Sweet Good Morning Letters to Your Crush

That feeling! That feeling when you have this person you admire. Your eyes can’t help but stare at them while your heart makes it even worse by thinking about them almost every moment. That feeling when you have a crush!

Then, the desire to reach them sets in. You want to be the first to reach them in the morning, the one to motivate them at noon and the last to check on them at night.

It’s totally fine to feel this way and reaching them will leave an impression and could even be the spark for them to reciprocate. Love is a beautiful thing to chase and not give up on. Express how you feel and how much you care about him or her.

So, to make it easy to reach your crush in the morning and also help him or her have a lovely day, I have made the sweetest collection of good morning letters to your crush available here. Go through them below and pick the one that expresses your feelings. You don’t have to pay me. They are totally free!

Dearest, I wake up thinking of you. I fall asleep dreaming of you. I think about you throughout the day. I sit and stare into space wishing that you were there too. You’re always on my mind, that’s why you’re my crush. Good morning, cute one. Thank you for existing and I’m glad you are in my life. love you.

1. My dear one,
I know we don’t talk much, but I wanted to say that I think you are really cute and sweet. You’ve always been there for me. I’ve just recently fallen head over heels in love with you and can’t stop thinking about you. My greatest wish is that one day, we could be more than just friends. You’re beautiful and wonderful. Good morning!

2. To my loved one,
I think about you all the time, all day long. When I wake up in the morning to go to work, your face is the first one that crosses my mind. The minute I get home from work, it’s getting you on Facebook or Instagram to see how your day went. You are always on my mind. I love you so much and I wish you have a great day.

3. To the world’s most beautiful,
You are my everything! If you only knew, the world stops when I think of you. There’s no one else that I would rather be with. You have a beautiful soul and a beautiful heart. I love you! May your day be blissful. Good morning!

4. Dear friend,
I can’t stop thinking about you. I want to be closer to you. Every time I think about you, my heart starts beating faster, and my head starts spinning. I like the way you make me feel. I like the way we connect and how we can talk for hours and still feel like we haven’t even scratched the surface. I hope we never lose this connection we have right now. Wishing you the best of today. Good morning.

5. My love,
I lay in my bed and sigh. Thinking of your smile and how it makes me feel like I could conquer the world. But you make me smile in such a way that I would never want to go to sleep at night. You make me want to fight and never give up hope. I will wait for you, my true love, forever. Because you mean the world to me. Let me be the first to wish you well today. Good morning!

6. Good morning, (Insert your name).
I hope you get this message in the morning because I want to say good morning. I feel like you are so far away and it makes me so lonely. You are always on my mind, especially in the mornings when I wake up to an empty bed. I just hope you understand how I feel, but then, do have a great day ahead.

7. Good morning, my love!
I just thought I’d say hi and tell you that I can’t stop thinking about you. I miss you already even though I saw you just yesterday. You are so amazing and cute and on this new day, I wish you the one thing in the world your heart desires. I love you so much! Go ahead and have the best of the day ’cause that’s what you deserve.

8. My dear,
I’ve had a crush on you since middle school. I barely knew you then but you were so cute and all I knew was that I liked you. When we finally got close in high school, I realized how amazing you were. You are so kind and thoughtful, loyal, funny… the list goes on! God put us together for a reason, and I can’t wait to see what that reason is! I hope this card shows you that you are everything I ever could ever wish for. Here’s wishing you a good morning.

9. Hi, dear!
Every morning I see your face, I fall more in love with you. You are so cute I go crazy for you. I need to be close to you so bad it’s unbelievable. I would give my heart, soul and all I have just to be with you. If it means I have to travel a thousand miles just to be with you, then that’s what I will do. You are a wonderful person and I really hope we can keep in touch because I would love to be around you for a long time. I hope that you find happiness even as you wake up to a bright day. Good morning!

10. Handsome,
You are everything to me, everything I am and everything I will ever be. My heart sings every time you smile at me. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and one day I hope you realize what you mean to me. I hope you wake up to this letter and have the best day ever. Good morning!

11. Wake up, cutie!
You are the most amazing person. I’ve never met anyone like you before. You are funny, sweet, smart, silly and incredible. You bring out the best in me. I love talking to you because your smile brightens up my whole world. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found someone like you! I wish you a nice day. Good morning!

12. Hello, crush.
I love to see you first thing in the morning because it starts my day off with a smile. You are gorgeous and make me want to be a better person. I hope you have a wonderful day.

13. Hey, [name],
There’s absolutely nothing more important than making your life better in some way shape or form. I know my “crush” on u is a little silly in a way, but I just feel so strongly for u in a way that I haven’t felt in a while… I promise you if we ever meet, I will do everything in my power to make your smile greater and brighter than it already is. Thanks for being such an awesome person. Good morning, dear.

