Happy 2 Month Anniversary Messages for Him or Her in 2022

It’s two months since you met your girl or your guy (girlfriend or boyfriend), or two months since you got married? Today is a perfect time to send some anniversary messages as wishes for the 2 months journey of love. And I’m sure you agree with that.

Celebrate the love, joy and bliss encountered in these romantic two months with the samples I offer to you below; for your partner, married or unmarried, you are covered by these amazing collection of 2 Months Relationship Anniversary Messages, Wishes and Quotes.

Below are the Happy 2 Months Anniversary messages and Wishes and Quotes for your Lover. The best of happy 2 month anniversary text messages for him or her.

2 Month Anniversary

1 to 30 are short ones. 31 to 50 are long ones. Skip to: Long Anniversary Wishes for Boyfriend or Girlfriend

1. It’s 60 days of being in love with you and I’m feeling like I’ve been in love for a lifetime. To a brilliant past, beautiful present and an amazing future. Happy 2 months anniversary.

2. Happy two months anniversary to us at such a beautiful time. I have no regrets having you as a partner for the past two months. I love you.

3. My love for you burns brighter and stronger as each day passes and so will it burn even beyond the two months we’ve spent together. Happy anniversary.

4. It’s just eight weeks and I feel like the happiest man in the world. Loving you is one thing I can’t call a mistake. Happy anniversary.

5. I’ve been so excited being with you for these two months that I find it hard to believe that four weeks makes one month. Happy anniversary.

6. For the past 60 days, my love for you have burned, and it will keep burning till we become one in spirit. I love you more now. Happy anniversary.

7. Sounds ridiculous but I feel like a kid again being taken care of by you. I’m so excited I wish our relationship will never end. Happy 2 months anniversary.

8. Happy 2 months anniversary to us. Your the best partner anybody can wish for. Your level of amazing is out of this world.

9. Seconds spent with you are worth more than a lifetime spent elsewhere. And having been with you for 2 months, you can guess how I feel. Happy 2 months anniversary to us.

10. Happy 2 months anniversary to me and you in this our beautiful relationship filled with love, life and fun. Trust me when I say it can only get better.

11. Two months with you and I’ve learnt a lot about love. I’ve become more mature and more responsible. Happy 2 months anniversary.

12. Looking back, the past two months of my life have been the loveliest, and it’s because you were in it. Happy 2 months anniversary to us.

13. Does it matter how we began? I think what matters is that our relationship is all happily ever after. Happy 2 months anniversary to us.

14. What’s better than two months with a sweet, loving and beautiful person like you? What compares to heaven on earth? Happy 2 months anniversary to me and you.

15. Happy 2 months anniversary to us. You are a proof that love never left me empty handed and I guess I’m a proof that love rewarded you.

16. Happy 2 months anniversary to you and I. The money, cars and fame can wait. Having you is primary now.

17. You can keep my heart that you took from me 8 weeks ago. I won’t ask for it back. I think it’s safest with you. Happy anniversary.

18. Love is never wasted, but this is to appreciate you for a deliberate attempt to love me for the past two months. Happy 2 months anniversary to us.

19. Happy 2 months of us being together. Your presence in my life has changed me a lot. It has done a lot of good to me. Thanks for being with me.

20. I have done everything to love you greatly, but I get encouraged to do more by the way you love me. Happy 2 months anniversary to us

21. Happy 2 months anniversary. To a relationship that’s approved by God, men and ourselves. I wish us many more happy years to love ourselves.

22. Happy 2 months anniversary to both of us. A reputation we’re building is that it’s possible to be love and have an understanding of each other. Let’s keep it up.

23. I can tell you how much you’ve been to me in songs, stories and poems that would fill more books than the earth can carry after being with you for only two months. Happy anniversary to us.

24. Happy anniversary to us. Men may see our flaws and falls, but to us and to God, our faults are nothing.

25. Happy 2 months anniversary to us. Together, we’ll keep shining, love burning brightly and days getting better.

Happy 2 months anniversary text messages for your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife.

