2022 Trending Religious Birthday Wishes for Daughter

Daughters are special to daddies and mummies. They are the cute and adorable angels God gave us to make life colourful and meaningful.

It’s your daughter’s birthday. It’s time to express your love in a special way. A subtle or obvious reminder that she’s a perfect gift from God, the father of all lights, in whom there’s no shifting of shadows.

It’s also an opportunity to appreciate the giver of gifts for the treasure He bestowed and offer prayers to Him on your daughter’s behalf. Keeping in mind that God’s gift maketh rich, without adding sorrow to it.

Need a pointer or help? Here we go:

1. Happy birthday to my darling daughter.
You are the first fruit of my womb, may the Lord bless you with everything good in life.
May He equip you with grace to fulfil your destiny in Jesus’ name.
Congratulations, my baby!

2. Happy birthday, my dearest daughter.
May the Lord bless you from Zion and cause His face to shine upon you.
May you fulfil the purpose of God for your generation in Jesus’ name.
Congrats, love!

3. Happy birthday to my baby girl!
You are my perfect gift from God, my solace and joy.
May the Lord fill you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding and enrich you with an excellent spirit of greatness, in Jesus’ name.

4. Happy birthday, my precious daughter.
You are a child of destiny, a shining light and a royal priesthood.
On this special day of yours, may the Lord bless you, surround you with His mercy and encompass you with His abundant grace.

5. Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter.
On this special day of yours, may you receive grace to fulfil purpose and wisdom to please the Lord in all your ways in Jesus’ name.
God bless you, my darling!

6. Happy birthday to my precious daughter.
You are the apple of God’s eye, a royal diadem. A special specie, God’s own girl! You are beautifully and wonderfully made. Have a great day, sweetie pie!

7. Happy birthday to my super amazing daughter.
I always thank God for His precious gift of you. You’ll be taught of the Lord and great will be your peace. Continue to enjoy God’s grace, my dear. Cheers!

8. Hallelujah, it’s my daughter’s birthday! The Lord will perfect all that concerns you my special and unique princess.
I love you so much, keep enjoying God’s grace.
Happy Birthday, my angel!

9. “Okaka, Chineke muo idi ebube, aha gi juru enigwe ju uwa.” What a wonderful and mighty God we serve.
Happy birthday to my amazing daughter. Lines shall fall upon you in pleasant places in Jesus’ name.

10. Thanks to ‘the Most High’ God for the gift of life. My beautiful Daughter, Ada Jesus is plus one today. I pray that God will spare your life to fulfil your destiny. You shall grow from strength to strength, you shall be greater than your peers, your fame shall be announced in the whole world in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Trending Religious Happy Birthday Quotes for Daughter.

11. Hurrah, it’s my precious daughter’s birthday!
Congratulations, my baby.
Arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
You will be taught of the Lord, and great shall be your peace in Jesus’ name.
Enjoy your day, my love!

12. Happy birthday, my elegant daughter.
You will live long to fulfil your destiny and make your family proud in your endeavours, in Jesus’ name. The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. You will move from glory to glory.
Congratulations my sweetie!

13. Father, I thank you for adding another year to my daughter’s age. I give God all the glory.
My sweetie, I decree and declare that you will fulfil your days and serve your generation in righteousness.
Your light will not grow dim and you will not be small but significant.

14. Happy birthday, my beautiful daughter of Zion.
The righteousness of God will rule your heart and His peace will govern your destiny.
Have a fun-filled day, my precious.

15. Today is the day the Lord has made, we rejoice and are glad in it.
Happy birthday, my lovely and lively daughter.
May the Lord bless you and establish you in His perfect will. He’ll frustrate the counsel of the wicked concerning you, their hands will not achieve their enterprise.
Congratulations, love!

16. Happy birthday to my special daughter.
Mummy’s angel, daddy’s princess, Jesus’ baby!!
As you increase in age, may you increase in grace, honour and wealth.
As you journey forward in fulfilling your destiny, the Lord will go ahead of you and His glory shall be your rear guard.

17. It’s your day, darling daughter.
God bless you and be with you.
Happy birthday, princess!
You will make a positive impact in your generation in Jesus’ name. Remain blessed in his vineyard.

18. In the House of God, there are different vessels.
Dearest daughter, you are a vessel of honour.
I pray that you will continue to be relevant and noble in the house of God, all the days of your life.
Happy Birthday, darling. We love you!

