Proud Parents Quotes for Daughter’s Achievement

Children are the joy and pride of parents. One common thing for parents is that they oftentimes will record every moment of the growth of their children including when they achieve great things.

Parents will joyfully celebrate every one of their children’s achievements in life, and in this case, their daughter’s. They are there to always support their daughter in every aspect of her life. A parents’ love for their daughter isn’t bounded by time or space – it’s infinite.

That is why parents also get emotional with the achievements of their daughter. Sometimes, they feel proud of her and are at a loss of words. That’s why I have this collection of quotes that’ll help you express your joy.

If you are looking for some proud parents quotes for daughter’s achievement, then you came to the right place. These quotes perfectly express the happy thoughts in your mind to celebrate your daughter.

We’ve raised a winner. Congratulations to our daughter for being accepted to such a prestigious University, and continuing our family’s long history with an outstanding education in the world’s most prestigious universities. She worked so hard, and she has done it. This is a great achievement.

1. Our daughter’s college graduation day is approaching, and we feel so proud of her. We are so glad to be her parent, she’s graduating with distinction.

2. Our daughter is everything to you. We are so proud of our daughter’s first trophy in the Olympics.

3. We are so proud of you, our precious daughter for this achievement of getting the lottery. We love you to the moon and back.

4. We’re so proud of the way you’ve grown, and all that you can accomplish. You light up our lives with your achievements, big and small. We love you.

5. She’s a child prodigy. Our daughter just completed her first triathlon for kids. We’re so proud of her.

6. Our girl is off to a great start at her new school. She’s beautiful and excited on her first day at her new and prestigious school.

7. We are so proud of you, baby girl. You made us smile so big with your new job at a sought after company. We can’t wait to see you do greater things. Love you to the moon and back.

8. Dear daughter, you have gotten a Nobel Laurel for being such a genius, you make us so incredibly proud to be your parents.

9. We’re sending you off to college with so much love and pride. We love you, darling.

10. We are so proud of our daughter. She has worked so hard to get where she is at her company, and we couldn’t be prouder.

11. We are very proud of our daughter for landing this role in the TV series. She has worked so hard for this, and we know she will do great.

12. Every moment shines with pride when we see our little girl grow into someone so special. We are proud parents.

13. We are so proud of you for receiving your Masters’s degree. We know your future will be bright.

14. We are so incredibly proud of you. Keep on doing great things at your workplace. We love you to the moon and back!

15. Our daughter is on the honour roll for her term exams. We can’t believe it. Our baby is becoming smarter every day. We are proud parents.

16. What a great accomplishment for our baby girl, she’s getting married! We are so proud to be her parents.

17. Building strong relationships is key. We are so proud of our sweetheart for all she’s achieved.

18. Our daughter took her driver’s test today, and she nailed it! Here’s to many more celebratory dinners together. We love you.

19. We are so proud of you, my daughter. You have worked so hard to get this far. We love you, and will always be here for you.

20. We are so proud of our sweet, hardworking daughter. She started her first job at a local bakery, and she just saved enough money to go on a trip with her friends. We couldn’t be more proud of her.

21. Our daughter has worked hard, and has achieved something great today! We are so proud of her.

22. You’re never too old to be a proud parent. Our daughter still gains wonderful achievements. Congratulations on your basketball scholarship, sweetie.

23. We are so proud of our baby girl. She’s so smart and talented that she has scored a chance to compete at the national level.

24. Congratulations to our daughter who got accepted to her #1 college choice.

25. We couldn’t be prouder of our baby girl. Congratulations on your newest achievement of being the managing director at your company.

26. This little girl is our pride and joy. We can’t believe how grown-up she is getting. She’s has built her company and it’s a beautiful thing to watch.

27. She wouldn’t stop until she reached her goal. Now the whole world knows it too. We are proud parents.

28. Betting big on a better future is the best gift we can give our children. We are proud parents of the girl who took a chance, gave it her all, and proved to the world that she can do anything.

29. We’re so proud of our daughter, for her achievement in the beautiful speech. We can’t wait to see more of her.

30. We are so proud of our little girl for all she has accomplished. We are looking forward to seeing her grow up, and become everything she wants to be.

