You Are My Guardian Angel Quotes

A guardian angel is believed to be a celestial, non-physical entity of unknown origin. It is conceived in various religions as a spiritual being who protects and guides a person throughout life. Based on their belief, guardian angels fulfil several roles, depending on the approach. They could be guardians, teachers or healers.

However, guardian angels are not only the ones that watch over us from the supernatural, people who stand by us, protect us, correct us, and sacrifice a lot for us can also be referred to as guardian angels. They help us when we want to quit something, they give us courage and advice, and they fill our hearts with love and hope.

Having such people in our lives calls for appreciation, acknowledgement and honour. A guardian angel quote will help you show your loved ones how much they mean to you.

If you’re in need of you are my guardian angel quotes to appreciate and acknowledge those who have stood as guardian angels to you, then use one from this list of heartwarming you are my guardian angel quotes below.

You are there for me whenever I need help. You put up with my crazy mood swings. You always calm me down when I am stressed. You are always there to catch me when I fall. You take care of me and understand me as no one else can. You are my guardian angel.

1. You are my guardian angel, so I am always safe with you around. Thank you for always being there for me.

2. You are my guardian angel, I am nothing without you by my side. You are the special angel watching over me today. I’m glad you’re in my life.

3. You are my guardian angel, so I know things will be okay. No matter what, I know You’ll always be there protecting me from the things that matter less, and showing me what matters.

4. You are my guardian angel, sent from up above. I promise to love you, be with you through all of life’s ups and downs, and treat you like the ‘special’ that you are.

5. You are my guardian angel, you’re the light in my dark. You are someone I will always love and you’ll always be there for me, no matter what.

6. You are my guardian angel, sent from heaven above. You’ll always be with me, you’re in my heart and soul.

7. To be with you is to be home. My one and only love, you are my guardian angel, who fills my world with so much meaning. You are my destiny. I love you, always.

8. You are my guardian angel. You make me feel like I’m everything you have ever wanted or needed. Your endless love fills all the spaces in my heart that used to be empty.

9. You are my hero, my guardian angel and my everything. I love you with all my heart. You are the best husband anyone could ever ask for, you take care of me so well.

10. I can’t thank you enough! I see how hard you work every day to provide us with a comfortable life and I want to show you just how much I appreciate it all. You are my guardian angel.

11. I love you. You are my light in the darkness, my guardian angel, my voice of reason and my heart. I don’t know where I would be without you. You keep me sane and grounded. You are the best thing to ever happen to me.

12. You’re my favourite person to be around, and at the end of each day, I can’t wait to see you again. You are my guardian angel.

13. You are my guardian angel, my life and the most important person to me. I need you so much that my heart skips a beat with every thought of your beautiful face.

14. I have had many guardian angels all through my life, and perhaps they were all you, so thank you for being there always.

15. You are my guardian angel, you have become my closest and dearest friend, my partner in life. I adore you… with all my heart, and soul I’m grateful that you are in my life, that I have found you.

16. My guardian angel, every day you amaze me, whether it be with your cute smile or even one of your devilish grins. You are everything to me, and I am no longer afraid to say that. I love you with all my heart!

17. You are my guardian angel. I can’t believe that I am writing this after all the amazing days we have shared together. I am glad that life has given me a chance to meet you and be with you.

18. The more days pass – the happier I become knowing that you are always by my side no matter what happens. You are my guardian angel. You give me so much support in everything. I love you very much!

19. You are my guardian angel. You have given me the gift of strength, courage and love and I don’t know where I would be without you.

20. When I look into your eyes and see the love there, it’s like a mirror of my own affection for you. You’re my guardian angel sent from up above. I’ll never be able to thank you for the love that you’ve shown me. My heart is incomplete without you.

21. You are my guardian angel my shining sun, my everything. I am so lucky to have you in my life.

22. You are the love of my life. My guardian angel, I am so happy you came into my life and I am so glad to have you by my side. Knowing you makes me smile, knowing you are mine makes me that much happier. My life is full of joy because of you.

23. I thank God every day that I have you in my life. You have made all the pain, worries and anxieties fade away. I don’t know what I would do without you here to keep me company every day, you truly are my angel.

24. My guardian angel, thank you for being always by my side, I know it’s not easy and that I can be the worst at times. You were the key to my happiness, from the moment I saw your smile I knew that you were the one for me.

25. If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, it would be the same for me. No air in the world could substitute for the love I have for you. You are my guardian angel.

