I Broke Her Heart Quotes

Everyone loves a good love story. Sometimes, it even makes us wonder if there’s someone out there for us if we don’t have them already as it is exciting and fulfilling in many cases.

However, not every love story ends in a happily ever after. It turns out that some of them end quite differently. They’re usually painful, even worse than the most heartbreaking Bollywood movie. In such a hurtful situation, you run out of words to say, especially if you are the reason for the soured love between you two.

That’s why I’ve helped you compose the most empathetic I broke her heart quotes to help you express your deepest regret -whether it’s a situation of unrequited love or a broken relationship- and make up for it.

I broke her heart and made her begin to see life differently. If only she could see how many regrets I nurse in my heart. Babe, I am so sorry for being the one responsible for those painful tears.

1. I’m in a bit of trouble because I broke her heart, but I hope my girlfriend can forgive me, I know what I did was wrong, I’m sorry my love.

2. I broke her heart. I’ll never forgive myself. But she always loved me, even hugging me when she was angry.

3. My dear friend found out that I was using her and playing with her feelings. I know that she will never forgive me or forget me, but I’m just hoping that maybe one day she won’t hate me anymore.

4. I broke your heart my darling. I’ll fix it, I promise, one day, but not today. I’m sorry.

5. She said yes to my proposal, and then I did something dumb and broke her heart. Now she wants to kill me, I hope she can forgive me. I feel really bad for it.

6. I’m so sorry for breaking your heart. But I won’t stop loving you, I promise. One day, we’ll be together again without all the pain.

7. I said something I didn’t mean; I did something I regret. Now she says she hates me and refuses to forgive me for breaking her heart.

8. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done to you what you did to me. It was really dumb, and I know it broke your heart. Forgive me, my love.

9. I broke her heart and hope she can forgive me tonight before she sleeps. Else, I’ll remain in her black book forever. I guess it’s time to get flowers, chocolate and the works.

10. I broke her heart, and I regret it a lot! Now I am trying to make things right. Please, if you can forgive me, just send me a text and let me make things right.

11. I broke her heart, but that was the past. I’m here now, ready to fix what I broke and be the man she deserves.

12. I broke her heart; I did. I should’ve just opened the door and let her walk right out. I lost my cool, now I have a love shaped-hole in what’s left of my heart.

13. I broke her heart, She gave me a second chance, and I did the same thing again. Now she is giving me a third chance. I am so thankful she has such a large heart.

14. All I wanted was to spend the rest of my life with her. And now I’ve ruined everything. I need to re-strategize and win her back, I can’t live without her.

15. I’m truly sorry. I’ve hurt your heart too many times. It’ll never happen again, I promise.

16. I drove your love away with my bitter words forgetting how you gave without the desire to ask for anything in return. I’m so sorry, forgive me.

17. I broke her heart and hope she can forgive me. I’m only human; I make mistakes but I’ll be better next time.

18. I broke her heart, and I’m so sorry. I know that apologizing is not enough, but all I can say is that I hope she will find a way to forgive me.

19. Things have been going great at first, but then she caught me hugging my ex, and it broke her heart. I hope she can forgive me.

20. I broke her heart, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying to fix it.

21. I can’t believe I broke her heart. She’s so precious, I don’t know how I’ll ever forgive myself, but even more, how will she forgive me?

22. You are the only girl whose heart I’ve ever broken. I just need a minute of your time to ask for your tender forgiveness.

23. I’m sorry for what I did. I broke your heart and wish I could take back the things I said and all the pain I caused.

24. I still can’t get over the breakup. We can’t watch movies like we used to., dinner at our favourite restaurant isn’t the same without you. But I miss your smile the most. I’m miserable my love.

25. I’ve heard of people who live through their mistakes, but I’m the one who died because of mine, all because I broke the heart of the woman I love.

26. I’m to blame for breaking her heart, but the pain is causing me to break out in hives. I hope she can forgive me.

27. I broke her heart, and I don’t want this to be the last time I hear her laugh.

28. I broke her heart and crushed her spirit. She was everything I ever wanted. And now she’s gone. And it’s all my fault. I’ll never forgive myself for what I’ve done.

