Thank You for Inspiring Me Quotes

At different points in life, you have come across many people who positively influence your life. People who inspire you are those who made a difference in your life or work. They are people who have just changed your life and helped you to see things differently. They are givers and genuinely want the best for you.

When someone guides you through challenges and shares their wisdom, it’s important to let them know that you’re thankful for the things they taught you. Saying thank you to someone who has especially touched your life, who has inspired and motivated you, is the least we can do to honour that person.

If you want to express your gratitude to someone who has inspired you, educated, supported, and encouraged you throughout your journey, here are some thoughtful thank you for inspiring me quotes that you can use to show your genuine gratitude.

Thank you for inspiring me to do great things, from a simple thank you card to a special surprise like taking me out to see the theatre or having lunch as you tell me about something great you are doing. I always feel better about my day when I speak with you.

1. Thank you for being the kind of person you are. You have inspired me and changed my life in ways I did not know were possible. Your kindness and your intelligence are incredible to me.

2. Thank you for being someone I can look up to and try to be like. Your achievements make me feel like my goals are possible, and they are helping me stay motivated. I hope that one day I will have done as much to help others as you have already done.

3. Thank you. Without you, I would still be stuck in my boring job with no future in sight. You inspired me to take a chance and quit that job and start the business I always wanted to start.

4. Thank you so much for always inspiring me. I always look forward to our phone calls, emails and texts. Thank you for the education, for what you have done for me, and for introducing me to my passion.

5. Thank you so much for inspiring me. I don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t met you and had to face my challenges. I hope to be as inspiring to others as you are to me.

6. Thank you for inspiring me and getting me to commit to my goals. You have worked hard to get where you are and it shows. I see my struggles in your journey and it makes me feel like I can do this as well.

7. Thank you for your wisdom, inspiration and courage. You are a role model in so many areas. I couldn’t ask for a better example to follow and look up to!

8. Thank you for inspiring me. Whenever I see how well you’re doing in your career, it reminds me to work on my business as much as I can and that I have to keep at it. Thank you for showing me what hard work can do for you.

9. Thank you for being such a role model to me. Your unwavering focus on your goals and the kind way you treat other people is amazing. I want to achieve the level of positivity and kindness you do. Thank you for all the inspiration you have given me.

10. Thank you for inspiring me. I look up to you and your efforts in a very positive way. You are my role model and I hope one day I can be just as passionate about something as you are. Thank you for taking the time to show me what is possible.

11. Thank you for your influence on my life. Without you, I wouldn’t have the opportunities that I have now or the mindset I have now. I am very appreciative of that.

12. Thank you for inspiring me. Every time I talk to you, I can’t stop thinking about what you have told me. You helped me realize I want to follow a different path in my life and I’m so grateful.

13. Thank you for inspiring me and showing me it is possible to be successful and achieve a lot of things. I am so grateful for your success and how earnestly you talk about your experiences. Thank you for being an example when I need inspiration. You are awesome!

14. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. You inspire me to follow my passion, even though you’ve always said that is something I should do anyway. Because of you, I am living my dream.

15. Today, I realized you have been an inspiration to me. You are the reason why I do what I do. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do.

16. Thank you for the example you set for me. I have always been moved by your compassion, your drive to help those who are less fortunate and also your dedication to family. You are my inspiration, thank you!

17. Thank you for inspiring me to be the best version of myself. You are an amazing mentor and it’s a pleasure to work with you.

18. Thank you for inspiring me in so many ways. You constantly challenge me to be the best person I can be and have opened my eyes to so many opportunities. Thank you for changing my life.

19. Thank you for being my role model. You have encouraged me to do so much and made me the person I am today. Thank you for being my inspiration and making such a difference in my life.

20. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. Your story has helped change my life and I feel I can be a better person.

21. Thank you for being the person who inspired me to pursue my dreams. You showed me what it means to be a professional and work hard toward your goals. I know it won’t be easy, but I’m going to try after getting inspiration from you.

22. Thank you so much for inspiring me. I love watching you make art and create things. Thank you for inspiring me to do my best in life.

23. Thank you for being an inspiration in my life. It’s been one year since we met and you have been so encouraging to me, as I am sure are my best friends. I am so grateful for the support you have given to me. There is no way I would be here if it wasn’t for you.

