It’s Okay to Be Upset Quotes

People often say things like, “you shouldn’t be angry, upset or sad about this” However, other people believe the idea that you should be happy all the time comes from a really old, really wrong idea about how emotions work.

It is believed that being upset is part of being human. It’s normal to be upset when bad things happen and when good things don’t turn out as you hoped. You will fail, you will cry, and you will move on.

It’s human to be sad sometimes, so it’s okay to have emotions. You will roll with the punches and keep going. At times it might be tough, but you will always make progress, even if it’s hard to notice at times.

If you need quotes about this, dive into the collection of it’s okay to be upset quotes below. They are sure to inspire anyone.

It’s okay to be upset–there’s a lot of hopelessness out there, and sometimes we can feel really crushed by it all. But remind yourself that you’re not alone, and the good news is that you can determine your own happiness.

1. It’s okay to be upset. It’s important to talk about how you feel; being vulnerable is the first step in healing.

2. If you’re struggling, it’s okay to be upset. It doesn’t mean the person you love is a bad person. It just means they have their own problems.

3. There are a lot of things you have to accept in life. It’s okay to be upset, but you can’t let your emotions overwhelm you.

4. It’s okay to be upset. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be angry. But don’t let your emotions control you. Take responsibility for them and do something about it.

5. Life is a long series of ups and downs. It’s okay to be upset sometimes; I know it feels like there’s no way to get back up again. But you have to keep going and remember that, in the end, it was all worth it.

6. It’s okay to be upset. It’s okay to feel down. You can get through anything if you have the right attitude, love yourself and your body the way it is, and use the little things in life to make you happy…whether that be taking a bath, getting an oil change or going out for a walk!

7. It’s okay to be mad. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to take a break. You will get through this!

8. It’s okay to feel upset. It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to grieve, but you can’t let it control you.

9. Stop crying and start living. It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to feel sad. But don’t let them stop you from doing the things that matter most to you.

10. It’s okay to feel sad and angry about what has been happening in the world. You can’t change it all, but you can make a difference by taking action and doing good things for yourself and others.

11. Be sad. Be mad. Be frustrated. It’s okay to feel all of those things, but don’t let it turn into resentment. Let it motivate you to change.

12. It’s okay to be upset. It’s okay, just not to be okay. Life is full of ups and downs, but you must learn how to move through these moments in your life.

13. It’s okay to be upset, but it’s not okay to give up. Be strong and believe that things will get better.

14. It’s okay to be upset and angry. It means you care enough to fight for what is right. Stay strong and hold onto your dreams.

15. We’re all human; we get it. It’s okay to be upset and sad when something unexpected happens. Even if you don’t know how to process it all at once, there will always be someone there who can help.

16. When you’re feeling down, remember: it’s a normal human reaction to feel bad sometimes. When life is overwhelming, take a breath and remind yourself that it’s okay to be upset sometimes.

17. It’s okay to feel sad and upset. There are always people who love you, care about you and will listen to you and help you with your problems.

18. It’s okay to be upset. It’s a natural reaction to life stress and is often the result of taking too much on in your life. Take a breath, step back and make a plan to fix what you can.

19. When you’re upset, take a deep breath and remember that it’s okay to be upset.

20. It’s okay to be upset; it’s okay to be discouraged. Life will pass you by if you don’t keep moving forward. Life is not always fair, and life is not always easy. But it is always worth it.

21. If there’s something you want to do, but you’re really sad and upset, it’s okay just to do it. It’s fine! You don’t have to justify yourself or explain yourself. But if you’re not sure what to do and you feel like your world has come crashing down, that’s normal. And there is nothing wrong with feeling like that.

22. It’s okay to be frustrated. The worst part is, that it’s not the end of the world. You’ll get through this, and you’ll find your strength again.

23. It’s okay to feel sad or angry. It will pass. But, it is never okay to stay in those feelings and never get over them because if you do, they just might become an entire life’s worth of problems.