26. Happy 2 months anniversary to us. Our relationship is one of love and love. I love you, you love me. For 60 days, we’ve been a great team.

27. The day I set my eyes on you I’d blessed. The cursed day that I’ll leave you will never come. Happy 2 months anniversary to us.

28. Happy 2 months anniversary to us. The best things in the world are deserved by us because we’ve defined relationships in the best of ways.

29. Happy 2 months anniversary to us. You’ve been a thing of my kind for 60 days and I like it that way. May it be so forever.

30. Happy 60 days it has been filled with love and peace. Take everything away from me, but you, and I’m gonna be okay.

Sweet collection of Long 2 Month Anniversary Messages, Wishes and Quotes for Boyfriend or Girlfriend.

31. It has been two months since we agreed to take each other in a special place in our hearts. I just want to let you know that I’m with you on this road to the future. Just like the biblical route, ours is a narrow one because there is only room for the two of us, no one else has the right to walk it. Also, this route is sure to lead to paradise. I wish us both a wonderful anniversary.

32. I know two months may not be enough to settle things for life but it’s enough to know that you’re enough. Within these two months, I’ve gotten to know that you’re adorable, sweet, kind, special . . . and that I love you. Within two months, you’ve built a mansion in my heart that I can’t let go of because it would cost me too much. I want to take this journey we’ve started to the very end and I trust that we have the support of God on that. Happy two month anniversary, baby.

Happy Anniversary 2 Months

33. My darling, I love you. I’m starting with that because I know of no other perfect way to say how I feel about you. Knowing you these two months and having you by my side has been the best experience of my life! Now, I’ve gotten to know myself better and I’ve gotten to know that it would be more than just tears I would lose if I should ever let you walk out of my life. I also want you to know that I would never, ever do that and I adore you. Happy anniversary to us.

34. It was a cold and dark world before you came into my life. I struggled to find the right person who could solve the problem of the coldness of my heart but no one could. Not until two months ago when you became a part of my life completely. For two months now, you’ve kept the fire you set in my heart from the first day I met you burning, providing warmth and light to solve the problem of coldness and darkness in my heart. Thank you, baby. Happy anniversary.

35. You, my dear, have been water to my thirsty soul and food to my heart that always yearns for satisfaction for the past two months. People say that we are at a point where nothing is confirmed, a place where we don’t know anything for certain and where we can’t make speculations about the future. Well, as usual, people are wrong again. I know for certain that I love you and that I’ll love you for as long as we are together- and I want that to be forever. Finally, I know that you’re the best thing that has happened in my life. Happy two months anniversary to us.

36. For two months now, we’ve sewn our hearts together in love and we’ve walked and worked together hand in hand towards the future, our future. I mean, what’s the essence of hustling and struggling in this short life without having someone to share it with? What better way to fight back in life than with a partner who has your back at all times? Sometimes, life does nothing but troubles and temptations for you, so I’m sure you aren’t a product of life attacking me. You’re a sure and divine product of God’s love for me. Happy two months anniversary.

Happy 2 Months Anniversary Message

37. Just being with you these past two months has changed my life. I now see opportunities in life rather than failures, and I see every disappointment as a blessing in disguise. I no longer see the rain in the light of disappointment but as a phenomenon that helps to wash me clean and provide the beautiful rainbow for me to see. All these have come into my life these two months by virtue of your entrance into it. You are priceless, honey. Happy anniversary to us.

38. I could never repay you for the value you’ve brought to my life this past two months but I hope these few words could give you a glimpse of what I feel about you and how much I cherish your presence in my life. I have nothing else to say other than I love you, I always want you around me by my side, you’re the best, you’re my pill when I’m sick and you’re everything I want now and everything I ever wanted. I want us to last forever and I hope and pray we make it. Thank you for the opportunity to live in your heart. Happy anniversary.

39. I have been the richest person in the world for the past two months because I have you, a valuable treasure and asset that is worth more than any other thing in this world. You give me joy, love, peace and every other thing money cannot give and you give me for free. I pray to God every day that we last forever, and I know we can but I don’t want to worry about that today. Today, I just want to hold your hands and celebrate two months of everything we share together. Happy anniversary, darling.

