My Heart Longs for You Quotes

When you love someone, it’s impossible to deny your feelings. You can’t hide it from the person you love and the people around you. You know that you’re in love with that special someone when you feel like holding hands, hugging and when you long for them every time.

When you’re in love, it’s hard to not think of your special one! And when you think of them, you want to tell them how much you miss them and how much your heart longs for them.

If you feel your heart longs for someone special, it’s time to let that person know. In fact, the best way to describe your feelings is by using these my heart longs for you quotes about longing for their love.

It makes me happy to know that I am loved by someone special like you. My heart longs for you, especially today. Thinking of you makes me happy and I want to be with you all the time!

1. My heart longs for you and your touch. I go to bed thinking of you and wake up needing you. You’re my once in a lifetime love and it’s killing me not to be able to express my true feelings.

2. When I see your face my whole body aches for you. The one thing that would make me truly happy is if we were together. If only you knew the love I have for you. My heart longs for you.

3. Life without you would be impossible. You are my life, my soul and I love you with all that I am. These arms long to hold you, this heart longs for your presence and the nights are so lonely without you. I can’t wait to see the love in your eyes and the smile on your face.

4. I love you so much. I wake up thinking of you, I go to sleep thinking of you, and my thoughts are filled by you. I know that we are young and still have our whole lives in front of us, but I can’t keep my feelings to myself anymore. My heart longs greatly for you.

5. I love you more than I ever thought possible. You are my one in a million chance at true happiness. I pray that we will be together forever and that our love will never fade. My heart is desperately longing for you.

6. My heart longs for you, my love. Since the moment I saw your sweet smile, I’ve known how much I loved you. The feelings I have for you grow stronger every day and I can’t help but want to spend every minute of my life with you. My love for you grows stronger than any force in the universe. Indeed my love for you is vast and powerful.

7. My heart longs for you. I yearn for the day you will walk back into my life. Each day I miss you even more than before and I constantly think of the happy times we spent together. The memories are my only comfort, but they are not enough to fill this gaping hole in my chest.

8. You take my breath away with your smile, and I am at a loss for words when you say: “I Love You.” Please know that my heart longs for you. I am overjoyed by the thought of being able to hold you in my arms. I want to be with you.

9. Only you will do, nothing else compares to the joy you bring me. My heart longs for you. Your smile makes my world go around. My love for you is so strong I don’t know what to do. My heart skips a beat when you are here and I feel like I’m floating on air, thank god for little miracles!

10. I miss you more than words can say my darling. My heart longs for your touch, the sweet sound of your voice. Oh, how I wish we could just be together again. I love you!

11. I wish I could hold you right now. I miss our kisses, our cuddles, and the love that we share. I know we are not together, but my heart will always long for you. I am sad you aren’t by my side but I am grateful for everything we have shared together. Not a day goes by where I don’t think of you.

12. I am the luckiest girl in the whole world because I have you. You are my everything. I love you so much and long to have you in my arms. My heart aches for your touch and to be by your side. Mine forever and ever, I love you.

13. I can’t stop thinking about you. When I close my eyes all I see is you. I miss your touch and your smile so much it hurts. You are the only one that can put that smile on my face. I long to be with you, to hold your hand and to feel our love under a blanket of stars in the night sky.

14. To the one, I hold so dearly, my darling and my one true love. There are no words to describe just how I feel about you. You have captured my heart, that’s why it longs for you all day and my soul, and I am at a loss for words to describe exactly how much I care for you.

15. My heart longs for you. It’s an ache I can’t ignore, a pain I can’t bear, a feeling that overpowers all others. I don’t want to live another moment without you by my side, and though we are miles apart my heart is still with you today. Your love inspires me, your words warm me, and your feelings move me. You are everything I’ve ever wanted, everything I’ve ever needed. My heart longs for the day we’re together again.

16. My heart longs for you even though you’re right beside me. I will always love and adore you.

17. My heart longs for you. And as it does, so does my love for you with each passing day… With your beautiful eyes that shine like silver and a smile that melts me every time I see it. Your face is kind, even when it’s scrunched. Your laugh is contagious and makes me smile whenever I hear it.

18. My love, my heart and more importantly my soul longs for you. I fall deeper into love with you every day. With every kiss, with every hug, and with each “I love you” I fall harder. You are everything to me!