19. Congratulations to my daughter of Zion!
Stars don’t struggle to shine. The rivers don’t struggle to flow: I, therefore, decree in the name of Jesus Christ, you’ll shine and flow in favour, abundant grace and unending love of God.
Have a wonderful day, darling! It’s a new dawn!!

20. Happy birthday to you, my precious daughter!
You are God’s delight, the apple of His eyes!
The hand of the Lord is upon you. You shall grow in the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
Love you so much!

Your Pretty Daughter deserves these Spiritual Birthday Wishes for Daughter.

21. Happy birthday, my love. You shall continue to grow under the shadow of the Almighty and there, shall you abide forever in Jesus’ name. You shall grow in the favour of God. Men and angels shall favour you.
Congratulations, darling!

22. Happy birthday, wonderful daughter.
I wish you more knowledge, wisdom and understanding. You will always be the head and not the tail in Jesus’ mighty name.
In the race of life, may you run and not b weary.
Feel my hug, love you loads!

23. Happy Birthday, my sweetheart.
May God’s light continually shine on your path as you grow, darling daughter. May your generation celebrate you. Wisdom, knowledge and the ability to understand will be found in you in Jesus’ name.

24. Happy birthday, dearest daughter.
The Lord shall guide you with His counsel and lead you into a glorious destiny. Your joy shall know no limits.
You are for signs and wonders, my baby girl!

25. God’s favour and mercy shall continually be upon you, darling daughter!
You shall live long in good health to fulfil all that is written concerning you on earth in Jesus’ name.
Happy Birthday, my golden Angel!!

26. Happy birthday, my lovely princess!
May d good Lord encompass you with His love, favour, grace and wisdom.
Shine in the Lord always, dear girl. The joy of the Lord is your strength!

27. Happy birthday, my Jewel.
On this special day of yours, the glory and grace of God shall rest upon you, darling daughter. You shall flourish like a tree planted by the river and be great like the cedar of Lebanon. Cheers, sweetie pie!

28. Happy birthday, my darling daughter!
You’re a precious seed of greatness, you will grow to be a mighty force in God’s kingdom.
When others are being cast down, you will arise and declare a lifting up in Jesus’ name.
Congrats, my love!

29. It’s a beautiful day!
A day of joy and rejoicing!
Sadness, sorrow, troubles, and shame are permanently banned!!
Happy birthday, my wonderful daughter.
Doors of greatness shall be opened for you, gates will not be shut against you.

30. To my awesome daughter and precious angel, a glorious happy birthday to you.
On this joyous occasion of yours, I join the heavenly host to celebrate you.
I pray for you my baby, the heaven will shower its blessings upon you and the earth shall yield to you its increase.
Congrats, my baby girl!

Best of all Religious Birthday Messages for My Daughter.

31. Happy birthday, my heritage!
You are beyond special!!
You are an answer to prayers, evidence of God’s awesome power.
May the mighty hand of God rest upon you and prosper you in all your ways.

32.Happy birthday to my cute daughter.
I wish you more years to come in good health. You shall continue to grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding, in Jesus’ mighty name.
It shall be well with you, my dove.
Hip! Hip! Hip! Hurray!!

33. Happy birthday, my darling princess.
Grow in wisdom and grace in Jesus mighty name.
Your generation shall call you blessed, in Jesus’ name.
Have a wonder-filled day, sweetheart!

34. Happy birthday, dear daughter.
May you grow in grace and favour in the sight of men and angels. May the Lord fill your heart with joy and your mouth with laughter. May you soar like the eagle and excel like Daniel.
Your destiny will not be cut short. Greater and bigger you all the days of your life in Jesus’ name.

35. happy birthday, my sugar pie!
Today, I wish you long life, prosperity and fulfilment.
You will continue to be a source of joy to us, your siblings and the world at large.
Have a wonderful day, honey!!

36. You are extraordinarily special, my lovely girl.
Beautiful in and out.
Brilliant, intelligent and smart!
God-fearing, hardworking and diligent.
May you be blessed beyond expectations in all your ways.
May your light continue to shine as you faithfully fulfil your God-given purpose in Jesus’ name.

37. It’s my daughter’s birthday, hallelujah!!
The heavens celebrate you in this special day of yours.
The earth rejoices with you, you are one in a million!
Love you so much, my baby girl! Enjoy your day!!

38. Happy birthday, my sweet angel.
Indeed, you are a tree planted by the river, you will bring forth fruits in season and manifest God’s glory in Jesus name. Congrats, my girl!