40. Some say we’re so much in love because we’re still young but I refuse to listen to that. Why? That’s because every passing second, minute, hour and day, I only seem to love you more than the past and less than the future. So it’s not possible that my love for you would diminish as time passes. Oh my, I can’t imagine how much I’ll love you tomorrow! Two months have gone, and we’re getting stronger. Happy anniversary, darling. I cherish you.

41. Imagine having the birds chirp, the beautiful sound of the rustling of leaves, water rushing in the river, wind whistling during the harmattan and elephants howling for joy. Imagine the special feeling all these things make a human have. That’s what you’ve made me feel and even better these past two months of being with you. You’re perfect and I wish I could make the whole world hear that. I love you so much and I want to spend forever with you. Thank you for being with me. Happy anniversary.

42. Dear baby, I’ve lived every second of the last two months wondering: “What would my life have been if I didn’t have you? If I didn’t have you to wrap around my arms when I felt stressed? If I didn’t have you to playfully fight with? How would I have faced the numerous difficulties life offered that you softened by virtue of your presence? What did I ever do to deserve this blessing God bestowed upon me to love me without limits? The answers to these questions could drive a person crazy and I don’t wish to run mad. Instead, I want to wish us a happy two-month anniversary celebration and a long-lasting relationship.

43. I am indeed convinced that no human can under any circumstance, measure the value and importance your presence has brought to my life, not even you. Only God can, and that’s because he’s infinite. With him in this relationship, I know for certain that it’s going to infinite too. The only thing we have to do is trust and believe in him and hold on to each other on this stormy journey. I thank you for being a part of my life. Happy anniversary, baby.

44. Two months. Two months of laughter and arguments. Two months of joy and sometimes a little pain. Two months of finding our place and doing every other thing together. Two months of having you on my mind for every second. I wish I can always have you in my hand till the end of time, and I know that it’s going to happen, but until then, I want to continue to bask in the ocean of your love, peace and joy. I

45. Whenever you’re far away from me, I can’t seem to focus. Whenever you’re mad at me, I have sleepless nights until you smile back at me again. I wish my words could suffice to show you how much I love you, but they don’t even come close. I value you, I cherish you and I would never put anyone or thing before you as long as we are together. Before you worry about how long that would be, I just want us to relax and celebrate our love. Happy anniversary, baby.

46. My heart had formed a firewall and generated a program that turned down any agenda of love in my life before. This program was generated due to the effect of life experiences in my world prior to your emergence two months ago. However, when you came along, I mean, when you came in, you brought down the firewall and rewrote the program of my life. Now I know that love exists and you are a total embodiment of it. I love you with every bone and drop of blood in my body. Happy anniversary, honey.

47. Sweetheart, I cannot thank you enough for entering the jungle in my life and turning it to Disneyland. I cherish every single moment we have shared together these past two months. For every time I’ve made you smile, you’ve done the same for me twenty times over. With you, the world feels like a speck of dust to me. With you, I know I can take anything. With you, I have no fear for tomorrow because I know that whatever happens, you’re going to be in it. Happy anniversary, darling.

48. It’s amazing how about sixty days with you have made more impact on my life than the thousands of days I spent alone in this world before your arrival. Every empty part of me that grew deeper due to the harsh nature of the world we find ourselves have been filled totally with your never-ending oil of joy. There’s nobody I want to share my life and family more than you, and I know that the creator agrees. Thank you for all you have done for my once sick and shattered heart within two months. I love you, honey. Happy two months anniversary.

49. I’ve found a friend that sticks closer than a blood relative, with whom I want to spend every second of the rest of my life with. I’ve found a confidant I can tell my secrets and be sure of their safety. I’ve found a teacher who has tutored me with love on everything I need to know about the subject. I’ve found a person who can be a parent, a friend, a confidant, a protector and a lover all at the same time. The good part? It has taken me just two months to figure all these out about this person. Baby, you’re special to me and there’s nobody that could even come close to doing all these things you’ve done for and to me in the past two months. Happy anniversary, love.

