Love Beyond Measure Quotes – Motivation and Love

Love is the only thing that differentiates humanity from the rest of God’s creation. Love is what gives our lives meaning and purpose beyond our own existence. It is love that makes a man selflessly risk his life to help another and love that motivates us to choose to live each day.

Love is very powerful. It drives us to do many things that we might not have done otherwise. It motivates us to go beyond our capabilities and pushes us to places where we might not have gone without it. In a way, it gives meaning to our lives and makes them worth living.

To love beyond measure, you must be willing to give your all. If you want to love someone this way, you will have to sacrifice your own daily needs with no exception. This kind of sacrificial love is worthy of the greatest honour and respect.

If you need quotes around this, then, you shouldn’t hesitate to see the list of love beyond measure quotes below.

When love is real and true, it stretches beyond measure. The most powerful kind of love is the kind that gives hope and light. Sometimes, love isn’t by the number of times you say I love you. It’s by the way you make them feel when they hear it.

1. When love goes beyond measure, it’s always a miracle. It will always find a way. It is infinite.

2. When love goes beyond measure, the only measurement that matters is how far you’ve grown.

3. When your love goes beyond measure, it takes on a life of its own. There is no limit to what love can accomplish.

4. You’ll never know how strong love beyond measure is until you try to walk away from it. No matter how much love you give, it will never be enough.

5. Love beyond measure is the ultimate truth; it cannot be spoken, only felt. Those who do not feel its power will never know what they are missing.

6. Love beyond measure is a verb that doesn’t end with I or you, but with us. We are all in the same boat together, sailing into the heart of love that never ends.

7. Love is the most beautiful thing we can experience, and it’s so worth going beyond measure!

8. Love beyond measure is what makes life worth living.

9. Love like this doesn’t happen every day. Nothing can replace the power of true love, but nothing can undo its magic either true love is beyond measure.

10. Love beyond measure is patient; love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, and keeps no record of wrongs.

11. When love goes beyond measure, it will surpass everything you could have imagined.

12. When love is strong enough to go beyond measure, it can go anywhere. Let love go beyond measure and beat expectations.

13. When you’re in love beyond measure, you can’t keep your feet still. And it doesn’t matter what people say about it–it just keeps on going.

14. You can’t measure the love that goes beyond measure. The greatest love is the one that gives you the most freedom to be yourself.

15. Love is the most powerful force in the universe, but it can’t be directed or controlled. Love is a choice, and you are responsible for your own life.

16. You were born to be loved beyond measure.

17. When love goes beyond measure, it is infinite, not just in its capacity to forgive but also to forget.

18. The love that goes beyond measure is the kind of love that never ends.

19. As we go beyond measure, love will go on. True love is the greatest gift of all, and it’s easy to give. You just need to find that special someone with whom you can share your life, thoughts, feelings and emotions

20. Love beyond measure is forever. It outlives all storms, all hardships and all pain. Love never.

21. Love is not touch, or a word it’s the feeling that goes beyond measure.

22. When you think of love, this is the moment. Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes it move.

23. A heart that truly loves knows no bounds and is unconditionally devoted to the one it loves.

24. Love is a commitment to grow together. It’s not a finite experience. You can’t use it up, and you can’t keep it for yourself. You give it away so that someone else can have it.

25. When someone you love is hurting, you do whatever it takes to fix it. Love is patient, and love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast, it is not proud; that is when you love beyond measure.

26. Loving beyond measure is a choice. And when you choose to be happy, you’re serving your best self.

27. You are loved beyond measure. Stay close to the one who understands you most, even if it means doing things you would otherwise never do for yourself.

28. When you love someone, there are no limits. When you love someone, it doesn’t matter where they come from; what matters is that they’re yours.

29. If you can love someone past their mistakes, they’ll never make any. There is no such thing as a bad day when you have love.

30. Loving beyond measure is the greatest gift you can give someone else, and it is the most difficult thing to do. But when you do it, it seems effortless.

31. You can fill your life with meaning and purpose, but it will never last unless you love it beyond measure.

32. It takes a brave person to love somebody beyond measure. Loving is when you let someone go but hold on to them anyway.

33. Love is something more than just feeling good; it’s about being a positive force in the world, loving beyond measure.

34. Your greatest happiness does not depend on what you are working for but rather on what you are working with.

35. Loving beyond measure is never-ending. It’s always growing and expanding wider and deeper.

36. We must love beyond measure, more than we can stand and more than anything we’ve ever known.

37. In the deepest of waters, there is safety. In the highest of mountains, there will be peace. In loving beyond measure

38. Life is a gift. Be loved beyond measure and with all of your heart and soul. There is no greater love than that of a mother for her child

39. Loving is the most powerful force in the universe. It transforms you from the inside out and sets you free to be all that you can be.

40. When you love someone, let them know. When you tell them, you open their heart and make them feel loved.

41. Love is beyond measure; it’s not about finding someone or something that makes you feel complete; it’s about being content with who you are and loving yourself.

42. A love that is beyond measure doesn’t mean it’s any less important. It will always be the most precious thing in your life.

43. When you love someone, do it in a way that makes them feel safe, secure and protected—beyond measure.

44. Loving someone is not a choice. Loving them beyond measure is.

45. Loving someone doesn’t mean that you stop searching for faults. It means you learn to see their strong points too.

46. Love is a choice, not something you feel. And when you love someone, it’s like choosing to live your life with someone else

47. Love is a special kind of courage. It’s the courage to let someone make you feel less than you are.

48. Love is one of the most powerful energy sources, yet it’s also the most difficult to access and requires effort to create.