24. Thank you for inspiring me. I have been reading your books for almost a year now and I have learned so much from you. When the time comes, I will be sure to pay it forward and inspire others as you have inspired me.

25. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your dedication is an inspiration to all of us in the office. Thanks to you, we are all more motivated to get things done and take on new projects.

26. I just wanted to thank you for inspiring me. Even though I only talked to you once in Starbucks, you still gave me a sense of happiness and hope. The way you talk about your life makes me think I can do the same things you have done.

27. Thank you for being a good role model. The way you handle your life and the work that you do has helped me become the person I am today. I appreciate everything you have done for me.

28. Thank you for being an inspiration to many people. I’m so happy I had a chance to meet you. Thank you for motivating me and showing me that anything is possible. You give strength and courage to all those who surround you.

29. Thank you for all the good work you have done. It has inspired me to do more and become a better person. I cannot wait to see what else you are up to. Wishing you all the best!

30. Thank you so much for all the inspiration you have given me. It is because of you I think that anything is possible and that I can reach my goals and do whatever it takes to live my dreams. Thank you for being amazing.

31. Thank you for being the best leader I could ever wish for. You taught me everything that I know today and influenced me to always do my best and never give up.

32. Thank you for inspiring me. I saw a video of you doing something that I was afraid to do, and now it doesn’t seem scary anymore. You are very passionate about what you do and I wish I could have half your motivation.

33. Thank you for being such a huge inspiration. You do some amazing work and I appreciate that. You keep me in line and focused on what I’m doing.

34. Thank you so much for all the inspiration. When I am stressed out, you are there to calm me down. When I get a major project at work, you’re there with suggestions and help me get it perfect. Thank you, my friend.

35. Thank you for all the tips and advice that you have given me. I keep them in my bookmarks and look at them whenever I am doubting myself. Also, thank you for being an inspiration to me. I never thought that I could be capable of accomplishing such things as what you have achieved. Thank you for always making time to talk to me and help me.

36. Thank you for helping me heal and believe in myself. Without you showing me the other side of my art, I would never have been able to become a better artist. Thank you for supporting me and believing in my craft when others didn’t see it.

37. Thank you for all of your support. I appreciate all of the time you spent teaching me and helping me make decisions. Your advice has kept me from making rash decisions and has kept me from doing bad things.

38. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better person. Every day that I live, I will think of how you have made a difference in my life.

39. Thank you for inspiring me. Your generosity, passion, and commitment to making a difference in the world are why I want to do what you do. I’m so grateful you are part of my life!

40. Thank you for inspiring me to get out there and do what I love. Bringing joy to the world through your photography, food and writing is an awesome thing and I am so grateful that you are making a positive difference in this world.

41. Thank you for inspiring me. When you started your business and I talked to you, I became inspired to start my own company too. You have shown me that it’s possible to be your boss, which is something I wanted to do.

42. Thank you for being so positive and inspiring to me. Just by your presence in my life and what you do, I have become a better person.

43. Thank you for inspiring me. Being around you and listening to the actions that you take in life make me want to be better, get out of bed and create something. You are a true hero. Thank you for setting an example for me.

44. Thank you for being an amazing role model and leader. I wish I could be like you and have your strength of character. You are one of the most amazing people I know, and it’s great to have your support as I start my career.

45. Thank you for the work you have done. It has inspired me to make things happen for myself. I appreciate everything you have done for the world and me by sharing your ideas.

46. Thank you for being such an inspirational person. The way you look at the world and life is amazing. I’m excited to see you grow as a person and to watch you fulfil your dreams. You will be doing great things and I am very proud to have you as my friend.

47. Thank you for inspiring me. You have shared so many of your stories with me, and sometimes when I feel discouraged, I think about some of your most trying times and how hard you worked to overcome them. I am very thankful for all that you taught me.

48. Thank you for helping me find my new passion and leading me down this career path. Your intuitiveness and thoughtfulness are way beyond anything I expected with the positions that you’re taught to me.

49. Thank you for inspiring me. I know I am not sure how you do it, but you are always there with a kind word, a funny story or a kind gesture. You are an inspiration to me.

50. Thank you for inspiring me. Your success has motivated me to be better and work harder. I admire your work and hope that one day I can be half as good as you.

51. Thank you for always being there for me and for being a positive influence in my life. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are my inspiration and a great person to be around.

