2022 Happy Birthday Prayers for Mum (Mom)

Mothers are likened to a gold that is priceless because of how much they sacrifice for their family. Mothers are probably everything ranging from cook, nurse, nurturer to sometimes, provider and protector. Their birthday is, therefore, a special time to make them feel appreciated by praying for them. Below are short and long prayers you can pray for your mum on her birthday.

Mothers deserve to be treated specially on their special days. Celebrate your Mother on her Birthday by praying for her with these Short Birthday Prayers for My Mum, and sweet birthday wishes and prayer for my mother.

1. Lord, I commit my mum, on her birthday, into your hands that you give her a special day to remember in Jesus name. Amen.

2. Lord, on my mum’s special day, I pray that testimony would not leave her life in Jesus name. Amen.

3. I pray, Lord, for my mum today that you bless and increase her on all sides in Jesus name. Amen.

4. Father, today is my mum’s birthday, I pray that on this day, all her pending prayers will be answered in Jesus name. Amen.

5. Jehovah, I pray that as my mum celebrates her birthday, you will illuminate her life with your light in Jesus name. Amen.

6. Lord, today being my mum’s birthday, I ask that you arise for her and let all her enemies be scattered in Jesus name. Amen.

7. My Redeemer, I commit my mother unto your hands that all she lays her hands on will prosper in Jesus name. Amen.

8. On this day that my mother is starting her new year, I pray that you will rebuke the devourer for her sake in Jesus name. Amen.

9. Whatever battles that my mum has been fighting all these years, Lord, I pray on her birthday that you will grant her victory in Jesus name. Amen.

10. As my mother celebrates today, I ask, Lord, that she will not know a better yesterday, the years ahead will be better in Jesus name. Amen.

11. Lord, I commit my mum into your hands as she celebrates her birthday, that for her sake, you will restore all the years that the cankerworm has eaten in Jesus name. Amen.

12. Lord, I commit my mum into your hands that she will not mourn any of her children and we will not mourn her as well in Jesus name. Amen.

13. You are the Lord who answers by fire, I pray as my mum celebrates her birthday that you will answer her by fire in Jesus name. Amen.

14. My mother adds another year today and we are so grateful to you, I pray, Lord that she will live to see many more years in Jesus name. Amen.

Birthday Wishes for Mum

15. I pray for my mum as she starts her journey into another year today that you will bless her with strength and fervour even like that of a youth in Jesus name. Amen.

16. Jehovah, as my mother is increasing in age, she will not lack increase in wisdom, knowledge and understanding as well in Jesus name. Amen.

17. As my mum starts another 365 days journey today, I pray that you will be with her through it and much more to come in Jesus name. Amen.

18. I pray, Lord, that you will keep my mother’s feet from stumbling on her journey through life, even as she celebrates another year today in Jesus name. Amen.

19. All that my mother will be doing in this new year that she is starting today, you will bless and cause to be successful in Jesus name. Amen.

20. Lord, I commit my mum, on her birthday, into your hands, that she will not spend her life nursing any sickness or the other in Jesus name. Amen.

21. I pray Lord, as my mum celebrates another birthday, that you will make her life impactful in Jesus name. Amen.

22. Father, I pray for my mum on her birthday today, that you will always give her something to celebrate in Jesus name. Amen.

23. Lord, on this her birthday, I pray that you will help my mother remain firmly rooted among your folds and you will keep her from wandering away from you in Jesus name. Amen.

24. I pray Lord, for my mum on her birthday, that her life will be meaningful and purposeful in Jesus name. Amen.

25. Lord, my mother is getting older. As she adds another year today, I pray that you will keep her from all those sicknesses and infirmities that comes with old age in Jesus name. Amen.

26. Father, on this special day my mum is celebrating, I pray that her later years will not lack flavour nor will they be like the years before. They will be spectacular in Jesus name. Amen.

27. I ask Lord that you give my mum a birthday present on this her day, something you alone can give in Jesus name. Amen.

28. On this my mum’s birthday, I pray that you give her a mouth-watering favour in Jesus name. Amen.

29. I pray that you enlarge my mother’s coast and make her way prosperous as she celebrates her birthday today in Jesus name. Amen.

30. As my mum celebrates today, I pray you will help her to be relevant and useful in your kingdom in Jesus name. Amen.

31. Lord, you have always been her shield, I pray today, being my mother’s birthday, that you will keep protecting her in Jesus name. Amen.

32. Our saviour, as my mum celebrates her birthday, I pray that you bless all that has to do with her in Jesus name. Amen.

33. I ask Lord, that you keep my mother always watered and fresh for growth in Jesus name. Amen.

34. Father, on her birthday, I pray for my mother that you teach her to acknowledge you in all her ways to direct her in Jesus name. Amen.

35. Lord, as my mother celebrates today, I ask that you make her more like you, full of compassion and love in Jesus name. Amen.

36. I pray, Lord, on my mum’s birthday that you give her inspiration for success in Jesus name. Amen.

37. I pray for my mum today that you will teach her to be the best version of herself in Jesus name. Amen.

38. Lord, on my mum’s birthday today, I pray that every Pharaoh of her past years, she will see no more in Jesus name. Amen.

