Today Is Better Than Yesterday Quotes

Seasons change, and people come and go, but the clock keeps ticking. The journey of life is that you keep going. The past, present and future are all moments in time that we encounter at different times, but the present day is the most important because it brings us moments in real-time.

As you are here now, today is an opportunity to make the most of the beautiful hours of each day.
Why spend the day thinking about events of the past or the possibilities of the future when you can make today your best day yet.

Today is better than yesterday quotes are timeless words that will always remind of the present and encourage you to make the most of it. Go through the collection and pick your favourites, even though I have a feeling that you’ll love every one of them.

One thing about yesterday; is it’s in the past. Keep up with the present and remember that today is better than yesterday. You can’t change anything about yesterday but can make the most of today.

1. Today is a new day; yesterday is in the past. Today is better than yesterday in every way. The sun is up, and the day is bright with possibility, don’t let yesterday hold you back.

2. Let today take over with inspiration for where you want to go and what you want to be because today is better than yesterday.

3. Yesterday is gone; today is a new day, and it is better than yesterday. Today is better than yesterday, so be inspired to enjoy the moments of the present day.

4. Stop dwelling on the past; it is gone. Yesterday has already happened, and we should never go back. Instead, look forward and embrace the present, knowing that today is better than yesterday.

5. When you wake up, remember that today is better than yesterday. Be thankful for how far you have come.

6. A reminder that you have the opportunity to be a better person today than you were yesterday. As you learn from your mistakes, trust today will be better than yesterday.

7. Today is better than yesterday because the present day is an opportunity to do something new and uplifting.

8. Life is a series of problems that we must overcome; that’s why you should never dwell on yesterday. Today is better than yesterday; that’s why you get a chance for a fresh start.

9. Yesterday is gone; today is a new day, so make the most of it. Keep in mind that today is better than yesterday.

10. You always have the opportunity to have a great day when you remember that today is better than yesterday and everything in the past.

11. Today is a day to remember. It’s a day to live to the fullest and keep your heart light because today is better than yesterday. It’s your day, so show up and own it.

12. Without a doubt, today is better than yesterday, and that’s why today matters more than anything in your past.

13. No matter how good yesterday was for you, never forget that today is better than yesterday, so keep an open mind for the day.

14. There is a reason why yesterday is in the past. Today is better than yesterday and everything that happened in it.

15. When you least expect it, the best things will come to you, but you have to let go of yesterday and acknowledge that yesterday is better than today.

16. Anything you dream of is possible if you believe today is better than yesterday. Have a beautiful day, and make every moment as beautiful as you can.

17. I hope you take some time today to savour all that is right with your life and enjoy what you have to be grateful for, knowing that today is better than yesterday.

18. As you get up, think about how you will work to be the best at whatever you do today. Don’t forget that today is better than yesterday, and do what you can today amazing.

19. Today is a better day, so make it count. Start your day right with a reminder that today is better than yesterday.

20. A new day is always better than a good night, and because you ought to live in the moment, today is better than yesterday.

21. Every day of your life can be your best day if you realize that today is better than yesterday, so you can enjoy every moment.

22. While yesterday may have been beautiful for you, today is still better than yesterday because you can make the most of the moments ahead.

23. There are so many days to make up for, so many possibilities for a better future starting today. Don’t dwell on yesterday’s mistakes or what could have been.

24. Once a day is over, it doesn’t matter as much as the present day. Today is better than yesterday because the present matters more than the past.

25. This is the day that matters. Today is the day. Every day is a gift; make the most of it, knowing that today is better than yesterday.

26. One thing about today, it gives you the wonderful opportunity to start afresh all over again, and that’s why today is better than yesterday.

27. You are better off being present than dwelling in the past. Embrace the beauty of the present, knowing that today is better than yesterday.

28. Days come and go, but the one that matters right now is today. Today is better than yesterday and the moments that came with it.

29. With each new day, you have an opportunity to create new memories instead of dwelling on the memories of yesterday.

30. Let your mind be as open and receptive to new ideas as the dawn of a new day, knowing that today is better than yesterday.

31. If you are on a mission to turn your ideas into reality, don’t settle for less than the best and be reminded that today is better than yesterday.

32. No matter how great your past is, today will always be better than yesterday in all the ways you can’t imagine.

33. Today is exciting because of all the things you can explore. Today is a chance for a new beginning that is better than yesterday.

34. Although you will always have memories from your past, today is better than yesterday, and that’s an important thing to remember.

35. Today is an opportunity to do a new thing in your life better than yesterday. Every moment within your day can be a chance to achieve something more.

36. Today is a new day; you will get out of bed and make it the best day yet because today is better than yesterday.

37. With yesterday in your rearview, remember that today is a new day, full of possibilities and moments to keep you inspired.

38. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. Make the most of the present day because today is better than yesterday.

39. Put your past behind you and move forward. Focus on today, not yesterday!

40. Don’t let the past ruin your present. Today is your chance for a fresh start. Let go of the past and continue moving forward, bearing in mind that today is better than yesterday.

41. Whatever you do, don’t let the past hinder your creativity and what’s in store for you today. Think of today and all the good things that can come from it.

42. Your past does not define you in any way; today is a testament that yesterday is now in the past.

43. Start living in the moments that today brings to you. Today is better than yesterday, and life will always go on.

44. Don’t let the mistakes of yesterday ruin today for you. You can achieve your goals today, knowing that today is a better day.

45. Sometimes, all your can do is take your journey one day and a time. Today is better than yesterday, and today’s events will better shape your journey.

