This is a sample of a welcome address intended for local organizations and meeting bodies in any local government of choice. The names and places that appear here is just a fiction to achieve this aim of address writing. This example can guide any writer. I hope this helps you in your quest.

We the entire member of A/S band of Abakaliki/Afikpo province heartly welcome the CMC3, Army chief and his entourage and members of A/s band from other provinces of the CMCs3.
We appreciate your visit; for this is the first time you are visiting us since the creation of Abakaliki/Afikpo province. We are pleased for the consideration you gave us to host the CMC3 A/s meeting hoping that you will enjoy Abakaliki rice and other bounty of nature in our state, nicknamed the salt of the Nation. We shall salt you before your departure so that you remain blessed in Jesus name.
We wish you a happy deliberation while ensuring you of your safely, comfort and enjoyment in Abakaliki.

We thank you and wish to host you again during your region.

God bless CMC3 A/S Band! May the God of our father Michael Idam Emea-oji direct and lead us back in peace, after of meeting, Amen.

Signed A/S Freeman Okah (Sir)

(Prov. Army Chief)    

Abakalik/Afikpo Province 

This is a sample of a welcome address intended for local organizations and meeting bodies in any local government of choice. The names and places that appear here is just a fiction to achieve this aim of address writing. This example can guide any writer. I hope this helps you in your quest.

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