Happy 19th Birthday to Me Wishes and Quotes

Birthdays are wonderful times to celebrate one’s existence, and what makes it sometimes wonderful is the fact that you get to be surrounded by your loved ones.

This is just one of the best birthday feelings ever because it makes you so happy to have such loving people around you. Apart from that, you also feel so proud of yourself, especially if you’ve achieved some goals in the last year.

You could be really happy that you don’t even know how best to celebrate yourself. That’s exactly why I have compiled the varieties of happy 19th birthday to me wishes and quotes below for you to choose from.

It’s my 19th birthday, and if I am being sincere, I deserve so many beautiful birthday quotes. I am proud of myself, and I’m so excited this day is finally here. I look forward to having the best year yet. Happy birthday to me.

1. Today, I am a year older, a year wiser and nothing like I used to be. I’m super grateful for everyone around me, especially my parents. I’m a very beautiful soul, and I hope nothing ever changes that. Happy 19th birthday to me.

2. For once in my life, I am very proud of being a teenager. I’m happy for everything I have been able to do with my life, with the help of my parents and good friends. Right now, I am fully ready to take on the challenges of the next year. Happy 19th birthday to me.

3. Turning 19 is no beans. At last, I kinda feel like an adult for once. I’m glad I would be able to make certain choices all by myself, without getting my parents involved. I also am open to situations that will better my life. Happy 19th birthday to me.

4. It’s official, I am 19 years old today! I have never been this happy in my entire life. I feel like something great is about to happen to my life; I claim this with all my strength. I just can’t wait to party with family and good friends. Happy 19th birthday to me.

5. Talk about God’s grace, it has been sufficient for me, ever since the beginning of my life. I get into trouble most times, but God pulls me out of them. I’m grateful for the good life I have, the perfect health God has blessed me with, and the brightest future ahead of me. Happy 19th birthday to me.

6. From the bottom of my heart, I am thanking God who has always been there for me since inception. If anyone asks how I managed to be who I am now, I don’t know. All I know is, His grace has been sufficient for me. 19 and getting it right. Happy birthday to me.

7. I don’t know why, I just feel I just attained and unlocked a whole new level. I’m super excited for this year and the ones to come. I know I will make some mistakes, but I definitely will come out stronger. I am fully ready! Happy 19th birthday to me.

8. I can’t wait to start doing what my uncles and aunts did when they clocked 19. I have so many pictures on my head already, and I can’t wait to start trying them out. Lest I forget, this is the last year my parents will treat me like I am their maid. I’m on a new level, right now. Happy 19th birthday to me

9. I have been eagerly waiting for this great year. I have been told someone many things about it, especially that I can now have a girlfriend. I also can’t wait to try other things I have been told. I’m rocking my 19th year like a star. Happy birthday to me.

10. I have a very beautiful soul. I am a great person with so much love and respect for other people. I have come a long way, even though I still have a long way to go. I know God is always behind me, so I refuse to fret. Happy 19th birthday to this gorgeous lady.

11. This 19th year will come with some poise and class. I mean, I will drop all my bad habits and take on good ones. I will stop complaining about every little thing. I will take full responsibility for my actions and make things right. So help me God, Amen. Happy 19th birthday to me.

12. I’m not the most obedient child, but I’m glad I am very useful to my parents. They are so proud of me, and that’s evidence that they are raising a queen. I can’t wait to start making my parents happy, by gifting them valuable things. Happy 19th birthday to me.

13. I am thankful for everything and everyone in my life, especially my parents. They are the most understanding parents ever. I’m sure if they weren’t mine, my life would’ve been a mess. I pray God blesses me enough to take care of them. Happy 19th birthday to me.

14. I am a 19-year-old with so much maturity and love. My mom can’t stop praising me for the advice I give to her when things go wrong. I’m glad to be able to be there for everyone I love. At this stage, I want to do more, with the help of God. Happy 19th birthday to me.

15. No one has it all figured out. I have been tested so many times, but God keeps showing up for me. So many times, I have watched my mom cry because of the inability to raise funds for certain things. Now, I’m glad to have come of age. I can now earn money to help her with some things. Happy 19th birthday to me.