39. Father, I ask for my mum on her birthday, that your blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel will speak for her in Jesus name. Amen.

40. Jehovah, as my mother starts another year today, I pray that your light will shine forth in every darkness in her life in Jesus name. Amen.

41. I pray for my mum, as she celebrates her birthday, that her life will be an epitome of beauty in Jesus name. Amen.

42. I commit my mother unto your hands on her birthday today, that every mountain before her would be levelled in Jesus name. Amen.

43. I ask Lord that you bless my mother with wisdom to make right decisions on her journey on earth in Jesus name. Amen.

44. Lord, today being my mother’s day, I pray that you will keep her from evil plans of the enemy in Jesus name. Amen.

45. Jehovah, as my mum celebrates her birthday today, I ask that you give her rest on all sides in Jesus name. Amen.

46. Father, I pray that your mighty hands will be evident in my mum’s life as she celebrates her special day in Jesus name. Amen.

47. On this my mum’s day that she is happy, I pray you will keep all forces that will seek to make her unhappy busy in Jesus name. Amen.

48. I pray, Lord, that you will fill my mum with peace that passes all human understanding and joy unlimited as she celebrates her birthday today in Jesus name. Amen.

49. I pray that you will draw my mother closer and closer to you even as she increases in age in Jesus name. Amen.

50. On my mum’s birthday, I ask Lord that her expectations shall not be cut short in Jesus name. Amen.

51. Father, I ask, as my mum celebrates her birthday, that she will fulfil the number of her days in Jesus name. Amen.

52. On your birthday mum, I pray for you that the ever-present help in time of need will be of great help to you throughout your journey in life in Jesus name. Amen.

53. Mum, the Lord will keep amazing you with great blessings throughout this new year you are starting today in Jesus name. Amen.

54. As you begin another year today, mum, I pray that the Lord will take you to a higher new level in Jesus name. Amen.

55. Lord, I pray for my mum on her birthday that she will fulfil destiny in Jesus name. Amen.

56. Mum, I ask that the Lord will make you bigger as you celebrate today in Jesus name. Amen.

57. I pray as you celebrate today, mum, that the lines are falling for you in pleasant places in Jesus name. Amen.

58. Lord, I ask that my mum ages with Grace even as she increases in age in Jesus name. Amen.

59. Jehovah, on this my mum’s special day, I ask that you will shine your countenance on her in Jesus name. Amen.

60. Father, I pray for my mum on her birthday that you lead her in the path of righteousness in Jesus name. Amen.

61. On your birthday today, mum, I pray that the will of the Lord alone will be done in your life in Jesus name. Amen.

62. Lord, as my mum celebrates the beginning of another year, I pray that you will make her a blessing to generations in Jesus name. Amen.

63. Mum, I pray for you today on your special day that as you have started strong with the Lord, you will finish strong as well in Jesus name. Amen.

64. Father, I pray for my mother on her birthday that you that started a good work in her will bring it to completion in Jesus name. Amen.

65. A mother is a gold. I pray, on your birthday, that your life will be valuable, even more than gold in Jesus name. Amen.

66. Our Redeemer, I ask that you grant my mum inspiration for greatness even as she celebrates her birthday in Jesus name. Amen.

67. I ask on this day of my mum’s birthday that you have mercy on her and cause her to eat the fruit of her labour in Jesus name. Amen.

68. I pray that the Lord will perfect all that concerns you, mother, as you add another year today in Jesus name. Amen.

69. Jehovah, I commit my mother into your hands that he will establish your feet on the rock and it will not be moved in Jesus name. Amen.

70. I pray for you on your birthday today mum that your life will express Christ in all ways in Jesus name. Amen.

Long Birthday Prayers you should pray for your mother on her Birthday.

1. Lord, we thank you for this awesome day you have made that happens to be my mother’s birthday. We pray for her that if men say there is a casting down, she will be saying there is a lifting up because you will be with her in Jesus name. Amen.

2. We appreciate you, Lord, for my mother on this her special day. I ask Lord on this wonderful day that you touch her so no weapon fashioned against her shall prosper. You will speak against them all in Jesus name. Amen.

3. Lord, it is because of you that my mum was able to see this day, which happens to be her birthday. As you have done for her in time past, I pray that your mighty hands of valour will fight her battles for her in Jesus name. Amen.

4. It is blessings of the Lord that makes one rich and adds no sorrow to it. Lord, I, therefore, pray for my mum today that you will cause her to receive joyful blessing that has no sorrow involved in Jesus name. Amen.

5. Today is your birthday mum and we are grateful to God for the opportunity for us all to celebrate it. Because you were born on this date, we pray that you will begin to bring forth greatness, signs and wonders that will amaze the world, in Jesus name. Amen.

6. Thank you, Jehovah, for the grace you have bestowed upon my mother to see this beautiful day of her birthday. Lord, as she goes into this new year, we pray that you establish your kingdom in her life and that you continually reign in her life in Jesus name. Amen.

