Happy 11th Month Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy

When you have the rare privilege of being blessed with a gem, you feel so giddy with excitement, that every day is celebration day. Any occasion is an opportunity to celebrate. The beauty of life is in moments shared with those we cherish. A scrapbook of magical moments of your baby boy will be treasured by him when he’s grown up. Your darling son will never doubt your love for him when he’s presented with evidence of the beautiful memories you created while he’s too young to savour the moments.

This is especially vital in their rebellious teenage years when everything is subjected to close scrutiny and doubts. A child with a photo album, memory gallery of being loved with reckless abandoned with loving words, good wishes, cute quotes and yummy birthday treats at every chance, will mellow.

Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. They are like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are children born in one’s youth. It’s alright not to celebrate if you don’t feel like it, but those who had been trying to conceive for years are allowed to celebrate their bundle of joy with glee. As a matter of fact, those who have been previously blessed with only girls earned a right to celebrate their equally prized prince.

Sons, like daughters, are the delight and pride of doting parents. Imagine, the bustling energy, unending pranks, mischievousness even as toddlers. Many are quiet, but most are lively, hyperactive and daring; making life anything but boring in the family. With them, there’s never a dull moment.

Your bundle of joy is 11 months already. Yay! Why wait till he’s a year old to rock his birthday? The celebration starts now!
Yippee!!! Roll out the drums, yummy treats, party packs, exotic drinks and special delicacies in celebration. Your darling son deserves this and more!! What could possibly be more important than celebrating his birthday even at 11 months? Absolutely nothing!

You can’t wait to celebrate your darling baby boy? Care to celebrate special moments in your son’s life like his 11 monthly birthday? Do you want to make good memories of your son’s pre-toddler moments? Awesome! Browse through this cute collection of happy 11th month birthday wishes for baby boy.

Related: Happy 10th Month Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy

‘My baby boy, my champion! You’ll grow to be exceptionally brilliant and smart. As the quote goes: you’ll not go where the path will lead, you’ll go where there’s no path and leave a trail. Happy 11 months birthday, sweetie.’

A happy birthday quote is a way to go for your 11 months baby boy’s special day:

1. A cute, charming and happy baby boy makes a happy, proud and delighted mum! Happy 11 months birthday to my sweetest baby! I love you.

2. You’re a miracle that happened to us unawares, my handsome little baby boy. A miracle that begets miracles, you are. We feel so blessed to have you, son. Happy 11 months birthday to you.

3. 11 months; who would have believed! 11 months of the sheer joy of caring for a bundle of delight. Cruise on, my baby boy. My love for you will always catch up. Happy birthday, darling.

4. When the sky is shadowy and life is gloomy, your cheery and sunny persona brings inexplicable joy to me. Happy 11 months birthday, baby boy. You’re a sparkling star; shine and shimmer forever! Love you loads, my Sunshine!

5. Happy 11 birthday to my son. You came into my life and life is no longer business as usual. You’re my personal physical fitness instructor. Your needs keep me on my toes. My world happily revolves around you. Keep on being cute my lovely boy.

6. Now that the crucial first eleven months is over, I’m ready for the toddler, terrible twos, terrorising threes, friendly fours, through adolescent, teenage and adulthood for you. We’re going to crash on r cruise it all like the champions we are. Ready? Yea!! Happy 11 months old, darling son.

7. A year old seems so far away; I can’t wait for a second longer to celebrate your royal awesomeness. Happy 11 months birthday to my munchkin. You’re powerfully loved, son.

8. When you have a baby boy, you keep on throwing parties for having an extra boyfriend and future protector of your universe. Happy 11 birthday to my superhero. I’m one proud and forever mummy. I love you, sweetie puff.

9. 11 months: crawling so fast I have to run to catch up; as mischievous as an imp; with heart-melting smiles, we are indeed ready for our first-year birthday bash. Happy 11 months, baby boy. Mum adores you.

10. You are a rare gift my amazing baby boy. Call me biased, yes, I am! This bundle of cuteness and a full glass of creamy delight deserves some accolades. Happy 11 months birthday, my cupcake. Mum and dad love you, always.

11. Happy 11th month birthday to the molecule that changed my matter to become a mass of reckoning. Darling son, you’ve rightfully taken space and filled everywhere with no apology. You are a phenomenon about to happen. Congratulations, love!