16. Right now, I am more serious with my life than I used to be. I’m intentional about my future, and I will make sure I get the future that I deserve. I have grown so well and I can’t wait to experience more growth as the years come by. Happy 19th birthday to me.

17. Sometimes I can’t but feel like I am perfect. I mean, I am beautiful, nice, resourceful, great, successful. No one looks out for other people like I do. I have a heart of gold, and even though I don’t get enough credit for all I do, I won’t stop. Happy 19th birthday to this beautiful soul.

18. I am not where I want to be yet, but I am not where I used to be. I’m grateful for God’s grace and growth. It has been God all the way. I’m also thankful for my ability to take to corrections and not just wave them off; this has been helpful. Happy 19th birthday to me.

19. I am growing. Soon, it will get to a time when I don’t have to pester my parents for things, and I really can’t wait for that time. Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness over me and my family. I pray that I continue to be a great child to my parents. Amen. Happy 19th birthday to me.

20. Since I was very little, I have always had it in mind to have my foundation, where I help the needy and less privileged. As I grow older, I keep seeing this dream come true. I will do anything to make this dream a reality. So help me God, Amen. Happy 19th birthday to me.

I am 19 years old today. I’m very happy, as I have been looking forward to this beautiful day. Now that it’s here, I can enjoy every moment of it with my family, friends and loved ones. Happy birthday to me.

21. I never experienced the best of childhood, but I have made it compulsory to enjoy adulthood. With God on my side, I will make sure to take many people off the streets and get them a better life. I just want to be useful to myself and society at large. Happy 19th birthday to me.

22. I am the bravest and strongest fighter I know. I go for everything I want and I get them all with no apologies. I’m grateful to God for everything I have achieved. I see so many of my mates struggle to be where I am now, but find it difficult. I will be grateful forever. Happy 19th birthday to me.

23. I can’t seem to get my head off thinking about my childhood days. Looking back, I can only thank God for growth and grace. It has been pure grace. I have good friends, proud parents and a great family, what more can I ask for? Happy 19th birthday to me.

24. It’s such a delight to finally welcome this beautiful day. I have been waiting for a very long time. My birthday is actual evidence that I am growing, so I am super excited. All I have achieved is so amazing and I am so proud of myself. Happy 19th birthday to me.

25. I doubt if there’s anyone successful like I am at 19. I have pulled some stuff up like a queen. I spend so much taking courses that will enable me to become a great person, and it has been really beautiful ever since. I can’t be prouder. Happy 19th birthday to me.

26. What a beautiful time to be alive. I’m so happy to be celebrated by my beautiful family and friends. I can’t stop the tears from coming. You all are the real MVPs. I will make sure to keep making you proud. Now, let’s eat, drink and enjoy ourselves to the fullest.

27. I thank God for opening my eyes to see how much importance there is in believing in oneself. If I hadn’t believed in myself, I wouldn’t have been doing so well at 19. I’m thankful for this opportunity and the ability to discern. Happy 19th birthday to me.

28. Even though I feel like I am doing very well and have much more than I ever planned, I know there are still more to come because I am just starting life. I’m thankful for my hardworking parents, because, without them, I would’ve ended up being a lazy bone. Happy 19th birthday to me.

29. I am a very strong and wonderful person. I deserve the best and finest things of life. I deserve to live a better life. I deserve to be happy. I deserve to live a purposeful life. I know to have all these, I have to work hard. Today, I receive the strength to work harder. Happy birthday to me.

30. I have pictured a particular future for myself and nothing will get me there if not hard work. I am ready to do whatever it takes to have a good life. I reject being an average person. I belong to the top and I shall get there. Happy 19th birthday to me.

31. My mom told me “determination is everything” in life. With determination, I can achieve everything I want without paying attention to how hard it is. Today, I am asking that God gives me the determination to do great things in life. Happy 19th birthday to me.

32. I believe so much in myself, and this is one of the key things that have kept me going. I don’t take no for an answer, and I make sure to succeed in everything I do. I’m grateful to God for making all these possible, because, without Him, I am nothing. Happy 19th birthday to me.

33. You are all welcome to my birthday party. I am grateful to God for you all. I’m so happy to have you all in my life. If you have touched my life in one way or the other, I am thankful to you. Thank y’all for being in my corner. Please, bless me with some wishes. Happy 19th birthday to me.

