Give Me the Wisdom to Know the Difference Quotes

Discretion is a gift. It is a veritable tool for anyone who desires to decipher the differences in seemingly similar things. Sometimes, what you can change and what you cannot appear similar, but it takes wisdom to know the difference.

Wisdom is power before it is acquired, strength before it is exercised, light before it is enlightening, and a pillar of support thereafter. This wisdom cannot just be gotten from people, it takes a higher power to give it.

So, when you want to pray to God to give you the wisdom to be discerning, you find that it works better than you using your own efforts. Your efforts will only take you so far, why not use God’s grace by keying into His provisions by prayer.

If you are looking for the best give me the wisdom to know the difference quotes, you have come to the right place. Use these quotes to help your kick your prayer for wisdom to another level.

Oh Lord, give me the wisdom and intelligence to know the difference between what I can change and what I should let go of. I want to be able to make the right decisions as you guide me through the journey of life.

1. Oh Lord, guide me when I am making important decisions. Lead me in the right direction and give me the wisdom to know if this is a path that will lead to your will. Amen.

2. Dear God, give me the wisdom to distinguish between what I can change and what I can’t. Help me to understand the difference between what I want and what I need to grow as a person. Amen.

3. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

4. Oh Lord, I pray that you give me the knowledge and understanding to make the best decisions. Grant me the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

5. God, please help me to know the difference between what I should let go of and what I can change before me when I am about to make critical decisions. I humbly pray in your most holy name.

6. May I find the wisdom to distinguish between what I can change and what I shouldn’t tamper with. Give me the wisdom to know the difference in things before I make critical decisions.

7. Dear God, please help me to distinguish between things I can change and the things I must accept. Dear Lord, bestow your grace upon me and help me see the difference between right and wrong.

8. Father, help me to make the right choices in my life. Fill my heart and mind with your truth, and give me the strength to make decisions that please you. Guide me in a direction that follows your will.

9. Give me the strength to know what I want and the power to follow my dreams. I ask that God gives me the strength to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.

10. God, be with me through thick and thin. Help me know when to let go, and when to stay close, to know the difference between what I can change and what I cannot.

11. O Lord, give me the wisdom to make better and smarter choices. Lord, I need your wisdom, guidance and direction in every decision I make. Amen.

12. Dear Lord, give me the wisdom to know the difference between what I ought to let go of and what I can change, and the wisdom to tell the people who want to help me apart from those who pretend. Amen.

13. O, gracious Lord, I pray for wisdom and understanding to discern “friends” from pretenders in my life, and to know the difference between what I can accept and what I change. Amen.

14. Lord, I have tried to do what is right for my family and the country. Now I ask for your blessing on the work that lies ahead and gives me the wisdom to know the difference between what I can change and what I cannot.

15. Dear God, help me to understand the difference between what I can change and what I can only accept.

16. Please guide my hand and thoughts when it comes to making important decisions in life. Lord, please give me the wisdom to know who my real friends are. Amen.

17. Give me the insight to know the difference between what we can change and what we must simply accept. May we find comfort in our unity with You.

18. I pray to be blessed with the wisdom to make better, smarter choices. Praise you, Lord. Show me the error of my ways when I stray from your path and help me to know that only through you can I achieve salvation.

19. Let me find the wisdom I need to make all my choices with love, compassion, and understanding. I am willing to be shown the way, and at that moment when I recognize the path I wish to take, you will have given me the courage to do what I need to do.

20. Please help me find the courage to trust myself, and to do what I need for my positive growth. God, let me know what’s out of my control. Give me the wisdom to have the courage to let go of things I cannot change and the faith to work with what I can.

21. Give me wisdom so I know how to make good decisions today. Adonai, please give me the wisdom to know the difference between what I should change and what I shouldn’t worry about.

22. Father, help me to distinguish between a sin and a mistake. O God, help me to understand my own mistakes and not to judge other people; let me be tolerant of their weaknesses and their human frailties because you love all human beings.

23. Help me, O Lord, to find the courage to do what is right in the face of temptation, and the strength to overcome all that’s evil within me. Help me to learn how to listen with an open heart before speaking. And may Your wisdom guide me toward building a better world.