12. 11 months ago, a dashing boy chose me to be his mother. What a great honour. Happy birthday, darling son. May you be handsomely honoured all your days on earth. Love you.

13. I feel privileged to call you mine, little angel. Happy 11 months birthday to you, my precious son. You shall be a trailblazer and a light to the world.

14. Words are not sufficient to describe the overwhelming feelings of being the mother of s bundle of delight! Happy 11 months birthday, my lovely son. I adore you.

15. It is incredible, this lifelong bond I have with you, baby boy. You scattered my well-ordered life to give me a well-loved unpredictable one. I’d choose you a zillion times over, given the choice all over again. I adore you so! Happy 11 months birthday, buddy!

‘Happy 11 months birthday to my Sunshine. Baby boy, I adore you to stupor. I wish you long life, good health, loads of love with tons of fun. Cheers, darling!’

What’s a birthday shoutout or party without lovely wishes for your 11 months baby boy? Grab any of these:

16. I can’t believe it’s eleven months of absolute bliss with my womb opener. Happy 11 months birthday to you, my baby boy. I cherish every moment with you. I love you, darling.

17. Dearest son, it’s been exactly 11 months since our lives have been wonderfully spiced with your special presence. You are a special gift from God; adorable and adored. I wish you decades of joyful and meaningful existence. Cheers!

18. My darling baby boy, happy 11 months old to you. I wish every day of your life shall be as happy, fun-filled and joyous as your first ten months were. Congrats, sweetie pie.

19. Happy 11 months womb escape to my precious jewel of immeasurable value. You shall live to celebrate a century in prosperity, good health, happiness and peace.

20. You are a reeling surprise package, that I’m yet to recover from. A very welcome and delightful surprise. Happy 11 months birthday to my charming little Prince. I wish more lovely years of extraordinary experience to come.

21. As you successfully navigated the first 11 months of your life in the land of the living; may your entire life be fruitful, successful and peaceful. Happy birthday to you, my baby boy.

22. Happy birthday to my adorable baby boy at 11 months. I’m so excited that I feel like throwing a big party, but it’ll keep till you’re a whopping one-year-old. Then, the celebration will be awesome. I wish you a childhood full of joy and adulthood full of fulfilment. I love you, darling.

23. Happy 11 months to my cute baby boy! You are the most wonderful gift I’ve ever received: a real blessing to me. I wish you more lovely years of pure bliss ahead.

24. Happy 11 months birthday to my precious little baby boy. To know you is to love you. To hold you is to be delighted. To be with you is to cruise on pure joy and fun. Your smitten mum loves you to distraction. I wish you everything good all your days.

25. Happy 11 months birthday to my precious gem. You are a miracle baby. The one that makes me a proud mother. I love you to the moon and back. May your light continue to shine like a star.

26. Yippee! My Candy crush is eleven golden months today. I can’t keep quiet, nor wait till you’re a year old. The celebration starts now. Happy 11 months old, darling boy. You are every shade of cute. Cheers to amazing years to come!

27. Happy birthday to my long-awaited miracle baby at 11 months. Every day, I celebrate you. You’re not only wanted or prayed for, but you’re also very much loved. May your life be full of joy, with no traces of sadness. Blessings, with no crushing disappointment. Cheers, little one.

28. Happy 11th birthday to my Superboy. You are a star, shine always. You are a wonder, keep dripping with blessings. May your future be as bright as the sparkling sunshine you are.

29. Happy 11 months birthday, my little trooper. All thanks to you, I’ve lost all my postpartum fat. You’re the real MVP for making me chase after you as you climb chairs, stairs, rattle cabinets or playing a hide and seek game when you pull your disappearing acts. Enjoy your day with relish.

30. I have the rare privileged of announcing your last birthday in months, baby boy. Soon, you’ll be celebrating in years, scores and decades. Happy 11 months to my ever-smiling, unruffled angel. Keep rocking my world.

‘ Happy birthday to my dearest 11 months old baby boy. I wish you a fun-filled day of treats and pampering. I pray that you shall live out your days in ease and abundant prosperity, with too great peace. You are mightily blessed, Sugarplum.’