34. I keep chasing my dreams. All thanks to my mom who wouldn’t stop telling me how important it is to go after one’s dreams. I’m grateful to God for giving me the strength needed for this assignment. I know I will come out very strong. Happy 19th birthday to me.

35. I’m a 19-year-old girl who lives life as it comes. I’m not bothered about the things I don’t have, instead, I am thankful for the ones I have and I know I will have more. It’s my 19th birthday, and I can’t stop being grateful for how far I have come. It’s been, God. Happy 19th birthday to me.

36. I sincerely can’t tell exactly how I feel today. I feel better than good. I feel great and on top of the world. I’m just a teenager whom God’s grace has kept so far. I’m happy to have experienced whatever I did in the past, I am certain there’s a bright future ahead of me. Happy 19th birthday to me.

37. For reasons best known to them, some people feel I am older than my actual age. I wouldn’t blame them because I keep doing things that scare my age mates. I keep aiming higher. I keep working hard and hustling like I am more than 19 years old. Cheers to the good life. Happy birthday to me.

38. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger; that’s what my mom says. I have been through so much in life. Sometimes I want to quit, but then I remember what my mom says all the time. Today, I promise myself not to stop aiming for the very best. I wish myself good luck. Happy 19th birthday to me.

39. I’m so happy I have all the strong backings I need in life. I have my parents. I have good friends. Most importantly, I have God, and that’s all that matters. I’m just going to keep believing in myself and hoping for better days. Happy 19th birthday to me.

40. Happy 19th birthday to a strong girl and an epitome of beauty and brains. I’m so happy the day is finally here. With everything going on around me, I choose to be positive, because I see better days ahead. They are nearer than I think. May God keep blessing me. you are a perfect example of how is important to believe in yourself. Congrats to me!

If I could have my way, I would shower myself with beautiful birthday quotes today, because it’s a very special day for me and my family. Since I can’t, I will just enjoy the moment with everyone here. Happy 19th birthday to me.

Some beautiful locations for a birthday celebration.

41. With so much pride and joy, I welcome myself to my nineteenth year. I choose not to pay attention to irrelevancies, as I live each day with the knack to do more. I know I am more than enough, so nothing will get to me. I choose to be at peace with everyone. So help me God, Amen. Happy 19th birthday to me.

42. I’m so happy to finally welcome this beautiful day. I’m so excited and ecstatic about it. I know I am made for greatness so I shall keep pursuing greatness. I know I am made for enjoyment, so I shall keep glowing and enjoying. Happy 19th birthday to me. I’m officially a big girl.

43. Here’s another phase of life, another stage of learning and another opportunity to grow. I am going to make sure I love myself even more. I will be open to growth because, without it, no one can go far. Happy 19th birthday to me.

44. I am more than grateful to be alive today. Being alive is a rare privilege not so many people get to enjoy/experience. I promise to make everything single day of this year count. I promise to make other people happy. Finally, I promise to go after my dreams no matter how hard. Happy 19th birthday to me.

45. I know I am destined for something great in life. I’m all about living a life full of fulfilment and love for all and sundry. This is a new year, and I’m going to make it count by doing the most important things. Happy 19th birthday to me.

46. My parents think I am not serious with my life, and I’m so going to prove them wrong. It’s my 19th birthday today, and all I am thinking of is how to be a great and successful person in life. I want to grow to become a man of the people. I can’t wait to see this dream come true. Happy 19th birthday to me.

47. I feel so nervous and excited at the same time. My 19th birthday is here, guys. I feel so over the world. I’m thankful for the last 18 years and the experiences each year brought. I’m fully charged for the next year, and I hope I’m fortified with enough strength. Happy 19th birthday to me.

48. One thing I love so much about myself is that I don’t give in to peer pressure. I know what’s important when I see one. I know a frivolity when I see one. I’m so happy to be a very content human being. I just hope I keep this energy going. Happy 19th birthday to me.

49. No matter how old I am, I won’t stop being a baby at heart. My heart is the purest and most beautiful part of me. I love that it accommodates and accepts people regardless of their flaws and imperfections. I pray God keeps guarding my heart. Happy 19th birthday to me.

50. I have never been this happy on my birthday. I look around me, and all I see are cakes and beautiful presents. What more can I ask for? God has blessed me with the most wonderful and amazing people. I’m so grateful to all of you. Happy 19th birthday to me.

