A Family That Prays Together Stays Together Quotes

The relationship between family members is very sensitive. Life itself is a challenge to live together. In strengthening your family bonds, you need to do more than just pray together. Praying isn’t enough although it is also important.

The bond a family shares, when they pray together, strengthens them in every way possible. I know that prayer is a powerful tool. I have seen it work in my own life. Prayer is powerful as it connects us to our creator and supporter (God). Through prayer, we are able to seek guidance, heal our minds and bodies, share joys and sorrows with others, and ultimately become a better family.

Prayer for family members is one of the most effective ways of using the natural law of attraction because when we find ourselves lost and unsure, it’s good to have a rock-solid foundation to fall back on.

That is why it’s important to remember the power of prayer and taking our problems to God. Prayer can be a great source of comfort during difficult times. When we pray together as a family, our bonds will become stronger and unbreakable. Here are some powerful Family That Prays Together Stays Together quotes to get you going the right way.

Relationship with your family is worth defending, to keep intact and stably healthy. Because spending time together in times of crisis and joy, keeping things as it was when you grew up, reminding yourself of the magic that life can bring at you.

1. A family that prays together stays together, that’s precisely why you need to have a special prayer place for everyone in your family.

2. Family prayer is the glue that holds families together. It’s the spiritual foundation of your home which is a solid base that gives children the security and confidence to face challenges in life.

3. Family prayer is a great way to bond together as a family because Prayer is for those who want help to make things better.

4. Prayer is a great way to lift up your family and give thanks to our loving God.

5. Prayer is an unstoppable force in a family. When the family prays together regularly, they form a strong bond.

6. Prayers are a power that strengthens the family relationship and builds a strong family.

7. Family prayer is the cornerstone of family happiness and also brings the family together.

8. family praying together help the family to build a solid spiritual foundation by modelling prayer together as a united family.

9. Having a prayer altar in your home is a wonderful way to encourage family prayer and these spaces are a place for the whole family to turn, in times of trouble and joy, for comfort and for guidance.

10. Family altar brings the family together and is a perfect way to make praying as a family a habit. Each child should have their own special place on the prayer wall to hang up pictures of their family members and other little treasures that they find important enough to place on the altar.

11. Families have the blessing of being able to pray together and this brings them closer as a unit.

12. Praying for members of your family are among the best ways to strengthen your relationship.

13. Family togetherness doesn’t just happen; it takes concerted effort. One of the best ways to foster family togetherness is by praying together.

14. Every family has a different way of getting together and staying together. Some families are into team-building activities while others are more interested in showing appreciation to the people they love.

15. There are so many strategies on how a family can bond together, it’s important to understand which approach is most effective for different families i.e, of bonding activity, creating a family prayer wall.

16. Family that has fun is definitely a big part of what it means to be together that also spend quality time together with some meaningful conversations and prayer as well.

17. No matter how far you’ve gone or what you mean to the world, family is always there. As a kid, I remember being taught how close we are as a family.

18. Most people consider family an important asset. I regard the family as more important than money, for whom we work and what we do is done primarily to support the family.”

19. family togetherness will not only help you have a more spiritual family but it’s also a wonderful way to encourage your own family members to set aside time, to grow closer in the Lord through fun and family activities.

20. The family is one of the most important units in our lives. One that has the power to give you strength and be your confidant, over your enemy but also the one that is always there for you.

21. The family that is connected with a common goal and this goal is to form a tight-knit family that prays together stays together.

22. Sharing our feelings with our loved ones makes a long-lasting bond between us which helps to build a strong family. If your family members are far from you and you are working in someplace then sending significant pictures with them can keep them close to your heart.

23. There’s nothing better than spending quality time together with the family.

24. Family is the key to staying truly happy. Family gives you unconditional love, support, and encouragement every step of the way.

25. The family that sticks together continues to grow together and works through their struggles and challenges together.

26. We are all aware that staying connected is vital to a strong, healthy family.

27. Families come in lots of different shapes and sizes. In fact, it’s not uncommon for families to be scattered around the world with members living in different regions or different countries.

28. Distance doesn’t have to keep us apart from our families, however. With a simple phone call or a Skype conversation, you can spend time with your family members and maybe even get some laughs out of it!

