Be Strong My Friend Quotes

Most persons are familiar with the popular saying, “when the going gets tough, only the tough get going”. However, it may not always be as easy as it sounds. Most times, it seems easier to just give up or throw in the towel when the going gets tough rather than pushing through.

But I’ll tell you something, doing that may suggest that such persons are either too weak or don’t believe they can make it through the hardship. This may even be worse when they don’t have people at hand to help them go through such difficult periods. That’s why having friends who can stand by one through thick and thin is vital.

As a friend, know that your role in the life of your friend, particularly at such down moments, will go a long way in strengthening the bond of friendship between you two. It will be a life-saver to have you give encouraging words to help that friend of yours get through the ups and downs in life.

Being strong does not mean that the storm does not blow, but it means we can withstand the storm. So, help that lovely friend of yours to remain strong and know that everything is going to be alright with these carefully compiled be strong my friend quotes.

Be strong my friend and know that you matter. Work hard, face challenges bravely, and don’t give up on yourself. Show up for yourself because you’re worth it, and remember there’s a light within you that desires to shine brighter even in dark times.

1. Be strong my friend; life is a storm. You will feel radiant one moment and be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is not how often you face down the storm but how you weathered those storms.

2. It’s OK to feel overwhelmed and pressured. It’s OK to want to retreat from the world until things get better. If you’re feeling down, remember that you are not alone and that even superheroes get sad sometimes. Be strong my friend.

3. Be strong my friend. I’m always here for you and ready to listen whenever you need me. You’re amazing. You’re strong. You got this.

4. Be strong my friend. There will be days when you feel like giving up, but those are the days you need to dig the deepest and push forward. Always remember, you are stronger than you think.

5. Be strong my friend. Stay humble, stay hustling. If you want to be successful, you need to be determined and persistent.

6. Be strong my friend, your heart is breaking, and the pain feels unbearable. Take a deep breath. It’s hard, but you can get through this one day at a time.

7. Be strong my friend; you are brave and a survivor. So much is possible in your life. Believe in yourself and never give up.

8. Be strong my friend. It’s only a test, and you have been through worse before and will go through worse again. And God will never give you a burden you cannot carry.

9. Be strong my friend. I’m always here for you. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from them.

10. Be strong my friend. The moments that matter aren’t the ones where we succeed. They’re the ones where we tried.

11. Be strong my friend. You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you. You need some terrible things to happen to you. You need the worst to happen so that when it gets better, you’ll appreciate it.

12. Be strong my friend. Life is too short to live with regrets. Treat right the people who treat you right, and forget about those who don’t believe in you. Trust that everything in life happens for a reason. Take the chances you get and try to change your life for the better. Life isn’t easy and nobody said it would be; they just promised it would be worth it.

13. Be strong my friend. Don’t waste your time explaining how and why things have happened to you; people only hear what they want to hear anyway. Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

14. Be strong, my friend. The storm will pass, and the sun will emerge from behind those dark clouds.

15. Be strong my friend. The biggest life changes often come from the smallest moments. And it’s also very likely that you’re stronger than you realize.

16. Discouragement is a state of mind, and there is nothing to it. Be strong my friend. Don’t let your obstacles define you; let them strengthen you.

17. Be strong my friend. Your strength is not from the battles you have won; your strength is from the struggles you have faced. When you experience tough times and hardships and you choose not to surrender, that is strength.

18. The qualities that serve you best in hard times are the same ones that help you get through good times. Be strong my friend, and everything will work out.

19. Be strong my friend. Your strength does not come from the things you find easy to do but from overcoming the things that once overwhelmed you.

20. Sometimes, you have to do things you don’t want to do; that’s just life. But it’s important to remember that you don’t have to let this get you down. Be strong my friend.

21. Be strong my friend. Choose your strength, pick your path and face the world with brute force.

22. Be strong my friend, and stay beautiful. Continue to fight, and win your battles. You are stronger than you think.

23. Be strong my friend. You are not a product of your situation. You are a product of your decisions.

24. Be strong, my friend. The world is often cruel, but it’s also beautiful, and you are beautiful.

25. Be strong my friend, and don’t give up. If you see too many doors closing, then build a new door.

26. The best thing about friends is how they push you to be your best. Be strong my friend.

27. Be strong my friend. Don’t let them grind you down and stand tall because, after all, you’re a lion.

28. Be strong my friend. Be the captain of your ship, the decider of your fate, and the architect of your soul.

29. I see you, hear you, and I am here for you. You are not alone. Be strong my friend.

30. Be strong my friend, and become what you believe.

31. Be strong my friend. Your tears are only the rain before a new dawn. Don’t lose hope.

32. We are all diamonds in the rough. Nobody grows when they’re comfortable. Be strong my friend.

33. Be strong my friend, and fight on. One day you will find yourself again; it is just around the corner; I can feel it.

34. Be strong, my friend; your time will come.

35. Be strong my friend, and hang in there. We all got problems.

36. I see you, hear you, and I am here for you. You are not alone. Be strong my friend.

37. No, you did not fail. You just haven’t found your wings yet. Be strong my friend.

38. Be strong my friend. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend, always and forever. You are loved.

39. Be strong my friend. Live by your design, and not by societal default.

40. Be strong my friend. I will be here with you through it all. You’ve got this.

41. Be strong my friend. Be strong in the broken places, brave in the face of fear, joyful amid sorrow. Be hopeful even when it is hard to believe.

