123 Happy Birthday Messages for Younger Sister in 2022

It is a great privilege to have a sister to celebrate, seeing that there are thousands of people praying and seeking for one.

Whenever we find an opportunity, appearing as birthdays or any other occasion, we ought to celebrate them: praying for them, wishing them well and having fun with them.

Below are birthday prayers and wishes for a beautiful younger sister.

Best collection of Happy Birthday Messages for Younger Sister on her special day.

1. Almighty God,
I pray that You fill the life of my younger sister with Joy and laughter. May she grow in wisdom and favour with You and men.
Happy Birthday, dear.

2. Happy fun-filled and beautiful birthday dear.
As your elder sister, I can testify of your goodheartedness, and I’m praying to God that He shall reward you richly for the love you show to people. I wish you long life and prosperity dear.

3. I bless God for your life today being another birthday celebration for you. I pray that God shall make you a conqueror in every of life’s battle you come in contact with. Happy Birthday sweet little sister.

4. I pray for you that the word of God shall continuously light your path, giving directions to your way all the days of your life. I pray you succeed in all of your endeavours. Happy Birthday, sister.

5. May you step into the morning of joy even as you mark a new age today. May your joy know no end forever. Amen. Happy Birthday, best kid sister.

6. May the grace of God be sufficient for you in every aspect of your life, to grant you favour to succeed. Happy Birthday, my dear sister.

7. As you step into this new age, may you bask in God’s glory as you remain in His presence. May the world celebrate God in you. Happy glorious birthday dear.

8. Having to be responsible for you as your older brother has been fun even though challenging sometimes, and I bless God for how through His love has ushered you into a New Year of your life. I pray that He shall continue to keep you safe and bless you beyond what you can contain. Happy Birthday, sissy.

9. May God grant you all round breakthrough and success. May this new age launch you into your season of greatness. Happy Birthday, beloved.

10. God is ever faithful! He has indeed seen you through another 365 days of your life. May His name be praised forever. Amen.

11. Bless You o Lord forever. Thank You for the privilege You have given my sister to celebrate another birthday. I am grateful forever, Amen. I pray that You load her every day this year with benefits, amen.

12. Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of life. I appreciate you for the journey of my sister’s life so far.
I ask today, that You be gracious to her and hear all her heart cry, and answer them. Grant her a breathtaking birthday present, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

13. May God command kings and princes to rise in your favour. May the heavens and the earth work together to help you. May you never be stranded or frustrated. Amen. Happy Birthday, baby sister.

14. May the blessings of God that makes rich and adds no sorrow be on an increase in your life every day of this New Year, in Jesus’ name. Happy Birthday, sister. God bless you.

15. I pray that God shall keep you connected to Him, the fountain of living water. May your life never know dryness and may all your thirst be quenched. I wish you a Happy and prosperous birthday little sister.

16. Dear Jesus,
I pray for my little sister today, that You shall cause her to enter a harvest whereon he bestowed no labour, as a birthday present to her. May she enjoy Your favour every day of this new age. Amen.

17. May the Almighty God grant you rest. Complete rest. May he stabilize you, establish you and settle you for the rest of your life. Happy New age sister.

18. I pray supernatural blessing and extraordinary peace and Joy in your life. May this new age favour you. Amen. Happy Birthday, baby sister.

19. Jehovah,
The things You do are really awesome. Your hands of salvation and deliverance are really great. Thank You for saving and delivering my sister for the past ten years. I ask that You save and deliver her until the end of her sojourn on earth. Amen.

20. Jesus!
This is me being so grateful for life, especially that of my sister. The life You have exposed her too is a type our money can and will never afford. Thank You for aligning her with Your will, thank You for adding a year to her life. I pray that she shall continuously be aligned with Your will all the days of her life. Amen!.

21. I ask God on your behalf, that His light may illuminate your life and paths for the rest of your life. May your eyes be enlightened so you see life through God’s light. Happy Birthday dear sister. I love you.

22. May it please God, our God to open the windows of heaven over you to rain goodness, peace, joy, success, favour and promotion into your life all the days of this new age. Happy Birthday to you, my best little sister.

