God Please Answer My Prayer Quotes

There are so many problems in this world that people have trouble solving them. You wonder if there is a God who can hear our prayers. Maybe you’re trusting God for something so urgent or you’ve given up on praying over time and lost hope because the answers you expected to your prayers didn’t come.

Everyone desires to have answers to prayers almost immediately. While some may experience immediate answers to their prayers, others may not. However, no one has it all at all times. There will always be a longing somewhere, even if all seem perfect. How do I get my prayers answered? Why is it that I pray and nothing happens? Till when will my prayers remain unanswered? these, are questions I’ve asked myself as well, but the chances are, you haven’t found a good answer, just as I haven’t either.

Are you trusting God for immediate answer to some urgent needs in your life or you are in crisis and life has you in its grips, you have been praying and no answer is coming forth. The best thing to do is, keep hope and faith in God alive. Pleading with God for answers to prayers is very accurate and expected of everyone that believes in him.

Here, you will find a collection of the best prayers that I know would help you through whatever problems you are facing. Use these God please answer my prayers quotes and you will experience the compassionate nature of God in your life.

Please, dear God, answer my prayers. My thoughts flow to you ceaselessly. During the day and at night, I fall asleep with prayers on my lips, asking you to help me solve my problems, help me, please.

1. Dear God, thank you for being my father. I know you listen to me when I pray. I have come to plead with your mercy on this very thing, God please answer my prayer.

2. Lord, in these times of uncertainties, I commit myself unto you. Let me see through your eyes. And may I walk as you walk, please answer my prayer.

3. I know you are a faithful Father, people do pray to you and you answer their prayers. God please answer my prayers too. For I want my heart desires to be fulfilled, Amen.

4. Oh God, Answer my prayers, for you know all things. And I am not wise in anything in this life but only in knowing that you alone can answer me and grant me what is good.

5. I am also trusting you for my problems like everyone around me. God, please answer my prayers too.

6. I’m so grateful for everyone in my life and all the things I have, I am trusting you for today, God please answer my prayers.

7. Thank you God for always answering my prayers, although, this one tarries. I trust you to please answer my prayers dear God, Amen.

8. God, please grant me the desires of my heart and shape me into the person you want me to be.

9. Thank you for the good health and for your provisions. I trust you for your blessings. God, please grant my request, Amen.

10. I have been through some bad things, but I am not giving up on my dreams. Please don’t either. God Bless Everyone.

11. It looks like everyone around me has gotten everything they wished for, but I know people still have challenges. God please answer my prayers and answer theirs too, Amen.

12. Lord, for your faithfulness and everyday blessing, I know there is nothing you can’t do. Lord, please answer my prayers.

13. Dear God, please answer my prayers. Everyone around me has gotten what they prayed for. I am here on my knees again, asking for your help. Please give me a sign that will show me what to do.

14. Father, I stand here tonight and ask you to bless me just like you have blessed everyone around me. God please answer my prayers and bless me with a better job, a house of my own and a happy family.

15. Dear God, please let everything work out for me today. Thank you. Amen.

16. I am praying that God will bless me with a good job, comfortable home and a nice car.

17. God, it’s been a challenging year. I pray you will continue to grant me patience and perseverance as I strive to be a blessing to others.

18. praying for the strength to carry on when there’s no one to save me.

19. Dear God, thank you for leading me to the right person at the right time. I believe in you and trust you to guide me for my ultimate good.

20. I don’t know what to do. I am lost and helpless. God, please I need you, in your mercy, Show me what to do.

21. Dear God, help me to understand how I can fulfill my dreams. You know what’s in my best interest, show me the way!

22. May you too, be able to pray with confidence knowing that God always hears your prayers.

23. I pray that we all can find and live in peace. May the world be filled with unconditional love, peace and joy.

24. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Jehovah, my rock and my redeemer.

25. Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

26. Father God, I just thank you for this day, and I pray that every tomorrow will be filled with peace.

27. Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for your mercy and grace. Please make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

28. Give me the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that can be changed, and wisdom to know the one that should be.

