I Am Blessed Beyond Measure Quotes

Being blessed beyond measure is one of the best things that can happen to you in life. It is incredible. Your life seems perfect, you have found the right balance between your life and dreams, and there is nothing that could be better. Nothing can pull you down; up will always remain the best direction to look into.

You see, many people struggle in life while others celebrate their good fortune. The thing is, when you are blessed beyond measure, you need to acknowledge your blessings and be grateful. Just as it is easy to overlook the good things in your life, it is also easy for people to be thankful for all of their blessings.

Genuinely being grateful for the good in your life is one of the most important factors in living a happy life free from stress and worry. Gratitude can be shown in different ways. It can come in the form of expressing your joy. And if you want to express your joy of being blessed beyond measure, see the collection of I am blessed beyond measure quotes below.

I am blessed beyond measure. I’m even more blessed to be following my passion for a career that makes me happy every day. Thank you to everyone who has touched my life, made me laugh, cried, and given me the strength to keep going. I love you all so very much.

1. I am blessed beyond measure. I am grateful for all my blessings. I am blessed to have found my place in the world and to be surrounded by so many people who love me for exactly who I am.

2. I am blessed beyond measure with the people in my life and how we’ve grown together. I’m thankful for our family and friends and the laughter we share.

3. I’m so blessed beyond measure that I can take my family and friends out to share this amazing moment with them.

4. I am grateful for all that I have and have not. For good health, bad health, and everything in between. I am blessed beyond measure.

5. I am blessed beyond measure. I feel so grateful to be surrounded by wonderful people, as well as the things that bring them joy.

6. I am so blessed beyond measure. To be blessed by God is a great and powerful thing. I am truly grateful for the opportunities and life I have because of him.

7. I am blessed beyond measure. I am grateful for the blessings in my life and for all that I have done and continue to do. I pray that these blessings will continue to multiply.

8. I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you to everyone who lifted me up, listened to me vent and cheered me on during this journey. I will be forever grateful.

9. I am blessed beyond measure. I have been so lucky to have experienced so much in my life. I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way and continue to unfold each day.

10. I am blessed beyond measure to wake up each day and feel like I’m on top of the world.

11. I’m blessed beyond measure. I love my work and the people I work with. Life’s too short to spend it doing anything else.

12. I’m blessed beyond measure. To have you as my friend, to share so many moments with you and to get to know the person you are has been an incredible experience. Thank you for everything.

13. I am blessed beyond measure and I am grateful to be living this life by the love, grace and mercy of God.

14. I am blessed beyond measure, beyond knowledge, and beyond understanding. I am the master of my own destiny and this is what makes me happy

15. I am blessed beyond measure, grateful for all that I have, and filled with love for the friends and loved ones in my life.

16. I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you to every person who has crossed my path and given me the love, support and encouragement that has made me who I am today.

17. I am blessed beyond measure. I have experienced great triumphs and I have also experienced great suffering, but my burdens are lifting thanks to God’s loving-kindness.

18. I’m in the best place I’ve ever been. Blessed beyond measure with family, friends and a job that starts each day with smiles.

19. God is great. He’s done so many wonderful things for me, and I am blessed beyond measure.

20. I am blessed beyond measure. I am so grateful to be alive, to be here, surrounded by the love of my family and friends. I’m thankful for the blessings in my life and the opportunity to help others.

21. I am blessed beyond measure because I get to do what I love and make a difference in our world.

22. I am blessed beyond measure, and I love sharing the abundant blessings that I have received.

23. I am blessed beyond measure, and I will give thanks for these blessings every day. There’s no greater blessing than being able to be me.

24. I am blessed beyond measure. I give thanks for my life. I am grateful for all that it has brought me and all the blessings that still lie ahead.

25. I am blessed beyond measure. What comes to mind when I think of my blessings? Family, friends and the community that surrounds me.