24. May I find the wisdom to know what is truly important for my soul. My Lord, I pray that you will show me the difference between my friends and those that wish me ill. Amen

25. Give me the strength I need to overcome the challenges in my life. Help me find peace, love and happiness in all that I do.

26. I pray that you would give me great wisdom so I can distinguish what I can change and what I can’t. Heavenly Father, give me the grace and help of your Holy Spirit to make the right decisions.

27. Give me the knowledge to know the difference between things I should change and what I should let go of before I make important decisions.

28. Lord, give me the wisdom to see the difference between what I can change and what I cannot. Let me remember that you are always with me, guiding me in every decision I make throughout the day. Amen.

29. As I pray, I ask for you to guide me, Lord. May God help me be strong enough to change the things I can and wise enough to know what I can and cannot change.

30. Heavenly Father, I thank you for my life and all the blessings you’ve bestowed upon me. Please help me make better decisions in my life, by knowing what I ought to change and what I ought to leave. Amen.

31. God, help me accept that sometimes I cannot change certain things, but please bestow upon me the wisdom to know the difference.

32. Father, I thank you that you give me wisdom according to your riches and glory. On this day, I ask for wisdom to overcome the battle that is in front of me.

33. Lord, please guide me through the right path. Heavenly Father, I pray for your guidance to know who are my true friends and for their protection. To also know the difference between what I can change and what I can’t. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

34. May God give me the wisdom to know the difference between what I can change and be patient with the process.

35. May I see, dear Father, exactly what I am responsible to do and what I can do nothing about. This second part is equally as important as the first. Help me to accept the things I cannot change. Amen.

36. Give me the wisdom to know the difference in things before me when I am about to make critical decisions. Oh Lord, give me the wisdom to know the difference between a sin and a mistake.

37. Oh Lord, help me to differentiate between what I can change and what I should. I pray for the wisdom to make smart choices when it comes to business decisions, and helping other people and myself.

38. May I have the wisdom to make better and smarter choices. Dear Lord, give me the wisdom to know the difference between the people that are my friends and others that pretend to be. Amen.

39. Oh God, I pray to you that you will give me the wisdom and intelligence to make the right decisions. Please bless our family with your guidance and love.

40. Dear Lord, please show me the wisdom to know the difference in things before me when I am about to make critical decisions.

41. Dear Lord, sometimes I make mistakes; sometimes I sin. Please help me to see the difference, and know when to confess my bad behaviour and also when to change my ways. Thank you for always being here for me.

42. Lord, please be with me as I go through this time. I know the decisions I make will have consequences. Give me wisdom, Lord, to understand what is right and true.

43. Dear Lord, help me to stay alert and know the difference between true friends and those who pretend to be. Amen. Please, God, give me the wisdom to know the difference between what is right and others that appear just like it.

44. Dear Lord, help me to make better and smarter choices. May God teach me the difference between what I have the right to change and what I must accept. I pray for the wisdom to make better and smarter choices. I pray that you show me the way.

45. Oh God, you are gracious and kind. We all make mistakes, but more importantly, we also make decisions. And some of those decisions we make will have consequences if they’re not made with your wisdom.

46. Father; Please open my eyes and guide me with wisdom so that I may see the difference between the true friends, guides, and the false ones.

47. Dear God, I pray to you that you will bless me and give me the knowledge to make the right choices. Oh Lord, you know me better than I do.

48. O Lord, I pray to you that the wrong decisions that I have recently made will be forgiven me. Give me the wisdom to know the difference between what I should leave and what I can change.

49. I pray for the wisdom to make better and smarter choices. Give me wisdom and discernment, my dear Lord and Savior, when I need to make hard decisions about what I should change and I should leave. Oh God, guide me as I make important decisions in my life.

50. Grant me the knowledge to distinguish between my desires and what will better my soul, between what I can change and what is beyond my control.

Use these quotes to remind you to be wise and discerning in your decisions. All you need to do is ask for wisdom and these wisdom quotes can help you direct your prayers in the right direction. Don’t forget to tell me the quotes that you found most useful in the comment section below.

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