23. I love you so much and I consider it a great privilege to be your elder sister. I pray that this day of your birth celebration shall be a landmark of unending celebration in your life. Happy Birthday, sister. Have a blast.

24. May the joy of celebrating birthdays be multiplied in your life today and forever in Jesus’ name. Happy Birthday, my kid sister.

25. I pray that God will hide you in His pavilion, and under the shadow of His wings may you find refuge. Stay secured sister.
Happy Birthday.

26. I wish you the happiest and most celebrated birthday today as you turn 18. I pray that you shall not just be legal physically but spiritually and emotionally. May God grant you control over life’s troubles in Jesus’ name. Amen.

27. Beautiful God, Nothing compared to the love you’ve bestowed on us and the promises we have in You. Thank you for another birthday celebration in my sister’s life. I’m grateful. May this new age make her a better person, and help me to be a better sister. Amen.

28. Dear Jesus,
I bless You because You sent her my way when I couldn’t afford a sister like her. I did not even know I’d need her in subsequent times. Daddy please I ask that You bless her this day, with a blessing that will surpass all the blessings she’s received since birth. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Happy Birthday dear sister.

29. I thank You, Lord, for my sister.
I adore You, Lord, because it has pleased You to keep her for 18 long years. People may see it as normal for a person to live for 18 years but we know it’s Your mercies that have kept her. I pray you send her the directions she needs during this period of her life. Amen.

30. Lord because You’ve promised to take care of me, You gave me a sibling long before I know I’ll need her. I celebrate You Daddy for this. I am and will be forever grateful. I pray for her, that whenever she sheds hidden tears please be there to embrace her with Your Love and Joy. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

31 Baby,
I thank God for loving us and keeping us.
The life you have today is totally by His grace and I appreciate Him for that. I pray today for you that the Lord will establish you, comfort you and stabilize you. Happy Birthday, baby sister.

32. I pray for my sister today, being her birthday, that You bless her and bless our parents. May they never lack resources to take care of her. May she never lack help when she needs. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

33. In every area of your life, I declare God’s peace. Amen
Thank you for being a great baby sister. Happy Birthday.

34. I pray for my sister today, that every work You are doing in her, You shall finish and cut short in righteousness. Please fill her life with Joy and rejoicing today and forever. Happy birthday to her.

35. Out of the mouth of babes, God has ordained praise.
I pray that from your mouth shall spring forth praises that have its storage in your heart for the Lord. Happy Birthday, babe.

36. I pray for you, that as a new chapter of your life is opened today, May it be accompanied by new open doors and new successes. Happy Birthday, sister.

37. I thank God for another birthday celebration in your life.
I ask that He shall beautify you with glory and honour.
May your life never lose relevance. Amen. Happy Birthday, sis.

38. I appreciate God for He has promised you a length of days,
And every year you celebrate a birthday, we see a fulfilment of that promise. We are grateful for it. Happy Birthday dear little sister.

39. My baby sister is a year plus today and I bless You, Jesus, because it is your doing and it is marvellous in my eyes.
I pray that as You have added another year to her that you shall grant her every favour she needs for this year in Jesus’ name. Amen.

40. Thank You oh God for through Your love that You have made my sister see her second birthday.
I declare over her life that she shall not die untimely, but live to her ripe old age. She shall be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath all the days of her sojourn on earth.
Thank You because You are able to do all of this, amen.

41. Dear Lord,
Standing on your word, I declare that You shall plant Your daughter as a tree by the rivers of water. She shall bring forth her fruit in season and her leaves shall not wither. May all the works of her hands flourish in Jesus’ name. Happy Birthday, sister.

42. I bless the Lord God of all creation for Your life.
I thank Him for adding another year to your age.
I pray that laughter shall never cease from your mouth. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Happy Birthday, dear sister.

43. As you become a year older today that the Lord shall cause you to make progress and promote your speedily in the name of Jesus. Amen. Happy Birthday, baby sister.