19. The moments that I spent with you are the happiest I have ever been. You make my heart race at the simple thought of you. My heart longs to be yours forever.

20. I remember the day I first saw your eyes, you pierced my heart with a single gaze. I didn’t even know about you, but I went on for days thinking of you. When we first met, my heart longed for you, and ever since then, it has never changed.

21. My heart longs for you, my love. I long to be near you, to feel your skin next to mine. We’ve been apart for too long. Let’s make plans to be closer as soon as we can.

22. I love you so much. You mean the world to me and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Thank you for sticking by me through everything. My heart longs for you.

23. Longing to hold you in my arms, longing to kiss your lips first thing in the morning, longing for you to love me as I love you, longing for you not to leave my side when we sleep at night. My heart longs for you… day and night.

24. I love you so much and miss you terribly. My heart longs for you, and with every hour that goes by I only miss you more. Please come home soon. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again.

25. I love you. I miss you. I ache for you. You are my life, my breath, my every thought. I can’t go a second without thinking of you. Please come home soon safe and sound. There is no world for me without you in it. My heart is longing for you.

26. Oh, how my heart longs for you to hold me so close. I want to feel your body against mine and feel your heartbeat with mine. It is with thoughts of you alone that I drift on into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of you all throughout the night.

27. My heart longs for you. You are everything to me. I want you forever, in my arms where you belong to keep me safe and happy always. I love you!

28. How I dreamed of this day, talking to you, confessing my feelings. Now that we’re together, I never want to let go! I am so in love with you! You are what my heart longs for and what my eyes need to see. You are the reason for all my joy; the one I can’t live without. If we were ever parted I could never be complete, for our love is eternal and cannot be broken. I love you.

29. My heart longs for you, twitches, beats, and has butterflies at all times when you are around. I never want to be without you or have to say goodbye. When I can’t see you or read your text or hear your voice my heart is near a break. You’re my Angel, my love and my forever one that shines so bright.

30. Roses are red, violets are blue, your love makes me go crazy, they are but simple words compared to my feelings for you! Thinking of you melts me with bliss. Your love is like a picture-perfect portrait that I’ll never get tired of looking at. You’re the sweetest person ever created and I will never stop loving you.

31. I miss you so much. I think about you all the time. You are on my mind and in my heart every second of every day. I love your voice and the way it sounds when you say my name. I love the things we do together and enjoy being a part of your life even if it’s only over the phone or online.

32. I miss you. In a sea of uncertainty, I long for your voice in the morning, your arms around me at night and the feel of your warm body so close to mine. I pray for you daily and ask God to love you and take care of you. I can’t wait to see you again soon!

33. Your sweet voice fills my soul with happiness. Your strong hands fill my body with desire. Your beautiful eyes fill my heart with love. You are the only one for me, no matter what happens, we will always have each other.

34. My love for you is like a Red, Red Rose, that’s newly sprung in June; My love for you is like a melody, that’s sweetly played in tune; My love for you is like Baby’s breath, and oh! my love for you doesn’t grow too high; I’ll love you still tomorrow.

35. My heart longs for you, my love. The night is lonely without you here in my bed next to me. And the morning comes so slow because I miss kissing your sweet lips and seeing you smile at me.

36. My heart longs for you. Everywhere I go, every thought that runs through my head, every breath I take reminds me of how much I miss you. From the second we met, my world has revolved around you and all that we’ve been through together. You are my best friend and today I want to tell you how special you are in my life.

37. My heart longs for you, my love. It flutters every time I think about you. My whole day centres around the times I get to see you. The feeling of your touch, your kiss, and the sound of your voice melts my heart.

38. I feel so loved and adored when we are together. I love you more than I ever thought possible. I will show you every day how much you mean to me, and please know that my heart longs for you every moment we are apart.

39. I hope that you know, that no matter where life takes us, my heart will always long for you. You are the love of my life and always will be…

40. I often long for those sweet moments in life that we shared together. The window of our relationship seemed to be so brief. I long for you in a very special way… a way that is hard to describe or put into words. You have made me so happy and filled my life with wonder and beauty. My heart does truly long for you and I will always love you as much as I do now and forever.