50. It’s beautiful when you find a beauty that you can appreciate and that appreciates your own beauty. Nothing compares to that. My dedication to you is undying and I’m proud of having you by my side. I’ll do a lot to be with you. Two months and you’ve been the best partner I’ve ever had. Happy 2 months anniversary to us. I have no regrets knowing or meeting you, my sunshine.

As a spouse that knows how blessed it’s been for the past two months as a married man/woman, you might want to flaunt the success with these happy 2 months anniversary messages for your husband or wife. They can also perfectly pass as 2 month complete marriage status to use on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram Stories.

1 to 30 are short ones. 31 to 50 are long ones. You can scroll to number 31 if you want them.

1. Being a part of me for two months has been the best thing to happen to me in my life so far. Happy two months anniversary to us.

2 Month Anniversary for Boyfriend

2. I have had no regrets loving and being loved by you in the past eight weeks. It’s been bliss, joy and laughter. Happy 2 months anniversary to us.

3. It’s like my life just began two months ago when we got married. I’ve been so alive I feel like I’ve been dead before. Happy 2 months.

4. Regrets are for people that are the exact opposite of us, because any relationship that’s like ours can’t have regrets. It’s two months now.

5. Two months and still counting, we’ve been the best of couples, swimming in love and life. Happy two months anniversary.

6. Happy two months it has been since you said yes to me. No one can tell me otherwise. Happy two months anniversary to us.

7. Happy two months anniversary to us. Love has kept us together, not leaving us empty-handed, blessing every one of our activities.

8. These two months we’ve been together have been the most exciting two months of my life. Times like this should never come to an end. Happy two months of us being together.

9. Happy two months anniversary to us. The best time ever spent in my life were these two months spent with you. I have loved everything about it.

10. Happy two months anniversary. A wife and a husband turned siblings, friends, and bosom partners. It’s been fun being with you, Darling.

11. Happy two months anniversary to us. We’ve played together, drank together and been together for this short and I know the longer the better.

12. Let those who want to talk keep talking. We are meant to be together, forever, me and you. Happy two months anniversary to us.

13. Happy two months wedding anniversary to me and you being together. The months ahead are better, more awesome and more lovely.

14. Happy two months anniversary to us. My love for you grows bigger, better and greater. I’ll love you forever.

15. Two months of love is enough to make someone go mad. But coming from you, it can make someone go mad and wild. Being with you for two months have been awesome.

16. Happy two months anniversary to us. May our love keep growing and blossoming healthily forever. Thanks for being with me.

17. No regrets for the past. No complaints about the present. And no fears for the future. Just because I’ve been with you for two months.

18. Two months have been enough to prove our love to each other, but not enough to give each other the full package of what our love has to offer. Happy two months anniversary to us.

19. Week after week, you’ve been a resting place for me to run away from my fears. It’s been lovely being with you for a happy two months.

20. Rest is when you’ve found a mate like yourself, and you know that no one can take me away from you. I have no fears because I know you are my rest. Happy 2 months to us.

21. Love is the bedrock of our marriage and two months of love have been more than amazing. Happy two months to us. I love you.

22. 60 days have given me more than what I would have wished for if I had 60 wishes. And the months ahead are more glorious. Happy two months to us.

23. It’s been two months of joy being with a darling like you. I can imagine how sweet the red of my life will be now. Happy two months to us.

24. A person like you in my life can never be regretted. You just proved it to me these two months we’ve been together. Happy 2 months anniversary to us.

25. Every day spent with you in the last two months has with it a reason to smile. It’s been awesome and beautiful. Thanks for being in my life. Happy two months to us.

26. Walking and talking with you in my life is a steady adventure that can’t be regretted. You have made me better. Happy two months anniversary to us.

27. I’ve felt like a king these past two months, because you’ve made me feel like one. I am happy to have you in my life. Happy 2 months to us.

28. Happy two months of our being married. I love every moment of our being together. No regrets. Just love and joy and laughter. I love you.