30. Having a supportive, loving family that sticks together is something that all of us want. A family with lots of love will make you stronger, it will give you happiness and much more.

31. Saying grace isn’t just an idle activity. It’s something that reminds us we’re all part of God’s big family, So don’t forget to be thankful at the next family meal you share, because saying grace together is better than all the other things you do together.

32. It’s truly amazing how a set of simple prayers can strengthen the ties of your family members.

33. You can’t just tell your kids to play, you have to join in. Sometimes flying a helicopter, shooting a machine gun, or hanging out with friends. But most of the time, it means sitting around and hanging out as a family.

34. A family that games together stays together. Every time the family plays a game of quality time together, they can strengthen their bond as a family. After all, games offer an easy way to connect with your loved ones, and play is an important part of childhood development.

35. Prayer has the power to strengthen families and improve relationships. it’s said that families who pray together, stay together—and those who don’t pray together, may not stay together.

36. A family that prays together stays together. If you are enjoy spending quality time with your family, there are many fun family games that are excellent for strengthening those family bonds. It’s the reason why some of us look forward to the next family gatherings and the Thanksgiving holidays so much. They get to spend more time with each other.

37. A family that eats together stays together. while eating and praying will help you stay united as a family in a new and fresh way.

38. Family is everything. Eating together as a family strengthens family bonds, builds relationships, and brings you closer to each other.

39. The family that eats together, stays together. Any family that sits around the dinner table talking, laughing and reminiscing is bound to stay close on any level.

40. If you have family members who don’t spend time together, you know how important it is to get those relationships back on track. One way to connect with family members is by making family meals together at the start of each week.

41. Many families may not agree on everything, but they can agree on prayer by saying the family prayer can bring the family together at mealtimes.

42. There are different ways prayers keep a family united and together. For some families, praying together can improve their relationships and their spiritual lives.

43. The family that sticks together builds strong bonds of love and loyalty. A good family that sticks together stays together is one that prays together.

44. When the whole family prays together there’s always a sense of love and togetherness about it. You feel like you’re a real team. A family that prays together stays together is a healthy family.

45. Every family have their own ways of doing things and creating traditions, but many rely on prayer as part of the foundation such as bedtime prayers.

46. There are numerous reasons why praying together as a family is critical with the busy lives that we have today, it can sometimes be difficult to find time to pray as a family unit and It is a known fact that prayer is an integral part of a Christian family. Without it, families will easily fall apart.

47. As a family through prayer, we can strengthen our relationship with God and truly achieve success in all areas of our lives.

48. a family that plays together stays together is great. As a parent, I know how important it is to ensure kids always stay active and healthy and we are able to fuel their passion and love of sport while learning valuable life lessons.

49. The family that plays together stays together, stick together because of their common hobbies, beliefs, and activities.

50. We all participate in helping each other to grow, and we also pray together for guidance, comfort, and peace. Prayer is something that every member of our family does together.

51. There should be a time that you set aside for family prayers even if there are times when you are too busy to talk about things like health problems down the family.

52. However, the major thing that works for a family is the praying habit within your family because many people have discovered that this can change a lot of things.

53. When you pray together, you’re setting a good example for those who believe in God. That’s why it’s important to pray together.

54. There is a way family togetherness can help strengthen a family’s bond, no matter how far apart they are from each other physically.

55. A solid family that prays together and stays together can change the atmosphere at home and make it a pretty place to live.

56. A good image of a family which is clear, strong, united, and holy can be seen henceforth. A family that prays together.

57. Without prayer there won’t be any strong family because every one member needs prayers from every other member and from God.

58. When a family prays together, they stay together. That’s why taking time to be with God is important for your day-to-day life and for long-term results of close homes where children are raised up as adults that worship God.

59. Prayer is a key to a happy and productive family. It is powerful, effective, and life-changing.

60. Family Staying together can be a challenge if you let other things intervene in your relationship. Which puts the family that prays together, stays together.

61. We do realize that praying is not just about asking for things in our lives but also about remembering to be thankful for the things we already have. A family that prays together stays together quotes is such a precious thing.

62. when a family prays together it shows their common concern and love for each other. It also keeps them united and ready to face the challenges ahead.