44. I know I’m not your favourite big brother,
But I pray that God, our Joy giver, shall fill your heart with so much Joy and happiness that will last you a lifetime.
Happy Birthday to you, sis.

45. I make this declaration for your life today:
You are victorious and more than a conqueror.
When the enemy comes against you as a flood may God raise a standard against him. Amen Happy Birthday to you, baby sister.

46. Just as God has kept you until a new age, may He keep you in His mercy till old age, amen. Happy Birthday sweet little sister.

47. May Jehovah God anoint you with the oil of gladness,
And give you the garment of praise in exchange for the spirit of heaviness in the name of Jesus. Amen. Happy 10th-year, sister.

48. Today,
May you receive good news from far country and pleasant awesome surprises as a birthday present.
Happy Birthday dear sister.

49. I pray that God shall bless you beyond your faith and beyond all you could ever ask for. I pray that He shall finish his work in Your life and cut it short in righteousness. Amen. Happy Birthday, sister.

50. I thank the Lord of host, who has been with us through these years. I pray that He will continue to keep you and give you more years in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Happy Birthday lovely sister.

51. Baby girl, it’s your birthday and I want you to have maximum fun.
Thank you for growing older, it reminds me of how much of a big girl I am. Happy Birthday. I love you.

52. Baby sissy, whenever it’s your birthday I’m reminded of how you came into my life and drove away loneliness and boredom. Thank you for being the best sister in the world. Much love.

53. Twinnie, I’m writing this message as your elder brother. Few seconds count too. Let’s keep growing together, dear.
Happy Birthday.

54. The happiest birthday is my wish to you, my first sibling, sister, bestie and bae. Thank you for being all these things to me. I love you, sweetheart.

55. May all your wishes come true in hundred folds this year.
Happy Birthday, Lil sissy.

56. I used to think the annoying sibling is always the brother until you came along. You’re a perfect combination of annoying and sweet.
On this your birthday I pray that you become sweeter and less annoying. Amen.

57. Hurray!! My baby is already 20!
I wish you life’s 20 best offers. May all your dreams come to reality. Happy Birthday, boo.

58. May you experience a fulfilling joy on this your birthday and for the rest of your life.
Shine on, darling. Happy Birthday.

59. Baby sister, isn’t it funny how I’m the first and you’re the last but we’re closest of siblings? I guess it’s cos we’re made for each other. Happy Birthday, dear. May you grow fat in fineness and riches.

60. May your daily glow reflect the beauty of nature, and may you become the solution to the world’s beauty problem.
Happy Birthday, prettiest sister.

61. Happy Birthday, dear.
May you grow and glow all the days of this New Year and beyond.
I love you.

62. Life has been very beautiful with you in it and I’m grateful daily that you came into our lives. I wish you every goodness that flows from you, in a multiplied form. Happy Birthday best sister.

63. May every day you live present new opportunities to grow and succeed. Happy Birthday, dear.

64. Like a tree by the rivers of water, may your life flourish continuously all the days of your sojourn on earth. Keep blossoming babe, Happy Birthday.

65. May our love for each other ever remain on an upward slope, not minding what life tosses our way.
Happy Birthday, dearest sister. I love you.

66. Everyone prays to have a kid sister as sweet and cute as you are. Am I not just blessed?
Happy sweet birthday, dear. Stay sweet.

67. Your loving, caring and protective attributes leave me wondering why you didn’t come before me.
Happy Birthday, my safe place.

68. I wish my finest kid sister a really great and all-round successful future ahead. Happy Birthday, boo.

69. May you excel in all of your endeavours as you step into this new age. May life offer you all its best.
Happy Birthday, darling. I love you.

70. Your presence in my life has been one of the best events for me. Thank you for being more than just a sister.
Happy birthday, my sister and friend.

71. Let me cease this opportunity to wish my sister a wonderful, beautiful and the best Birthday she’s ever had.
May your star outshine every other star in the galaxy.
I love you baby girl and I’ll choose you as my sister over and over again.

72. I wish that every trouble in your life shall be replaced with peace. May your table be filled with fruits of joy and happiness. Happy birthday, sister!