Yummy treats and gifts are swell, but birthday wishes and prayers for your 11 months old baby is the icing of the cake:

31. Happy birthday, my 11 month-old bundle of surprises. You are my greatest treasure son, I love you so much. My prince, I commit you into God’s able hands. You’ll grow in wisdom, knowledge and favour before men and angels. Dearest son, you shall fulfil the purpose of God for your generation in Jesus name.

32. Yay! My cute baby boy is 11 months old today. Happy birthday, son. I celebrate every day of your existence. You are a precious and treasured gift. May the world celebrate your greatness. May you be a blessing unto your generation and a vessel in the hands of God, for His glory. Love you loads!

33. 11 months ago, I got the rarest of gifts; you, my baby boy. You’ve been nothing but pure joy. You are a study in unrivalled delight, son. Happy birthday to you, my darling. May the Lord be with you every step of the way in every season of your life. I surround your life with walls of fire and angels, no evil shall befall you. God’s righteousness will rule your life, and His peace will govern your destiny in Jesus’ name.

34. Wow! It’s been 11 awesome months since this family was made complete with the arrival of our bundle of joy. Happy birthday, baby boy. You’re the desires of our hearts and our most cherished treasure. My darling son, every day of your life shall be meaningful, joyful, and fulfilling. Your generation shall call you blessed in Jesus’ name.

35. Happy 11th birthday, kiddo! This lovely day is a rehearsal for your one year birthday. From now till forever, may we have cause to rejoice over you. May your glory stand out in your generation. May the Lord smoothen the path ahead of you and favour you every day of your life in Jesus’ name.

36. Happy 11th birthday to my beloved son. I’m so thrilled you have enough teeth to gnaw at your party chicken and gobble up your cakes. My darling son and God’s heritage, it shall be well with you all the days of your life in the land of the living. You shall live well and long in Jesus’ name. Love you, Handsome!

37. Happy 11 months birthday to my My joy over you is without limit, my fleek darling son. Dear Lord, fill my baby’s life with your love, mercy and goodness. You shall live your days right in God’s presence, in Jesus’ mighty name. Mom loves you!

38. Happy 11th months birthday to my bubbling bundle of infinite happiness. The Lord uphold you throughout all the phases of your life; as a toddler, preschooler, school-age, adolescent, teenager and a full-blown adult. You will not walk alone, my sunshine, the Lord shall be with you every step of the way. You’re loved!

39. Happy 11th month birthday to my status changer. My darling baby boy, you’re the miracle of the century; a game-changer. You are the reason my status changed from barren to a mother. You no know shame, nor reproach; nothing good will be withheld from you in delay or denial. You shall be fruitful and happy all your life, in Jesus name.

40. Happy birthday to my baby boy at 11 months. I bless God for using you to wipe my tears, heal my wounds and put a genuine smile on my face. As I rejoice over you on your first birthday, darling son, I’ll never sorrow over you, in Jesus’ name. Lines will fall upon you in pleasant places and great will be your joy as you grow each year to become the man the Lord has called you to be. I adore you, champ.

41. On a day like this 11 months ago, God chose to interfere in the affairs of men and intervene on my behalf by sparing our lives. The power of death was broken, mother and son graciously saved. Dear Father, the glory is all yours. My miracle baby, you shall continue to be a sign and wonder in your generation in Jesus name. Happy birthday, love.

42. Happy 11 months birthday, my sweet baby boy. Indeed, today is a special day for a special son. As you celebrate your pre-first year birthday today, may you continue to be relevant in God’s plan. Men and angels shall favour you. Doors of greatness shall be opened for you. Gates of excellence shall not be shut against you. Love you loads, son.

43. A hearty and happy 11th months birthday to you, my charming son! Every day of your life, it shall be well with you from the rising of the sun to its setting. You are mightily blessed, Honeypie. Mom loves you dearly.

44. Happy 11 months birthday to my dapper little guy. Dearest son, you are blessed today and forever. Your glory will attract heaven’s favour and abundant blessings upon you, today and always, in Jesus’ awesome name.

45. It’s 11 months, already. This priceless blessing from God that is you, precious son. It’s been 11 months of laughter, gay and fulfilment. Son, may the glory of the Lord encompass you throughout your sojourn on earth. May you never cease to be a joy to me, your dad and your entire generation. May you have peace and joy in all you do. Happy birthday, my Cherry pie.

Happy 11th month birthday to my dearest son, you’ve been such a bundle of joy to me from the day you came to this world, thank you my darling for being such a blessing to this family. I wish you the very best in life even as you grow to be a man of valour.

