Happy Birthday Wishes for Old School Friend (2022)

We all know friendship is a beautiful thing. It sometimes creates a bond that cannot be broken.

Perhaps, you need beautiful pieces of birthday messages to send an old friend whom you just rekindled your friendship or the type that has always been there. Worry no more, as we have what you are looking for.

Below are the best happy birthday wishes for old school friend of yours. Be sure to put a smile on their faces after reading this message(s).

Whether they’re your old friend from countryside or an old high school friend, these happy birthday wishes and quotes are the best to send to him or her.

1. Happy birthday to a long time friend. You have become irreplaceable, so much so I can’t imagine another friend like you. I would take this day to celebrate your life. Happy birthday rare gem.

2. Though in the journey of life 20 friends cannot walk together for 20 years, you have been there since ages and you mean more than 20 friends to me. Happy birthday to a faithful friend.

3. Happy birthday to a friend who has been there since aeons. You have lived a special life and your presence I likened to being touched by an angel. Happy birthday, dear friend.

4. She is bright like a shooting star and has been there like a rock of many ages. Happy birthday to a friend from way back.

5. Some friends turn enemies after sometimes lucky for us, we’ve turned siblings after so many years. Happy birthday dear friend. I wish you Joy and happiness that cannot be washed away by time.

6. A big happy birthday shout out to a friend from the past. May you blossom like a morning flower. Cheers!

7. An old friend like you can only give the flavour of an old sweet wine. On this special day, I wish you a life that accomplishes goals, fulfils dreams and a life well spent in good health, joy and happiness.

8. Dear friend, I wanna wish you a happy birthday. Not so many things stand the test of time, but You and I have come a long way. Wishing you the sweetness of life.

9. I remember how we started as friends and how many birthdays we’ve celebrated together. Today, I wanna take this time to wish you whatever makes you happy.

10. Some days are special. Your birthday is one of those days. We’ve come a long way like the sands of time and time after time you’ve been there. Wishing you many happy returns. Happy Birthday Old Friend.

11. Our friendship has turned to a bond that cannot be broken, you have been a reason for that bond. Today, I wanna wish you so many good things that I cannot say but all I can say is, have your self a very happy life henceforth.

12. It’s been a long time coming and even the time spent apart couldn’t impair the friendship we share. Today is your birthday and I can’t help but go nostalgic. Happy birthday dear friend. I want you to know that I’m happy you are part of my life.

13. Happy birthday, my dear friend. You’re like an old treasure that remains precious, valuable and never diminishes with time. If on a special day like this, I was to make wishes on your behalf I would ask that the universe brings you blessings that surpasses your dream. Many happy returns.

14. We’ve come a long way from where we began, we started young and now we are here. Though time has passed, our friendship remains a bond that cannot be broken. Now, tell me how can I forget a day like this in your life. It’s indeed a memorable day not just for you but also, for me cause a friend of inestimable value was born and you walked into my life to make it a lot easier. I wish you the strength to overcome every hurdle of life, to stay forever young, glowing and blessed. I love you, dear friend.

15. Life can be so boring without a friend whom you can share a smile with, ride the hurdles of life with, whom can cheer you on in competitions and can celebrate with you when goals are won. Though it’s been a long time, we remain unbreakable and unshakable by distances and whatever barrier life has hit us with. Today is marked by brightness and savour because, indeed, a beautiful and sweet individual was born. I would go the end of the earth to make your dreams and wishes come true. Happy birthday, to a true friend, tell me your wishes let me make them come true.

16. Happy birthday, my buddy from the past. We started small, then what was small became grand and ever since then we’ve been inseparable even by distance cause true friends always have each other in mind. All I ask for is that you find the basics things of life; Joy, love and happiness donned with long life. I love you.

17. Out of sight isn’t out of mind. You’ve always been right here in my mind even when I couldn’t see you in person. You were born great on a great day and you can only remain great. Happy birthday to a great fellow, who makes the world a better place.

18. If I should count my blessings, I would count you as one of them cause, to me, true friendship and bond is a rare gift. Happy birthday my lovely friend, from whom I tasted what a true friend is like.

19. Only a few things last in life and a true friendship is one of them. We’ve been a fan of each other from day one. Since today is your birthday, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell you that you mean the world to me. Merry birthday to you. Stay strong, stay young and stay blessed.

20. If I should build an ark, I would build an ark of friendship so, we can sail together for life, just you and I. Happy birthday to my friend from back in the days.

21. Your birthday has made me reminiscence how we started our journey as young friends, naive about life but yet walked through life fearlessly. My friend, I want you to know that you are not just important to me but also to the world because you make this world a better place.