51. I celebrate my life every single day of my life, not just on my birthday. As a teenager, I have learnt so much about life. I have learnt how best to deal with unexpected situations. I have learnt to live my best life regardless of what happens. I’m grateful for the lessons so far, and I’m fully ready to start implementing them. Happy 19th birthday to me.

52. Family is the greatest gift God has blessed me with. Without my family, my parents especially, my life would’ve been messed up. Oh, life isn’t all that easy, I keep learning this as I grow. I know I will always be on the right track, with the support of my loved ones. Happy 19th birthday to me.

53. I have so many reasons to be happy and grateful on this special day. I haven’t been this happy in a while. Sometimes I just want to be alone so I can think of the next thing to do. I guess that’s clear evidence of being serious with my life. Happy 19th birthday to me.

54. It’s a fortunate thing to be counted amongst the living. I do not take the gift of good health and happiness for granted. I get to enjoy the most beautiful things, not because I am worthy, but because God is God. Happy 19th birthday to me and everyone celebrating their birthday today.

55. My life has been a constant process of growth and I’m very glad about it. Each day, I unlock a brand new level of growth. It’s been such a beautiful experience. Now, I know exactly what I want, and I won’t stop going after them. Happy 19th birthday to me.

56. The last few years got me reminiscing on who I truly am and what exactly I want to be. I’m grateful for the good people in my life who keeps showing me the way. Now, I know all I want and I’m just going to keep working on achieving my goals. Happy 19th birthday to me.

57. I thank God for a better life at 19. I thank God for making everything beautiful for me. I thank God for my family and friends. I thank God for a greater future ahead. I thank God for everything generally. May God’s name be praised forever. Happy 19th birthday to me.

58. I want to use this opportunity to tell myself how proud I am. I’m super proud of myself. I do the things o never would’ve thought were possible. I take time to work on developing myself and achieving great results. I’m glad I am no more the person I was yesterday, I am a better person now. Happy 19th birthday to me.

59. This year, I am going to make sure I focus on myself. I’m going to love and embrace myself even more. I’m going to try a few new things and become better at them. I’m going to live this life like it’s all mine because it is. Happy 19th birthday to me.

60. I am a year older today, but I still look so beautiful. My life is completely beautiful and I live each day as it comes. The highlight of my birthday is seeing my wonderful family and friends around me. I’m happy and grateful. Happy 19th birthday to me.

I have been waiting to wish myself a happy birthday, even though I have been receiving birthday messages and gifts. The Lord has made me the best amongst so many others, and I am grateful for this blessing. Happy 19th birthday to me.

61. I’m 19 and I am so at peace with myself and everyone around me. I feel I am on the right track, and that’s all that matters. I am thankful for great family and friends who have been there for me since God knows when. I pray that my steps are ordered. Happy 19th birthday to me.

62. It’s been such a beautiful life. I mean, growing up with beautiful and loving family and friends has been so wonderful. People who correct me with love rather than shout or be violent towards me. I’m just grateful for all the good people in my life. I pray God keeps blessing them. Happy 19th birthday to me.

63. I won’t lie, it’s such a great time to be alive. I just can’t be happier. I can’t imagine spending my birthday far away from those who truly care about and love me. Importantly, I am thankful for my growth; it’s the most amazing part of me. I anticipate more success as I unlock this great year. Happy birthday to me.

64. To so many people, I am the best. What more can I ask for? It’s been a wonderful experience growing under the atmosphere and covering love and pure happiness. I’m grateful for my academics, my family, friends and my favourite people. I’m very sure the future is bright. Happy 19th birthday to me.

65. My family is so proud of me. I am even prouder because I have brought smiles to their faces. The journey hasn’t been an easy one, but with the love and direction I get from them, I keep doing the right things. I’m grateful for these people and everyone I will meet on my way to the top. Happy 19th birthday to me.

66. Trust me, I have so much to say today, but I will just say a little and leave the rest for some other time. God has been good to me and my family. So many things have happened, but God saw us through. I’m also grateful for the support everyone has rendered in a way or the other. God bless you all for coming to celebrate me. Happy birthday to me.