46. Happy birthday to my little boy at 11 months. I’m so glad that you’re now big enough to enjoy all your party treats and yummy delicacies. Today’s a rehearsal for your big day as a year old. I can’t wait to celebrate you, darling son. May you live long and well to celebrate more beautiful birthdays to come. I wish you a merry time of carousing. Cheers!

47. From the moment of conception to delivery and now 11 months bundle of surprises and joy; you are an unfathomable mystery to the mischievous ones. As you grow older, mightier, wiser, stronger and smarter, I wish you everything good and more.

48. It’s your 11 months birthday, my Cupcake. Happy birthday to you, darling son. Life is unpredictable, but I wish you peace, calmness, joy and blessings. All the odds in your path shall favour you. I love you, baby boo.

49. Happy 11th birthday to my enchanting son. Sugarplum, you are such a delightful angel, always fun to be with. You are my depression termination pill; the perfect antidote to missing your grown-up siblings, who have flown the nest. I wish you a life free of worry, sadness and trouble. Love and bliss, always.

50. Happy 11th birthday, darling son. Your sparkling radiance warms my heart. You are such a precious and gentle fellow! Glad you came into my life as the perfect answer to prayers! May your day and the rest of your year be full of sunshine, laughter and fun.

51. Happy birthday to my winsome son at 11 months. One year birthday is loading with a big bang. May this beautiful day be as special as you are, darling. Love you forever.

52. A wonderful and happy birthday to my lovely son at 11 months. Keep spreading happiness, you’re a ray of sunshine! Have a beautiful, fun-filled celebration, my baby boo.

53. Happy 11th birthday to my amazing son! You are so full of life, vitality, infectious laughter and positive vibes! Undoubtedly you’re a real cruise! You infect everyone with your cheerfulness. Your brand of special is the best, no contest. I wish you a life of pure joy with zero worries: like a baby.

54. Happy 11th birthday, son. You’re so adorable; always a thrill to hold and cuddle. You deserve the best, sweetie pie; may the universe be good to you every day of your life! Mum loves you massively. Loads of kisses to make your day extra special.

55. You are an everyday reminder that miracles happen. You are a turn of the century miracle: one that fills our hearts with joy. Happy 11 months birthday, my dearest son. Loving you is an understatement. You are the centre of my universe. Always!

56. Happy birthday, Honeypie! Today, you’re 11 months older, smarter and cuter. Here’s to a new month of more fun and baby adventures! I enjoy being your mom, you made it a thrilling experience! Love you plenty, son.

57. Happy 11 months birthday to my rare gem! Let’s put on your fun-seeking gear, we’re going to have lots of fun today. May life always desk you a good hand, always! Love you, son.

58. Yay! My cute son is 11 months old today. Happy birthday, my darling. You’ll soon drop your baby title to pick up the toddler title, officially. May every phase of life favour you. May you live in peace, joy and good health. Cheers!

59. Happy 11 months birthday, son. May your birthday be full of endless surprises; and your years, wonderful happenings. Here’s wishing your Royal Highness a beautiful birthday ahead. Loads of from mum and dad.

60. Happy 11th birthday to the coolest, brightest and funniest little chap on earth. Your equally besotted mum is over the moon to celebrate her dashing son. You’re one of a kind. I wish you endless joy. Have a blast, love!

‘Happy 11 months birthday to God’s precious gift to me. It’s the best caption to capture your essence, son. You are a rare gem, a real treasure. I cherish you!’

These 11 months birthday captions are great for your son:

61. Happy 11 months birthday, son. You are precious, cherished and special, today and always!

62. A bubbling perfect son, who can resist! Happy 11 months birthday, darling son. Your charms are truly irresistible. Love you loads, sweetie!

63. You are my Sunshine, my shining star, son. I will love you today and forever. Happy 11 months birthday to you, my darling.

64. Happy 11th month birthday to the best and happiest son ever. I hope your day is full of warmth and wonders. Cheers, dearie.

65. With me right by your side, you can always be what you hope for. Even now, with your baby language, your wish is my command. Happy birthday to you, son, at 11 whopping months!

66. It took me years to change the title: but it’s well waiting for; the best title ever; your mum. Happy 11th month birthday to my title-changer. Son, I love being your mum. I wish you the very best in life, always.