39. Happy birthday to my adorable daughter!
You are such an amazing gift to us, your parents.
My precious jewel, may the Lord bless you richly and cause His face to shine upon you.
All your steps shall be ordered by God, and great will be your peace, in Jesus’ name.

40. Happy birthday, my cute baby girl.
I wanted a boy, God gave me a girl! He knew what’s best for me and gave me a perfect gift: You! Loving, caring, and attentive. God bless you real good, my pumpkin!

As a spiritual parent, you should consider sending these Godly Birthday Wishes to your Daughter.

41. It’s your day, my baby girl. Happy birthday to you.
May the Lord hear you when you call upon Him. May He incline His ears to you when you cry to Him and shower you with His love when you need Him.
Love you loads, sweetie!

42. To my wonderful baby girl, a happy birthday to you.
I can’t cease from thanking God for giving such a loving and talented girl to me. I feel blessed.
You are a blessing to me and your generation. Have a blast, my girl!

43. Gentle, caring, loving and sensitive, that’s my sweet angel!
Happy birthday to you my darling daughter!
The heavens declare God’s glory and the firmament, His praise… all because of you!
You are my joy, always!

43. Happy birthday, my precious daughter.
Today, as you become a teenager, may your days be bright with hope. The fear of the Lord will arm you with wisdom. Your peace shall be great in Jesus’ name.

44. Happy birthday, my love!
God has been so good to me; you are the evidence, my testimony!
Dear daughter, you shall live to declare the glory of God in the land of the living. Cheers!

45. Happy birthday, my Angel!
The very thought of you gladdens my heart.
Your conception was a miracle!
Your delivery was divine!
Everything about you is an act of God. You never cease to be a source of blessings to us.
Have a great day, my adorable daughter!

46. Happy birthday to my baby girl.
May the Lord fill you with His spirit, giving you great wisdom, intelligence and grace.
The Lord will equip you with every necessary skill to fulfil your destiny.

47. Wow, what a glorious day to celebrate a glorious child!
Happy birthday to you, my Princess. The Lord shall extend your territory from coast to coast and give you victory over your enemies in Jesus’ name.
Have a great day, love!

48. Hurray!! It’s my daughter’s birthday!
Congratulations, my beautiful one! The Lord will prosper your ways and bless the work of your hands. He will give you rest on every side.
Enjoy your day, dear!

49. Happy birthday, my dearest daughter.
May the God of Israel bless you and keep you as the apple of His eyes. He will watch over you and direct your path. God bless you, my gold.
Have a most blessed day!

50. Happy birthday, mummy’s delight!
You are the daughter of my dreams, my Joy, my Pride!
The Lord shall be your shield, your glory and the lifter up of your head. You shall always be the head, and not the tail, in Jesus’ name.
Cheers, my dearest!

Fantastic Godly Birthday Messages for your Daughter.

51. Happy birthday, my lovely daughter.
Today is the day the Lord has made, we’ll rejoice and be glad in it. Shouts of joy and victory shall continually resound in your tent. The Lord shall give you a lasting testimony this year, in Jesus’ mighty name.

52. Happy birthday, my sweetie pie!
Hallelujah, daddy’s cute Angel is a year older today!
You will dwell in the secret place of the Lord and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. All the days of your life, the Lord shall keep you from all harm in Jesus’ name.

53. Happy birthday, dearest daughter.
My smiling angel, with a charming dimple, you are blessed! May the Lord deliver you from all your powerful enemies and lead you to a place of safety.
Victory, blessings and honour are your portions forever!!

54. Happy birthday, darling daughter.
God bless your new age in Jesus’ name. In times of need, may the Lord respond to your cry and keep you safe from all harm. He’ll guide and prosper your ways in Jesus’ name.

55. Happy birthday, my fluttering butterfly!
Today’s your day, enjoy it to the fullest! Make merry, put on your dancing shoes, the joy of the Lord is your strength.
God bless you, my daughter!

56. Happy birthday, my sunshine!
The Lord shall be your rock, your strength and your fountain of joy. All the days of your life, your expectations shall not be cut off in Jesus’ name.
Have a wonderful day!

57. Happy birthday, my baby girl!
As I rejoice with you today, may heavens rejoice over you always. May the Lord grant your heart desires and fulfil all your plans. May He direct your, path and order your steps aright in Jesus’ name.

58. Happy birthday, my treasure!
From this time henceforth, the Lord will watch your going out and coming back. He will be your shield and your fortress and equip you for every good work in Jesus’ name.
Cheers, my sweet daughter!