67. When I say I am 19, some people feel I am just cutting my age backwards; they never want to believe it’s my actual age. This is because I have never lived or seen things as a 19-year-old should. I move with the elderly and this has helped shape how I do things. I’m grateful for wisdom. Happy 19th birthday to me.

68. I want to especially thank God for not giving up on me. Sometimes, I lock myself up without even telling my parents what the problem is, I just talk to you because I believe He will always have a solution. God keeps coming through for me. Indeed, I have a Father in heaven. Happy 19th birthday to me.

69. I do not take all the lessons I learnt this past year for granted. They helped in grooming me into this very mature guy. My thinking is now very different, unlike how it used to be. I’m very open to knowing and learning more, as I live. Happy 19th birthday to me.

70. No one has to tell me, I know I will become a very great person. I’m on the right track already, and I can’t wait to show the world how much of a talent I am. I can’t wait for the world to see and recognize me for who I truly am. Happy 19th birthday to me.

71. It’s a brand new year, so it’s strictly eyes on the prize, mind on the bag, glow from heaven and minding the business that pays me. I’m done with whatever that’s in the past. Grateful for family and friends. I’m so lucky. Happy 19th birthday to me.

72. My parents have never stopped telling me that I am beautiful just the way I am. The last year made me realize how much of a truth that is. I have grown to love and embrace myself the more. I have also grown to take my mind off things that are not beneficial. I’m grateful for these and more. Happy 19th birthday to me.

73. It’s my 19th birthday, and I don’t even know where or how I start from. The journey has been so tough since I was 15 years old. My parents left me to sort certain things by myself, just because they felt I had come of age. This one thing has groomed me into a lovely and amazing person, and I will forever be grateful to them for that. Happy 19th birthday to me.

74. I have never heard that age 19 is significant, but I know mine is going to be. I will make sure every single day is a productive one for me. I will do everything to make the people around me happy and comfortable. I’m so excited about this age. Happy birthday to me.

75. I’m just a young girl learning to live life as it comes. I’m glad for all the lessons I have learnt something far. I’m even much more excited for the ones that are to come because I know they will make a perfect change in my life. I’m hopeful. Happy 19th birthday to me.

76. Sometimes, I feel like I want to just these ages so fast and turn age 30. I can’t wait to make my parents happy. They have done a lot for me, and as I open my eyes each day, I keep anticipating the day I will make them proud. I know this will happen. Happy birthday to me.

77. I am an obedient girl. No matter how tempted I am to be disrespectful, I never give in. I’m thankful that I have my parents, and God has helped them to train me perfectly. I owe everything to God and them. Happy 19th birthday to me.

78. I have made some decisions that got me into trouble, but never have I chosen to dwell on the bad sides. I always look at the positive sides of situations, because I have been made to understand that how to “really” live. I’m thankful for the elderly people in my life, who makes it easy for me to learn. God bless me and them. Happy 19th birthday to me.

79. I know there shall be bad days, but I am ready for everything. I’m the strongest young lady I know, so I believe so much in myself. With God on my side, I will have everything figured out. I anticipate the best year yet. Happy 19th birthday to me.

80. I do not just consider myself a year older, but wiser, stronger and richer. I mean, I’m balling hard at age 19. I have most of the things I want at this age. I know as I proceed in life, I will keep enjoying everything I had pictured for each year. Happy 19th birthday to me.

I know I have said “amen” to more than enough prayers today, but I am still going to pray for myself. I have listed the things I want to achieve this year, and amen from God is all I want. Happy 19th birthday to me.

Important things to be on a birthday party menu.

81. Happy 19th birthday to me. I have come too far from where I started, and I am eternally grateful to God for that. I’m thankful for the love and peace I have within me, as I have been extending it to all. I pray that I enjoy the rest of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

82. I might be young, but so many of my mates are no more. Even though I haven’t gotten to exactly where I want, I am not where I used to be. I’m thankful for my life’s journey as it has been a blessing to so many. As I proceed in life, I pray that God’s grace never leaves me. Happy 19th birthday to me.

83. It’s my 19th birthday, and I can’t be happier. I’m so excited about this day, and that’s why I am all over the place, lol. I thank God for good health, as I have never had any health challenge. I’m also grateful for a good life, but I hope for more. May I enjoy my birthday to the fullest today. Happy birthday to me.