24. It’s okay to feel sad, angry or scared. But it’s more important to feel what you’re feeling and then do something about it.

25. It’s okay to be upset. People come, go and change in your life. Don’t get stuck on one person who left you. Find someone who makes you smile, and don’t forget to breathe.

26. Life is better when you don’t try so hard. It’s okay to be upset, even angry. It’s okay not to feel good all the time.

27. Sometimes, life is just too hard to handle. But you can control how you feel about it. It’s okay to be upset, angry or sad, but don’t let that change who you are as a person.

28. You don’t have to be happy all the time. It’s okay to feel sad sometimes. The world around us is a place of extremes, so it’s okay to take a moment and reflect on all that you do have.

29. Life has so many ups and downs, but it’s okay to be upset sometimes. It takes a lot of strength to overcome sadness and find the positive in every situation.

30. It’s okay to be sad and discouraged. The world will keep turning, and you can fix things if you want to try. But I know some days it’s hard to just sit still in the face of things like this.

31. It’s okay to be sad. It’s not normal, but it is okay. Let your feelings out and express them in a healthy way. Sometimes being upset is the best thing that can happen to you.

32. It’s okay to be upset. It’s good to grieve and let things be as they are, but it’s also healthy to move on and feel better.

33. It’s difficult to find words that express how we feel. But at the end of it all, it’s okay to be upset and feel bad. That’s normal.

34. It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel everything, but don’t let it take over!

35. It’s okay to be upset about things that happen in your life. It’s a sign that you care.

36. It’s okay to feel angry, scared or hurt. It’s even okay to cry. But don’t let those feelings control you. We are stronger together than we are apart.

37. It’s okay to be afraid. It’s okay to be sad. It’s all right not to want to move forward, but you must take that first step.

38. Sometimes, it’s okay to feel angry, scared and hopeless. But remember, everyone has a story.

39. It’s okay to go through a rough patch; everyone goes through it. You just have to think positive and do your best.

40. Don’t worry about being upset. You will be over it before you even know it. But think of the good things that come out of every situation; there is a reason for everything, and at the end of the day, your life will get better!

41. When you feel like giving up on yourself, remember it’s okay to be upset. You’re human. It takes time, but you can get through anything if you put your mind to it.

42. It’s okay to be upset. It’s okay to feel hurt. It’s okay to feel angry. It’s okay to be sad. Life is just too short to keep holding on to anger, sorrow, or fear.

43. It’s okay to be upset. Everyone has gone through something like this at least once in their lives. But it’s important not to let it define you, but to move on and learn from your mistakes. It will make your future experiences so much better.

44. There’s a difference between being upset and letting it get the best of you. It’s okay to be upset, but it is not okay to allow your sadness to keep you from making progress.

45. It’s okay to be upset. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel hurt and angry. But remember that those feelings are just moments in the process of healing, growing, and getting stronger.

46. Life will always have its ups and downs. Don’t let it get you down. It’s okay to be upset when things don’t go the way you want them to, but remember that this, too, shall pass.

47. It’s okay to be upset. It doesn’t mean you’ve failed as a person or that your life is over. It’s just a sign that things are out of alignment at this moment.

48. Don’t let the small things in life get you down; life is too short to stay miserable. Be happy. It’s okay to be upset sometimes, but don’t let your anger and sadness make you unhappy for too long.

49. You don’t have to be okay. It’s always ok to be upset and feel down, but it doesn’t mean you need to stay there. You can fight through the sadness and hopefully get back on top of things.

50. It’s okay to be upset. It’s normal to need some time to make sense of what happened in your life. It is healing to be with people who love and support you through this difficult period.

When our expectations aren’t met, we sometimes get upset. The intensity of the upset depends on how important meeting these expectations was to us. It’s totally okay to be upset as it helps heal fast.

It’s good to see you have read through those it’s okay to be upset quotes above. I hope you got the quotes that met your need. Kindly let me know in the comment section.

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