31. We are so proud of our daughter for working hard and making the soccer team this year.

32. We’re so proud of you, baby girl. You’ve grown up to be such a brilliant young woman, getting the highest scores on the SATs.

33. Our daughter has been one of the top students in her class since the day she started school. We are proudly her parents.

34. We’ve been through so much together and today, I’m the proudest parent in the world to watch you succeed as you have been chosen to be the CEO of your company.

35. Happiness is seeing your child bring honour to the family. This honour is one she has worked so hard for, and we are so proud of her.

36. We are so proud of our daughter for making the best choice she’s ever made, getting married to such a wonderful man from a wonderful family. She looks so happy and relieved.

37. We are proud of our little girl. She is a cutie, and we are so proud of her for being such a great student at such an age. It’s a beautiful achievement.

38. When our little girl was accepted into the university, we were so proud of her. But, she’s never forgotten where she came from.

39. We are so proud of our daughter for being part of a team that is advocating for change. She is now a proud graduate of the University.

40. There’s nothing greater than watching our girls grow up, and succeed in life. We’re so proud of our daughters.

41. Wishing our beautiful daughter, the happiest of birthdays. Congratulations on all your success and achievements. We are so proud of you.

42. She’s been working so hard, and now she’s reaping the rewards, she’s now the international manager of her company. We are proud of our little girl.

43. Watching you grow and shine with each passing day is the greatest accomplishment of all. We’re so proud of you.

44. There’s nothing more rewarding than watching your child succeed. We could not be prouder of you than we are right now. We love you so much, and couldn’t be happier for all your hard work.

45. Cherish this moment. You’ve come a long way, baby girl. We’re proud to call you their parents.

46. We’re so proud of our daughter’s achievement. She always believed in herself, which is why she got her dream job.

47. Thanks for the hard work and dedication. Our daughter will achieve anything that she wants to achieve in life because of your support. We are so proud.

48. I am so proud of my daughter for her sweet accomplishment. What a great feeling it is to see the woman my daughter has become.⁣

49. Sweet moment captured when our daughter finished a marathon. We’re so proud of all her hard work and dedication. Kudos to you, honey!

50. We are so proud of our girl. She started her first day of camp and she rocked it. Thank you for making us proud.

51. We were so proud of our little superstar for winning an award at a youth art show! She is our best masterpiece.

52. Watching you grow into an intelligent and independent young woman has been the single most rewarding experience of my life. I’m so proud of you.

53. How proud are we of our darling little girl? She’s off to college tomorrow and our hearts are bursting!

54. Our little girl is growing up so fast! It’s amazing to see her become more independent. She is truly a light in our lives, and we are proud of her.

55. We are so proud of you for all the hard work and achievement you’ve done at school. Now, you’re graduating at the top of your class and we’re so happy.

56. You did it, you got your dream job! We’re so proud of you, honey. Thanks for making us such a big part of that incredible accomplishment.

57. We are so proud of our little ray of sunshine and all her hard work. We can’t wait to see what her future holds.

58. Celebrating our daughter’s success and her hard work. We are so proud of her, and can’t wait for her to find out about it.

59. Can you believe it? Today, our little girl graduated from high school. Since she was born, her father and I have been dreaming of this moment and are so proud to celebrate her achievement.

60. We are proud of you. Watching you grow into an amazing student leader has been an incredible journey. We are so lucky to have you as our daughter, and your hard work makes us even more proud to be your parents.

61. There is no feeling in the world like the one you get when your child achieves something great for the first time. We feel so proud.

62. She’s always been a great student, but this year she’s come into her own. We’re so proud of her, and all that she has accomplished.

63. We are so proud—today you stood up, on your own and said “Hi” to the world. You’ve come so far from the little girl who let us hold her hands as she took her first steps to the independent and beautiful girl who just took her first steps into school.

64. Huge accomplishment for my little girl, today. She won the wrestling tournament in her division yesterday and then bested all the other competitors to become state champion. I’m so incredibly proud of her. She’s worked hard for this every day for years, and she’s true girl power.