29. I pray that God will continue to guide me and help me make better decisions in life. Grant me the faith to believe that you will always be there for me, no matter what happens in this world.

30. Lord, please guide me in this journey that I am about to begin. I can’t do it alone, but with you beside me, I know it’s going to be ok. Amen

31. Dear God, I pray that you give me the courage and strength to be the best version of myself that I can be.

32. I pray that you will be an instrument in the hands of God to bring a positive change in all those I encounter today, regardless of whether they can help me or not.

33. Let me pray that I love you the way you want me to, My Lord. Help me to make decisions for your greater glory and not my own.

34. I pray that all of your wishes come true and you find your true place in the world.

35. From darkness, light; from fear, faith; from doubt, trust; from despair, hope. please answer my prayers.

36. Lord, I pray that as you work through my hands, you will reveal yourself in the lives of the people around me. Amen

37. I know you are faithful to your word. God, please answer my prayers and do the biddings of my heart.

38. I just wanna pray that you’ll do something different, something new. Keep my fears at bay. Something to rid me of the pain inside. Let me wake up every morning and not feel this way, cause I’m praying for a change!

39. I know you’re there God, even when I can’t see you. You’ve got my back, and I’m trusting you to make a way through this.

40. Dear God, I need you. please answer my prayers and I thank you for hearing my prayer. Amen.

41. I will be thankful in all circumstances. I will give thanks to you, my God, with all my heart, for your steadfast love is greater than the troubles that surround me.

42. Lord, I’m going to keep praying for your guidance and patience… but today, I’m giving you all my strength and perseverance. Please let it be enough.

43. Thank you for always being there for me. Through the thick and thin, you are always willing to listen and to guide me in the right path.

44. The Lord said, when you feel like you’re at your absolute lowest—when it seems like nothing is going right and everyone has left you, just remember that I’m here by your side.

45. Dear God, please let this be the day I find answers to my prayers.

46. Every morning I wake up with a prayer in my heart that what I had dreamt will come true. It’s my wish every night before sleep takes over when all possibilities remain open. Hope you are having a good day!

47. Right now, I’m praying for protection from the lies of Satan and his followers. Help us resist temptation and follow your righteous path. God, have mercy on us.

48. Dear God, I know I’ve said this before—but please give us a win! The Cowboys haven’t had one in nearly three months. We don’t know what to do with ourselves anymore.

49. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.

50. Heavenly Father, You are my strength when I am weak; You hold me together when the world is falling apart.

51. Struggling to answer your prayers? Take a deep breath, and keep on praying. God understands your struggle.

52. Lord, I will continue to hope in you until my hope becomes real and tangible to me

53. Miracles happen every day. we’ll keep hope alive, and keep on praying.

54. I’ve never felt so lonely and isolated, but I know that you are there. Please send me a sign. I need a wake up call.

55. And when you pray, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

56. Lord please answer my prayers. I’ve been going through some hard times and can’t take it anymore.

57. Dear God, I know you exist, please hear me out. I know you’ve been there for me in the past and want to give me another chance….

58. Dear God, We have worked our asses off for years to make this a reality. Now please help us reach our goal for this project.

59. We have been waiting patiently for You and we are ready for an answer. Hear our prayer and bring Your favor our way.

60. Dear God, I have prayed for this moment to come. I’ve worked hard and sacrificed. Please, let me win this competition.

61. Dear Lord, let this be the year that I finally overcome my fear and take a rest in you.

62. Please God hear my prayer on this issue I’ve been trusting you for. I am so grateful for all that you have blessed me with.

63. Please God hear my prayer and grant me a wish __ to be more than what I am today. To be brave enough to overcome any problem tomorrow, without fear and worry in my heart.