73. Your birthday is a day always worth celebrating.
Beyond it being the day you were born, it is also a day of this family great testimony because our prayers were finally answered. We’ll remain ever grateful that you’re a part of us.
Happy Birthday, dearest sister.

74. May all your heart desires be granted, and much more. May you be blessed.
Happy Birthday, dear.

75. As you celebrate your silver jubilee, I wish you a thousandfold reward for being so kind.
Happy Birthday, cheers.

76. My major joy today is that, for once, I did not have to be reminded of your birthday.
I wish you daily growth because it helps me see how older I am.
Happy Birthday, the pain in my neck
Happy Birthday, annoying little sister.

77. Happy Birthday, Sissy.
I pray that as you grow older you will get to experience what I experienced being responsible for you, as you will be responsible for our younger siblings.
Best wishes from your best sister.

78. May you succeed in all you do, and may you live long.
May the only lack in your life be enough rooms to store your blessings. Happy Birthday great sister.

79. As you celebrate your birthday, I wish you’ll be empowered to soar higher than the eagles, to be above your peers, to go beyond the peak of your career and to have victory in all of life’s battle.
Happy Birthday, my baby sister.

80. May you find healing and wholeness for all your health challenges. May the history of ill health be totally wiped off your life.
Happy Birthday, sister. Many happy returns.

81. Today and forever, may you experience fully, the joy that comes with birthdays.
May each year present an opportunity to be better.
Happy Birthday, baby girl. I love you much.

82. May you prosper and flourish all the days of your life.
May you live a blessed life.
Happy Birthday, sister.

83. I’m celebrating your birthday today and also appreciating you for staying the best kid sister in the world. May you outshine the sun.
Happy Birthday, my love.

84. Take a break from worries and stress today. It’s your birthday, have maximum fun. I wish you the best.

85. I wish you a healthy financial, mental, physical and social life today and forever. Happy big 20, dear.

86. As your days increase so shall your strength increase.
May you fulfil your days and purpose in life.
Happy Birthday, baby girl.

87. No matter how old you are, I’ll still be your loving older brother that you can always run to, and that will always have your back.
Happy legal age, smallie.

88. May you experience an overwhelming joy today and every day of this new age.
Happy Birthday, Princess.

89. Happy Birthday, little girl.
May every year be a better year than the previous year for you.
May you be all that you wish yourself and more and may you have perfect peace.

90. Baby sister,
As you become a year old today all I wish you is happiness, long life and fruitfulness.
Keep growing, darling. I love you.

91. Disturb everyone and receive everything you can today. You only have the opportunity once a year.
Happy 10th year, Sissy.

92. May you glow like the sun and blossom like flowers and shine like the stars.
Happy Birthday to you, girl.

93. Not intending to flatter, I’ll say that Your open, warm and welcoming heart has placed you ahead of us all, even though you’re only the youngest.
Happy Birthday, darling.

94. Every single second is significant in time. That’s why the seconds I use to senior you are so significant to me, you know.
Happy Birthday, twinnie. Let’s disturb town today.

95. My heart’s desire for you is progress, prosperity and promotion, success, greatness and every other great thing your heart desires.
Happy big birthday, darling.

96. It is a thing of joy knowing I have a sister who is a great source of inspiration to me. Helping me tread grounds I usually wouldn’t. It’s more marvelling considering you’re my younger sister.
Thank you for your presence in my life. Happy Birthday, I love you!

97. You’re now old enough to be a part of the senior gist in this house. Cheer up, babe.
Happy Birthday.

98. Baby sister,
I want to remind you that I will always love and care for you, that I’m always looking out for you and will always have your back.
Happy Birthday, sweet.

99. I wish that all of your good wishes for yourself will come to pass as you celebrate – birthday today.
Happy big birthday, my sister.

100. I wish you a bountiful return as a harvest for the kindhearted seed you’ve sown in the life of many.
Happy silver jubilee, my baby girl.

101. Dear Jesus,
I bless You because You sent her my way I when couldn’t afford a sister like her. I did not even know I’d need her in subsequent times. Daddy please I ask that You bless her this day, with a blessing that will surpass all the blessings she’s received since birth. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Happy Birthday dear sister.