52. Thank you for inspiring me. I want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for your inspirational efforts. As I go through the day there are many times when I remember some of your great quotes, and they help me get through my challenges.

53. Thank you for your wisdom and help. I would have never finished organizing my classroom if you hadn’t patiently helped me organize everything. Your help was invaluable and I can’t thank you enough.

54. Thank you for being a shining example of someone who dreams big, lives in the present and takes the time to be kind. I hope I can inspire someone with my own words someday.

55. Thank you for inspiring me and bringing out the best in me. It is a pleasure to know you.

56. Thank you for inspiring me. Your work has helped me to think differently and I now have an awareness that things aren’t always as they appear. Don’t ever quit doing what you’re doing.

57. Thank you for showing me that even though I am scared to do things, I can do them. I have copied your attitude and tried to be more confident and it has made my life a lot better.

58. Thank you for being a source of inspiration for me. Whenever I read your posts or listen to you speak, I remember that I need to be more positive, loving and helpful. And it works!

59. Thank you for inspiring me. From the moment I heard your story, I have wanted to help others. Thank you for setting such a wonderful example and showing me how kind and thoughtful people can be.

60. Thank you for always doing what you think is right, even though other people don’t want to. Your love of animals and the environment inspires me to be better, do better, and live a better life.

Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. I always wanted to do what you do in life and when I found out that you have awesome passions and goals, I started to dream of big dreams too. I am thankful that we both have amazing things going on and that the world needs people like us.

61. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. I have spent a lot of time thinking about what you have impacted me in my life. You have given hundreds of inspiring talks and said a thousand inspirational words. I am so grateful that you are here in this world, helping me go through my daily struggles.

62. Thank you for being an inspiration to me ever since I first heard about you. The way that you have overcome adversities in your life, I’ve used as a model for myself in times when things aren’t so good. Once again, thank you so much and I only hope that one day I can be like you!

63. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. You have taught me so much about life, art and about myself. You have made a mark on my life and I hope that I can continue to make a mark on yours. Here’s to the future!

64. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. You were able to achieve great things once, and I know that I can also achieve everything that I dream of on this platform. I’m so glad to be reading your books and blogs. Please keep up your good work.

65. Thank you for being a great inspiration. For seeing you do amazing things, I feel motivated to try and do things that I have never done before. Thank you!

66. Thank you for making a huge impact on my life. I often think about you when I feel like giving up. Your enthusiasm and positivity make me want to fight even harder. Your compliments and encouragement have shaped me into the person I am today.

67. Thank you for inspiring me. I have been fortunate enough to be around people who pursue their dreams and do not give up. You are one of those people, and your positive attitude is encouraging. I look forward to keeping in touch with you throughout this journey.

68. Thank you for being so inspirational and humble. Your work is so impressive, but you never boast or brag about it. I try to be more like you, taking the initiative to help others.

69. Thank you for always being there by my side. You never leave me alone and I know that we will succeed together. I admire your work ethic and the way you are always thinking of ways to improve our business strategy. I love working with you and I’m very thankful to have a mentor like you.

70. Thank you for always being there by my side. You never leave me alone and I know that we will succeed together. I admire your work ethic and the way you are always thinking of ways to improve our business strategy. I love working with you and I’m very thankful to have a mentor like you.

71. Thank you for being you. Your courage, grit, and determination inspire me to live a better and more fulfilling life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.

72. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. Your music has helped me get through some very tough times and it always makes me feel better. I wish we could talk more, but this is just a note to say thank you for the inspiration and encouragement you have given me.

73. Thank you for being an inspiration to me, and also a role model. I am very happy that I could be inspired by your outlook on life. Thank you for being so generous with your time, always choosing to spend it with me when I needed company.

74. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. I hope to live my life as much like yours as possible because you are a good person who strives to make the world a better place.

75. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. You have always given me hope and I’m glad that I look up to you and love to see you as a role model.

76. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. I look at you and see all of the things I want to be in life. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know what true happiness is. Your positive energy motivates me and your mistakes make me feel safe. Thank you for everything!

77. Thank you for being someone that continually inspires me to be better. You constantly show me that giving to others will bring me happiness and feeling needed will make me feel great. I’m very glad we can have that effect on each other.

78. Thank you for being so inspiring. You are a wonderful person who has made me happy and has helped me when I needed the help. I would not be where I am today if it were not for you.

