Happy 20th Birthday Sister Wishes and Quotes

Sisters should be treated like queens because no matter what you go through, they are always there. And in case you have an insensitive sister, you still have to love her for who she is because, at the end of the day, she is still your sister.

Whether or not you have an amazing and nice person as a sister, you need to do your part by celebrating her. Make her feel good on her special day.

You can do this without spending a dime, and she will still be very happy with you. The secret is the happy 20th birthday sister wishes and quotes below. She can’t resist whichever one you send. She will be so appreciative.

I can’t even imagine my life without you in it. You have always been coming through for me, even when we knew nothing about support and commitment. I’m so happy to have a lovely sister like you. Here’s wishing you the best as you celebrate your 20th birthday. Have fun.

1. Never have I felt so blessed in my life. Dear sister, to know you is to love you. You’re so amazing and special in every way. I can’t thank you enough for choosing to paddle the canoe of life with me. Here’s wishing you all that your heart desires and more. Happy 20th birthday.

2. Dear little sister, I honestly can’t believe that you are 20 years old today. How time flies. One thing I want you to know is that you’ve always made me proud. I have never seen a sister as intentional as you. I promise to always support you with every breath in me. Happy 20th birthday.

3. I am proud of you, to say the least. You’re the most amazing little sister ever. Sometimes, you do the things that make me question your real age. I’m grateful for all the times we keep spending together. I can’t wait to enjoy more moments with you. Happy 20th birthday.

4. Even though you’re my baby sister, I learn so much from you. You were the one who taught me how to persevere through difficult times. You’re always right on time, and your words always strike a chord. Thank you for being there at all times. Happy 20th birthday.

5. You’re the best gift our parents have ever given to me. Every year, you keep getting better and better. I’m glad to see how much you’ve made out of life at age 20. I promise to always give you all the needed support to make you great. Happy 20th birthday, darling.

6. I doubt we have ever fought. Even though I always want to start a fight, you have never succumbed. You’re the most understanding sibling ever. I hope to be like you someday. Till then, I hope you keep being a good example to me and so many others. Happy 20th birthday to you.

7. If only you know how much of a blessing your life is to so many other people and me. You’re a very good person, my sister. Sometimes, I don’t want to believe that I am the older person. Thank you for always making it intentional to live an exemplary life. Happy 20th birthday.

8. With or without your birthday, I have always celebrated you. You’re the closest person to me, and this has made you know a lot about me. Despite all the ugly things you’ve discovered about me, you’re still the most loving sister ever. I love you so much. Happy 20th birthday.

9. My little sister is 20 today, and I can’t keep calm. Hey sis, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to my existence. I can’t thank God enough for making my dream of having the best sister come true. I promise to always love and cherish you. Happy 20th birthday.

10. There’s no task that’s as easy as looking after you. I could do this all day because you deserve even more. On your 20th birthday, I want you to make a wish. I promise to make it come true. Happy 20th birthday to you, dear sister. Do try as much as possible to have a lot of fun. I love you so much.

11. We are not older than our ages, but we’ve been through so much together. I love and respect you more now that I know the kind of person you are. You’re the most courageous 20-year old I know. You even do some things I find difficult to think about. Keep making me proud. Happy 20th birthday.

12. With you, love will always be enough. I have never met anyone as nice and sweet as you. You have this amazing aura that attracts people to you. You’re a good person, sister. And I hope that the universe rewards your good heart. Happy 20th birthday, dear sister.

13. No matter what happens, your mental health and safety will always be paramount to me. It’s a world full of uncertainties and chaos, but I promise to always have your back. I hope you don’t stop being the amazing sister you’ve always been, though. I wish you long life and prosperity. Happy 20th birthday.

14. It’s your 20th birthday, and I have made plans for 20 beautiful cakes to be delivered to you. Even though they can never be as beautiful as you, I hope you see the beauty in them. You know I love you more than myself, and I can’t even tell why. Have you a happy 20th birthday, my lovely sister.

15. I always feel like I am indebted to you, and that’s why I have never said no to any of your requests. I always feel like I must make you happy, like your happiness and well-being are tied to me, in a way. Whatever is making me feel this way, I don’t know. But I want to keep making you happy. Happy 20th birthday, baby.

16. You’re an angel. God sent you to come to make things better for this family. Ever since you joined us, only great things have been happening to each and every one of us. I know you’re on an assignment by God, and I hope you deliver the best. Happy 20th birthday, my darling.