41. I can’t get you off my mind. I’d never known what love is until you came into my life. Like a gentle rain, you washed away the pain and filled me with joy. I want to be with you all the time and to feel your arms around me forever. You’re the most important thing in my life and I couldn’t be more grateful for having you in my life.

42. I’m in love with you. It feels so good to just say it out loud, to put it into words. I want to tell everyone that I am in love with you because suddenly the whole world seems brighter now that we are together. I can’t stop thinking about you, and I’m happier than I’ve ever been. You bring something out in me that no one else could find…and somehow you’re able to keep finding new ways to surprise me.

43. I just want to tell you that I love you. I know that may sound basic, but it’s true. There is a wealth of emotions in those words and they can’t possibly be contained in any other way. Your love has changed my life. I struggle to find the right words to express this because I don’t want it to seem silly or cliche or too emotional.

44. I miss you so much. I love you from the bottom of my heart. You are always on my mind 24/7. I must say goodbye for now, but I will see you again soon. Only infinity can separate us.

45. I’ve always been afraid to wish for something that I never thought would happen. It seemed so far fetched, but it really happened. I found someone like you. You make me see what love is all about. Having a beautiful heart and giving love make life great!

46. My heart longs for you. I long to see your face, feel your touch, and smell your sweet scent. I miss you. I miss us together, the way we interact and talk when we are in each other’s presence. You are my everything my world, one without you is bleak and void of any colour or happiness.

47. My heart longs for you. I often dream of you in my arms. Love is what we share and our passion is pure and true, but without being with you it’s hard to live. Life can be cruel at times, but waiting is just a different kind of test.

48. I long to see your beautiful face, to feel your warm embrace. You are my heart and soul, the light that shines in my lonely world. If only I could be there to hold you tight, to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. I am sending you a love letter to let you know that my love for you never dies.

49. I long for you to hold me and caress me, but I am never letting you go. I long for your warm embrace and a passionate kiss, but I don’t want to stop here. Everything about you is so perfect, so charming, so incredibly awesome. You are the love of my life!

50. You have never left my heart, I long for even the smallest sign of your affection, I miss you and I love you.

51. I cannot describe or even begin to understand how you make me feel. It’s a feeling that I’ve never felt before. A feeling I pray lasts forever. You are the single most wonderful person in my life and the thought of spending my days without you makes me heartbroken. You have completely changed my life for the better. No matter what happens in the future, you’ll always be the one I love with all my heart.

52. I have been in love with you for longer than I can remember. With every beat of my heart, with every breath, I take, with every moment that passes. I know I am closer and closer to being yours forever. My gaze always finds you and there is no escape from my thoughts. I want to be yours in this life and the next.

53. With each day that passes, I fall more in love with you. With each new word of kindness, you speak my heart takes flight. With each passing moment, I think of you and a smile comes to my face. When you came into my life my heart grew larger and when out of nowhere you stayed, I knew it was a love shared between us only.

54. I love the way you look at me. I love the way you kiss me. I love your smell, your taste, your touch and most of all… I love how you are ALWAYS there for me. Thank you for coming into my life and staying forever by my side. I would never want to be with anyone but you…

55. Your love is like a flower that will never fade, even in the darkest of days. You are my very soul in this life and when we are together it brings me peace. I feel your heartbeat next to mine, and together we shine brighter than any star. Your love is everything to me, with you at my side I know no fear.

56. Loving you has been the greatest blessing of my life. I love your smile, your voice, your touch, your everything! You are the most wonderful man I have ever met and I am so grateful that you have become a part of me. I will always be here for you Rick. I love you!! ~Your wife

57. I am always thinking of you and how much I love you. My mind is occupied with thoughts of you during the day and my dreams are filled with memories of us together. I love you so much I can hardly think, let alone eat or sleep. You have become such a huge part of me that I just don’t know what to do without you by my side, by my Heart.

58. My Heart Longs for You. It calls out to you in the night. It dreams of you daily and thinks of you always. It wakes up with thoughts of you and goes to sleep with wishes for you. I have many hopes for the future, but all I really want is YOU!

59. My heart longs for you and only you. I strive to be more like the man you want me to be and I try my hardest to make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. I am always here, waiting patiently for you.