22. You are my best lady in the world because you are my best friend. We’ve made history together but we never remained in the past. We remain together sharing a bond that cannot be broken. Happy birthday dear friend, I wish you the very best of everything worthy cause, you are simply the best.

22. I cannot measure your worth but, I can say how far we’ve come. Our journey is simply unforgettable. We’ve marked several birthdays together however, this is different cause it shows that we remain friends forever regardless of time and place. Happy birthday, you are the best.

23. Happy birthday to the best man in the world. I give you the best man title cause you are the best friend I ever had from time memorial. Happy birthday, our bond will never be broken.

24. Happy birthday to a longtime friend. We both hold the memories we share, as we took different turns in life but never did we drifted apart. I wish you so much more until your blessings run over.

25. One thing I realized as your friend is this; the fire of our friendship is always rekindled, it never burns down. Happy birthday to a friend whom I share so much with, a friend with whom I started life. Your life would be filled with good health, marked with remarkable memories, decorated with wealth and blessed with Joy and happiness.

26. Happy birthday my friend. We’ve come a long way, marked with ups and down, however, in all these we’ve stayed through to each other. What is a birthday without a wish? I’m wishing you something better than the best, greater than the greatest and richer than the richest. Happy birthday, dear.

27. With time, we’ve made memories we can’t forget. As one of my old friends, I can’t wish you anything less than what you deserve. I wish you every sweetness that life has to offer.

28. You deserve a gold jewellery shining so bright for being a friend of ages. Happy birthday, all I see today is a firework shinning so bright, with your name written in the sky. I wish you many happy returns, may you wake up each day with greater reasons to live life.

29. When the world seemed dimmed and dull, you made it brighter just by being my friend. Every day we discovered something brand new and we’ve come this far because you were the sweetest friend in the universe. Girl, I wish you an aura that attracts favour and a scent that beautifies you. Happy birthday dear friend.

30. I know we are about to have a good time cause, it’s your birthday. Time after time, you’ve been more than a friend. Happy birthday to a friend who has always been available. Wishing you nothing less than all the glories of life.

The best of happy birthday quotes for your old friend. Best happy birthday quotes for him or her.

31. Even when I made my dumb mistakes, you forgave me anyways and loved me more than a friend would. Happy birthday, my true friend. I wish you something that you’ve always admired, I hope it materializes and you feel fulfilled.

32. We may not really be siblings, but you’ve shown me that you loved me and I think you’ve made my life beautiful just by being my friend from childhood. Happy birthday, dear. I adore you and I wish you daily progress that moves faster than the speed of light.

33. A grand birthday shoutout to a longtime friend. Who has been there for me when life felt lonely. Thank you for showing me what you can do for the love of a friend. I wish you a kinda love that never dies.

34. Happy birthday, it’s been a long time coming. Near or far, you’ve shown me that friendship always goes on. I wish you so many things that make a person remain happy.

35. Friendship was what we shared when we started as kids. Now our bond cannot be broken. I wanna tell the world I have a friend who was born on this day and who has always been there. I wanna wish you unspeakable Joy and a peace that cannot be denied.

36. You’ve always been here in my heart as a true friend. Wherever you are, I believe our friendship would last a lifetime. Happy birthday dear friend. What more can I wish for you than Joy, happiness and that our friendship never sinks?

37. You’ve been a friend from the past, a friend in the present and I believe you would also be a friend in the future. Happy birthday. On this day, I wish all your needs shall be fulfilled and that you experience the greatest kind of Joy and love.

38. Time can be a test. And our friendship has passed the test of time. Today is a day we both remember cause, it’s your birthday. I pray that you walk in success and never in anyone’s shadow. Happy birthday, dear friend.

39. We’ve walked together for the longest time as friends. I’m happy to know you as a friend and all you’ve had to offer has been a lifetime of love. Today, being your birthday I wish you a great celebration that would mark the dawn of a new era in your life.

40. Happy birthday my dear friend. We’ve been rocking the same boat from back in the days. Having you as a friend is like having a sister in one’s life. I wish you a happy birthday that brings you good tidings. I love you.

41. Life is a journey and I’m happy that you’ve been part of my life’s journey as a true friend. I wish you a very happy birthday filled with happy memories that cannot be ignored.

42. For every step we made in the past, it has always been a beautiful thing. Happy birthday my super duper friend. I want you to know in your soul that you are so valuable and I wish you a great life.

43. Happy birthday my sweet friend. You’ve been a reminder of the beautiful childhood memory we had. I wanna wish you a life beautiful like the stars in the sky.

44. Happy birthday and many happy returns to a friend who knows me from the genesis. I wish you a memorable and fulfilling journey in life. For you, I pray forward ever and backwards never.

45. Happy birthday to a friend of inestimable treasures. Even though, the world has been changing you remain true to our friendship. I wanna wish you an admirable life filled with overwhelming Joy.