102. I thank You, Lord, for my sister.
I adore You, Lord, because it has pleased You to keep her for 18 long years. People may see it as normal for a person to live for 18 years but we know it’s Your mercies that have kept her. I pray you send her the directions she needs during this period of her life. Amen.

103. Lord because You’ve promised to take care of me, You gave me a sibling long before I know I’ll need her. I celebrate You Daddy for this. I am and will be forever grateful. I pray for her, that whenever she sheds hidden tears please be there to embrace her with Your Love and Joy. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

104. Baby,
I thank God for loving us and keeping us.
The life you have today is totally by His grace and I appreciate Him for that. I pray today for you that the Lord will establish you, comfort you and stabilize you. Happy Birthday, baby sister.

105. I pray for my sister today, being her birthday, that You bless her and bless our parents. May they never lack resources to take care of her. May she never lack help when she needs. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

106. In every area of your life, I declare God’s peace. Amen
Thank you for being a great baby sister. Happy Birthday.

107. I pray for my sister today, that every work You are doing in her, You shall finish and cut short in righteousness. Please fill her life with Joy and rejoicing today and forever. Happy birthday to her.

108. Out of the mouth of babes, God has ordained praise.
I pray that from your mouth shall spring forth praises that have its storage in your heart for the Lord. Happy Birthday, babe.

109. I pray for you, that as a new chapter of your life is opened today, May it be accompanied by new open doors and new successes. Happy Birthday, sister.

110. I thank God for another birthday celebration in your life.
I ask that He shall beautify you with glory and honour.
May your life never lose relevance. Amen. Happy Birthday, sis.

111. I appreciate God for He has promised you a length of days,
And every year you celebrate a birthday, we see a fulfilment of that promise. We are grateful for it. Happy Birthday dear little sister.

112. My baby sister is a year plus today and I bless You, Jesus, because it is your doing and it is marvellous in my eyes.
I pray that as You have added another year to her that you shall grant her every favour she needs for this year in Jesus’ name. Amen.

113. Thank You oh God for through Your love that You have made my sister see her second birthday.
I declare over her life that she shall not die untimely, but live to her ripe old age. She shall be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath all the days of her sojourn on earth.
Thank You because You are able to do all of this, amen.

114. Dear Lord,
Standing on your word, I declare that You shall plant Your daughter as a tree by the rivers of water. She shall bring forth her fruit in season and her leaves shall not wither. May all the works of her hands flourish in Jesus’ name. Happy Birthday, sister.

115. I bless the Lord God of all creation for Your life.
I thank Him for adding another year to your age.
I pray that laughter shall never cease from your mouth. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Happy Birthday, dear sister.

116. As you become a year older today that the Lord shall cause you to make progress and promote your speedily in the name of Jesus. Amen. Happy Birthday, baby sister.

117. I know I’m not your favourite big brother,
But I pray that God, our Joy giver, shall fill your heart with so much Joy and happiness that will last you a lifetime.
Happy Birthday to you, sis.

118. I make this declaration for your life today:
You are victorious and more than a conqueror.
When the enemy comes against you as a flood may God raise a standard against him. Amen Happy Birthday to you, baby sister.

119. Just as God has kept you until a new age, may He keep you in His mercy until old age, amen. Happy Birthday sweet little sister.

120. May Jehovah God anoint you with the oil of gladness,
And give you the garment of praise in exchange for the spirit of heaviness in the name of Jesus. Amen. Happy 10th-year, sister.

121. Today,
May you receive good news from far country and pleasant awesome surprises as a birthday present.
Happy Birthday dear sister.

122. I pray that God shall bless you beyond your faith and beyond all you could ever ask for. I pray that He shall finish his work in Your life and cut it short in righteousness. Amen. Happy Birthday, sister.

123. I thank the Lord of host, who has been with us through these years. I pray that He will continue to keep you and give you more years in Jesus’ name. Amen. Happy Birthday lovely sister.

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