Happy 31st Birthday to Me Wishes and Quotes

What’s beautiful right now is that it’s your thirty-first birthday or a few days to it. You can have a celebration people will talk about for a long time.

But let’s go beyond celebration ideas for a while. Let’s talk about one of the easiest ways to get self-celebratory captions, messages, wishes and quotes if you’re thirty-one or about to turn thirty-one.

It’s as simple as scrolling down. You’ll find wishes, prayers, messages and quotes, written and compiled by me for you. They can be used as random quotes you say to people on your birthday or written on your birthday cards or posted on your social media pages.

And if you need to get yourself some gifts, please, do. I promised myself that no person will, on his/her thirty-first birthday, lack words to say happy birthday to himself or herself, and this is me fulfilling that promise by providing you with these best happy 31st birthday to me wishes and quotes.

“It’s safe to tag myself “a destination of gifts” for today, and you should be called “the best” if you send me a wish, a card or a gift. Happy thirty-first birthday to me. I wish myself a long and happy life.”

More quotes below:

1. I feel like there were thirty-one drops of cake in today’s rain. Happy birthday to me.

2. Dear thirty-one, you’re ready to host me on a roll? Happy birthday to me.

3. 3 can be bent into a circle and 1 can form a tick if flipped and rotated correctly. That’s a verification mark showing that I’m among those to enjoy the best of this age. Happy birthday to me.

4. For me, it’s that people have a picture of me handing my life at thirty-one over to God in their heads. Happy birthday to me.

5. I bet my cake that one of my guardian angels has studied this age for me to help me make the most of it. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

6. If I don’t say that my life at thirty-one will be as beautiful as my crush, who will? Happy birthday to me.

7. How old was happiness when it realised it has gained admission into my life at thirty-one? Happy birthday to me.

8. Dear joy, did you say you want to live rent-free? My life at thirty-one says “say no more”. Happy birthday to me.

9. Dear joy, you know you can use me to show the world how joyful a person can be for the next one year, royalty-free, right? Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

10. Somehow, cakes and soda are still existing. Somehow, I’m thirty-one! Happy birthday to me.

11. Did I not just get the upgraded version of life at thirty-one? Happy birthday to me.

12. Will bliss say my life at thirty-one is its address or what? Happy birthday to me.

13. I took another sip of age and here I am. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

14. You can clap for me for taking another sip of age or you can celebrate with me. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

15. I’m contributing to changing the world by getting one year older every year. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

16. Thirty-one came last night and stayed until the morning. It’s still here. Happy birthday to me.

17. Dear thirty-one, I don’t have two extra fingers to count the twelve months you have, but it’s all good. Happy birthday to me.

18. Dear thirty-one, if you’re ever bored, put your 1 before your 3, put them together and give me a B that stands for bliss. Happy birthday to me.

19. Yes, you can have my previous age. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

20. Thirty-one, give me all I want immediately or I’ll daydream of Samson giving me the legs of the lion he killed. Happy birthday to me.

21. My life at thirty-one liked bliss on Tinder. I hope we get matched. Happy birthday to me.

22. You haven’t checked Bliss’ blog this morning. It’s married to my life at thirty-one. Happy birthday to me.

23. Dear angels in charge of age, your delivery man kept to time and is on his way back to you. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

24. Somehow, we never get the wrong age given to us. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

25. May I forget to think of all the thirty-one-year-olds that I’m not as cool as. Happy birthday to me.

26. Somehow, everyone should know not to use “maybe” when asking bliss to live with me for the next year. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

27. Age coming on time? Check! Everything I want in it coming at the time I want them to come? I hope I say “check” too. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

28. Somehow, changing my age overnight did not ruin my sleep. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

29. It’s fine if the angel that brought my new age stepped on my shadow. Happy 31st birthday to me.

30. Dear thirty-one, please tell me you have the “age like no other” tag. Happy birthday to me.

“This is me, thirty-one years after joining a world where cakes and gifts are actually real and where friends start jokingly calling you old when you’re over thirty. Happy birthday to me. May all my dreams come true.”

31. Please vote for thirty-one if you get a chance to vote for an age to have more sweetness for those in it. Happy birthday to me.

32. Forgive thirty-one for being more beautiful than your age when written in my handwriting, and give this thirty-one-year-old sweetheart a gift. Happy birthday to me.

33. Bliss will update its location to my life at thirty-one. Watch its space. Happy birthday to me.

34. Send me tips on how to make a pitch to bliss to get it to spend the next one year in my house. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

35. Time to go on Spotify, find out who dropped new projects on my birthday and forgive them. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

36. We’re about to find out if a mix of me and life at thirty-one is as cool as pop music. Happy birthday to me.

37. Cheers to expecting the mix of me and life at thirty-one to be something admirable. Happy birthday to me.

38. Somehow, I’m sure I’ll win against anyone who bets that the mix of me and life at thirty-one won’t be the coolest thing ever! Happy birthday to me.