46. Happy birthday, dear friend. We’ve come a long way and so is our friendship. I wish that all your bags of dream be fulfilled.

47. Happy birthday to an old friend who has always been a call away. Always reaching out no matter where I go. Wanna wish you a fearless spirit, a strength to fly higher than the eagles and a pace faster than the speed of light.

48. Happy birthday to a friend from day one. You’ve been in my life as far as I could remember. Wishing you the success that cannot be hidden and a progress that cannot be measured.

49. Happy birthday to an old friend. I’m happy to share such a memorable friendship with a super being like you. I wanna wish you strength when you are weak. I silently pray that you live longer than the life you’ve lived.

50. Happy birthday to a friend from my genesis. A friend that makes me fly when I feel my wings are broken, a friend that helps me touch the sky when I feel down. I wanna wish you success and progress, joy and happiness, love and hope, long life and good health.

51. Happy birthday to an old friend. An encounter with you can be akin to being touched by an angel. I wish you the freedom to fly, the grace to remain relevant and the best things that life has to offer.

52. Happy birthday to an old friend. A friend that is irreplaceable, a friend that would always remain relevant in my life. Birds don’t just fly they fall down and get up, I wish that you get up stronger and better each time life challenges you. I hope you never give up even when you fail and I wish success becomes your reward.

53. Happy birthday, dear friend. You’ve been there like a mother for her child. I wish you a lifetime filled with love and happiness. I wish you become a better person.

54. Happy birthday to an old friend. I wish you a life larger than life. I wish that our friendship will never be lost. Many happy returns.

55. Happy birthday to a phenomenal being. Who graced my life like an angel graced the earth. It’s being a long time coming. I wish you so much more than you deserve and the best of everything grand.

56. Happy birthday to a buddy from day one. You are a warrior and you are my warrior. I wish that you fight every battle victoriously. I pray you stand and rise bigger than ever.

57. Happy birthday to an old friend. Life holds much more than what you see. I wish that life brings you good tidings than you ever envisioned. Happy birthday, dear friend.

58. Happy birthday to an old friend. I pray life treats you kind, bless you with all her treasures and glory.

59. Memories may turn to dust but I can never forget the kinda friend you’ve been to me. It’s your day and I choose to celebrate you as a shooting star. I wish you a fulfilling life.

60. For all those time you gave me happiness, for all those time you made me feel good and larger than life I wanna say, thank you. Since it’s your day, I wish you a voice that cannot be silenced, a dream that can never fade and a life filled with tender kisses as a seal of joy and happiness.

61. Happy birthday to a friend whom together have come a long way. I can’t trade the memories we have for anything in this world. I wanna wish you a soothing life fulfilled with happy moments. Have a blast.

62. Happy birthday to an old friend. Together, we’ve made a past that keeps the present relishing. I wanna wish you inner peace, happiness and Joy. I hope you spend the rest of your life feeling fulfilled. You are the best.

63. We were just kids when we became friends not knowing we would come this far. I wanna wish you a happy birthday that gives you the favourite of everything you ever wanted. Happy birthday to an ever-abiding friend.

64. Happy birthday to an old friend. Words ain’t enough to describe the memories we’ve shared neither can silence mean much. I wanna wish you the kinda life you’ve always dreamt of.

65. Happy birthday to an evergreen friend. A friend who has always been in my diary. What we’ve been through together, has made us stronger and closer. It’s your birthday and seeing you blossom into this nice personality is overwhelming. I wish you a graceful journey in life.

66. Happy birthday to a friend who is behind my smile during the rainy days. We’ve come a long way and have conquered the world together. I wish the world could sing you a birthday song to make you understand how special you are. I wish you harness all the beautiful treasures in life. Keep glowing.

67. Happy birthday to an old friend. I’ll go the end of the earth to find you the treasures given to best friends forever. Time after time, you’ve made our friendship a thing of Joy. I wish you the will to enjoy life, stay true to yourself and be happy.

68. You remind me of something called true friendship. You’re the identity of a loyal friend. It’s your birthday and I wish you the first position in life. I love you.

69. Some friends melt away like an ice while others stay strong and shinning like a refined gold. Ours is one of those refined gold. Happy birthday to an old friend. Wishing you a graceful pasture and a smooth ride on the high places of the earth.

70. Some dream for a true friend, some long for a friend they could share memories with. Lucky for us, we have what we never asked for. Happy birthday to an old friend. Wishing you an excellent life lived in making dreams come through.

The best collection of happy birthday greetings and wishes for old school friends. Sweet happy birthday messages and quotes for old school friends.

71. Fake friends are blown away like a chaff. True friends defile the test of time and come through at all moment. Celebrating your birthday has become a yearly tradition I cannot forget. I wish you the touch of an angel capable of transforming your world for the best.