17. God really wanted things to be better for you, and that’s why He sent you. I’m very sure I was the exact reason He sent you. Ever since you’ve been my sister, nothing has ever remained the same. I love you more than life itself, and I hope that only good things keep happening to you. Happy 20th birthday.

18. You’re the most beautiful girl I have seen. I’m your brother, so I know exactly what I am saying. You’re a wonderful lady, dear. No matter how much the world tries to change you, always know that your real self is the best. I love you so much. Happy 20th birthday.

19. You are the best version of yourself. No matter how hard anyone tries, they can never be like you. I have always loved you just the way you are. I love how respectful and obedient you’ve always been. I hope that you keep it up, no matter the distraction from the world. Happy 20th birthday.

20. Dear sister, it gives me so much joy to celebrate you alongside a host of others today. You’re a delight to our souls, and that’s why we’ve turned up our numbers just to make today a great day for you. I hope you have the fun of your life today. Happy 20th birthday, my darling sister.

I know I have always sent you annoying messages, but today, it is different. I just want to take some minutes to appreciate you for doing all you can to make me happy. It’s your 20th birthday, and I sincerely hope it’s the happiest one. Enjoy your day, dear sister.

21. You have no idea just how much you mean to me. Whenever we are far from each other, it’s always a war for me. I have never felt this way for anyone in my life. I understand that you’re my sister, and it’s only normal that I feel this way. Well, it’s your 20th birthday, and a celebration is in the air. Happy birthday to you.

22. Every single time we see, I have such an amazing time with you. You’re so full of knowledge and so much more. I’m so glad that you’re my sister. It even makes me happier that you’re my elder sister. I would love to be like you when I grow up. Happy 20th birthday to you. Make sure you have the needed fun.

23. Times spent with you are always inspiring and insightful. You always have great questions to ask. And I thank God that I have never left any of your questions unattended. I’m glad to see how well you are doing. If you ever need any help, do not hesitate to let me know. Happy 20th birthday.

24. You think way above a 20-year-old girl. You don’t even look it. You’re just so amazing in every way. I’m so happy to be your only sister. On your 20th birthday, even though I don’t have much, I hope this sweet wish puts a smile on your beautiful face. Happy 20th birthday, my dear sister.

25. You have always been there for and with me. You have never left me. Even when you had no idea what was going on, you still kept sharing with me. Honestly, I can only do a little without you. I’m grateful for your presence and love, and I can’t wait to enjoy you more. Happy 20th birthday, dear.

26. Amazing is your name. Wonderful is your nickname. Beautiful are your ways. I’m a proud sister, just because I have you. I’m so happy to have a sister who looks up to me for every single thing about life. I promise not to ever mislead you. Happy 20th birthday.

27. You’re the most beautiful girl ever, not just in this family, but in the world as a whole. I know how much you keep clamouring fie success, and I’m sure you’re ready to put in the required work. No matter how hard it gets, always remember that you have a sister who cares. Happy 20th birthday.

28. My darling sister, it’s your 20th birthday today. How exactly do you feel right now? As for me, I feel so fulfilled and blessed to know that my beautiful sister is 20 today. I’m sure the whole family feels this way too. Now, let the fun begin! Happy 20th birthday to you.

29. You have always been the smartest one, and that’s why people always prefer you to me. To be honest, I’m very happy you’re the way you are. And I hope that someday, the whole will celebrate me as much as it does to you. Happy 20th birthday, my beautiful sister. Do have a blast.

30. You have never said anything bad about anybody. No matter how bad they’ve wronged you, you always find something positive to say about them. I wonder where you got all these positivities from. I would like for you to share some if you don’t mind. Happy 20th birthday.

31. You’re the loveliest little sister ever. There has never been a dull moment with you. No matter how boring a place is, you always find something you can do to lighten it up. You’re such a positive person, my sister. Here’s wishing that only positive things keep happening to you. Happy 20th birthday.

32. Ain’t you just the sweetest sister? I know I have never stopped being good to you, but that’s because you keep putting in the works to be a better version of yourself. It’s been 20 whole years being your sister, and there’s still no better title. I love you forever and a day more. Happy 20th birthday.

33. I love how you always feel vulnerable and real around me. You know that I always understand you, and you always come clean too. We are the best of sisters, and I hope we remain so forever. Happy 20th birthday, the best part of my life. I wish you all the good things you’ve ever set your mind to achieve.

