Do Not Take Me for Granted Quotes

Sometimes, people don’t know what treasure they have until they lose it. This popular saying may have been so factual in your past, say in your former friendships or relationships.

So you might want to remind one or two people in your life not to take you for granted to prevent such an occurrence again. Perhaps, you’re just starting a beautiful friendship or relationship with them, or you’re beginning to notice signs of disregard on their end.

Whatever the case may be, this collection of do not take me for granted quotes wouldn’t just help you convey this message but also inspire them to put you on the pedestal you deserve.

Don’t take me for granted, and I’ll always be by your side. Other people have underestimated me, and that was their downfall. Don’t take me for a fool. Otherwise, I’ll leave you standing alone. Sometimes, it’s what I do best. Trust me.

1. Don’t take me for granted. I’m not one of those you can easily have. If I’m giving you my time, it means you are special to me.

2. Don’t take me for granted because, unlike the rest, I am not afraid to walk away.

3. I’m not your toy, so do not take me for granted.

4. If you love someone, do not take that person for granted.

5. Don’t take others for granted. Hold every person close to your heart because you might wake up one day and realise that you’ve lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones.

6. If you don’t appreciate me, I’m gone.

7. I’m not for everyone, so if I give you my time, you should know that you are special to me.

8. Don’t take me for granted. Treat me like the gem I am because if you don’t, someone else will.

9. I’m not an easy catch. Don’t waste my time with boring conversations, empty promises, or half-hearted compliments.

10. Do not take me for granted, for I am a gem worth more than gold. If I choose to spend my time with you, I consider you worth my devotion.

11. I don’t like to rush things. If I give you my time, it means you deserve it. So treat me accordingly.

12. Please don’t take me for granted. I am here because you matter.

13. There are many fishes in the sea, but I can’t make promises. You’ll have to wait and see.

14. Don’t take me for granted because, unlike the rest, I do my best to keep you in my life.

15. Please don’t take my love for granted because, unlike the rest, I will not give you second chances.

16. I love you. I’ll show you, but don’t take me for granted.

17. Please be patient and not get offended if I am a little reserved. It takes me time to trust people, but once I do, don’t take me for granted.

18. I deserve to be treated like an equal, not a possession. You may not be able to keep me, but I’m intelligent enough to leave you.

19. Don’t take me for granted. I’m not afraid of breaking hearts, and neither should you be.

20. I yearn for the day that you are confident enough to know the kind of person I am. I will be here. Just don’t take me for granted.

21. I don’t like playing games. This isn’t a cat and mouse game.

22. I won’t beg for your attention; I will simply leave and never look back.

23. I’d rather live alone than be with someone who doesn’t appreciate me.

24. Go ahead and play with me, but do not forget that I’ll choose to leave.

25. I’m not just a doll for you to play with and leave in the corner. I am a person who will value your time as much as you value mine.

26. To me, you are unique and everything anyone could want in a lover. I just don’t want to feel used.

27. I’m a person. Don’t wait weeks to call. Text me back when I reach out, or I’ll go find attentive company elsewhere.

28. I’m a human being and deserve to be treated with respect.

30. Don’t take your best friend for granted. Friendship is a privilege. Don’t take it for granted, because your friend will surely not take you for granted. It is a mutual relationship.

31. The world is full of so many choices, but I choose to spend my time with you. And I can choose to leave, too, if taken for granted.

32. Do not take me for granted, as you may start to feel like an old shoe to me.

33. We’ll have a sweet relationship if you don’t take me for granted.

34. Do not take me for granted. Don’t assume I’ll be here tomorrow because I might wake up, turn into a pumpkin, and find something better to do.

35. Do not take me for granted; I’m more than a friend.

36. Don’t take me for granted; just because I am currently not anywhere in your priorities doesn’t mean that you will end up having me forever.

37. Please don’t take me for granted. I am here with you because I want to be, not because I have to be.

38. Please, do not take me for granted. Negative vibes are usually given off whenever this happens. And when it comes to being taken for a fool, it’s almost unforgivable in my eyes.

39. You can take me for granted, and I’ll forgive you, but never forget that I have a choice too.

40. You take me for granted; I’ll take you for a ride.

41. If you don’t learn how to appreciate me at the beginning of the relationship, then chances are you will never appreciate me in the end. So I’m walking away even from the beginning.

42. I may not be here tomorrow, so don’t take me for granted today.

43. You’re special to me. I hope you don’t take me for granted.

44. Be grateful for my support, and we’ll never have a problem.

45. Do not take me for granted. I understand that I am compatible, nice, caring and friendly, but these factors don’t make you entitled to own me.