59. Happy birthday to my darling daughter!
On this special occasion of yours, may the Lord grant you your heart desires and withhold nothing back that you request. In this new year, may God welcome you with success and prosperity, and surround you with His goodness and love.
It’s your day, enjoy it dear!

60. Happy birthday to my adorable girl. My special assistant, senior consultant, and companion.
Love you, loads, my daughter.
May the Lord preserve your life and grant you the desires of your heart.
He’ll bless you and keep you in Jesus’ name.

Greet your daughter on her birthday with these Religious Birthday Greetings for My Daughter.

61. Happy birthday to my virtuous daughter.
From a tender age, you have loved and devoted yourself to the Lord.
With long life and prosperity will He satisfy you. The Lord shall protect you from all your enemies and satisfy your desires with good things. Cheers!

62. Happy birthday, my precious daughter.
My princess, my angel! I rejoice with you today. As you celebrate today, may the Lord clothe you with great honour and splendour and endow you with eternal blessings.
His unfailing love will keep you from stumbling in Jesus’ name.

63. I celebrate you today and always, my cute baby girl!
Happy birthday, my daughter!
With music and singing, we celebrate the mighty acts of God in your life. May the Lord bless you and help you to fulfil His purpose for your life!

64. Happy birthday, my dear daughter!
You are an oak of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His pleasure. Your hands will achieve greatness and your fame shall spread from coast to coast in Jesus’ name.

65. Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter.
I join the host of angels to appreciate God on your behalf. The Lord has been faithful and good to you.
No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper, and every tongue risen against you shall be condemned.
You are blessed, love!

66. To my wonderful daughter, on your birthday, I wish you wonders-filled birthday celebration. Today, I decree by the mercies of God, the heavens above you shall be opened and shower its blessings upon you. The earth shall release its goodness unto you. This new year, you shall be favoured all through.

67. Congratulations, my daughter! Happy birthday to you! Lines will fall upon you in pleasant places in Jesus’ name. Wish you many more years in God’s abundant blessings.

68. My dear daughter, happy birthday to you.
May the Lord be gracious to you and cause His face to shine upon you. It shall be a year of all-round favour for you, in Jesus’ name.

69. Happy birthday to my beauty queen.
God’s favour will make you secure as a mountain. You will flourish like a palm tree planted by the riverside.
Cheers, my daughter!

70. Happy birthday to my ever sweet baby girl.
You shall grow in wisdom, knowledge and strength of the Lord. Your joy shall be without limit, in Jesus’ name.
Love you to the moon and back, my babe!

Trending Spiritual Birthday Messages for My Daughter you can also use.

71. Happy birthday to my Superduper lovely baby girl!
May God make the rest of your life sweeter and more beautiful than before. God bless you today and always.

72. Wow! My baby is now a big girl! I am so proud of you.
Happy birthday, darling daughter. May all your dreams come true, and your aspirations become reality in Jesus’ name.

73. Mere thoughts of you, bring a smile to my face. You are such a delightful girl, carefree but caring to boots!
May the Lord satisfy your desires with good things and fill you with His love.
Happy birthday, cutie pie!

74. Happy birthday, my beautiful angel! Words are not enough to express my love for you. On this special day of yours, may the Lord bless you with seasons of rejoicings and thanksgiving.

75. Happy birthday, my pumpkin. You are the reason behind all my smiles and achievements.
You are wonderfully and beautifully made. God bless you, my daughter.

76. I love you, my darling daughter. You are so precious to me, and I give glory to God for blessing me with you.
Happy birthday, my dove. May you experience the awesome presence of God all the days of your life.

77. You are for signs and wonders, dearest daughter.
Brilliant, clever, sharp and charming!
Happy birthday to you, cute angel. Today shall mark the beginning of greatness in your life. You shall exceed expectations and surpass every human barrier in Jesus’ name.

78. It’s just like yesterday that I carried your tiny form in my arms. Now, you are all grown up, ready to take the world on. May you run and not be weary, walk without stumbling, and soar like an eagle by God’s special grace.
Happy birthday, love!

79. Years ago, God gave me a wondrous gift: You! I’m so blessed to have such a wonderful, caring and bubbling daughter like you.
Happy birthday, daughter mine!May the Lord bless you and be with you. Love you so very much!

80. I’ve always wanted a daughter, a miniature version of myself. I got my desire, plus bonuses. You are beautiful inside and out, cutie. Humble, loving and kind. May the Lord bless and protect you. Happy birthday, my love.

Spiritual Birthday Greetings for your Daughter on her special day.