39. Cheers to everyone having the opportunity to receive a pat on the back from the coolest thirty-one year old alive. Happy birthday to me.

40. Call thirty-one to the witness stand, after this age, whenever you want a witness to how cool I was in the age. Happy birthday to me.

41. In my daydreams, the number 3 and 1 told me welcome and gave me pats on the back. Happy birthday to me.

42. Hope thirty-one is not expecting a five-star rating from me until I’m done experiencing it? Happy birthday to me.

43. Dear thirty-one, I haven’t given any age a five-star rating. Do you want it? You earn it. Happy birthday to me.

44. Dear thirty-one, I’m cheap. Just give me bliss and you’ll get a five-star rating from me. Happy birthday to me.

45. If you wish me a happy birthday, and the age doesn’t go as I expect it to go, then you must sign any petition I start for God to scrap this age. Happy birthday to me.

46. Note to life at thirty-one: what’s wrong is treating me like I’m not your spec. Happy birthday to me.

47. Step one and the only step: get a guardian angel that’s so pretty that life at thirty-one can’t say not to her. Happy birthday to me.

48. Note to life at thirty-one: you’ve not existed for forever to not be nice to me. Happy birthday to me.

49. Anyone that reads the full list of Abraham’s blessings will see “a beautiful life at thirty-one for (insert your name)” in it. Happy birthday to me.

50. Don’t feel weird when you see “a beautiful life at thirty-one” on my list of cravings. Happy birthday to me.

“Somehow, there’s still a wide gap between the life expectancy of my country and my current age, and, somehow, that current age is thirty-one. Happy thirty-first birthday to me. I am wishing for many successes and for a long and happy life for myself.”

51. Here’s an “E” mark for my blessings for this age, in case they are offensive to anyone. Happy thirty-first birthday to me. May I enjoy a long life and prosperity.

52. Ensuring that this age and I make an admirable pair is a job I have left for God. Happy thirty-first birthday to me. May only the best be mine in this age and for life.

53. Dear thirty-one, was the dream not to find me and treat me well? Happy birthday to me. I wish myself a long and happy life.

54. If your list of cravings has “a beautiful life at thirty-one for (insert your name)” on it, put your hands up. Happy birthday to me. I wish that all my dreams will come true.

55. How old were you when you realised that “I wish you a long and sweet life” is the perfect ending for any messages you’re sending to me today? Happy birthday to me. May I enjoy the best of Earth and life.

56. Claiming a new number as my age — what a way to celebrate my birth! Happy thirty-first birthday to me. I wish myself a long life and happiness forever.

57. If you love me, show up in my daydreams wearing a shirt that has thirty-one written on it. Happy birthday to me. I am wishing myself all the best of Earth and life.

58. Anything anyone wants to say to me before I start looking for parts of my body that are shaped like 3 or 1? Happy birthday to me. May life be long and sweet for me.

59. Life at thirty-one is a bar of chocolate in my daydreams. Happy birthday to me. May I have many successes and happiness forever.

60. Starting a petition for God to make everyone jump this age if it doesn’t go well for me is the way to go, right? Happy thirty-first birthday to me. I am wishing myself a long and sweet life.

61. This is a pop-up ad, to tell you that I’m now thirty-one and ready to receive your gifts. Happy birthday to me. May life be long and sweet for me.

62. Note to thirty-one: you need a brand ambassador? Call me. Happy birthday to me. May life be kind to me at this age and forever.

63. Thirty-one read the recommendation letter thirty wrote for me and was blown away. Happy birthday to me. I wish myself a long life of bliss.

64. I was thirty-one years and a few hours old when I realised that the best way to celebrate my thirty-first birthday is by eating all my favourite meals. Happy birthday to me. May I have a long, happy life.

65. Note to thirty-one: you may just be accused of being partial in my favour. Happy birthday to me. May life be long and happy for me.

66. For fun, I’ll count the people that will accuse thirty-one of spoiling me. Happy birthday to me. I am wishing myself a long life and prosperity.

67. It’s about time I switched loyalty to a new age. Happy thirty-first birthday to me. I am wishing myself the best of Earth and life.

68. When I pray tonight, I’ll ask God to tell thirty-one that I think it’s going to love having me. Happy birthday to me. May life treat me well.

69. Note to thirty-one: I’m sure you’ll love being my host for the next one year. Happy birthday to me. May all my dreams come true.