42. Be strong my friend. Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing but to turn it into glory.

43. Be strong my best friend, for this too shall pass.

44. In times of crisis, be strong my friend, and have faith. The pain will pass, and you will be stronger for it.

45. Be strong my friend. Run through the storm and into the light.

46. Be strong my friend. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

47. Be strong, my friend. Never give up, never surrender, always keep going. The sun will rise again.

48. Be strong my friend. Breathe deep, for this is the sweetest moment of your life.

49. Be strong my friend. The strongest people are the ones who don’t just survive but thrive after breaking down.

50. Be strong my friend. Though heartache may linger, you’ll find happiness again soon.

Be strong my best friend, don’t let go. I won’t let go of you either. Just hold on to your memories and know that I’ll never forget you.

51. Be strong my best friend. Be stronger than your excuses, stronger than your fears, stronger than the temptation to give up.

52. Be strong my best friend. Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back from doing your thing. Find the strength to be yourself.

53. Be strong my best friend. The key to surviving trying times is strength. The battles make you stronger, build character, and create an undeniable will never to quit.

54. We’ll carry those extra few pounds together; we’ll outrun that cold weather. We might not be able to bench press a car on our own, but with each other, we can do anything. Be strong my best friend.

55. When times are tough, we must remember that every moment is an opportunity to be strong. Be strong my best friend.

56. Be strong my best friend. We are all beautiful in our own way. Find the beauty in yourself and do not let anyone tell you differently.

57. Be strong my best friend. Being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t scared. It means you dare to go through with it despite your fear.

58. Be strong my best friend. You’ve got this. You are strong, reliable, and capable. But mostly, you’re my best friend. And I love you.

59. Be strong my best friend. I will be there for you through the good and the bad, the happy and the sad times. I will be there for you because that’s what friends are for.

60. Be strong my best friend. Being strong doesn’t mean the absence of weakness. It’s all about your ability to acknowledge, comprehend and rise above your weakness with dignity.

61. Be strong my best friend. One thing I know to be true is that you have the potential to do anything you put your mind to. Be strong. Be a fighter.

62. Be strong my best friend. Be strong to resist, be gentle to forgive; be generous to yield, and be decisive to pursue.

63. Be strong my best friend. The world breaks everyone, but some are strong in broken places. Be one of them.

64. When you choose to be your best, you inspire others to be their best. Be strong my best friend.

65. Sometimes, you have to do things you don’t want to do; that’s just life. But it’s important to remember that you don’t have to let this get you down. Be strong my best friend.

66. Be strong my best friend. Be the type of friend you would want to have, the one that strengthens your heart and reminds you how strong you really are.

67. Be strong my best friend. To be strong is to choose every day to do something hard. Be a daily warrior.

68. Be strong my best friend. You are loved and supported by those who love you. Stay true to yourself.

69. Be strong my best friend, and know that the circle of life is beautiful but also terrible.

70. Be strong my best friend. You’re not alone. I’m thinking of you, and I’ll always be here for you.

71. Be strong my best friend, and keep living your dreams. You are loved more than you will ever know.

72. Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened. Be strong my best friend.

73. Be strong my best friend. You are stronger than you think.

74. Be strong my best friend. For the times when you feel like giving up, think of why you started.

75. Be strong my best friend. Never give up. Today is the day. Go for it. The best is yet to come.

76. Be strong my best friend. Chase the dreams, not the fears.

77. Be strong my best friend. It’s not about how hard you hit your challenges. It’s about how hard you can get hit by your problems and keep moving forward.

78. Be strong my best friend. I am with you every step of the way on this journey through thick and thin. I love you.

79. Be strong my best friend; just know that millions of us will always be on your side.

80. Be strong my best friend. You are a superwoman, you are strong, and you will not be broken.

81. Be strong my best friend. Your attitude makes a big difference in all circumstances.

82. Be strong my best friend. Happiness means being surrounded by those who make you want to be happy.

83. Be strong my best friend. I am praying for you the strength to carry on and find happiness again.

84. Be strong my best friend. May your heart never break, and may you always be there for yourself.

85. Be strong my best friend. You’re braver than you can imagine, stronger than you appear, and smarter than you think.

86. Be strong, my best friend. I’ll be here for you. Though we’re apart, I’ll be right there by your side.

87. Be strong my best friend, and don’t give up. God is with you.

88. Today is the day we become stronger than yesterday. Be strong my best friend.

89. Be strong my friend. Hold on, be brave, and always know that you are loved.

89. Be strong my best friend. You are stronger than you believe, and you will get through this. Just don’t give up.

90. Be strong my best friend. There is no limit to what you can accomplish.

91. At times, we may feel alone in this journey called life. But, have faith and move on. Be strong my best friend.

91. Be strong my best friend. Do not let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it.

92. Be strong my best friend; we’ll get through this together.

93. Be strong my best friend. I’ll always be there for you. I mean, I’m pretty much always around.

94. Be strong my best friend. The secret to getting ahead in life is getting started with something worthwhile.

95. Be strong my best friend. The storm will roar and vanish, and the sun will shine bright again.

97. Be strong my best friend, show the world the best version of yourself

98. Hard times build strong people. Be strong my best friend.

99. Be strong my best friend. Know that there is always another way.

100. Be strong my best friend. Be strong for yourself so that others can feel strong by you.

I hope you enjoyed this post and found these be strong my friend quotes inspiring and encouraging in helping your friends go through tough times bravely and well.

You are free to make use of as many as you love and also send them to your friends who you know need these motivating and inspiring quotes at this time.

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