81. From the first moment I set my eyes on you, I fell irrevocably in love with you. I got hooked when you smiled and your baby cries stirred a passionate feeling of protectiveness within me. The passage of time has only helped to grow this love, my daughter. Happy birthday to you, my angel.
May the Lord keep His angels charge over you.

82. Happy birthday, my princess. May the Lord bless you with gladness, favour, peace and joy.
Stay blessed, my daughter and have fun!

83. My heart is full of joy, glory!
I’m so excited because it’s your birthday, my adorable girl.
Happy birthday, love. The Lord shall bless you with wisdom, grace and strength to overcome life’s challenges.
Enjoy your day, and remain blessed.

84. I celebrate you today, my amazing daughter.
My bundle of joy and surprise, you are blessed! May the Lord continue to shower you with His blessings, joy and unlimited grace. Happy birthday to you, my honey!

85. I celebrate you, my darling daughter on this special occasion. May the Lord keep you as the apple of His eyes. May your day be filled with joy and happiness.
Have a lovely birthday, love!

86. Happy birthday dear daughter! The Lord shall bless your new age beyond measure, and grant your heart desires. I wish you nothing but the blessings of the Lord that makes one rich and adds no sorrow, in Jesus name.
Enjoy His grace, my pretty one!

87. It’s your birthday, honey!
As the angels celebrate the star that you are, I lift my hands in eternal gratitude to God.
Indeed, God is faithful and true.
Your achievements and many successes are testimonies of His awesomeness.
Congratulations, darling daughter! Your parents are really proud of you.

88. You are a fighter and a winner. Quitting isn’t in your vocabulary, because of the extraordinary God you serve.
The Lord will never leave you till He accomplishes all His purpose for your life.
Happy birthday, my amiable daughter!

89. The sky is never your limit, the heavens itself is the throne of our God. Dream big, reach for the stars, the Lord is with you. He will bring you to an expected end.
Congratulations, my sweet daughter. Happy birthday to you!

90. You have the most beautiful smile. Dazzling and bright with hope and pure love. With you princess, I always feel on top of the world. You are one in a million!
Happy birthday to the best daughter in the world. Cheers!

Godly Birthday Greetings for My Daughter you can also use.

91. Happy birthday, my dear daughter. Have I told you lately how much I love you and how proud I am of you?
You have an excellent spirit, love. May the Lord direct your steps and delight in every detail of your life as you add more years to your age.
Happy birthday, sweetie!

92. What a beautiful day to celebrate a beautiful damsel!
As you add to your age today, the Lord will not forsake you, and your children will not beg for bread. He’ll give you a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God.
Happy birthday, my lovely daughter!

93. As you grow older today, the Lord will add to you, wisdom, grace and honour.
The Lord will be your refuge and strength, your ever-present help in trouble. He’ll be your exceeding great reward. Shine on, my graceful daughter!
Happy birthday, love!

94. As you are mindful of your parents in our old age, may the Lord keep you in sound health to see your children’s children.
Your sun will not set, but continue to shine brightly. The Lord shall surely reward you.
Happy birthday, my amazing daughter! We love you!

95. It’s your day, my angel. May the Lord make you as strong as a bull and refresh you by His power. You’ll flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. Even in your old age, you shall produce fruit.
Happy birthday to the most loving daughter in the world!

96. You are a gift from God, a reward from Him. As you are older today, the Lord will enrich you and make you a fruitful vine, flourishing in your own home. He’ll bless you with healthy and vigorous children as young olives.
Happy birthday, my beautiful daughter. Love you loads!

97. Hurrah, it’s the Princess’s birthday! I’m so grateful to God. In every way, you have continually surpassed everyone’s expectations.
Your times are in the hands of the Lord, for He has engraved you in His palms; your walls are continually before Him. He’ll keep you and bless you forever.
Enjoy your day, sweetie. Have a blast!

98. Happy birthday, dearest.
The Lord shall preserve your going out and coming in. He will watch over you and perfect all that concerns you. Amongst your peer, you’ll be outstanding and favoured.
I love you, my cute daughter.

99. It’s time to celebrate and rejoice. Truly, my heart is full of gratitude to God for all He’s done for you. You are an exemplary and exceptional daughter, in more ways than one. Hope you know I love you to distraction. Happy birthday, my girl!

100. The Lord is good, and His mercies endure forever.
Happy birthday to my adorable angel. I can’t help but celebrate you. You are everything I ever desired and more. May the Lord be praised forever and ever.
Congratulations, my love. Enjoy your day!

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