26. Watch over me, guide me, and protect me from the negatives in my life. Help me see the good in every person and thing around me. I look up to you every day, my guardian angel.

27. You are my guardian angel. I believe in you. When I’m down and lonely, you’ll be around.

28. You are my guardian angel. Thank You for being there for me. Thank you for loving me so much. Thank You for being behind me in everything I do.

29. You are my guardian angel and I will forever be with you for all of eternity.

30. You are my guardian angel, sent from up above. To grant me wishes of love and happiness. I will always love you because it’s you and me.

31. you are my guardian angel. When you’re around, the whole world disappears and all that’s left is my heart beating for you. Completely and utterly yours.

32. My love for you is greater than ever. You are my guardian angel who saved my life and made me who I am today. I love you so much with all my heart.

33. Every moment spent with you is precious and sacred and I cherish them all. You bring me joy and peace in your presence, you bring me love… there’s nothing I can say or do to ever thank you enough. You are my guardian angel.

34. I want to thank you for being my perfect life partner, and for loving me more than anyone in the world. You are the guardian angel that shows me how pure love is.

35. You are my guardian angel. The one that is constantly watching over me and making sure everything happens for a reason. I know our paths will cross again. Thanks for helping me through this journey, my guardian angel. I love you!

36. I am thrilled to have you in my life. You are my special friend, the one person who can always make me smile, whom I can trust and count on no matter what. Someone who listens understands and supports me through everything. You are my guardian angel.

37. You are my guardian angel. No matter what happens, remember that I’m here for you and that I love you so much.

38. You are my guardian angel, You fill my life with laughter and joy. I hope that I will always be there to wipe away the tears and help you smile. I love you so much.

39. You are my guardian angel, I am so happy to be with you. I feel like a princess in your arms! You make me feel so special. You fill my heart with joy, keeping it safe always.

40. There’s nobody like you, nobody ever will be. You’re my guardian angel, I’ll love you till the end of time. Nothing could ever make me change my mind. You are no doubt the one for me.

41. I love you and I’m thankful for you. You’re my world; I would do anything for you. You’re my guardian angel and I’ll never stop loving you.

42. I can’t believe you’ve been my guardian angel since the day we met. Thank you for never giving up on me, and always having my back. I’m so lucky to have you!

43. I never thought I’d find someone like you. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. It still amazes me that you are always there for me, no matter what or when. You make every day better and brighter, just like the sun in the sky. Thank you for being my angel and my best friend.

44. There are so many people in the world, but I feel like there’s only one for me. There are millions of reasons why I love you, and so many words that I could use to describe it. You’re my guardian angel.

45. Some people look for friendship, some look for love, but I looked for you and I found you. I love you for being my best friend, for hearing me when others won’t listen and for never giving up on me. I’m so glad that you are my guardian angel.

46. Your love makes me feel alive and free as a bird. You’re the only one who can make my heart sing like that. Your love is an angel’s love, from above, and with it comes the brightest light of all.

47. There is never an ending to true love. It has no expiration date. You are always in my heart, my guardian angel.

48. The angels must have been close by when I was looking for you. How else could I have found someone so perfect? Thanks for being my guardian angel.

49. Never in my life have I seen such beauty until the day I saw you. I love you with every ounce of my being and cannot wait for the day when we are finally together. I need no words to tell you how I feel about you. You are my guardian angel.

50. How does the saying go? You complete me? Yeah, I believe it, for without you in my life, I am a whole bunch of pieces. You are my guardian angel.

51. It’s the little things that matter most which make our love so perfect. I’m so thankful that God allowed me to fall in love with you. I could never go a day without hearing your voice, my guardian angel.

52. Guardian angels are always with us. There’s someone out there looking out for me, always guard me with your love and keep me safe from all hardships

53. You guys are seriously the best. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me, I could not do it without you. You are my guardian angel.

54. You’re my guardian angel. Dear Dad, I love you with every bone in my body. Thank you for always being my guardian angel.

55. Keep your head up and stay strong when everyone’s against you. You have a guardian angel who guides you and watches over you.

56. My guardian angel keeps me company by my side, thank you very much for being my guardian angel.

57. My guardian angel is not someone who will protect me against things I fear, but someone with whom I can share my deepest fears, knowing that s/he is always there to listen and encourage me to keep going.

58. Guardian angels are here to protect us. Give your guardian angel a special place in your home with this ornament.

59. You are the guardian of my joy and the protector of my sorrow. You are the one who sees me through all that I am, have been, and will be.

