My Life Is Nothing Without You Quotes

Have you ever thought about how wonderful life is? Each day seems to be a new experience, full of joy and energy. But what if we were given hundred years of life without anyone to share it with?

Nothing is more important than having love in your life. You can have anything you like, but when you don’t have a person you love to share those things with, it’s not worth having.

Falling in love is one of the most exciting, rewarding and scariest things you could ever do. Once you’re in love with someone, it’s hard to remember how you lived without him or her.

There’s nothing better than finding a person who smiles all the time, who will love you from ear to ear and makes your life seem like a beautiful garden.

Is your significant other the light of your life and how you can’t imagine your life without them? Then you have to do everything you can to show how much they mean to you.

If you’re at a loss for words to express how you feel, start with these my life is nothing without you quotes below.

My life is nothing without you, your love makes me feel so special. I can’t live without you, and I don’t want to. Our hearts will forever be intertwined and we will always be together. I love you now and forever!

1. My life is nothing without you in it. I love you more with each passing day and promise to be there for the rest of our lives. I will always love you.

2. You are the sunshine in my day, you make me smile every time I see your face. You are always on my mind no matter what I am doing. You are in my thoughts as well as my heart. I can’t imagine life without you and it will never happen because you are by my side.

3. My life would be nothing without you. I am so happy you chose me, and that I could choose you. We are perfect together, and I love to see the happiness that comes over your face when we’re together.

4. My life is nothing without you! I love you, babe, I don’t want to be without you. You make me the happiest man in the world. Thanks for everything babe. I love you so much!

5. My life is nothing without you. I love you so much I can’t explain it in words. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I hope to spend the rest of my life with you.

6. I found the love of my life. You are my best friend, lover and soul mate. I am glad our paths crossed and that we found each other. You are on my mind every minute of every day and I can’t stop thinking of how lucky I am to have found you. My life is nothing without you!

7. You are so wonderful to me and I don’t deserve your love. You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever known. Inside and out. Your touch is a breath of fresh air and you’ve made my life complete. Without you by my side, my life would be nothing. I will always love you!

8. I love you more than words can ever express! You are truly my best friend and the one person that I truly never want to be apart from. Life would be nothing without you – my special someone.

9. Life without you is nothing, I love you more than I can ever express, thank you for everything you do for me, thank you for letting me into your life and for showing me how to love.

10. I can’t imagine living my life without you by my side, you are the air that I breathe, the blood in my veins, and the love of my life. You are the only one I want to be with forever, no doubt at all.

11. There is nothing in this world I would rather do than be with you. You are my best friend and lover, my other half and everything I could ever ask for. I will promise to love you always, no matter what life brings us. When we are apart all I can think about is getting back to your side. I love you, sweetheart!

12. My life has changed so much, it’s all because of you. My breath is shorter, my heart skips a beat, and all that I can see, taste and touch are you. When we’re together time passes quicker than ever before. I love you with all my heart, mind and soul.

13. I wish I had the time to tell you how sweet, loving and beautiful you are. You are a dream come true, the best thing in my life. Without you I’m nothing. You mean everything to me.

14. You are my best friend and my soulmate. You’ve brought me so much happiness over the years that I can’t imagine life without you. I love you more today than I ever have before.

15. You are my life, there’s nothing without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t want to lose you because it will be very painful for me. But if we can promise each other that we will spend our life together that would be great.

16. I wish I was there to hold you in my arms, to whisper some sweet nothings, and to make love to you. You are my “life”. I can’t imagine life without you.

17. My sweetheart, I love every minute I spend with you and every second we’re apart. Our love is so precious to me and so powerful that it brings tears to my eyes. You are my only one and my life, nothing without you!

18. My life would be nothing without you. Your smile is all I need to get through the day, and your hugs are just what I need to fall asleep at night. I didn’t know that love could feel like this, but then I saw your face and everything changed. I am so lucky that today you are my wife, and now we can pursue our dreams together.

19. My life is nought without you. I cannot smile without you by my side, and my thoughts are filled with you. Your love is like a permanent mark that has been branded upon my heart. My love for you will continue to grow as long as I live.

20. I can’t imagine my life without you. I love you so much and I am so grateful you are in it. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I need you by my side forever.

21. I’ve spent so much time and energy thinking about the moment I saw you for the first time, but it doesn’t even compare to the amount of time I think about spending my life with you. The thought of never being with you again brings me to tears and I can’t imagine that happening. I love you, more than anything in the world, and would be lost without you.

22. It’s hard to believe that I have known you for the past years. To think that I once hated you, now makes me laugh. You are so perfect for me and when I look back on what we have been through, I love you even more. And baby—I don’t know where my life would be without you.

23. I am nothing without you. There is no point in going on. I couldn’t even picture my life without you. You are everything to me, and it’s amazing how someone so amazing loves me the way that you do. I love you with all my heart.