64. Please God hear my prayer and help me to feel better soon. Thank You for listening to me. I love You!

65. Please God, hear my prayer. In the loud noise that fills this world, let me hear your whisper above all else.

66. Please God, hear my prayer. I pray for Your will to be done, not mine.

67. Dear Lord, we pray that you grant us the strength, wisdom, and courage to make things work by your mercy. Amen.

68. Please God Hear My Prayer and answer the desires of my heart, Amen.

69. Pleas God hear my prayer. I pray that you guide me to a place where I can be happy and feel love, where I can do all the things that fulfill me and make me feel The happiness of being alive every day. Thank you God for hearing my prayer.

70. Please God hear my prayers for a prosperous and successful new season. Amen

71. Please God, hear my prayer. Let this time of year be filled with fun family gatherings, delicious food and unique traditions.

72. Please God, hear my prayer and keep me in your thoughts as I plead with you everyday for the blessing of your face.

73. Dear God, please hear my prayer. For you are my only hope.

74. Lord, hear my prayer this season. With the cold nights ahead I hope you will warm those who have no one to keep them warm. Lead me when I’m lost and give me courage to face another day.

75. Hear my prayer, O God; and let my cry come unto thee.

76. Dear God, I pray that this Labor Day weekend would be filled with good food and family memories.

77. Prayer is the key to serenity. It unlocks the door which leads to wholeness of mind, purpose of life, true happiness

78. Lord, hear our prayers tonight as we give thanks for this day and all the blessings you have bestowed upon us. Amen.

79. Lord, I’m tired of trying. I feel so alone here. You know what I’ve been going through. Please help me achieve my dreams.

80. Lord, I’m tired of trying. I feel so alone here. You know what I’ve been going through. Please help me achieve my dreams.

81. Lord, hear my cry, and let this be the day that my hairstyle goes viral on Instagram. I pray that you can give me some more likes so people can see just how good I am at doing my hair.

82. I really need your help because it’s hard for me to do that kind of stuff. I hope you’re listening right now. Please show me your glory today in all these pictures.

83. Lord, hear my cry and answer me. I am so afraid of the future

84. Thank you God for all the good and bad things in my life for I know that you will not squander my tears.

85. I look to you, God, for all my needs; to You I lift my hands.

86. We see you God, we feel your presence and need you to heal our hurts and pain, Amen.

87. Dear God, please help me find a genuine way to be able to have a balanced life.

88. Almighty and ever living God, I pray that you trespass today, I pray that you guide my path today. I pray that you fill me with strength to face the challenges which you have placed before me. In Jesus name I pray amen.

89. Dear God, Let me find my place at this school. Please give me peace and courage to do well and be kind to others. Amen

90. God, I love You, but please stop testing me with these impossible decisions.

91. Dear God, hear my cry. I pray for those who are hurting, that you would give them peace and comfort today.

92. Dear God, please hear my cry and let me feel the love of your presence.

93. Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

94. Lord, my heart is full of joy today because of your kindness to me. Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what happens.

95. God, I really need you right now more than ever. I pray that you will please comfort me in this trying time in my life.

96. My mind and soul are so troubled right now, and I need your presence to guide me through. God, help me to love myself; forgive myself and others as well. Bring us all together as a family.

97. Through your grace and mercy, hear our plea for better than struggle. Deliver us from the darkness and guide us to a life you have planned for us. We give you all the glory in Jesus name. Amen.

98. Dear God, help me to have an open mind & a forgiving heart when I approach all the life scenarios that are wildly different from what I planned for. Teach me to embrace all of it as an adventure.

99. Oh God, I pray that you would give me the strength to wake up early, to study hard, and to have the courage to ask for help when I need it.

100. Lord, please hear my prayer and grant me the strength to endure trials and tribulations.

Prayer is not a ritual or repetition of words, nor is it a supplication of outward forms. Rather, it is a sincere effort to reach the door of His presence with your heart and earnest striving to commune with God in spirit and in truth.

I hope these, God please answer my prayers quotes have been of help to you. You can comment and share any of them with your loved ones via social media sites. Thank you.

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