65. Sewing her first dress by herself. She is such a genius and inspiration for us. We’re so proud of you, sweetie.

65. Dancing around the house like a fool when I heard the news. You’ve worked so hard, and I’m so proud of you.

66. With great achievement comes great celebration. We are so proud of our daughter’s recent achievements, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for her.

67. We are so proud of our daughter’s first-ever ‘A’ at school. It was well-earned after all the late-night studying she did.

68. We are proud to see our daughter reach this milestone.

69. We’re extremely proud of our baby girl for all her hard work and dedication. She’s been working day and night on a big presentation for her internship. And she did well.

70. We are so proud of you for making the honours list in your institution of learning. You are our sunshine, and we are proud of you.

71. We’re so proud of you for being an A student, we can’t stop bragging about you.

72. Goal! She scored! And it’s our first home goal of the season. Oh my God, we’re so proud.

73. Nothing is sweeter than seeing your daughter grow up to be as beautiful inside as she is outside.

74. I’m still pinching myself because I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful daughter. A daughter who is a source of pride and joy. I’m so proud.

75. Enjoyed watching her board exams. Her happiness and competitive spirit gave me a lifetime memory. I’m so proud of her.

76. We have a winner. She’s officially an Honor Role student—what a big accomplishment. We’re so proud of you, baby girl.

77. So proud of my little fashionista. Our girl has outdone herself with this one. I can’t wait to see you at the event.

78. I am so proud of my daughter for working hard in school. I know she’s going to do amazing things when she grows up.

79. You did it, baby girl. Congratulations on graduating from high school. We’re so proud of you.

80. When our little girl grows up, she’s going to rule the world. And we couldn’t be more proud of her.

81. It’s been a wonderful year for the kids. We’re proud of you both and love you more than we can say.

82. We are so proud of our daughter’s achievement in finishing her first triathlon—and we are proud of all the hard work she put in to get there.

83. We’re so proud of our little girl. This is just the beginning of what she can accomplish.

84. We are so proud of you, sweetheart. You just graduated from the best school in town.

85. From a young age, she had a deep interest and love for math. She would sit down with her brothers and calculate how much change they needed for the ice cream truck. We are so proud of her.

86. You’re not the kind of girl who complains about the ups and downs in life. You might stumble, but you always pick yourself right back up. We are so proud of you.

87. We are extremely proud of our daughter and her achievements. She worked very hard to achieve something on her own, and we couldn’t be more proud.

88. So proud of my daughter’s hard work and commitment – she got into the University of her choice.

89. I’m so proud of my daughter for her children’s book. She worked on it very hard, and I’m so happy that she dared to put herself out there.

90. We’re so proud of our little girl, who just won the first-place trophy in her ice skating competition! She worked very hard.

91. Congratulations to our daughter and her team for winning the state soccer championship! Way to go.

92. A huge heartfelt thanks to my amazing daughter who graduated at the top of her class. We couldn’t be more proud of your hard work and dedication. Love you.

93. We’re so proud of our daughter’s hard work and dedication to her studies and sports. Couldn’t have done it without the support of a quality education system. The school is the best in the state.

94. We are beyond proud of you for all that you’ve done and continue to achieve. We are so lucky and glad to be your parents.

95. We are so proud of our baby girl for being accepted to the school of her choice. We cannot wait to watch you grow and become the woman you want to be in the next chapter of your life.

96. We are so proud of our little girl. She’s been working hard in ballet class, and last night she did her first solo.

97. We are so proud of you, precious daughter, and we can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you.

98. There are two times in a parent’s life when they would walk through fire for their child. One is when you first get married and the other is when you have your first child. We are so proud of you.

99. Our daughter has just won a national award. We’re so proud of her.

100. Today, I am so proud of my daughter and her accomplishments. I believe in you, all you’ve accomplished, and all you will accomplish in the future.

I hope you will find the proud parents quotes for daughter’s achievement I have here helpful. Please feel free to leave your comments about the quotes you like and don’t forget to share this post with your friends whose daughters are also achievers. Thank you.

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