84. I am lost for the right ways to feel today. I don’t even know what to say other than to thank God. I can boldly say God has been good to me and my family. All I have ever wanted is to be a blessing to everyone, whether far or near. And that has been my reality. I pray that God blesses me more as I keep blessing others. Happy 19th birthday to me.

85. If there is a perfect way to show how grateful I am for life, then I will love to try it. I’m so grateful for my life because I keep getting better. Nothing about me has managed to remain how it was. I’m thankful for this great growth, and I’d love to experience more. Happy 19th birthday to me. God bless me.

86. Many of my mates are dead. So many are in critical conditions, but here I am, thanking God for sustainment and growth. My only desire to live long to keep making impacts and putting smiles on people’s faces. So help me God, Amen. Happy 19th birthday to me.

87. My life is a fairytale to so many people, even the ones that are older than me. Only God made this possible. I’m happy to be in a convenient and comfortable condition. I pray that I live long to declare the works of the Lord in the land of the living. Happy 19th birthday to me.

88. Today, I am at my best, and that’s because it’s my birthday. I couldn’t have chosen any lesser mood than a happy one. I am very happy because the people that mean so much to me are all happy and excited for me. I pray that my happiness keeps increasing. Happy 19th birthday to me.

89. I just turned 19, but I have been faced with troubles and have seen a lot in the last two years. One reason I won’t stop serving God is, He keeps coming through for me. Even when I was on the verge of being ridiculed, God still came through. I am glad to have this God in my life. Happy 19th birthday to me.

90. To some, the 19th birthday might be nothing. But to me, it’s everything. I keep living my dreams, and that’s one thing to be thankful for. I have never been average because I know my worth and I don’t settle for less. God has brought so many helpers my way. Even though I don’t want them to stop coming, I also want to be a helper to many. Amen. Happy birthday to me.

91. I am a very selfless person and that’s one of the reasons some people rate me. I have been able to gain the love of so many, by just being me (unique.) Waking up this morning, I feel really special because it’s a special day. I’m so excited for the things God is about to do in this coming year. Happy 19th birthday to me.

92. I am stronger and wiser than the previous year. I keep making my existence an intentional one. I know exactly what I want and I work towards having them. I can smell deceit from afar, and I know who has good intentions towards me. This is growth, and I want more. Happy 19th birthday to me. This year is a good one already.

93. This year, my going out and coming in shall be blessed. I shall not beg to eat. I shall not be found wanting. I do exploits and live purposefully. I shall be the head and not the tail. God will see me through my journey. I shall have the last laugh. Happy 19th birthday to me.

94. Today is special, and I am super excited. It’s about to be a very long day because I have too many people around. Lord, I am thankful for these. I am thankful for my parents. I am thankful because I am not worthy of the love I get from these. Lord, please bless me and bless them double. Happy 19th birthday to me.

95. This year, I want to make the best moves and decisions. I don’t even know how to start, but I know God is in control. He will help me plan out everything, and even be with me as I make them. Again, I will make the best out of this year. Happy 19th birthday to me.

96. I don’t know how it’s going to happen, but I have a very strong feeling that this year will be my best so far. The plans of God for me are certainly different from my own. I trust God plans, and so I will not be afraid. Happy 19th birthday to me. Happiness is mine.

97. 19 years ago, a princess was born, and now she is a queen. I am that queen. I am proud of my life and how far I’ve come. I’m trusting God to keep me safe from every harm, as I keep living life. Happy 19th birthday, to me. God bless me and my family.

98. I am very happy today because I achieved all the goals I set for last year. Today, I will be setting more goals, and I ask that God strengthens me to crush them all. I know it’s a great year already, and I can’t wait to experience all the blessings it will bring. Happy 19th birthday to me.

99. It’s so hard to hold back my excitement, I mean, I can’t help it. I have been anxious, and the day is finally here. I thank God for the life of everyone in my life. God keeps blessing us all. Even though I have no idea what this year will look like, I am very sure God is in control. Happy 19th birthday to me.

100. Today is the start of a great year for me. This year is pregnant and I can’t wait for the great fruits it’s about to bear. I will work towards achieving my goals, and I know they will come with outstanding results. Amen. Happy 19th birthday to me.

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