60. My heart longs for you. With every breath that I take, with every beat of my heart, I miss you.

61. My heart longs for you and only you. You are the one that gives me strength. The one I lean on when my world is falling apart. The one that brings me to life every single day. You are my equal, my friend, my lover, and my soul mate. I love who we are together more than anything in the world.

62. My heart aches when I’m with you; the pain I feel is because I can’t be with you forever. You are my one and only love, everything and more to me. There will never be another in my heart, in my dreams and in my future. Here’s to a life with you my love with warm kisses and hugs.

63. Though we are apart, my heart longs for you. When I look into the sky, I see your face. When I listen to music, it is your voice that speaks to my heart. When I touch a flower, I feel your arms wrapped around me. Though you are away from me at times, know that in my heart you will always remain close to me. My love for you is deeper than any ocean and as passionate as any storm.

64. I write this letter with a heavy heart, as I miss your sweet face. As the days go by it seems I’m missing you more and more. I could never get enough of your kisses, or your warm embrace. You are everything to me, my one and only love, and I can barely stand to be apart from you even for a short while.

65. You give me butterflies in my stomach. I love you so much. You are the man of my dreams. I tell everyone how lucky I am to have found you. You are my heart, my everything, and always will be. I love you!

66. To my beloved friend, it’s hard to find the words to express how much you mean to me. I loved you then, I love you still and I always will. You are my home, my shelter through the storm, my oasis in the desert. When I’m with you, it’s perfect and what I have always dreamed it would be.

67. Darkness is but one colour and I would paint you in its entirety. I would make a new world, one of love and passion, just so I could have you in my arms. I yearn for you every moment!

68. My heart longs for you and my arms ache to hold you. My mind wanders with thoughts of us, wondering what would it be like if we were together. I wish the distance didn’t exist, so I could feel your embrace and be close to your heart. Just as there are no words to describe how much I love you, there are no words to express how much I miss you.

69. My heart longs for you. How I love you, how I want you. The fire lit in my veins burns more each day.

70. When I look into your eyes, my heart longs for you. When our bodies meet, my heart longs for you. When we talk, my heart longs for you. I can’t live without you.

71. You are everything I have ever wanted, everything I have ever dreamed of. To wake up next to you every morning would be a dream come true. I can’t wait to start my life with you, because my heart longs for you!

72. I know I haven’t been the best, but that’s all behind me. From now on I am going to show you just how much I love you! I miss you every second we are apart, and my heart aches when we’re together and you aren’t holding me.

73. I can’t stop thinking about you. I miss the days when we would spend all our time together, but they will come around again shortly. This break is killing me, and I just want to be in your arms again. I miss how your scent makes me feel safe and secure, how your touch makes me feel like I’m home.

74. I hope you know how much I care. I love every minute we spend together and every talk. Every day I look forward to seeing you, spending time with you, and being in your arms. You bring me so much happiness that I never want this to end. Thank you for being my best friend and my lover. I love you!

75. You are my light in this darkness. Your love is the only thing keeping me going. You’ve done it again and somehow managed to surpass all my expectations of you and make my dreams come true. I wish I could go to sleep forever with you beside me and never wake up, so we could just be together and love each other for eternity.

76. How I wish I could give you the world. Rings, flowers and cupcakes just don’t seem to be enough. I hope one day we find a way to make the distance disappear. If wishes were true and love conquered all, I would gladly be your bride.

77. I have never loved anyone as I love you. I have had good friends and family all my life, but I never thought that one person could feel so special to me. When you are near it’s like music to my ears or the scent of fresh air after a spring rain. Your beautiful heart is the only thing that could put me at ease during stormy times, and your gentle soul is the only thing keeping me warm during harsh winters.

78. Even though you may not be in my life anymore, I hold onto the love we once shared no matter how hard it is. I will never forget, even on my worst day, the love you gave to me.

79. My heart longs for you – more than oceans, more than the stars and the Milky Way. I’m finding love notes in my mind. The two of us seem so right, how can I keep denying it?

80. My heart aches for you, my heart longs for you, and my heart bursts with love for you. Please come back to me, to our love, to your family and friends. I need you in my life. You are the other half of my soul.