46. Don’t take me for granted; I don’t plan on sticking around forever.

47. Don’t take someone for granted. Hold every person close to your heart because you might wake up one day and realise that you’ve lost a diamond.

48. Don’t take me for granted. I may be the best thing that ever happened to you.

49. Life can change in a heartbeat. Don’t take me for granted and let my shadow fade.

50. If you won’t take me seriously now, imagine how much extra it will cost you later.

51. I won’t take you for granted, so don’t take my presence like a pinch of salt.

52. When I walk away, I walk away for good. So appreciate my support.

53. Don’t abuse my love for you. Cause that love won’t matter anymore when I choose to walk away.

54. Being taken for granted just helps me to decide to take a walk.

55. I don’t have to beg to be taken seriously. So don’t take me for granted.

56. Do not take me for granted; I have been broken before.

57. Don’t take me for granted. I notice every detail about your behaviour, every little change and I can tell when you are not being authentic or hiding something from me.

58. You can have me, but don’t take me for granted because I might leave you.

59. Don’t take me or my kindness for granted. I may be on vacation, but I still see everything that’s going on around me.

60. Stop taking me for granted and start appreciating me!

61. Don’t take me for granted. I will leave you if you don’t give importance to me.

62. I do not love and trust quickly. When I let you in, please don’t take advantage of my kindness or heart.

63. You are not a priority when you become an option.

64. I’m a nice person unless you give me a reason not to be. So don’t take me for granted.

65. Darling if I get tired of waiting for you to take my hand, I’m not afraid to walk this world alone. Don’t take me for granted.

66. I’m not just a date. I’m a real person. I can’t be ignored or taken for granted. If you don’t treat me like the unique human being I am, then there’s the door.

67. Don’t treat me like I’m a placeholder. I am more special than that.

68. I am not afraid to be alone. Don’t take me for granted.

69. I won’t give you a hard time. I am strong enough to ignore your negativity.

70. I won’t be used or mistreated.

71. You better be genuine or risk losing me. I’m not easily fooled.

72. If you’re misguided, you could lose me and my support.

73. Don’t try to put one over on me. Honesty is the best policy, or you lose me.

74. Don’t take me for granted because you won’t get away with it.

75. You can have me if you want me. But, don’t forget that I am a powerful woman with a mind of her own. And yes, I could walk out and never look back.

76. You can look, you can touch, but if you’re not going to take me seriously, this relationship will be over.

77. If you want me, treat me well. If not, good luck finding someone else.

78. Don’t take me for granted. I won’t tolerate it.

79. I may not be perfect, but if you ask in the right way and say the right things, then I have no doubt I can make you happy.

80. I’m not a one-time thing. I want all or nothing.

81. Honey, stop taking me for granted! Appreciate the person who loves you.

82. You don’t have to choose me over friends and family, and you don’t get to use me for your enjoyment and dump me when it no longer interests you. Don’t take me for granted.

83. Love me or leave me. I’m not a dog. I’m a person.

84. Don’t take me for a fool! I expect to be treated like royalty.

85. Don’t take me for granted. I’m leaving if you mistreat me.

86. I’m not going to dance around this. If you don’t give me attention, I will leave.

87. I’m an important person. Please don’t ignore me.

88. You don’t take me seriously, then I’m out.

89. Who doesn’t want to be prioritised? You better treat me well, or I do what’s best for me.

90. Nothing else hurts than being taken for granted. However, it’s just my cue to move one.

91. Treat me like I treat you; don’t take me for granted.

92. Being appreciated just encourages me to do more, while being under-appreciated inspires me to do less until I walk away.

93. I do not tolerate abuse because I know I’m made of gold.

94. I won’t beg you to treat me right because I’ve got options for myself.

95. Whenever I feel like I’m being tolerated, I’ll move on faster than you can imagine.

96. Nothing else makes me happier than walking away from people who don’t appreciate me.

97. I love you, but I won’t tolerate your abuse, you’ve taken me for granted for too long.

98. No matter what, I’ll put myself first. So don’t take me for granted.

99. Taking me for granted yields a loss you wouldn’t recover from.

100. I love myself enough to walk away in the face of abuse. Don’t take me for granted.

Do not take me for granted quotes can teach us the right attitude to use to face circumstances and ungrateful people. They can help us be better mothers, daughters, fathers, sons or husbands.

I hope these quotes will help others treat you kindly as you treat them. Please comment, and share this post. I’d love to see you again.

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