72. Sometimes, friends turn to lovers while others turn to siblings. We’ve reached the line of siblings. I wanna wish a friend more than a friend, a happy birthday filled with Joy and happiness.

73. Happy birthday to an old friend who has dignified my life with her substantial presence. Our journey began many years ago and today I can say we’re still on that journey. Happy birthday, sweety. I wish you a basket full of the fruits of life.

74. Happy birthday to an old friend who has made remarkable memories in my life. Our journey is not a thing of yesterday. I wish you so many blessings that cannot be quantified.

75.Happy birthday to an old friend. You make this world revolve with happiness and joy. I want to wish glaring successes in all your endeavours.

76. Childhood may have brought us together, however, adulthood never separated us. A birthday shout-out to a great fellow. I wish you many happy returns.

77. Happy birthday to an old friend. You make the world go round with your kindness. On a day like this, I wish you many happy returns, happiness that cannot be hidden and a new level in life.

78. Happy birthday, dear friend. Knowing you has never been a mistake. Today, if I could ask the universe one thing, I’ll ask that you make each day a memorable one. Happy birthday, sweety.

79. Happy birthday my friend of many years. My wishes for you are a coat of many colours, a beam of Joy and a spotlight that never deems.

80. As we grew out of sight, we never grew out of mind. We didn’t let our friendship go away without a fight. Today marks a special day in your life. I wish you a happy birthday filled with evergreen memories we’ve made together.

81. Happy birthday dear friend. An age long friendship isn’t one to be taken lightly. Ours has turned brotherhood giving it a special place in my life. I wish you joy and peace. Thank you for all that you are to me.

82. Nothing good in life ever comes easy, so is this friendship of ours. That is why each year of your life, I can only wish that life brings us even closer. Happy birthday my friend indeed. Wishing you a life of honour and grace! Better days ahead!

83. So many things I admire about you, your protectiveness of me, your unconditional love and commitment to our friendship. I can’t explain it all but I do know that you are a treasure of many rubies. Happy birthday to the friend who has stayed longer than thousands. Wishing you so much joy and fulfilment.

84. Happy birthday, dear friend. I’m so glad to be a part of you and you a part of me. We’re making history and I hope we relive it some day. That’s how much I love you around. Wishing you all the best!

85. Happy birthday, to the friend who gets me completely, loves me unconditionally and protects me to the fullest. I can’t help but wish you all the good things of life cause I know you deserve it. Enjoy your day!

86. Our friendship isn’t one to come by every day but I’m glad we’ve spent so many days together loving each other, and proving to the world that there is someone to be trusted in the midst of the chaos. Happy birthday my perfect half. I wish you all that you wish yourself.

87. Nothing beats the savour of an old friendship and nothing beats celebrating with an old friend. Joyful is the rhymes that come with it. Happy birthday my favourite one. All I wish you is love and prosperity.

88. If I could wish for one thing, I’ll wish for your infectious laughter cause out of it comes the melody that rings in my heart. Happy birthday, lovely! I can’t love you less!

89. Walking through life with a faithful friend is the most beautiful adventure one can take. I’m happy that you’ve stood by me through these years. Happy birthday to you, I’ll always love you!

90. When the sweet melodies are gone, knowing you’ll always be there will keep me living. I’m so glad our friendship has turned sisterhood. Happy birthday, dear one. I love you to the moon and back!

91. Happy birthday to an old friend. It’s such a privilege that we started small and made it this big now. I wish you the joy to remain in the centre of your world and the grace to build your empire.

92. Happy birthday to my dear friend. Coming this far was a dream that turned reality. I wish you so many joy and happiness.

93. Happy birthday to a longtime friend. We’ve watched and seen each other’s growth. I wish you more than anything long life to make each moment of your life count. Have a blast!

94. Happy birthday to an old friend. Took us a while but we’re finally here. I just wanna testify of a friend who made life more fun as a child and made friendship a thing to share. I wanna wish that life in all her glory be good to you. I wish you success beyond your dream and that you beat dream by turning them into a reality.

95. Old friends are treasures to hold on to in life. I’m happy we’ve come a long way and I wish we spend many more blissful years together. Happy birthday to you sweetness!

98. Happy birthday, dear friend. If only wishes could be made a reality, I’m gonna wish you a long time of joy and a good number of years on earth. You’ve always been there from day one. I love you.

99. Happy birthday to an old friend. I feel good having you as my friend. Real friends are rare, I’m glad we found each other. I wish you gold and silver, joy and happiness and longevity of life to enjoy each day.

100. Happy birthday, dear friend. I bless the day we crossed paths and remained good friends. I wanna wish you a life of fulfilment and accomplishment.

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