46. Start your new day with a smile bearing in mind that today is better than yesterday. Keep a positive attitude for the better things of today.

47. Every new day is a chance to improve yourself and make the world a better place, but first, you must realize that today is better than yesterday.

48. Today is a chance to think about how to make your life better than it was yesterday.

49. Let’s start this day as if it were the first we’d ever know that today will be a better day.

50. We all have days where we are unsure if we can do it, but with hard work, practice and determination, we can accomplish anything, especially knowing that today is better than yesterday.

51. Yesterday is history, today has all the makings of a beautiful day, but you have to choose between dwelling on the events of yesterday and the moments of today.

52. Today is a new day and a new beginning reminding us that it is time to make some new memories better than yesterday.

53. This is a new day, so make it better than yesterday by working harder and staying accountable with goals for the day.

54. Never let yesterday’s events hinder you from enjoying the present day to the fullest in all the ways you can.

55. Let today be the best you’ve ever been. If you want, your today can be better than yesterday, down to every minute.

56. You have everything to gain when you make today better than yesterday for many reasons, including having the best possible day.

57. For every day you experience, you get to decide how well your day turns out. Either way, today is better than yesterday.

58. You have a say in how well your day goes; this begins with having the right attitude and believing that today is better than yesterday.

59. I’m not surprised, but today is already looking better than yesterday, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that.

60. My goal for the new day is to make today better than yesterday so I can have the best time.

61. Don’t let yesterday’s problems hold you back from having a great today because today is better than yesterday.

62. Today is another opportunity to live your best because today is better than yesterday. Life gives you all happiness if you embrace the present.

63. Whatever you do, live in the present moment and make today better than yesterday because you deserve the best of everything.

64. Today is better than yesterday in every way possible because you live in the present but can only think about the past.

65. It’s a new day and a chance to make today better than yesterday. You have the right to a beautiful and fulfilling day.

66. Today is a new day, a fresh start, and a clean slate; it makes it better than yesterday. It’s never too late to have the best of the day.

67. Everything you’ve done, everything you’ve been through, is what’s made you who you are today, and today’s actions outweigh those of yesterday.

68. It’s never too late to turn a day around for the better. Today can be anything you want it to be because today is better than today.

69. Today is a new day that brings you moments that can make you happy. There’s nothing you can do to change yesterday’s events, so make the most of today.

70. Let today be better than yesterday because you always have an opportunity to have an amazing day, but you can’t change the past.

71. Start the day with a smile and a thankful heart because today is the only day you have in the present, and yesterday is gone.

72. I am thankful for the new day and the opportunity I have to make today better than yesterday.

73. Yesterday is a memory, and today is full of moments that have the potential to be better than yesterday.

74. It’s not rocket science, and you don’t need a soothsayer to tell you that today is better than yesterday.

75. Whatever happens, don’t let yesterday hold you back from making today the best.

76. Today is a new day that begins with a clean slate with every potential to be better than yesterday if you let it.

77. It’s great to have beautiful memories, but they all belong in the past. Today gives you a chance to make some more memories in the present.

78. you can live each day to the fullest if you keep in mind that today is better than yesterday and that life has a great of making everything fall into place.

79. It’s not too late in the day to make today better than yesterday. Today is a day of greatness and happiness.

80. The past is a place you’ve been. The future is a place you’re going, but today is right here to everything you want it to be.

81. I feel that today will be better than yesterday, and the moments will be amazing.

82. Don’t let today take you by surprise; make it better than yesterday, and have your best day.

83. Never lose sight of the fact that today is better than yesterday. Wake up every day with the attitude to make the present day as fulfilling as possible.

84. Instead of imagining what tomorrow will look like or being stuck in yesterday’s events, you should enjoy the moments of today.

85. You are always one choice away from having a better day than the previous day. Have yourself a beautiful day.

86. There’s a big difference between the past and the present; one of them is that today is better than yesterday.

87. Time is the difference between yesterday and today. Time goes forward, not backwards; therefore, today is better than yesterday.

88. I can’t think of any scenario where yesterday is ever better than the present day.

89. Once yesterday is gone, do not spend too much looking in the rearview; look ahead and embrace the beauty of the present day.

90. I can’t change what happened yesterday, but I believe today will bring me better moments than yesterday.

91. It’s a new day. A fresh start. Re-evaluate your goals, put yourself in a positive frame of mind and make the most of today.

92. Life is too short for bad coffee and, more importantly, a bad day. Whatever you do, work towards making today better than yesterday.

93. Today is a new day; yesterday is in the past. Today is better than yesterday, so choose to focus on the present day.

94. Another day is here and yesterday is behind you. Making today better than yesterday is a good start to having a beautiful day.

95. Sometimes, the only control you have over your life is making sure that you have a better day than the day before.

96. Yesterday is behind us, and there is nothing we can do about it now. For today, let’s make it better than yesterday.

97. Today is the day to be extraordinary. Yesterday is blocked out, so focus your energy on having a wonderful day.

98. Don’t let yesterday’s stress and drama hold you back from having the most amazing day.

99. You are incredible and have the power to have a great day, but first, you must believe that today is better than yesterday.

100. Before the day is over, make the most of the moments that come to you. Nothing you do can change yesterday, but today is full of possibilities, so take a chance and make it worth your time.

Once a day is over, there’s nothing more you can do about it. Live in the present and enjoy the moments that come with it.

I hope these today is better than yesterday quotes served as inspirational notes for you and for you to share on social media.

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