29. It’s been 8 weeks of being together in a home with you. I wish to be nowhere else. I know it will be better because we have better days ahead. Happy two months.

30. Love will always find a way, but you’ve made it easier in the last two months by creating a way for love. Happy two months to us, love.

Sweet collection of Long 2 Month Anniversary Messages, Wishes and Quotes for Your Husband or Wife.

31. Hey, baby. It’s been two months of walking this path with you. Sometimes you’ve had potholes on your side of the road, sometimes I’ve had on mine. Sometimes we faced them at the same time. However, one thing remained constant. We crossed all of them together. I just want you to know that there’s nobody else I’d rather take this journey with. I cherish and love you so much, my dear. Happy anniversary, my love.

2 Month Anniversary for Girlfriend

32. Two months have gone since we started travelling the same road together, not as strangers, but as a team with one mind, one direction and purpose. Throughout this time, you’ve always stopped to treat my wound whenever I dash my foot. You’ve given me priceless advice regarding the direction of our journey so far and I can’t thank you enough for this. We’ve walked hand in hand all the way, and I pray that it be so forever. Happy anniversary, darling.

33. Two months has been enough time for me to know that you’re the one for me forever. Within this time, I’ve been able to set my priorities right, get closer to my future and purpose. Within this time, I’ve been able to establish settle turbulent waves in my heart by your calm touch and it’s all because of your presence in it. You are no work of fate, you’re a result of divine inspiration and love from the Father in heaven himself. I would kill for you, babe. Happy anniversary.

34. We’ve been in the same boat for two months now. Many times we had to lose some things we had that were weighing us down to keep our boat from sinking. Sometimes, we got scared when the waves threatened, sometimes we got sick along the way, sometimes we couldn’t see the shore and we lost faith; but every day we’ve learnt to trust God, the captain. Happy anniversary, my dear.

35. My love, first of all, I want to let you know that I totally have no regrets deciding to spend the rest of my life with you. These first two months have been a direct evidence of God’s favour and love on our marriage. It has struck me over the course of these two months that God is totally interested in our marriage and that makes me feel refreshed and settled. I’m looking forward to more and more adventures together and many more anniversaries like this in the future. Happy anniversary, baby.

36. Sometimes, I just take a sit and stare. Reminisce about how my life was before I met you and think about how the past two months would have been without you in it. I always come up with nothing. A void, dark and empty space within me is all I can think about without you. I want you to know that you don’t just have space in my heart, you’re my whole heart, because it’s clear that there’s nothing there without you. I love you until the end of time and space, because we’re getting there. Happy anniversary, my dear.

37. These past two months have made me convinced that there is God and you are created in his image. This is because, in all my time in this world, I’ve never seen anyone comparable to you. You’ve totally turned my life around simply with your presence in it. No one can understand me like you, satisfy me like you and I’d be a fool to let you go. I love you forever and a day more, because I know we are going to last that long. Happy anniversary to us, sweetie.

38. It’s been a wonderful and pleasurable journey with you these past two months, honey. Since the day we took off, it’s been a beautiful view at the top as we’ve flown above our fears towards heaven. We’ve encountered many troubles and turbulence along the way but we sat tight, hand in hand, sharing all our fears together and building on our weaknesses. Through all, we’ve learned to trust God, the most efficient pilot of all. Happy anniversary, sweetie.

39. What a wonderful and blissful time it has been with you for the past two months. Two months of laughter, some tears, happiness, arguments, understanding and above all, love. You’ve been the sugar in my life, literally. I mean I can’t estimate how sweet you’ve made my life since you decided to spend the rest of your life with me. Believe me, I don’t take that decision for granted and I’m willing to do anything to keep you with me forever. I love you, baby. Happy anniversary.

40. Hey, my love. I’ve lived in paradise for the last two months, not because of where we live in but because of who I live with. I have always felt satisfied this past two months, not because of the food I’ve been eating but because you fill my heart with joy. I relax in these thoughts as I know that it won’t be possible to live in hell because your presence will always change it to heaven for me and that I’ll never be hungry because you’ll always be there to fill me up. Thank you for your love and companionship. Happy anniversary, baby.