26. I am blessed beyond measure. I have so many blessings in my life, and I’m thankful for each and every one of them.

27. I am blessed beyond measure, and I’m looking forward to all the blessings that are coming my way.

28. I am blessed beyond measure and I’m grateful for the blessings that have come my way.

29. I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you, Lord, for all the love, joy and blessings you have bestowed upon me today.

30. I am blessed beyond measure, my Father in heaven takes care of the small things. Well, that and the big things too.

31. I am blessed beyond measure. I am grateful for the people in my life and the blessings that God has given me.

32. I am so blessed to have a loving family, friends, and an amazing life that I get to live every single day.

33. I am blessed beyond measure for the love, support and encouragement I have received from you. Thank you.

34. I am blessed beyond measure. Sometimes I forget to appreciate this fact, but then I remember it again. This life is too short not to live every day like it’s your last.

35. I’m blessed beyond measure and the world is full of beauty. I thank you for this moment in time.

36. I am blessed beyond measure, grateful for each new day and all that God has given me.

37. I am blessed beyond measure, beyond my wildest dreams. If you were to give me anything for the rest of my life, I would be eternally grateful.

38. I am blessed beyond measure to have a home, family, friends and a job that I love, I am happy beyond description.

39. I am blessed beyond measure. I love my life, my family and friends, and the things that inspire me.

40. I am blessed beyond measure to be surrounded by friends and family who have enriched my life with their love, support and encouragement.

41. I am blessed beyond measure. I have the best family in the world and they love me so much.

42. I am blessed beyond measure, and my strength comes from being surrounded by people who lift me up.

43. I am blessed beyond measure and have learned to be grateful for every little thing.

44. You make me feel like a Goddess. You are my visual and auditory bliss. I am blessed beyond measure.

45. I am thrilled beyond measure to have this opportunity. I love what I do and trust that I can positively impact the world. I am blessed beyond measure.

46. I am blessed beyond measure, and I want to thank you for letting me know how much you appreciate all my efforts.

47. I am blessed beyond measure to live the life I love, follow my heart and make the choices that bring me happiness.

48. I am blessed beyond measure. God has been so good to me and I am always grateful for his blessings.

49. I am blessed beyond measure. I have so much to be thankful for. I could never imagine living a life without laughter and love.

50. I am blessed beyond measure. My faith in God has enabled me to overcome the most difficult situations. He is always there for me when I need Him most.

51. I am blessed beyond measure: To be able to work with people who are so dedicated, fun-loving and helpful.

52. As a self-made woman, I am blessed beyond measure. So much more that I can do with my life and the gifts, I have been given.

53. I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you for all your love. Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family.

54. I am blessed beyond measure. I just got to share coffee with my favourite person on the planet.

55. I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you for all the love and support from all of my friends, family, and followers.

56. I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you, God, for all the blessings that are mine to enjoy.

57. I am blessed beyond measure. I am grateful for every opportunity to be here, and I am thankful to the people in my life who make each day better than the last. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

58. I am blessed beyond measure and I am grateful for all the people who have brought me to this place.

59. Let me take a moment to remind you of all the blessings in my life, from friends and family to beautiful places and things. I am blessed beyond measure.

60. I am so excited to share this wonderful news with you. I am blessed beyond measure and could not be happier. Thank you for all your love, support and kindness over the years.

61. I am so blessed beyond measure to be able to share these gifts with you. Thank you for being my favourite person in the entire world.

62. I am blessed beyond measure, for I have been given the greatest gift of all the gift of you.

63. I am blessed beyond measure, I have been made more in the past six months than I ever expected. I am filled with so much love, gratitude and appreciation for the people and experiences of my life.

64. I am blessed beyond measure. I have been given the gift of life and the gift of time, and I count my blessings when looking back on the years that have gone by.

65. I am truly blessed beyond measure. To know that I have been given a second chance to live and love is more than I ever could have dreamed of.

66. I am blessed beyond measure. I have many friends, family members and supporters that are always there for me to help make sure my life is filled with joy.