7. Our Redeemer, only you deserve all the glory for this great opportunity you granted my mother to see another birthday. We pray that as she celebrates, you will speak against sickness and sorrow on her behalf in Jesus name. Amen.

8. Receive all the honour and adoration, Lord, for my mum’s life. I pray for you on this day that you are celebrating that the Lord himself will be your portion and he will make it known to all forces of darkness that your life is pleasurable to him in Jesus name. Amen.

9. Thank God for the grace for my mum to celebrate her birthday today. As you start another year today, I pray that the Lord will cause you to keep growing like the cedar in Lebanon and to flourish like a palm tree planted by the riverside in Jesus name. Amen.

10. This day is your doing, our Father in heaven, and we are grateful our mum got to see it. I pray for her that as she celebrates you will berate and bring to judgement every tongue that rises to condemn her to sorrow in Jesus name. Amen.

11. Lord, we extend all praises to you for my mum’s birthday today. We pray that your hands will be so strong on her so much so we, her children will in her and her husband will acknowledge her blessedness in Jesus name. Amen.

12. Father, thank you for another birthday celebration for my mum, we pray that you will give your angels charge of her to keep her in all her ways. They will bear her up in their hands so she will not dash her feet against a stone in Jesus name. Amen.

13. Saviour, you have been the good Shepherd to my mum since she was conceived in her mother’s womb, we bless you for that. We pray as she adds another year today, that you will continue to keep charge of her life in Jesus name. Amen.

14. Mum, in this wonderful day that the Lord has made just for you to celebrate your birthday, I pray that Christ will form you into his very image. Men will see you and see Christ because your life will reflect him in every way in Jesus name. Amen.

15. We appreciate for making it possible for my mum to see another year today. Lord, we ask that you will rain your showers of blessings on her, so much so generations after her will be blessed because of her in Jesus name. Amen.

16. We bless God for this awesome day of your birthday, mum. I pray that the Lord will be your exceeding great reward throughout this new year you are starting today and the much more to come. He will maintain your lot in Jesus name. Amen.

17. Thank you, Lord, for this great opportunity to celebrate my mum’s birthday. We pray on this day that just as the king could not sleep till he blessed Mordecai, you will cause men to lose sleep till they have blessed my mum in Jesus name. Amen.

18. We bless you for the grace upon my mum to see another birthday. I pray that you will grant my mother wisdom and excellence like Daniel. She will not lose relevance anywhere she finds herself in Jesus name. Amen.

19. Thank you, Father, for making it possible for my mum to celebrate her birthday today. I pray that you, Lord, will celebrate and honour her. You will also cause men to celebrate her life in Jesus name. Amen.

20. This is another birthday that the Lord had made for you, mum and we shall rejoice and be glad in it. As you celebrate, I pray that pain and shame shall be far from you. Whereas goodness and joy shall locate you, evil will not know your dwelling place in Jesus name. Amen.

21. Jehovah Jireh, you are the one who has continually provided for my mum and made sure she is never in need. I pray, on this her birthday that you have made possible, you will keep providing for all her needs in Jesus name. Amen.

22. Thank you, Lord, for giving my mum the grace to mark her birthday today. I pray that you will cause her to have bountiful harvest of all she has sown in the past years and all she will sow in the years ahead. I ask also that you will cause the fruits to abide in Jesus name. Amen.

23. We are eternally grateful to God for keeping our mother alive to see another year. Mum, as you enter into a new year today, I pray that the Lord will continually order your footsteps. You will always hear a voice from the Lord telling you the way to go in Jesus name. Amen.

24. All glory returns to God for your birthday today, mum. As you celebrate, I pray that the eyes of your understanding will be continually enlightened and the Lord shall reveal mysteries of the kingdom to you in Jesus name. Amen.

25. As you celebrate the beginning of a new year today, mum, the Lord shall put his mark of “do not touch, for this is my anointed” on you, so all evil powers would know that you are to remain untouched, unmoved and untouched in Jesus name. Amen.

26. Lord, we appreciate you for the opportunity bestowed on my mum to see the start of her new year. I pray, Lord, that you will bless her with fruitful years, even better the years before. And I ask that she spends the year ahead in your presence in Jesus name. Amen.

27. We honour you, our King, for making it possible for us to celebrate our mum on her birthday. Mum, we pray that the favour of the Lord will not leave you. The Lord will cause all the creatures that he created, both living and non-living, to work in your favour in Jesus name. Amen.

28. Mum, as you celebrate your birthday today, I pray that the Lord will work in you, mould you, shape you, prune you, break you, and do all he needs to do to make your life a life in whom he is well pleased, a life he can use to proclaim his glory in Jesus name. Amen.

29. We bless our God for my mum’s birthday today. The Lord had made you of a goodly heritage because you have his life in you. Therefore, as you start your new year today, I pray that you will enter into it prospering in all your ways because the Lord himself will smile down on you in Jesus name. Amen.

30. All glory and honour returns to you, Lord, for making my mum see this beautiful day that is her birthday. I pray that you will give her peace round about her and peace with all her neighbours. Even her enemies will work together to make her life comfortable in Jesus name. Amen.

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