67. We are going to party like no man’s business because it’s my son 11th month birthday. Congratulations, son. You rock!

68. 11 months, and still as cute and delightful as ever! Happy birthday, darling son. We’re going to have a blast!

69. I can’t keep calm; it’s my adorable son’s 11th month birthday! I’m over the moon happy as a lark. Congratulations, sweetie pie; you’re the real MVP!

70. It’s your 11th month birthday, my adorable son. You aren’t just growing up fast; you’re flying high. A star you are, today and always. Happy birthday, Honey.

71. Keep calm? Nope. It isn’t happening anytime soon. Today is a special day. Happy birthday to my super duper cute son at 11 months. Keep rocking on the high and exceptional side, Sugarpie.

72. Just 11 months, and you’re as smart as a toddler! Happy birthday to my dapper little son. Love is my forever song to you, Sugarplum.

73. Anything to party like a freak; especially when it’s my spunky little son’s birthday. Happy 11th month birthday to you, my everyday crush. Love you like it’s going out of fashion.

74. You aren’t too young to be celebrated with fun and fanfare like the royalty you are, prince of our universe. Happy 11th month birthday, dearest son. You rock!

75. Waiting for a year to celebrate your birthday is too tedious. The celebration kicks off now. Happy 11th month birthday to my lovely and lively son. You are my best gift ever!

‘The one that changed my status to a mummy deserves to be celebrated on every media status. A wonderful 12 months birthday to my amazing son. You are my everyday wondrous song. May your glory continue to radiate beautifully. I adore you, handsome!’

Wondering how to spike your baby’s birthday? These 11 months birthday status for my son is it:

76. I need no soothsayer to tell me, I’m the luckiest mum/dad on earth. Happy 11 months birthday to you, dearest son. Best wishes, always.

77. Happy 11 months baby to my amazing son! Thank you for changing my status forever. Being your mum is the most fulfilling job ever. I wish you a fabulous day with loads of fun and merriment.

78. I wish my fabulously amazing son a happy 11 months birthday. May your life be filled with loads of love and joy, always.

79. A happy and fabulous 11 months birthday to my charming son. I wish you loads of love, lots of sunshine, tons of yummy treats, lovely and adventurous games as you celebrate today. Have fun, darling!

80. Happy 11 months birthday to my endearing son at 11 months. You are an inexhaustible bundle of joy. On this special day of yours, mum/dad wishes you the most fantastic day ever.

81. When life confers on you rare privileges, you treasure them. I’m honoured to be called your mum, son. You’re my bae and your dad’s pride. It’s fun celebrating at every opportunity we get. I wish you loads of happiness with lots of love. Happy birthday to my 11 months bundle of fun.

82. Happy 11th month birthday, my little angel. Darling son, there’s no exact manual for this motherhood thingy. I may get it wrong some of the time but I promise you: I’ll get it right most of the time. My love is my best guide. My mother’s instinct has been honed to give you the best. Love you, dearie. I wish you the very best in life. Cheers!

83. Yay, it’s my dear son’s 11th month birthday. I treasure you just these are, my precious daughter. You are my favourite symphony of happiness and peace. Happy birthday, my adorable son. I love you.

84. Happy birthday to my ever-vibrant son at 11 months. A shining star stands apart to sparkle brightly. You are a force to be reckoned with. May you always soar like the eagle you are, beloved. Daddy/mum is here to cheer you on to the front line. Happy birthday, Candy Crush!

85. Happy 11th month birthday, son. Care for a trip to the moon? I’ll gladly take you there and be back before your one year bash. Only the best for my darling boy, as the reigning prince of my heart. May you live healthy, well and fulfilled. Enjoy your day, sweetie. Lot’s of love with loads of kisses from the world’s proud momma.

86. Happy 11th month birthday to my precious gem. I love your fulsome smiles; it’s enchanting and heart-melting. I enjoy your baby talks; it’s amusing and entertaining. I’m so looking forward to walking through every phase of life with you, my baby boo. I am beyond proud of you, and I wish you the very best this world has to offer! Cheers, darling son! Loads of love from your daddy and mom!

87. Happy birthday to my cheery handsome son at 11 months. I adore every precious moment we have with you. From today, may you experience unlimited grace and explosive blessings. Have a swell time, darling son. Your besotted mum adores you.