60. Thank you, my guardian angel. The world is safe with you by my side. I love you.

61. Your parents are your first and strongest guardians, teaching you the right way to live. I’ll always be looking out for you. Because of you, I can do anything I dream of.

62. I can’t promise to fix all your problems, treat you like a princess, kiss every boo-boo better. But I can promise that I will be there for you when you need someone the most. I will help you through the hard times and be thankful for the good ones. I will be your guardian angel.

63. I love the idea of the two of us against the world. You are my guardian angel, the one that I’ve been praying for.

64. You are my comfort when the sky is grey, you are my breath of fresh air, you are my guardian angel.

65. I always want to be your guardian angel and protect you from everything bad in the world.

66. I will always be here for you, I will love and protect you for the rest of my life.
I’m here to guard you, so keep your eyes on me.

67. Thank you, guardian angel, for always being there to help me when I need it most.

68. Guardianship is an honourable thing. It’s the one power and authority that things have over you I’m not just your girlfriend, I’m also your Guardian Angel.

69. You did not give me life, you gave me a family. You did not give me a heart, you gave me courage. You are my guardian angel, and I will never be able to repay you for the love and care that you have bestowed on me.

70. So, who’s my guardian angel? I want to thank you for looking out for me when I need you the most. I’ll never leave you, my darling. I’ll be your guardian angel for life.

71. Everyone needs a guardian angel on their side. There to watch over you, and guide you through life.

72. Treat yourself like the angel you are, and I’ll be the guardian who always watches over you.

73. A guardian angel is a spirit that watches over people, to help them and protect them from danger.

74. I am always here for you. I love the feeling of waking up every morning knowing you are mine and I am yours, you are my guardian angel.

75. If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, it never was. When I count my blessings, I count you twice. You are my guardian angel.

76. You are my guardian angel, sent down to watch over me.
You are my guardian angel, sent to me from above.

77. To the world you are one person, but to me, you are my guardian angel.

78. I’m standing on a purple mountain I’m standing on a tower. I’ve been a bit of an overachiever, but I can’t stop now. You’re my guardian angel, and you’re always watching over me.

79. You’re my guardian angel and I am yours. I was taught the meaning of a guardian angel. I learned that angels very rarely look like me. I also learned that you are my guardian angel.

80. Guardian angels look after us in mysterious ways. Thank you, guardian angel!

81. Relax your eyes, and let your soul feel my love like a guardian angel.
This angel will keep your phone safe from sorrows and always have your back.

82. You are my guardian angel and I’m so thankful for that.

83. I don’t need a guardian angel to protect me. I just need you to protect me from all the evil in the world.

84. Thanks for always being my guardian angel. I love your presence in my life, you will forever be my papa angel.

85. Keep in mind that the life of a guardian angel is never an easy one. It’s only by helping others that they are able to help themselves.

86. Saying goodbye is never easy. but having your guardian angel with you every step of the way makes it just a bit easier.

87. There is a Guardian Angel in me, who protects me from danger, be with me forever.

88. My guardian angel is with me when I am sleeping. So that I will never wake up in a nightmare.

89. Nothing will ever keep me from you. My angel, keep me from harm You’ve got my back, and I’ve got yours. Sending you bright white light to keep you safe and happy.

You Are My Guardian Angel Quotes 2

90. Every guy needs a girl like you in his life. You take care of the good and protect him from the bad. You are my guardian angel!

91. You are my guardian angel, and I’ll do everything in my power to keep you here with me.

92. You are my guardian angel and I am yours, together we’ll make it through

93. Never let someone tell you how you should feel, and who you should be. I want to protect that innocence and fight for your right to be happy. You are my guardian angel.

94. You are my guardian angel. A guardian angel watches over you. You don’t need to see them, to know they’re there.

95. My guardian angel is in me and I am in my guardian angel.
If it wasn’t for my guardian angel, the world would be a much scarier place.

96. The happiest place on earth is the place where I found you.
There are angels among us. They will protect the things we love and cherish most

97. You are my guardian angel. I don’t need anything else, you are my favourite thing about life.

98. You are my guardian angel. The angels sent from heaven above to watch over me, no matter where I go.

99. You are my guardian angel, you are my sky, You are the twinkle in my eyes, and you make me feel twice as alive.

100. I am your guardian angel, so don’t be afraid. I love you and God bless you now and always.

The you are my guardian angel quotes up there are the best to ever come by, to express your gratitude and make your guardian angel know what they mean to you.

When you find a good quote, it motivates you to keep moving forward and keeps you going, even in difficult times.

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