67. I am blessed beyond measure today. I am grateful for all that I have, and that my life is filled with so much more.

68. I am so grateful for all of the blessings in my life and the people I love. I’m blessed beyond measure.

69. I’m so blessed beyond measure, to have a career in the public eye that allows me to express myself. I hope to inspire others and share my journey of self-discovery with you.

70. I am blessed beyond measure. And I have so much to be grateful for. Thank you all for your love and support.

71. I am blessed beyond measure, I have health and hope and love. My journey is not yet over, but I never lose faith that it will end well.

72. I am blessed beyond measure for having friends like you who see me for the person I am inside.

73. I am blessed beyond measure, beyond all reason to be, and beyond all understanding of what is happening to me. I am grateful for every day, moment, and person who helps make life so beautiful.

74. I am blessed beyond measure, and I thank God for giving me the strength to get through it.

75. I am blessed beyond measure. I have the most amazing family, friends, and lifestyle. So grateful for each day that I get to live life as an online entrepreneur and working mom.

76. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you mangoes, make mango salsa. And when life gives you a little of both, make the most out of it. I am blessed beyond measure.

77. I am blessed beyond measure, and in return, I want to bless those around me with kindness, understanding, and love.

78. I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you, God, for my loving family and friends. An awesome day today and a great week coming up.

79. I am truly blessed beyond measure. Thank you all for your birthday love, cards and snail mail. I love you all.

80. From a small-town girl to a small-town woman. I am blessed beyond measure. I am grateful for the life God has given me, and I pray that I will always be true to my heart and to Him.

81. Your beautiful soul shines through the screen and into my heart. I am blessed beyond measure to have you in my life.

82. I am blessed beyond measure, even more than I can express. Thank you for making life so special.

83. I am blessed beyond measure. There are so many things in this world that I could never have imagined, but thanks to the love and support of my family and friends, I can do anything I want.

84. I am blessed beyond measure, beyond compare, beyond all measure, and I thank God for this day.

85. I’m blessed beyond measure. The most amazing thing about my life is that it’s just beginning.

86. I am so blessed beyond measure. I love the people in my life, the things I have, and all the good that comes in between.

87. I am so blessed beyond measure. I’m blessed to have my family, friends, girlfriend and dog by my side. I’m even more blessed to be following my passion for a career that makes me happy every day.

88. I am blessed beyond measure today. I was lucky enough to receive an invitation from one of my idols. I can’t wait to meet this individual and thank him for the wonderful insight he shared with me about his work.

89. I am blessed beyond measure with friends, family and the most amazing husband. I can’t be more thankful for who I have in my life.

90. I am blessed beyond measure, beyond comparison. I am absolutely thrilled to be alive and grateful for every day that I get to spend here on this planet with family, friends and the people who love me.

91. I am blessed beyond measure. I am grateful for all the blessings God has given me and continue to give me each day.

92. All blessings come with an element of surprise. I am blessed beyond measure and grateful that I have my loved ones to share it with.

93. I am blessed beyond measure, with friends that I love and people who love me. I am lucky.

94. I am blessed beyond measure, with the love I have for the people who surround me and the life I live.

95. I am blessed beyond measure, living this full-on life with my family and closest friends.

96. I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you for being my friends, and family and a reason to be happy in this crazy world.

97. I am blessed beyond measure. I have amazing friends and family. The world is my oyster and I plan to explore it!

98. I am blessed beyond measure. These things have been given to me and I thank the Lord for His abundant grace.

99. Blessed beyond measure, I am grateful to be alive, healthy and able to share my life with those I love most in the world.

100. Blessed beyond measure. I am so grateful for this life and all of the opportunities that it brings.

Having a lot of blessings beyond measure is a wonderful thing. And it does not even prevent you from having more. However, you have to recognize its presence and know how to cherish it and make the most of it.

That’s why the I am blessed beyond measure quotes here will always come in handy. And it’s great to let you know they are free for you to use. Hope you enjoyed going through them.

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