70. Note to my inbox: there’ll probably be a lot of 31s in you today. Happy birthday to me. I am wishing myself a long, sweet life.

“Only God and myself can stop me from standing on my roof and screaming that I’m the perfect birthday gift destination. I’m finally at thirty-one, and my wishes are for many successes and for happiness forever for myself. Happy birthday to me.”

71. Note to thirty-one: I think we can be friends. Happy birthday to me. I am wishing myself a long, happy life.

72. Wouldn’t hurt for life at thirty-one and bliss to take a year-long romantic walk, right? Happy birthday to me. May long life and many successes be mine.

73. Hey, life at thirty-one. Hey, bliss. A matchmaker I trust said you’re perfect for yourselves. Happy birthday to me. I wish myself a long life and many successes.

74. I told myself that thirty-one can give me toe-curling bliss. I believe it. Happy birthday to me. I am wishing myself the best of Earth and life.

75. Dear thirty-one, day one is for looking at memes about life at thirty-one, right? Happy birthday to me. May I enjoy a long and happy life.

76. I probably had a wish list for my first birthday, now that I think about it. Happy thirty-first birthday to me. May I enjoy a long life and many successes.

77. Now, I just want to know which of my dreams was on when thirty-one came. Happy birthday to me. May life treat me well.

78. Today carried life at thirty-one for me in its backpack. Happy birthday to me. May I get long life and happiness forever.

79. We have a plan to hug thirty-one-year-olds wherever we see them for the next one year, right? Happy birthday to me. I wish myself a long and sweet life.

80. How old were you when you first turned your wish list into a paper plane? Happy thirty-first birthday to me. May all my dreams come true.

81. If I can leave a man who did not give me his hundred per cent, why won’t I leave thirty-one after a year if it doesn’t give me it’s all? Happy birthday to me. May a long and happy life be mine.

82. I welcome myself to an age that I will give a one-star rating if it does not give me all I ask for. Happy thirty-first birthday to me. May life treat me well.

83. Somehow, thirty couldn’t stay another night. Happy thirty-first birthday to me. May life be long and happy for me.

84. Thirty did not bother to read my review about it before it left. Happy thirty-first birthday to me. May I enjoy the best of Earth and life.

85. I think I just got possessed by life at thirty-one. Happy birthday to me. May life be good to me.

86. I’ve been possessed by an angel. They call him life at thirty-one. Happy birthday to me. May I get the best of Earth and of life.

87. Trust the age called thirty-one to call the day it meets the most beautiful girl on Earth the best day of its life. Happy birthday to me. I am wishing myself many successes and a beautiful future.

88. Nice to meet you, life at thirty-one. Do you have other names? Happy birthday to me. I wish myself many successes and happiness forever.

89. Hey, thirty-one. How’s Earth been for you since you left Beyonce? Happy birthday to me. I am wishing myself a long life and a beautiful future.

90. A playlist of thirty-one of my favourite songs, please? Happy birthday to me. I wish myself a long life and happiness forever.

“Dear God, one day, we’ll talk about why your ears love hearing my prayers, and how you deserve a six out of five-stars rating every day. What I want for myself are many successes and a beautiful future. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.”

91. Dear God, make this union of your son and life at thirty-one more beautiful than anything I have ever seen. Amen. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

92. Dear Lord, because of the many thumbs-up I’ve given to your works, can you make this age blissful for me? Amen. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

93. Dear God, good things coming to me and my love for a cake can coexist, right? That’s all I want. Amen. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

94. Dear Lord, for now, you really have to choose between making every thought I have a reality and giving me a beautiful life at thirty-one. Amen. Happy birthday to me.

95. Dear God, this one’s to make me forget about the worst year of my life so far. Just give me happiness and many successes in this age. Amen. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

96. Dear Lord, thank you because the pair made up of you and I don’t care about how difficult thirty-one can or will be. Amen. Happy birthday to me.

97. Dear God, yes, I’m in a rush to say this, and yes I need everyday at this age to be beautiful for me. Amen. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

98. Dear Lord, did you drop all the names I call you for a trip to another universe? No! Then give me a wonderful life at thirty-one. Amen. Happy birthday to me.

99. Dear God, I’m sure making life beautiful for me is one of the ways you relax. Relax more in this way for the next one year of my life. Amen. Happy thirty-first birthday to me.

100. Dear Lord, for making me feel like an ant before you, you owe me a beautiful life at thirty-one. Happy birthday to me.

For me, it’s that I was able to help you with the best happy 31st birthday to me wishes and quotes for your thirty-first birthday. If you’re happy with these, then, you can bet that I’m the happiest man alive.

Can you share this list with some of your friends? It will mean a lot to me.

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