live in the same house, but when we are together, we are at home.

3. Home is where I find myself when I fall asleep in your arms.

4. Home is not a place, it is a person and that person is you. That’s why a home isn’t just a house, car or a street. Home is in your arms.

5. Home is not a place, but being with the person you love. Home is seeing your eyes as I wake up. Home is the sound of your voice and your breath on my ear. Home is feeling safe, protected and secure in the arms of my one true home, the one I love…you!

6. There’s no place I’d rather be than with you. You make me feel so safe, so warm and secure. You are my home.

7. You are always in my arms, heart and soul. I need nothing more than that. Having you is all I need to be happy in this life of mine. You are my happiness.

8. Home isn’t a place. It’s a person. And I don’t have to wait until I’m home or in my bed to be in my very own heaven because you are mine.

9. I may not have a roof over my head, but I do have a home in your arms.

10. Home is in your arms, you are my home, my heart. You’re my heaven, I love it there.

11. Home is where I belong, home is in your arms. With you, I can let my guard down and be myself. We fit together perfectly and my love for you deepens with each day.

12. Home is not a place, but having someone to love and who loves you back. Home is not five-star hotels or fancy cars. Home is in your arms every morning.

13. When I am with you I feel like I have come home, that my wandering finally has ceased, that the lessons of my life will be learned and tucked away. You are my haven, my knight in shining armour, my sanctuary. It is good to be here in your arms.

14. Home is not a place, but where I am with you. It’s not where I live, but whose heart I have. The sweetest joy in life is feeling my love for you, it brings me true delight. No place on earth could feel like home without you in my arms.

15. Home is not a house or apartment but the arms that hold you tight. A place where we can share our joys and sorrows in peace and comfort. Where we find peace, love, and understanding. Where we feel safe, secure and protected by each other’s arms.

16. Home is where the heart is, they say. But, isn’t home wherever I am with you? You are the one who makes me feel happiest and safe to be myself.

17. Home is wherever I’m with you. No matter where in the world we are, as long as I am with you I am home.

18. I found my home in your arms. I am in a home when you are around. It’s that simple, you are the best thing in my life and the only person I ever want to live it with.

19. I have a home in your arms, my love on your lips, the air I breathe is your breath. You are my home.

20. I always have a home with you. I don’t feel like I have to prove or say it anymore. I am at home when in your arms. They are my harbour from the storms of life. You are my home too, where I feel safe and secure and loved.

21. Home is in your arms. That’s the love, that’s the place to be. It doesn’t matter where you leave your possessions, or if you ever had a home. What matters most is how I feel when we are together. For that’s my home in your arms.

22. Home is where you keep your loved one, and I have all of mine right here in my arms. I promise to always have you by my side because you are the home that I love and adore.

23. I may not have a home, but I’m not homeless. Home is in your arms. You make me feel safe, at ease, relaxed, calm and secure. I don’t need anything else to be happy.

24. Home is in your arms, where I can breathe again. You take my breath away; I need you in my life.

25. Home is not a structure or location. Home is in your arms. It’s where the heart is, and I can feel my heart there.

26. Home isn’t a place of bricks and mortar it’s where you feel loved, protected, and safe. Your arms are my home.

27. Home isn’t a building, home isn’t a place. It’s just another name for the people in your life who love you most. I have that with you, so my home is wherever you are.

28. I’m sure you hear it all the time, but I want to make mine very clear. You are my home, my heart, and the one that makes my life worth living. I love you more than words could ever express.

29. Do you have a home in my arms? If not, then I need to take you somewhere and show you. You always know that I have a place for you there or in my heart where I go whenever things get rough, that is where you are.

30. Home is in your arms, the only place I want to be. How can I love you any more than I do? Watching you sleep makes me fall in love with you all over again. Baby, you mean everything to me and you will always be my home.

31. You’re the one I continually find myself thinking about, the one whose arms make a home.

32. You are the only home I need, you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

33. Home is not a place. Home is someone. You make my home, you’re sanctuary in an unwelcoming world in a chaotic universe.