49. When you find someone you love beyond measure, it’s the best feeling in the world.

50. We are never given more than we can handle. Love beyond measure is what keeps us going.

51. Love is beyond measure. It’s bigger than you. It’s bigger than me. So, grab it by the horns when you find it and never let go.

52. Love is beyond measure. It’s what keeps us going strong, no matter what happens around us.

53. Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. True love is also the most wonderful thing to behold.

54. Love is the strongest feeling in the world. It makes you want to do things for others, even if it means sometimes sacrificing yourself.

55. The greatest blessings in life are the ones that come from knowing someone who loves us beyond measure.

56. There are no words to describe what true love means. But there are tons of ways to show it. Every love story is beautiful and worth the wait.

57. When you see someone who is truly in love with you, it astounds you. Love that goes beyond measure is an incredible thing to behold.

58. The love that you’ve given and will give is beyond measure. The greatest love is when you love someone despite their flaws.

59. When you find someone who makes you want to be a better version of yourself, protect them from everything in this world and make them feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

60. Let’s not forget that love is more than a feeling. It is about giving and sharing the best of who you are with someone else who makes you complete.

61. Anyone who has experienced love knows how it feels because it works on all your different parts.

62. Love is a promise and a choice to grow. Love is beyond measure, and it will never end if you believe in it.

63. True love is beyond measure. It’s not about finding the right person but seeing the right in everyone.

64. True love I beyond measure. Love is the ultimate way to show people that you care about them.

65. We all have different needs, but if we truly love someone beyond measure, we will find a way to meet those needs.

66. Unconditional love is the best gift we can give ourselves, our friends, and the people around us.

67. Love is not about finding the perfect person but about learning to see yourself through their eyes.

68. Love beyond measure is a state of being that is experienced by few, and when experienced it is so very special.

69. There’s no greater feeling than loving someone more than you can stand to be away from them.

70. When you truly love someone, you can’t imagine your life without them.
Love is the magical word that binds all worlds together.

71. Love is a gift, giver and receiver. It is meant to be shared, not just for your benefit but for the world around you.

72. Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. It can lift you up where nothing else can and it can turn your life upside down.

73. When love is not measured by how much time you spend together but by the little moments no one else sees.

74. If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, they are yours, if they don’t, they didn’t want to be in the first place.

75. Love is the greatest power in the world. Not only does it give us strength, but also hope and happiness.

76. Love is not all about roses, sweet words and other romantic gestures. It’s about being patient, understanding and forgiving.

77. Love is always good, whether it’s forever or just until tomorrow. Love that goes beyond measure is a kind of love that never ends.

78. There is a love beyond measure. There is a love that transcends all time, space and circumstance. The only question is whether or not you will allow that love to transform your reality.

79. There’s no greater feeling than being loved. There’s no better feeling than to love someone back.

80. Love is not something you find. It’s something that finds you. Life is short; spend time with those who truly matter and be loved beyond measure.

81. Love without friendship is a temporary fluttering of the heart. Love with friendship is a lifetime of companionship.

82. Love beyond measure is the only way to find happiness, and true love is all about being brave and trusting your heart—no matter how you feel.

83. When you find someone who makes you happier than you ever thought possible, hold on tight and never let them go.

84. The greatest love is to have a person you can tell anything to, who will never judge you and always be there for you.

85. Love beyond measure is the only thing that matters. Love beyond measure is what makes the world go round.

86. The greatest love is always unconditional and forever. The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

87. Don’t wait for the world to fall in love with you. The most amazing things happen when you least expect it, so don’t be afraid to be different and love beyond measure.

88. Don’t limit who you love. Love is a giving, receiving and giving again that transcends boundaries of time, space and circumstances.

89. There is no greater feeling than knowing that someone cares enough to reach out and help when you are down.

90. Love beyond measure can make you do things you never thought possible. Find the love you were meant to have.

91. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is energy, it is excitement, it is joy, it is everything that exists. You are love! You are made of love… Embrace your inner love and spread that joy around you.

92. Love is not just a feeling. It’s a choice. Choose love every day, choose to share your happiness with others, and you’ll enter a world of endless possibilities.

93. Sometimes, you just need to find someone to love beyond measure.

94. Life is about the people we love. Life is about the people who have touched us, changed us and inspired us. Embrace love beyond measure, for it, is truly worth it!

95. Sometimes, love doesn’t stop when we want or expect it to. People say that nothing is greater than love, but nothing is higher than true love beyond measure.

96. A love that is beyond measure is the definition of true love. There’s no greater love than what we feel for our family and friends.

97. Love is immeasurable. It cannot be measured or weighed; it cannot be bought. It can only be received and shared by those who have hearts full of love.

98. A love like this doesn’t happen by accident. It’s a gift that keeps on giving, and it’s something you never have to worry about feeling short of again.

99. When you love someone, you can’t help but want to tell them how much they mean to you. When that someone is someone that you care about, their smile can light up the world.

100. You’ve got to fall in love with yourself before you can love someone else love beyond measure. Then you can find someone who will fall in love with you too.

101. The greatest love of all is a love that’s beyond measure. We don’t know how to explain it, but you feel it in your heart.

102. There are many kinds of love, and they each are special. But, the kind of love that makes the world go round is the kind that keeps you going no matter what.

103. To someone you love beyond measure, forever and always.

104. Love knows no bounds and limits, and love is patient and kind. Are you ready to experience love beyond measure?

There is a sort of love that asks for nothing in return. It gives without reservation. It holds no boundaries. It is not controlled by what the other can do for you. This love does not bargain but instead offers itself freely, knowing that the giver and the taker are one and the same. This is living and loving beyond measure.

The love beyond measure quotes here have best captured this, and I’m sure you found them helpful.

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