81. My heart longs for you with every breath I take. My heart aches for you at every second we are apart. My heart seems to explode in happiness when I am with you. I love you more than anything in this world. You are the one that makes my life worth living.

82. My heart longs for you while you are away. Even though we are apart my love will always remain true like the rays of the sun that shine on you each day. I am constantly thinking of you and picturing you in my mind and my heart.

83. Every time I think of you, my heart starts beating faster. My desire for you can only grow stronger with time. We have been together now for a long time and still, I feel the butterflies in my stomach every time we kiss or hug. This is what love is all about. Thank you for always being here and being the man of my dreams. I hope to make you happy forever! You are my soulmate!!!

84. My love for you has grown with time, and yet, every day I fall more in love with you. You have brought so much beauty into my life, and when I’m with you I feel like the luckiest man on the earth.

85. Is it wrong that I don’t want to spend the day with you? Is it even possible for me to pass a day without seeing you for more than a few hours? It pains me to sleep in our bed alone knowing that my heart, every cell of my body longs for only you. My love for you is infinite and timeless, it has no depth nor boundaries.

86. You take my breath away. Every time I see you I can’t help but smile. I love our moments together, but the best times are when we are apart. I love your down to earth, sweet personality. You make me feel so special and alive and the way you look at me makes me melt. Loving you has changed my life for the better and made me such a happy person.

87. You are the most amazing man I have ever met, and words could never express how much I love you. You have given me so much happiness that I never knew was possible. When we are together time stops and we are the only two people in the world.

88. I don’t know what I have done to deserve the love that you have provided me. I had always been told that love was nothing but pain, but you opened my eyes to such a beautiful thing. I never thought that someone like me could fall in love with their soul mate at the age of sixteen, but I have and I will never let you go. Thank you for being the best person I could have ever asked for and for loving me when everyone else didn’t.

89. Time and distance feel like they are a blur, but not you and I. No matter how many miles separate us, no matter the miles ahead, our love remains the same. If only people knew how far your smile and laughter have carried me, they’d be screaming in shock! I’m so lucky to have a love like this.

90. My heart longs for you every second of the day and I know that this will never go away. I think of you every day and it gets stronger with every minute. My feelings for you are endless and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I miss you so much, more than words could ever say.

91. I want you to know when you are alone and crying that I am thinking about my love for you I love you, baby, I don’t know what I do or say but baby I will always love you and care for your feelings. You are my only true love and my queen forever.

92. I long for the day when we share our lives together. I long for the touch of your hand in mine. I long for your warm embrace. You are my everything, my reason for living. I am lost without you and want to spend every possible moment with you.

93. Dearest love, you are my soul mate, my other half. I love being with you every waking moment. You are the air that I breathe and my very reason for living. You are my heart and soul and the love of my life.

94. I want to be the reason you smile. I want your heart to feel my love and my kisses at night. How I can’t get enough of you, how I don’t know how to say goodbye. You fill the voids inside me that no one could ever reach.

95. You’ve filled my heart with such love and joy. I can feel that you really do love me every time we are together. You bring warmth to my life and help me carry on when I just can’t make it without you. It makes my heart smile whenever I think of you. I can’t wait till we are together.

96. You are my life, without you I am incomplete. You are the reason my heart beats and you are the only one who completes me. Years ago, our lives crossed paths and right then was when I knew there was something special about you. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I love you more than words could ever express and will be thankful forever that our paths crossed.

97. They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but I beg to differ. The way to my heart is through a simple yet thoughtful gesture such as what you generously did for me today. Thank you for being such a wonderful soul and I hope you know that I love you more than words can explain and will never let you go.

98. Your arms around me are the only place I ever want to be. Standing at the altar with you is my dream come true and not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for putting us together.

99. I am longing for your presence, I am yearning to see you. But I miss you more than anything else. My heart is constricting and with every moment that passes by the pain gets stronger; without you, everything is cold and dark.

100. I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop missing you. I just can’t stop loving you, and most of all, I can’t wait to be with you again. My heart is longing desperately for you.

The heart is the centre of our emotional life. It’s a symbol of love. You can be lost without it. We feel that it’s beating faster when we are in love and care about someone or something.

The beautiful collection of my heart longs for you quotes up there makes for a great read any time and I hoped you enjoyed them.

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