34. You know I always support you, even when it feels like your decision isn’t making sense. I always see positivity in everything you set your mind to achieve, no matter how stupid it looks to other people. I will always support you, no matter what. You’re my sister, and I owe you the world. Happy 20th birthday.

35. Everyone knows that you’re the best part of my life, and there’s nothing I can do without you. You’ve been the most adorable and supportive big sister ever. I can’t possibly forget how you were always looking forward to fixing my assignments for me. Thank you for all your sacrifices. Happy 20th birthday.

36. You didn’t have the best of the past year, but I’m praying and hoping that the same never repeats itself. You’re the most positive-minded person I know. You always talk people out of their problems. No one else deserves a better life than you. I hope God makes this happen pretty soon. Happy 20th birthday.

37. No, you’re not getting any younger. In fact, you’ve never behaved like the younger person. You always have a solution to everything problem. You show up when you should and also get things done appropriately. I envy your serious-mindedness. Happy 20th birthday, my baby.

38. The fact that you’re so particular about doing things the right way always makes me feel so proud. I mean, it’s a world full of ass lickers, but you’ve never thought to be one of them. I hope the world doesn’t succeed in changing who you truly are. Happy 20th birthday to you.

39. Only someone who is destined for greatness can pull up all you do. God is so particular about making something wonderful out of you that I know. I hope you always have the love and support of everyone that’s close to you. Don’t worry about me; you have mine, forever. Happy 20th birthday.

40. To the sweetest sister in the world, words can’t describe how I truly feel about you. I love you so much, and it feels so great to see how much work you put into your growth. I know you will be great in life. Keep putting in the works. Happy 20th birthday, sweet girl.

To the best sister in the world, I just want you to know that I am so blessed to have you. You’ve always been a great and obedient one. I hope that this birthday ushers you into more greatness than you ever imagine. Happy 20th birthday, Sis.

41. You’re the youngest one, but no one does anything without your consent. Everyone always comes to you for advice and direction because your judgement is always right and good. I’m glad to be a sister to the most amazing girl. I wish you everything you’ve always set your mind to achieve. Happy 20th birthday to you.

42. I feel so ecstatic about your 20th birthday. There’s no better time to celebrate an amazing sister than now. Well, it’s not like I don’t always seize the opportunity to celebrate you, but it just feels different on your birthday. Welcome to your year of joy unspeakable. Happy 20th birthday to you.

43. No matter what I am doing or how busy I am, whenever I think of you, I think of greatness. You have started very well already, and I know that you’re out to achieve greater things. I will always be there to cheer you on, whether things go right or wrong. Happy 20th birthday.

44. To the most important part of my existence, I’m saying a happy 20th birthday to you. You’ve been so good and wonderful to everyone around you. I can’t even believe that I have been blessed with such a beautiful presence for 20 years now. I hope you don’t stop what you’ve started. Happy 20th birthday.

45. Everyone will be very happy to celebrate with you today. You’re so respectful and kind. Your honesty and loyalty are top-notch. I couldn’t have asked God for a better sister. I already see the light in you; I hope it never goes dim. I won’t even allow it. Happy 20th birthday to you.

46. How convenient is it to keep checking on everyone in this family? I always wonder where you get such strength from because we are just too many in this family. I’m glad to see how much use you put into the wisdom God has blessed you with. You’re so special in every way. Happy 20th birthday, sweetie.

47. It’s that time of the year, where everyone gets to celebrate the baby of the house. I want you to know that you’re no longer a baby. You’re now a big girl, so you should be doing big things. No matter how big the things are, I will always be ready to make them bow to you. Happy 20th birthday.

48. My promise has always been to be the best sister I can be. You have never stopped making me keep to this promise. It’s so easy for you to make everyone happy and proud of you. I don’t have the best gift to give you today, but I have the most beautiful wishes. Happy 20th birthday, my dear sister.

49. You’re not only my sister, but my daughter. I have been taking care of you since you were born. You have never given me any problem. Instead, you made me know and understand what motherhood entails. It’s been whole 20 years, and things can’t get better than they already are. Happy 20th birthday, sweetness.

50. Sometimes, I’m afraid to bring a woman home because I don’t ever want you to feel bad. Because of you, I’m not sure I will ever get married. I just want us to keep having this beautiful connection. It’s your 20th birthday. It’s so beautiful to see how much you’ve grown. Happy 20th birthday, my darling.