29. I regret all of my mistakes, but most of all, I regret hurting you. I’m so sorry. I miss you, and I will always love you.

30. We have grown apart, bit by bit, and when I think about it, we have been for some years now. And now that it’s over, I don’t know if it will ever stop hurting you, I’m sorry I broke your heart.

31. I never meant to break your heart, I never wanted to cause you any pain, but I was selfish, I got caught up in it all, and I broke your heart. Forgive me.

32. I’m sorry that I broke your heart. I was trying to fix us, but instead, I broke us. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, please do.

33. I broke her heart, and I don’t know how to fix it. I’m lost without her, I hope she can forgive me.

34. I miss you so much, my love, please come back to me. I can’t bear this pain even though I’m the one who broke your heart.

35. I wish I could take it all back, I broke her heart, and now she hates me.

36. I broke her heart, but she didn’t break mine. I wonder what I did to deserve her love. I am so sorry, girl.

37. I’m crushed that I hurt you, but even more because I am the reason you are in so much pain. I didn’t mean to break your heart. Can you ever forgive me?

38. When I broke her heart, she just looked at me, smiled, and said, “I love you.” I broke, I’m so sorry for hurting such a beautiful soul. I’m going to try all I can to win her back.

39. I broke your heart, but you never did the same to me. I hope we can be friends again.

40. I’m so sorry I broke your heart. I know the feeling is unbearable, and the pain runs deep. I pray that my mistakes will open your eyes to a kinder man who will cherish you. I love you with all my heart.

41. My heart is broken; I’m shattered. I really want her back. I miss her hugs and cuddles so much.

42. It was a moment of weakness. I’d rather spend my life with you than with any other woman. I’m so sorry I broke your heart.

43. I wish I could take all the pain I have caused you. It hurts me so much that I hurt you, forgive me, my love.

44. I love her, but I broke her heart and can’t let my true self show because I am a coward who can not tell her how much I love her.

45. Your smile still lights up my world when the sun is down. I’m sorry I did what I did to you, forgive me.

46. I was wrong. I’m sorry. But now it’s time for the million-dollar question: what can I do to make things better? I’ll do anything you want.

47. I broke her heart and made her not trust me again, but she understands she did nothing wrong, that I was the one to blame.

48. It’s not easy to pretend like she didn’t mean a thing to me. I love her, but I broke her heart and made her not trust me again.

49. She fell for me, and I broke her heart. Now we’re done because she doesn’t trust me anymore.

50. I broke her heart; I was a fool. She never thought that I could do this to her. But I want her back and want to fix what I did wrong!

51. I broke her heart; I made her cry. I hurt her so badly she didn’t want to stay. She was sad because she loved me, and now that love is gone.

52. I broke her heart; she was sad and hurt by me. But the best part is that she forgave me even though I never deserved it.

53. I was so in love with her, I’d die for her. But then I broke her heart, and now I lost her.

54. I broke your heart, broke your trust, and now I have to spend the rest of my life trying to fix it.

55. I told her I would love her forever, but I lied.

56. I was the first guy she ever loved; we were together for years, then I broke her heart, and we didn’t talk for months.

57. I never meant to hurt you. I only wanted you to see the pain I was going through.

58. I broke her heart and made her not trust me again. She changed forever, and now we don’t talk anymore. I’m lost without her.

59. I will always remember her! I broke her heart and made her not trust me again.

60. When you feel like you want to give up, remember that I broke her heart even though I love her. So I am a lot worse than you.

61. She loved me, and I broke her heart when she trusted me the most.

62. I’m sorry for breaking your trust and hurting you, but I swear it will never happen again.

63. I never thought love could hurt this much. I loved you, but I guess I just wasn’t enough.

64. I broke her heart and made her not trust me again, and now she says I’m a fool.

65. I broke her heart, and she could not trust me again. I asked her to forgive me, but she did not reply. I think she is going out with some other guy these days.