24. You are my whole world. You are my lover, my best friend, my rock. I can’t imagine a life without you. You bring happiness and joy to all that we do and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

25. I love you. I can’t believe the day is here again. Thank you so much for being here by my side. You make everything worthwhile when you are with me. You fill my days and nights with happiness in a way that just makes my life so complete. I can’t see life or even imagine living it without you!

26. My life would be nothing without you. You are my sun, my moon, my stars and every day I thank god for bringing you into my life. I can’t even begin to describe how much you mean to me. I love you, baby!

27. To my best friend: My love for you is like the sun, ever shining and warming me with its sweet rays! You are everything to me and my life would be nothing without you.

28. My life is nothing without you. You have given me the best of your love and understanding. You have turned what was once a difficult and troublesome road into a smooth path, strewn with pleasant flowers. I thank god for the gift of your love and the tender comfort you give.

29. My love for you is endless. My feelings for you will always be strong as long as we share the same heartbeat. I need you to live, my life has no meaning or worth without you here by my side. You are my everything, my reason for being and I love you more with each passing day and the many years to come.

30. I love you. I can’t get over how much I love you. I would do anything for you and to be with you, because without you, my life would be nothing.

31. You are the most wonderful person I’ve ever known. You’re kind, generous, loving, compassionate, and so much more. But I don’t just love you because of all these things you are; I love you because you bring so much joy to my life that I can’t even begin to imagine how empty it would be without you.

32. It’s not without reason that I love everything about you. My feelings for you continue to grow stronger with every passing day. You are my love, my life, my world and I can’t imagine myself without you.

33. My life is nothing without you. You are my everything. Without your love, I am so empty.

34. Life without you is meaningless. It’s hard to imagine living life without you by my side. You are the love of my life. I want to grow old with you, and I can’t wait to see how our life brings us endless happiness and satisfaction.

35. Life without you is nothing. You bring so much joy and happiness into my life. I am so glad we have found each other, you have made me a happier person and for that, I am forever thankful. I cannot wait till the next chapter of our life begins, but until then I will enjoy every moment we have together.

36. During the day I’m fine. But in the middle of the night, I can’t help but think about you and how you feel without me. You are my obsession. My life is nothing without you. I love you more than anything in this world. Seeing your smile makes my day, every time we’re together I have an overwhelming feeling of joy.

37. You are my life, the only one that I want. This is your home and my home forever. Without you, there would be no meaning to my life. You are my heartbeat and I cherish every moment we share.

38. You are my everything. I love you so much and I don’t know what I’d do without you. You bring the best out of me and make all my dreams come true. Thanks for always being there for me and letting me know how much you love, appreciate and care for me. I love you!

39. My life is nothing without you. You are my one true love and the meaning of my existence. I love you more than words could ever express, and I will spend every day of forever making sure you know that. I want to spend every minute of every day with you, and this is only the beginning of our lives together.

40. My life is nothing without you by my side. You are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I can’t imagine my life without you. When we were first together, I thought it would last for a few months, but now we are married! Sweetheart, I love you more each day than I did the previous one.

41. Life has no meaning without you. I never knew what true happiness was until I met you. The lights in my life started flickering when you came into my heart and changed it forever. I love you so much, may we be together forever.

42. I want you. I need you. I love you. You are my life, there is nothing without you. You complete me in every way.

43. You are the love of my life. I wanted to wait until our first anniversary to send you this card. In these last few months, I have grown so attached to you that I can’t imagine life without you. You fill my heart with more love and happiness than anyone could ever hope one person has in their lifetime. I love you with all my heart and soul.

44. Two lives, two hearts and one soul. Every day I look into your eyes and know that I am the luckiest man alive. In every moment of my life, you remain close to me. I can’t breathe without you in my arms, I can’t love you enough, and I don’t want to live one single moment without you.

45. Every second without you is a second too long. I miss you so much. My world is boring without my love! I love you, baby!

46. Life isn’t worth living without you. I love how you can turn my bad days good with a simple look from your beautiful hazel eyes.

47. I’m not sure how long I’ve loved you. I’m not even sure when it started. I do know that every day I love you more and more, and today marks another day added to my love for you. Each day that passes makes me realize more how life would be nothing without you.

48. I don’t know where I would be without you, but I do know one thing for sure and that is that I would never be happy. You make me genuinely happy. Our love is something out of a storybook. I love you more than words could ever express. You are my whole world and the only reason I survive each day.

49. I love you and I miss you so much it hurts. You are my life, my happiness and the person who makes the sunrise. Without you in my life, I would be nothing.

50. You mean the world to me. You are my life, my love, and my heart! I wouldn’t trade you for anything because then I would have nothing. My world revolves around you and I am so happy you are in it. You are the reason I smile every day and the first person I think of when I wake up and the last person I think of when I go to sleep.

51. I have never felt this way about anyone before. My life is nothing without you!

I hope you like this amazing collection of my life is nothing without you quotes.

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