51. No, I couldn’t have asked for a better sister because God blessed me with the best of them all. I love you in every way. You’re the best of all the sisters in the world. You’ve succeeded in making me the proudest brother ever. I can’t wait to make this day more beautiful for you. Happy 20th birthday.

52. Today, my beautiful face is full of smiles. You are the reason for my happiness and joy. You have been my sister and best friend for 20 years straight, and I can’t be happier. God has really blessed me, and today, I’m acknowledging you as my greatest blessing. Happy 20th birthday to you.

53. Turning 20 is no little feat at all. In fact, you’ve just done what most people couldn’t live to do. I’m so proud and happy to see how far you have come. I know you still have a very long way to go, but I will be here to make the journey worthwhile. Happy 20th birthday, my sweet baby. I love you.

54. It was love at first sight before. It eventually became the love that will last forever. Never have I ever been so interested in the growth of anyone. I genuinely want you to be happy and successful. And whatever it will take me to make that happen, I am down for it. Happy 20th birthday, my dear.

55. I can’t even tell exactly how I feel today. It’s been the most beautiful 20 years of my life, and experiencing all the highs and lows with you, has really taught me so many lessons. Trust me. You’re better than who you were last year. I can’t wait to see the growth this year has in store. Happy 20th birthday.

56. You’re the liveliest and happiest soul I know. You’re always genuinely happy when others win. You have never held a grudge against anyone. You know exactly what the Lord wants, and that’s what you keep doing. I’m so proud to be called your sister. Here’s wishing you more blessings from above. Happy 20th birthday.

57. You deserve the best life, and I will do everything to make sure you get that. Ever since I have been providing for your needs, you have never disappointed me. You keep doing well in your academics and in life. I can’t be prouder. I just hope that you keep at it. Happy 20th birthday, lovely sister. I love you.

58. It’s been a very long time coming. I have no regrets going through all I went through for you because you deserve to be happy and comfortable. I’m glad that those times are now a thing of the past. I’m looking forward to having the best future with you by my side. Trust me to always support you. Happy 20th birthday to you.

59. You always have the right words for every situation. You always have my back, even when you know nothing about what I am going through. You’re just a naturally sweet and supportive person. I enjoyed being your sister, and I hope the feeling remains the same forever. Happy 21st birthday.

60. I feel very happy today. It’s just as if it’s my birthday. As you turn 20 years old today, I want you to know that I’m the best sister you can ever find. You’re also the best sister I can ever find. I just hope we keep being the best for each other. Happy 20th birthday, my darling. Have fun!

Happy 20th Birthday Little Sister Wishes

Having you as my little sister is what makes my dreams come true. You’ve been amazing in every way, and I’m grateful for the grace to be a fantastic sister to you. Here’s wishing you the best wishes. Happy 20th birthday.

61. The last year was such an eventful one. So many things happened, and I’m really hoping that they don’t get to happen again. Right now, you deserve the best life. You deserve to have everything beautiful and real. You deserve all the love in the world, and you will get it. Happy 20th birthday to you.

62. If you had come as my cousin or niece, I would’ve been an unhappy person. I’m so happy that you came into the world as my sister. Because you’re present in my life, things have taken a whole new turn. I’m so ready to be called your sister, forever. Happy 20th birthday.

63. As a nice girl, you deserve all the beautiful birthday gifts in the world. You deserve to be surrounded by your loved ones. You deserve to be in a happy place. Don’t worry, as God will do all these and even more for you. How are you feeling today? I wish you a happy 20th birthday with so many blessings.

64. I have lost count of how many opportunities I have gotten from you. You always people to me, just so my business keeps running. You’re young yet so supportive and caring. I can’t thank you enough, dear sister. May everything you keep doing come back to you in multiple folds. Happy 20th birthday.

65. Trust me, I am happier than the celebrant herself. You have no idea. It’s our day! This is the day we’ve all been waiting for, and I’m glad that it’s finally here. You’re officially a big girl, and there are some things you should stop doing already. With time, you will know. For now, have you a wonderful 20th birthday.

66. Even though you can be very annoying, you still mean the entire world to me. I can’t even do without you. You’ve brought me so much joy than I can ever tell. I’m very happy because you’re in my life. My existence only makes meaning because of you. Happy 20th birthday, my dear sister.