88. Happy 11th month birthday to my blessed son. You aren’t just adorable, you’re exceptional, too! You arrived with bags of goodies for everyone. The blessings keep rolling in, it’s extremely impossible not to celebrate your birth every day. I’m so proud to be your mum, little angel. May you be blessed beyond imagination. Have a blast, my boy!

89. Happy birthday to my Sugarpie at 11 months. If I were able, I’d give you the moon on a silver platter. You are such an endearing sweetheart, who wouldn’t be enchanted? I wish you a deliriously happy birthday celebration with lots of love from your mum and dad.

90. Happy 11 months birthday, my cute baby boy. You are the best son in the world and it’s unequivocally not up for debate. Best wishes on your birthday with plenty of love and hugs from your mummy.

‘Happy eleventh month birthday to my ever-cheerful baby boy! To know you is to experience uninhibited joy. You are unique and very dear to my heart. I love you, son. I wish you a fun-filled day, my darling.’

These happy eleventh-month birthday wishes are exactly what you need to add a touch of special to your baby boy’s day:

91. Happy 11th month birthday to dad’s pride and mom’s delight. I love the way you are fast out everything. Hey handsome, what’s the rush? Let’s enjoy every moment. We’re here for the long hurl. How about that: awesome? Yes! That’s my boy! May your days be filled with great splendour, Superstar.

92. Happy eleventh month birthday to my lovely baby boy. Sweetie Buns, may your birthday be as lovely as you are; full of joy, filled with peals of laughter and sweet smiles. Loads of love from your devoted mum/dad.

93. Happy eleventh month birthday, dearest son. No matter how old you are, you will always be sound, smiling little boy. The adorable chap with the secret key to his mum’s heart. I wish you a birthday full of absolute fun and sunshine. I love you, sweetie pie.

94. Happy eleventh month birthday, Pumpkin. Darling son, you’re an amazing, valuable and precious gift to be treasured. Your birthday is an opportunity to show that you mean the world to your dad and mum. We are indeed blessed to have you in our lives. May you always be celebrated. We adore you, sweetie! Have fun!

95. Happy birthday to my vivacious little angel at eleven months. I know you’re too young to realise you’re very precious to me. Gold is replaceable, silver is recoverable, but a priceless son is irreplaceable! May you continue to be exceptional and outstanding. When the time comes; explore the world; I’ll give you wings to fly. Only, boogie down back home, always! I love you, baby boy.

96. Happy eleventh month birthday to my exceptionally smart baby boy. From this moment, may you receive strength to conquer adversities. May you remain healthy, happy and full of life. As you grow older and need that someone to lean on, look no further. Your dad and mum are on permanent active duty. Have a blast, Honeypie!

97. Yippee! My charming and dandy emperor is eleven months today. Happy birthday to you, my baby boy. The top of one mountain is only the bottom of another. I wish you a life of excellence, void of mediocrity. May you always increase on every side. You are a superstar, munchkin! Have loads of fun with love from your mum.

98. Since life is to be enjoyed and not endured, I’m celebrating my jewel of inestimable value every chance I get! Happy eleventh month birthday to my amazing son. I wish you a life of pure cruise, no dulling! May you not pass through the motions of just living. May you never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. Have a fun-filled day, my baby boy. I’m here to ensure you have a blast!

99. Happy eleventh month birthday to my darling baby boy. I wish you a super-duper special celebration ever! Cheers to a day of fun and absolute bliss…in loads! Hugs and kisses!

100. Happy birthday to my adorable son. May your eleventh month birthday be as charming and spectacular as you are. I wish you tons of happiness, loads of love and plenty of fun, darling baby boy.

Thank you for making use of this write up to make your son’s 11th birthday every shade of special and all colours memorable. Recollecting the memories will make you feel good as you treasure your gem. Trust me, you owe no one any explanation as to your excitement of celebrating a 11-month-old baby. You alone know why your boy deserves such.

Tell you what? In future, your son will appreciate all the love you lavished on him even while he’s too young to grab the meaning. May you reap a millionfold blessings on your son. You’ll never labour in vain in Jesus’ mighty name.

Do you have any question? Feel free to ask? Any comment or suggestion? Go ahead to drop it. Kindly share this write up with your friends and loved ones. Thank you.

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