66. I broke her heart; she left me and never trusted me anymore. I wish she can see it, I’m sorry.

67. I broke her heart. And she looked mad. I still love her, but I don’t know if she still loves me.

68. I did not expect to have this feeling again. But I do now, and I’m so sorry for leaving you thinking I never loved you anymore.

69. I broke her heart and made her not trust me again. I deserve all the pain of this world for what I’ve done.

70. I need to write this down now: I broke her heart and made her not trust me again. But then I won her back with hard work.

71. When she left, a part of me died. I broke her heart like I had never done anyone before.

72. I broke her heart; there’s no other way to put it. She still loves me and probably always will, but she doesn’t trust me anymore. I have to earn that back.

73. I lost her love because I had broken her heart by lying and cheating on her.

74. I love you. I’m sorry. When you said you needed me, I wasn’t there for you. When you said you loved me, I didn’t believe you. When you said we’d be together forever, I took it for granted.

75. Now that your words have come back to haunt me and envelope my heart, I wish I didn’t have to say that I broke her heart because she means everything to me.

76. I pushed her so far away. I broke her heart and made her not trust me anymore. There’s no way back now, I’m so sorry.

77. I’m heartbroken and sorry because I broke her heart and made her not trust me again.

78. She trusted me, and I broke her heart. I wish I could fix it, but I can’t; all I can do is make her fall in love with me again.

79. I broke her heart, and it’s killing me inside. I can’t get her out of my mind; I know she believes we’re through.

80. I tried to be the man your mom wanted me to be. But deep down, I knew that I was not cut out for marriage. And that’s how I broke her tender heart.

81. I can’t undo what I did to you, my love. I can only say I’m sorry and I hope you can forgive me.

82. I broke her heart, and now she won’t accept my apologies.

83. Our love was special, but I broke her heart still and now wish she could take me back.

84. I wish she could accept my apology and forgive me, but I broke her heart. I can’t blame her if she doesn’t.

85. I broke her heart; she left me. I apologize, but she doesn’t accept. When is she going to forgive? She’s already taken away too much from me.

86. I broke her heart. Now she won’t accept my apologies, and the truth is, I don’t blame her.

87. I broke her heart once, and I can’t bear to do it again. I messed up so bad that we can’t be the same ever again. I’m sorry babe.

88. To my ex-girlfriend that I hurt by cheating on her, I hope you can accept my apologies. You will always be in my heart and soul for eternity.

89. I broke her heart, but I’m trying to fix it by being more attentive, considerate, and loving.

90. I broke her heart, and now she won’t even say hi. I can’t explain why she wouldn’t listen to me anyway, but I hope she will forgive me.

91. I broke her heart. It was not my intention. I can’t fix that, but I can try to make it better. I’m sorry.

92. I’m sorry I broke your heart and my promise, but I do miss you.

93. I want to take back what I did and say I’m sorry. But even if you can forgive me, I know you won’t forget. I broke your heart and I’m sorry.

94. I just broke her heart, the heart of the one I truly love. I made a huge mistake, I pray she finds the grace to forgive me because I don’t know what I’ll do without her.

95. I broke her heart. And I wish she would’ve given me the chance to explain.

96. It was my fault, and I am sorry. I broke her heart, And she is moving on without me. I miss her so much.

97. I broke her heart. I knew it would come back to haunt me. Now my future is uncertain without her.

98. Today, my wife said she wants a divorce. I broke her heart; now I’m trying to fix mine. If only you can find it within your heart to forgive, I’ll do all I can to make it right.

99. I wish I could take back everything, the pain, the sorrow. All the things that have gone wrong. I broke her into pieces, I’m so sorry, my love.

100. I should’ve sent you flowers when I had the chance. They would’ve been better than my choked-up words. Forgive me for breaking your heart, my darling.

I trust that with these I broke her heart quotes, I’ve expressed what is in your heart so that you’ll be able to win her forgiveness. Please, don’t forget to drop your comments and let me know how you feel about these quotes. Kindly share this post with your friends who need it. Thank you.

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