67. Whatever it is you need out of life, you can always count on me to support you in getting it. Yes, you deserve all my love, support and encouragement. I always want to watch you grow. I don’t ever want you to experience hardship. Happy 20th birthday. I hope you’re ready for the new year.

68. A new year always brings challenges, some of which might want you to quit being serious about your life. This is only a normal thing. Everyone in life passes through this phase. But if it seems like it’s weighing you down, you can always call on me. Happy 20th birthday.

69. Here’s wishing that you have the most enjoyable and amazing day of your life as you mark your 20th birthday. You’ve always been around me, supporting and encouraging me. I will never take your love for granted. I wish you a speedy good time today and always. All my love.

70. My darling sister, this life doesn’t have any meaning without you. You’re the one who makes my light shine brighter when others want it dim or dead. I’m grateful for your unending love and support. You mean so much to me, and I will forever be indebted to you. Happy 20th birthday.

71. Only God can bless your kind heart. How can someone have the niceness of a million people! I don’t have the luxury of what you deserve, but God does. I hope he blesses you with many more glorious years. You are blessed and highly favoured forever. Happy 20th birthday to you.

72. I love how I’m not just your sister but your mother. You have the benefits of both from me. Trust me, the experiences have been really inspiring. I’m glad to be doing life with you. I hope you have a year full of positive energy. Always remember that you mean the whole to me. Happy 20th birthday.

73. What haven’t we talked about in this life? We’ve talked about marriage, growth, business, and literally everything. Each time we do this, I always have something new to learn from you. I don’t believe no one is an island of knowledge. My sister, you are. Happy 20th birthday.

74. Here’s dedicating this beautiful day to my one and only true sister. You’ve made my life so much better than you met it. Now, I feel like we should’ve come into the world at the same time. Nonetheless, I am grateful for the blessings you keep bringing. Happy 20th birthday.

75. The easiest thing for me to do, has always been to love you, regardless of your annoyingness. You’re so special to me and the whole world at large. On your 20th birthday, I am wishing you more blessings than you’ve ever been opportune to enjoy. Happy 20th birthday.

76. The opportunity of being your sister remains the biggest blessing of my entire life. Never have I ever been so passionate about loving and rooting for anyone in my life. I’m sure thankful that you get to enjoy what true happiness means through me. Here’s wishing you all the blessings that this year has in store. Happy 20th birthday.

77. You’re the happiest person in my life. Everyone that is attached to you is always happy. I have learned to follow peace with all men, just like you do. I hope you don’t ever get tired of being the best sister ever. God bless you always. Make sure you have a wonderful 20th birthday celebration.

78. Being far away from you has more disadvantages than advantages. In fact, it has no advantage at all. I keep thinking about you and your well-being. I hope you’re doing very fine. I honestly wish I could be right there with you, but I have to work, so you can have a good life. Happy 20th birthday.

79. I can’t believe it’s your 20th year on planet earth. You have lived a very good life, trust me. You’ve done even more than most 50-year-olds. It’s my wish that you do even more in the coming years. I will always be there for you, no matter how hard it gets. Happy 20th birthday, my baby.

80. I love you with my whole heart and existence. Never have I stopped thinking about how to make you happy and comfortable. You always have the best things to say to me, even when I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone. Thank you for not getting tired of my constant nagging. Happy 20th birthday.

81. I haven’t been the best sister, but Lord knows I am really trying to be better. You’re the only reason I want to be better than I am because you deserve it. You always make me feel like a queen, even when I could pass for a slave. Thank you for loving me the way you do. Have a happy 20th birthday.

82. I can’t believe I have been blessed for 20 years of my life. It feels so great to know that you will be my sister forever. I know that I can be a handful, but isn’t that why you love me? Thank you for choosing to live your life with me. Happy 20th birthday. I love you.

83. Being my sister kinda comes with no compensation at all, but you don’t mind. I have little or no time for you, but you don’t care. You always want to know what happens with me and how life is treating me. Honestly, I do not deserve you. I hope God blesses me enough to show you how much I care. Happy 20th birthday.

84. By the time you get back from school, you will come home to a room full of a beautiful presents. Please, don’t thank me. It’s just a token of appreciation for all you’ve been doing. Even when I was meant to be there and never leave, I left but still met you better than I left you. You’re the best. Happy 20th birthday.