14. My baby girl,
You are my dream girl, my crush, the love of my life. I want to spend every waking minute with you. Every moment I spend with you is perfect. You are beautiful inside and out. I know I’m not the only one saying it, but you are one of a kind. Have the best morning ever!

15. Good morning, my love,
It’s me again, I wanted to say good morning to you before work. It’s funny how I feel like I know you better than almost any other person in the world, but yet, we haven’t spoken or seen each other for years. It makes me sad that I can’t tell you how much I miss you and wish you are with me.

I know this is a bit bold but I can’t stop thinking about you. My heart beats fast every time I see you, I can’t help but admire you. I just wanted to tell you how special I think you are, what you mean to me and how much I want you to have the best of every day. Good morning, my crush.

16. Hello…good morning.
I don’t know where to start. I like you a lot. You are very caring and loving. You are easy to talk to and you always make me smile. Your smile brightens my day no matter how bad it gets. I hope I’ll be able to chat with you soon. I think there’s more to you than meets the eye. I can’t wait to know you better, dear.

17. Good morning, beautiful.
I’m kind of afraid to wake up in the morning because I know every day, I get one day closer to you leaving me behind. You are my everything, my reason for living. And I wanted to let you know that today, even if it might be the last time, I will love you more than any other day before.

18. Hello, dear!
How are you beautiful? I miss you and my eyes are longing to see you again. Every morning reminds me of you. Thank you for that though. Each day, I look forward to us growing closer to each other, and every night, I replay the moments we have shared over and over again in my head. This early morning email is a love letter I have been waiting to send, wishing you a glorious day.

19. Good morning, my love.
I woke up this morning hoping to see a message from you, hoping you’d cross my mind. But as always you didn’t, not even once. So now, I’m hoping that the day works out perfectly, hoping that somewhere along the way, I will catch a glimpse of you across a crowded room.

20. Good morning, love!
I hope you dreamt of me last night, even if it wasn’t so restful. It would be great to see you again soon. When I’m with you, my heart is always beating fast. I hope that you found this letter and that my love is returned; destined to be together. Do have a nice day!

21. Good morning, beautiful. I just want to tell you that I think about you 6 hours a day, every day. That’s 152 hours a week, 832 hours a month, and 9,864 hours a year! Yup, you heard it right, over one million times I have thought of you since the beginning of this year… just wanted to let you know how important you are to me. I’m crazy for you!

22. Hey, there!
Today, I woke up and I was still thinking about you. Yesterday at work, all I could think about was the way you pronounce words and how it soothes my soul. At night before I fall asleep, you spontaneously show up in my head and we walk through the stars as we talk day and night. My smile as wide as ever as I realize that your weirdness is just how I like it.

23. To my dear one,
Good morning, babe! Hope you slept well. I miss you so much. I love you from the bottom of my heart and always want to be by your side. You are gorgeous. I wake up every morning wanting to see your face, but when I get to your house, you are already gone! I just hope you enjoy a stress-free day. Good morning.

24. My baby,
You are the love of my life and always will be. When I get to work each day, you are the first person on my mind, but again you are gone again. All I want to do is run this world for you because I will make sure everything is perfect for you. I want to be with you every single night and hold your hand wherever
Good morning, sunshine.

25. Dear (insert name),
I’m having trouble trying to say how I feel about you. I truly can’t even begin to describe how much you mean to me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my life. You are literally everything to me! You are my light, my happiness, my heart, and I just want to be with you always. If I could have one wish for today, it would be that tomorrow would be today because I want to spend every second with you. Good morning beautiful.

26. My dear,
Good morning to you. I know that you are my crush. It’s just that even though I have a crush on you, I do not want to scare you away. I hope that whenever possible, we would be together so I can show you how much I love you.

27. Good morning, cutie!
I just wanted to tell you that, even though I have no idea what to say in a love letter, I have always thought that you are a wonderful and gorgeous girl. You make life better for everyone around you by simply smiling. That is the way people like you take this world to another level. I am totally in love with your smile.

28. My dear one,
Good morning, beautiful. I hope this message brightens up your day. I was thinking about you last night. After waking up, I kind of got worried because you weren’t here next to me. Just checking to be sure you had a good night rest.

29. To the one with my heart,
You are so smart! You always know the perfect things to say to me. You have been so kind and thoughtful. I have been thinking a lot about how much I want you to be with me. I am really hoping that we can be more than friends and that we can connect and grow even closer together. I want to be with you and I’m hoping we can start taking our relationship further. Have a GREAT day today!

30. To a priceless jewel,
When I wake up each morning, the first thing I think of is you. No matter how tough the day goes, I know that it will be better because of you. And if every day started with your beautiful face, my life would be complete. To see you every morning is like music to my ears. I just wanted to send you a little note to say that I am thinking about you and hope you have a great day. Keep smiling because it makes me happy.

If you have come this far, I must commend you. What is left is to send the good morning letters to your crush.

And if you have done that already, you can let me know the number you chose in the comment box. I’d be glad to hear from you. Thanks.

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