79. Thank you for being so amazing. It has been a while since I have known you, but always remember that I admire the work you do and the way you help so many people. I am very grateful to have learned from you.

80. There are not enough words to express how grateful I am that you were a part of my life. You have been a huge inspiration to me, helping me with my troubles and always looking out for me.

81. Thank you for being there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. You are the person who made me believe in myself and set goals for my life. I am so grateful that you were in my life to inspire me and give me strength.

82. Thank you for being the motivation and the role model I needed when I switched careers 8 months ago. All of the resources, materials, and networks you provided when I decided to pursue real estate were incredibly helpful. I’m so glad I found a mentor like you.

83. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. You always seem to be moving ahead and always taking the initiative. I’ve learned a lot because of you and thank you again for all that you are doing.

84. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. I know it might sound weird, but your work inspires me. The way you conduct yourself makes me want to be a better man myself.

85. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and so many others. Your work is amazing and your passion is contagious. You have shown me that there are real role models out there, people who inspire you to be the best version of yourself and give you hope for brighter days ahead. Thank you for all that you do!

86. Thank you for being an inspiration. I have never met someone so dedicated to one’s vision for themselves. Your relentless optimism in everything you do is something I wish to emulate. Thank you for everything.

87. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. You show me I can become the best version of myself if I just do my best every single day. Looking up to you makes me reflect on what I am doing in life and it makes me feel as though I should work harder. Being around you gives me motivation.

88. I am so grateful to you. You have been an inspiration to me in so many ways. You have helped me realize my dreams and supported me when I was struggling. Who knows where I’d be without you?

89. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. Some things come easy to you and some things are very difficult. I admire your determination and grit.

90. Thank you for being such an inspiration. I have always looked up to your accomplishments and respected your talents. Your success has inspired me to do great things too.

91. Thank you for all of your inspiration over the years. It has turned my life around and made me a better person. I hope that you continue to be as awesome as you are.

92. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. I’ve spent years thinking about starting my own business and you made it happen. The effort you put forth every day is an inspiration, and your hard work has paid off hugely.

93. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and for your accomplishments. I’m in awe of what you have achieved. Seeing the light in your eyes makes me work harder at my job to achieve my own goals.

94. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. Not just in your passion and endeavours, but in the way that you chase it. It gives me the confidence to chase my dreams as well.

95. Thank you for everything you have inspired me to do. I am amazed by your art, and I am so grateful I get to work with you teaching me about it. You are a great inspiration to me, and I want you to know how much I love watching you do what you do best.

96. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. I’m not sure if I would have gotten into this field if it hadn’t been for your determination, strength and courage. You are a reminder for me to never give up and work hard for my success.

97. Thank you for being inspirational to me. I hope that it rubs off on me, just like your enthusiasm and passion for whatever you do. I want to achieve a similar feeling, one day. I look forward to the day when I can inspire others in the same way, thank you for helping me get there.

98. Thank you for being a great example and inspiration to me in the early days of starting my company. Your book was a great help and talked me through falling into despair on weekends.

99. Thank you for being my inspiration and showing me to not be afraid of going after what I want. All of the time and work that you have put in provides a clear idea for me that hard work will pay off in the end. Thank you for your generosity in providing me with your knowledge and expertise.

100. Thank you for being a great and interesting person. I have learned so much from you and I appreciate the knowledge you have imparted to me. Thank you for being who you are.

101. Thank you for being such a wonderful role model. I have learned so much from you and I’m happy to say that if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be where I am now. Thank you for all the help and advice you’ve given me over the years and I look forward to more advice in the future!

102. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. Every time we talk, I feel so much better. I love the way you talk and look at the world with hopeful eyes. I’m glad you are out there sharing your story because it’s needed for people to hear.

103. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. From the beginning of my career, I have always looked up to you and watched your career grow as mine has. Seeing how you handle different situations, I have learned a lot from the way you carry yourself and make yourself successful. Thank you.

When someone inspires you, you should tell that special person how much they have meant to you. Be sure to thank them always for being the person who has inspired and influenced you. This is something that you may want to do formally or informally depending on the relationship you have with this special person in your life.

If you don’t know how to thank someone from your heart then these thank you for inspiring me quotes will help. You can say it in simple words, on a card or express it in your way.

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