34. That you love me this much and always brighten up my days, I have now decided to give you a dedicated place in my heart. A home where you will live without fail and grow each day, my love!

35. You have a home in my arms, and you can always come to me. I would hold you forever if I could. I want to give you all of my love, in such a short space of time. I want to show you my heart and wrap it around yours, so you will never feel alone again.

36. Home is in your arms. I’ve placed our home on your shoulders, in your warm embrace and your loving heart because you hold our future. I love you from the bottom of my heart and soul, more than anyone or anything.

37. I start the day with thoughts of you in my head, and I find myself falling asleep while thinking of you. With every breath I take and every move that I make, my love for you grows stronger. My house is where your arms are, my home is in your heart, only if you’ll have me.

38. Home is being in your arms. Home is feeling complete. Home is where the heart lies, and the heart that loves you lies in your arms.

39. Home is where the heart is, but my heart has never felt more at home than it does tonight, right here in your arms.

40. Life has so many twists and turns. We find happiness and sadness, but what we all need is someone to care for us. Someone that will keep us safe when things go wrong and keep us company through our hardest struggles. The old saying goes that home is where the heart is. But I think home is in your arms.

41. We have a house, a family and a life but the one thing that is most important to me is you. You are my home sweet home. My one true love with whom I can’t even fathom spending a day apart. You are my everything, my present and future.

42. Love is a funny thing. For a second I felt as if I had known you forever. The moment we met I defied the universe to tear us apart. You are the air in my lungs and the blood flowing through my veins. Every step I take is towards you and home is where ever your arms are.

43. Home is in your arms. I love you and I will always be with you, wherever we are.

44. Home is in your arms. As the waves of emotion overflow, I cannot contain my tears but you hold me up and wipe them away. Your strength and love carry me through even the roughest days. You are my home, my safe place to return to, where I am always welcome. I love you tenderly, sweetly, deeply and completely!

45. Home is in your arms. Home is the place where your heart lies. We don’t want to be king, we want to be with you always. Pass this world, a million people in their lifetime, but I would trade all of that for just one moment with you.

46. The way your arms hold me tight, reminds me of how much I mean to you. Your embrace is a place that I can always call my home.

47. How do I say I love you? When exactly is the appropriate time to tell you that you are my home? That there are no words to explain how much I need you in my life or how lucky I am to have you.

48. I’ve been far and I’ve been near. I’ve been to all ends of the earth, but home is wherever you are. You’re my home, the safest place in the world. I love you with all my heart and soul.

49. Home isn’t a place. A home is a person who fills your heart with feelings of warmth, comfort and love. I have that in you.

50. Home is the place where someone has to take you in and stand by you when all the rest of the world turns its back.

51. You are my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, and my safe place to land. I am so happy that we found each other. You are the one for me and I can’t wait to spend forever with you!

52. I ran inside the house and into his arms. I looked up into his eyes and all my worries faded away.

53. I am home when I am in your arms. It is where my soul belongs. My heart beats hard and fast when you are close and so do yours. You give me the feeling of being protected and safe. Inside your arm, is where I was born to be.

54. Home is wherever you are. It was not until I met you that I knew what it meant to have a home. You are all that matters in my life and your love means everything, there is nowhere else I would rather be. I love you!

55. Home is in your arms and your eyes, in the look of love you give me and in every word you speak. Home is where I want to be, wrapped up in your arms so tight. That’s where I feel safe, secure and free!

56. A home is not a place, it is not a thing. It is warmth, affection and feeling secure. The home I seek can be found in your arms.

57. Your arms are my haven, a place where I always wanted to be, the place where I’m meant to be. I can feel you throughout my body and your love is what makes me complete.

58. Home is where someone loves you and that is where I am right now.

Nothing is more potent or eloquent in communicating love, care, and compassion than having a home in someone’s arms. Nothing. Those who experience it will never forget it. Nor will they ever be disappointed by it.

To have a home in someone’s arms is to be warmly received, sincerely embraced, and passionately loved. I hope that you liked this home is in your arms quotes, please feel free to share this post and don’t forget to leave a comment in the comment section below. Thanks!

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