85. If I had the same guidance and protection you have now, maybe I would’ve turned out an amazing person like you. But in everything, I am giving thanks to God. I’m also thankful that you have the needed attention and guidance in your life. I hope that you keep living a good and exemplary life. Happy 20th birthday.

86. My life is incomplete without you, and everyone knows this fact. I have nothing meaningful to do with my life if you’re not involved. I’m very grateful to God for making us a team. There’s barely anything you can do without me. I’m happy to be your only sister. Here’s wishing you more blessings. Happy 21st birthday.

87. I know that the last year was nothing to write home about. Things were very difficult, and hopes were low. But I find solace in trusting God because He will do that which He had promised to do. This year is going to be far better than the last. Just trust God. Happy 20th birthday.

88. No other person deserves to have a grand celebration than you. You’re the best ever, and it gives me so much joy to see that you’re getting all the love and attention you deserve. I know you’re surrounded by beautiful people, but I’m so happy to be the most beautiful of them. Happy 21st birthday.

89. Life has taught me never to judge a book by its cover. Beyond all your craziness and stubbornness, you have a very soft heart. No one lives their life for humanity, better than you. You’re so intentional about making the next generation the greatest. I believe God will do this through you. Happy 20th birthday.

90. Even when we had no idea what a dream was, you always supported me. Because of you, I could tell how much God loves me. I know I haven’t really been there for you, but I hope things take a good turn pretty soon. Happy 20th birthday, my sister. I wish you all the best.

91. Being a big sister to the most amazing and loving little sister ever happens to be a handful. But what can I say when the same person is the sweetest one you can ever imagine? You have filled my life with so much warmth and love. I can’t thank you enough. Here’s wishing that you have much more love in your life. Happy 20th birthday.

92. I don’t care what people think. All I know is that I am the happiest person today. Because it’s my little sister’s birthday, I have every right to be happy and even do anyhow I like. I am very happy for you, my dear sister. You have been doing well. I hope you continue to do even better. Happy 20th birthday.

93. Today, I am lost for the right words, but I will gladly put down whatever comes to my head. Hey sis, life has been so blissful with you. I couldn’t have asked for another sister. If only you know how many people want to have a sister like you. This is a blessing I will live to cherish forever. Happy 21st birthday.

94. God hasn’t even started with you. By the time you are 30, you would’ve gathered all the accomplishments in the world. I can’t wait for the world to be at a standstill just to celebrate you. Happy 20th birthday, my darling sister. The sky is only your starting point.

95. Today, I appreciate you for being so amazing and kind towards me for 20 whole years. Sometimes, I don’t even deserve the amount of love you show me, but you do it, anyways. I don’t know the best approach to use to thank you today. It’s a brand new year; make the most of it. Happy 20th birthday.

Now, this isn’t funny because I am being serious right now. I want you to stop leaving all the dishes unattended. Failure to start doing what is expected of you will cost you your monthly allowance. Happy 20th birthday, naughty one. I love you, my sister.

96. Hey, you big head. You can be very annoyingly stupid, but I have no choice but to love you with all your craziness. They make you special, though. As you turn 20 today, I hope you don’t ever stop making me laugh out loud. Happy 20th birthday. I honestly can’t wait to laugh more. I love you.

97. You are 20 today, and you probably are thinking that you’re a big girl already. Well, I am not disputing that fact, but I hope you don’t ever think of abandoning the whole chores for me to handle. You are going to continue with your portion of the works as long as I still remain in this house. Well, do have a happy 20th birthday.

98. You deserve everything in the world, including having a brain reset. Sometimes, you just do something so irrational. And since mom always has your back, I have no one to report you to. I’m swallowing my pride and begging you to stop being annoying. You can behave like a normal human being, you know? Happy 20th birthday.

99. I can’t believe I have been living under the same roof with you for 20 years now. How have I been coping? Other people of my age really need to come for lessons on how to live with an annoying sinking. I hope you get more mature, though. Happy 21st birthday.

100. Today, I have made everything available to you. I just want you to have as much fun as you want. But please, after having all the fun, don’t forget to do the dishes in the sink, so we don’t fight on your birthday. Have a happy 20th birthday, my sister. I love you.

Hey there. I just wanted to appreciate you for always staying with me on this page. I hope the happy 20th birthday sister wishes and quotes up there made you as happy as other contents always have. Please, I would love to know how satisfied you are. Kindly drop your comment(s) below. One more thing; do not forget to share. Thank you.

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