I Am Not a Perfect Friend Quotes

Being a perfect friend is a myth. You can’t be a perfect friend. It’s impossible to be a perfect friend because you’re not perfect yourself. You can only be the best version of yourself, and that’s all that you can give others.

The first thing to understand about friendship is that there are no perfect friends. People have different personalities, interests, likes and dislikes. They also come from different backgrounds and have different experiences in life. This means that it is impossible for two people to be exactly alike. Therefore, there will always be differences between them and this can cause problems in their relationship if they don’t understand this fact and accept it.

So what does it mean when you admit that you are not a perfect friend? You are saying that you are not perfect and that you are human and make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean you don’t care about your friend.

No matter how great you are at friendships, there will always be something that makes you imperfect –– some flaw or characteristic that makes you less than a perfect human being. And that’s okay because nobody is perfect anyway!

Below are I am not a perfect friend quotes to make your friend understand that it’s okay to not be a perfect friend because we all are works in progress.

I am not a perfect friend, and I will not pretend to be. I go through stuff no one knows about because I always like to deal with things myself. Whoever is not cool with that stands a chance to lose me.

1. I am not a perfect friend. I get jealous and angry, I am envious and sometimes I get rude, but in the end, I love you more than anything.

2. I’m not a perfect friend. I’ll annoy you, make fun of you, and say stupid things, but you’ll never find someone who loves you as much as I do.

3. I am not a perfect friend. I will irritate you, piss you off, say stupid things and then take it all back. But put that all aside, and you’ll never find a friend who cares and loves you more than me.

4. I’m not a perfect friend. Sometimes I make mistakes – yet I appreciate that you are always there for me no matter what happens.

5. I am not a perfect friend. I am not a perfect sister, daughter, girlfriend, or partner. But I will love with all of my heart, and all of my soul.

6. I’m not a perfect friend. Sometimes, I get jealous, sometimes I get overprotective. Sometimes, I say things I don’t mean, but I always make sure that you feel loved, cared for, and happy.

7. I am not a perfect friend, but I can promise you that as long as we are friends, I will never leave your side. No matter what happens, you can count on me.

8. I’m not a perfect friend, I make mistakes, and I hurt people. But when I say sorry, I mean it.

9. I may not be a perfect friend, but at least I am not fake.

10. I’m not a perfect friend. There are many things I wish I didn’t do but I continue learning.

11. I’m not a perfect friend. I make a lot of mistakes. But still, I really appreciate those people who stay with me after knowing who I really am.

12. I am not one of those people who like pretending to be someone that they are not just to please or impress others because that is simply exhausting and stressful for me.

13. I am not a perfect friend. I’m not going to try to be one. People always expect me to be something I’m not. I can’t appease everyone.

14. I am not a perfect friend. I don’t have the time, the energy or the desire to do it. I am who I am and if you don’t like it, then that’s your problem. It doesn’t matter to me.

15. I am not a perfect friend, and I don’t have to be. Nobody is, and nobody has to be.

16. I am not a perfect friend, and that’s okay. In fact, that’s what makes me beautiful; my flaws, my quirks, my imperfections.

17. I am not a perfect friend, but I can promise you that my friendship is worth more than the best friendships.

18. I’m not a perfect friend. Sometimes, I get mad at you for no reason, and I won’t talk to you for a few days. But when I do, it’s because I love you, and care about our friendship.

19. I’m not a perfect friend. I’m a human being. I’m not perfect. I make mistakes all the time, but I guess my job is to keep those mistakes to myself, which I’m already fine doing, and just try to be the best I can be for myself.

20. No one wants to be a perfect friend, but we all aspire to be better ones. Even if you think you’re a great friend, there might still be opportunities for improvement.

21. Being a real friend is about more than just being nice. It’s also about being genuine and being willing to listen when someone is in need of your support.

22. You are my best friend and that is the only thing that matters. You can count on me no matter what.

23. I may not be able to give you all the things that you need and all the things that you want, but I can assure you that whatever it is that I have given to you, they are all given with love and sincerity.

24. I promise to stay beside you through thick and thin. Whatever happens in our lives, as long as we have each other, everything will be okay. We will always find our way together.

25. We may not always see each other every single day or even talk to each other day, but I just want you to know that no matter what happens or how much time passes by without us speaking to each other, nothing will come between us.

26. I am not a perfect friend, but that’s exactly what makes me human.

27. I am not a perfect friend. In fact, I am far from it. But I have never lied to you or betrayed you.

28. It is not my job to understand your pain or give you the best advice in this world because I am not a perfect friend, and no one ever will be.

29. I am not a perfect friend but I promise that all the secrets you tell me are safe with me.

30. I am not a perfect friend, and therefore, I do not expect you to be one too. But I do hope that we will stick together for as long as possible because we are better together than apart.

31. I am not a perfect friend, but I do promise to be there for you when you need me.

32. I am not a perfect friend—I make mistakes. But I will always be there for you and love you the way you are.

33. I am not a perfect friend, nor do I expect you to be. But I want us to be honest and real with each other—when we mess up, when we’re mad at one another and when things aren’t turning out how we hoped.

34. I’m not a perfect friend. But I do promise to be there for you when you need me.

35. I try to be the best friend ever, but I am not always right. If at any time I have offended you, I am sorry.

36. I’m not the perfect friend. I’m just a friend who always tells it like it is and loves to get close enough to see the stars in your eyes.

37. You see me as Perfect, but I am not. We are not all perfect friends. I don’t expect you to be perfect and I don’t want to be perfect either. Besides, perfection can be boring. Let’s be imperfect together.

38. I am not a perfect friend, but I can change for you if you give me the chance.

39. I’m not perfect. I’m an imperfect friend, but I am ready and willing to change for you!

40. I do not like perfection, because there is no such thing. I like the imperfections in life and the fact that we are all flawed in our own special way.

41. I am not a perfect friend, I make mistakes. Sometimes, I say the wrong things but I will always protect you, care for you, and love you.

42. It takes a lot to be a friend. It takes commitment and compromise, communication and trust. It takes the ability to listen but also know when to speak up. It takes being able to forgive but also knowing when boundaries need to be set.

43. No friendship is perfect, nor will it ever be, because people are flawed and human. But that doesn’t mean they can’t have great friendships or that you shouldn’t have high standards for whom you let into your life.

44. I’m not a perfect friend, and I’ll never be, but if You will give me the chance to be your friend, I will do my best, and never let you down.

45. I’m not a perfect friend but I really appreciate the people who stuck around and never left my side. True friends will always stay by your side even when everyone else walks out.

46. I am not a perfect friend. There will be so many times I will make you mad, upset you and disappoint you. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.

47. If I were a perfect friend, I would always be there for you, no matter what; I would lie to your face just to see you smile. But I’m not perfect so don’t expect too much of me.

48. I am not a perfect friend, but I have done everything that makes me feel like a true friend to you. If we are going to lose each other as friends, then let it be now rather than later.

49. I am not a perfect friend because I don’t know how to act sweet or romantic. It’s difficult for me to express my feelings without making it sound like I’m talking about a business deal.

50. I am not a perfect friend because I don’t know how to play cute games, like tickling your feet or pulling the chair out from under you. I can only give you a big hug or hold your hand when you feel down.

Hello there. I hope this meets you well. How did you feel about the I am not a perfect friend quotes up there? I’m sure they will help you deal with friends better.

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