41. We’ve been married for 60 days or 1,440 hours or 86,400 minutes or 5,184,000 seconds and in all of these, I assure you that there’s not a single second that I didn’t have you in my head. You have become a part of my mind, body and soul that I can’t let go of. For every second, you’ve taken care of me physically, emotionally and now everything tallies. I love, appreciate and adore you and I’ll never put anyone before you. Happy two months anniversary to us.

42. My heart is precious and I don’t give it to just anyone. However, from the first day I met you, I knew that you had to be the one and only gatekeeper to my guarded heart and two months ago, we both sealed the deal. I want to let you know that within those two months, I’ve had no regrets whatsoever regarding my decision to give you that job as you’ve protected and guarded my heart with your life. I love you to the heavens and back, honey. Happy anniversary to us.

43. Marriage is a contract that lasts a lifetime and anniversaries like these are contract reminders and extension, most importantly renewals. I want you to know that you’ve been holding your end of the contract very well and that you have the job and contract for as long as we both live. I also want you to know that there’s nobody more suited for this hard task than you and that nobody, I mean nobody is taking this job away from you. Oh, did I forget to say that I love you with my whole life? Happy two months anniversary, babe.

44. It’s funny how years and years of my hustle to find my place and the right person doesn’t seem to matter when I think about just these two months we have spent together. It’s funny how every large sand hill of disappointment seems like a speck of dust whenever I think of the mountain of support I have with you. For so long, I was puzzled about my life direction, love and purpose, but just like a jigsaw, you put all the pieces together and made my life a beautiful picture to behold. I love you dearly. Happy anniversary, babe.

45. We have traversed through life as two separate entities for the whole of our lives except the past two months. We are one now in mind, purpose and direction and I must say it has been much easier for two people striving for one purpose than two different entities shooting for different goals. I know that when I’m bruised and fallen, you’ll always be there to take care of me till I’m strong enough to continue shooting and I want you to know that I will do the same for you with no hesitation. I love you, baby. Happy two month anniversary to us.

46. For the past two months, my eyes have been set on the future and for the first time in my life, I worry less about what it holds for me. Why is that? Simply because I have you. I’m at a point where I know that my future is secure as long as you are in it. You are my future and you are perfect, you’re my future and you’re rock solid, you’re my everything, so what’s the need of worrying? So as we celebrate two months of constant victory today, expect me to chill and toss my fears into the deepest of oceans. I love you, baby. Happy two months anniversary.

47. I want to thank you, first for coming into my life when I was losing hope in the world and the word “LOVE”. Next, I want to thank you for agreeing to share your life with me and walk this path to forever with me. I must say, marrying you was the biggest and best decision I’ve made in my entire life. Finally, I want to thank you for the last two months, for being my backbone, my extra foot to stand on and my personal comforter and supporter. I love you, baby. Happy anniversary, my love.

48. My heart pounds for joy whenever I remember that I have just spent a drop of an ocean of time with you in this marriage. We’ve gone for two months now, and it’s enough for me to be happy for the rest of my life and the best thing is, we still have forever to go! God must love me the most because he gave me the best of the best. I appreciate your efforts to make my life sweeter and I promise you that I’ll be doing the same as the years roll by. Happy anniversary, baby.

49. I used to hustle day and night to find my place in the world. I used to grind up and down for attention from the world. But from the day you decide to share my life with me two months ago, you’ve taught me better. Know I understand that you’re all I need to struggle to keep in my world because you mean the world to me. It would cost me nothing to give the world away to be with you forever, baby, because you are my world. I love you and I thank you for the past two months.

50. It’s been two months of open heavens on my life by virtue of your presence in it. I’ve received blessing unlimited. I’ve received favour, joy, laughter and unlimited happiness. All because of you. I normally am an unappreciative person but because of you, I’ve learned to be grateful for every little thing. So today, I wish to thank you for every single time you made me smile, every time you forgave me for my silly errors, every time you had my back. All these memories combined have made my life amazing and I love you for every one of them. Two months down, forever to go.

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