63. we should expect that praying together will stop families from falling apart and lead them to greater heights in unity and love.

64. a family that prays always has a positive effect on the family and brings them closer, together, and function harmoniously.

65. As much as we could not deny that having a family is one of the greatest privileges given by God, who also gave us life and everything we can ever ask for,


66. it really takes lots of effort to make our families grow stronger. It takes all kinds of effort and mostly prayers too, but the best out of it is; whenever you all pray together and in unison, you have this certain feeling of peace and security because you just know that your father up there will always be there to help you anytime or anywhere.

67. When you’re praying, you let go of your worries and come closer to God and your loved ones. Prayer brings families closer together.

68. As family members communicate and pray together, they become more intimate, honest, and open with each other.

69. Prayer has many benefits; it also improves the nature of our relationship with family members.

70. it is very common to see families breaking apart because of their differences and differences in opinions, mainly. Prayers in family togetherness and unity keep a strong family bond in every situation.

71. The family prayers will make you think deeply about the power of prayer and how it can strengthen the bond between siblings, among parents and children, and between partners.

72. The family that prays together stays together, all you need to do is get your whole family to pray together, and that would be the key to great unity among family members.

73. Family unity is one of the key factors that lead to successful families. A family that prays together stays together quotes.

74. As a family, prayer draws togetherness and strengthens your unity despite what may be plaguing you.

75. a family who prays together stays together that is why prayers bring people together.

76. Prayer gives hope and strength to the soul of an individual. Having a positive attitude and optimism in life is possible by having interaction with God through prayer.

77. It also enhances love, respect, and unity among each other. This can build a stable, supportive and harmonious family bond that will last forever.

78. It is for everyone who wishes to see their family prosper, that is why prayer is mandatory in every family and it provides enough platform to discuss some family issues as well as create a fresh experience of togetherness.

79. Family prayers are an important family tradition that is why praying together is a personal way to develop and keep the family.

80. If we are to have a strong family and love one another, we have to have prayer in our homes. The family that prays together stays together.

81. Prayer is the best way of communicating with your heavenly father and on other hand, it also ensures good communication in your family as well.

82. In a family prayers builds up unity and strength when every family member makes attempts to understand and be there for one another in difficult situations or even happy ones.

83. When family members pray regularly they tend to think positively and try their best to behave according to what they have been taught by religion.

84. We all know that a family that prays together stays together. There is no fear, trouble, or crisis the enemy can throw at the members of a prayerful family that will not be easily overcome.

85. When in prayer before God as a family unit, we can open ourselves to acts of God and discover even greater blessings beyond what we could have ever imagined.

86. A family that prays together, stays together. Prayer is essential to maintaining a bond that cannot be broken. It is what keeps the family unit strong and healthy.

87. A strong prayer life is essential to strengthening any family. There are numerous statistics that show that a family that prays together stays together.

88. Family member spiritual life can be influenced by their relationship with their parents, sibling and knowing how to pray helps an individual.

89. A family that prays together stays together quotes. Prayers are a very powerful weapon that blesses family relationships and strengthens them with each passing day.

90. There is nothing more important than family unity or being together as one.

91. Family quotes have been greatly used in motivating people, especially parents to pray for their kids.

92. Praying together as a family is the most effective way of keeping your family close even if they are situated miles apart.

93. Prayer is a powerful tool that allows you to express your deepest desires and thoughts before God.

94. Prayers can make a man healthy, prosperous, successful; and solve all of the problems in our family lives, like family unity and conflicts.

95. Consequently, if people pray together as a whole family. I think it can bring enormous changes to their lives.

96. No matter how far you go from your family, it doesn’t change the fact that a strong family bond is important. And the best way to build such a bond is through prayer.

97. Prayer that can bring togetherness and unity and express love and gratitude.

98. Family togetherness brings about abundance and unity. However, there are some families where gatherings can resemble a war zone!

99. Being able to converse with one another through prayer builds unity and brings people closer together as they understand one another better.

100. Effective family prayer is essential in preserving the unity of families and clans.

Prayer keeps a family together. It also makes a family show respect to each other by following commands from God.

I believe you loved this thoughtful family that prays together stays together quotes and the best way to build our family’s bond is through prayer here, why not send these to bless your family member.

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