I Blame Myself Quotes – Motivation and Love

Blaming yourself and being sad because of something happening in your life is a normal experience. You might have done some things in life that you regret and often blame yourself for. You are not alone; I am sure most of us have such moments in life.

To be honest, it is quite possible that you don’t even understand why you did those things you regret now. Still, it is one of the wisest moves to take accountability for your decisions, not out of pity but because it makes you a better person.

People, things, ideas, and events can leave a lasting impression on our lives and make us blame ourselves. We regret spending our time without being productive. We wish we had done something more meaningful or important with our lives.

However, the most important thing to do is forgive ourselves. Everyone makes mistakes; we should just learn from them and move on. The real mistake is to be owned by failures and mistakes of the past. But then, if you still blame yourself and need to let the feelings out, these I blame myself quotes are useful any time, any day.

I blame myself for everything and nothing. I blame myself for being me and for the things that have happened so far in my life and those things that will yet happen in the future. There is no excuse because of anything I do or don’t do.

1. I blame myself for being too busy and not spending enough time with my family. I always find myself apologizing for how much time other people take up, but the truth is that we all have our own priorities.

2. I blame myself for everything. I will only know what’s good for me when I finally take control of my life and stop living through someone else.

3. I blame myself for everything that has happened and for all the mistakes that I’ve made. I take responsibility for my happiness and my own pain.

4. I don’t know how to fix it, but I do know to blame myself. I’m the only one who can change how I feel about myself and how I live my life.

5. I blame myself for everything. I don’t know why I ever think of myself when so many people out there need my help.

6. I blame myself for everything in my life. I decided to do the things that made me happy and was always the type of person that would give up on everything I didn’t like if it was going to hurt someone else.

7. I blame myself for everything, including the fact that it’s still dark outside and I haven’t done my homework.

8. I blame myself for everything, but I don’t hold myself responsible when I blame someone else.

9. I blame myself for everything that’s happened to me. I blame myself for letting this happen, and that’s why I’m here right now. Don’t ever give up on your dreams because it’s not easy. Believe in yourself.

10. I’m the captain of my ship. No one else can blame me for everything that goes wrong. I’m blaming myself for everything that goes right.

11. I blame myself for everything. I’m a victim of my own poor choices and bad decisions. It’s not too late to start over again.

12. I blame myself for everything. I choose to remain in the present, doing what I am doing, rather than blaming the past or future for my woes.

13. I blame myself for everything. I’m not changing anything you don’t want me to, but I’ll change this feeling and move on.

14. I blame myself for everything. I should have been more cautious, studied harder, and gone to bed earlier. But if I had done all this, I would have learned nothing valuable from life. Therefore, I am glad that I made mistakes and learned from them.

15. I blame myself for everything I have failed at, but I have never failed to try. I can’t be held responsible for my mistakes, but I can be held responsible for the choices that I make in my life.

16. I blame myself for everything. I find ways to improve it, and I always do the best I can. There is no better person than me, only me doing my best.

17. I blame myself for everything. I am responsible for every wrong done to me and by me.

18. I blame myself for everything, so let me spend some time and reflect on my mistakes.

19. I blame myself for everything that goes wrong in my life. I would like to say that it’s not my fault, but I cannot do that. It is my own fault.

20. I blame myself for everything, including my mistakes and misfortunes, but one thing is sure: I was not born a loser. I created it all.

21. I blame myself for everything that went wrong and do my best to make up for it. I accept responsibility for the things I have done and the way I have been.

22. It takes a lot of courage to discover that you have power over your own life and even more to begin using it. I blame myself for everything, but you can change how you feel about yourself by changing how you think.

23. I blame myself for everything. I’ve accomplished nothing, yet I feel like I’m doing great.

24. I don’t blame anybody but myself. I always say that I should do more- I should be more social and outgoing. But I don’t know how to do that.

25. I blame myself for everything. I don’t blame the weatherman, a conspiracy theorist or even my history teacher. It’s all me.

26. I blame myself for everything, but that’s not always bad. It’s part of the human experience and what keeps us growing and learning as individuals.

27. I blame myself for everything and nothing. Wherever you are, I hope your day is filled with happiness.

28. I blame myself for everything; it’s not your fault or mine. We all have trouble in life and can’t do anything about it. We must deal with the problems and try our best to solve them.

29. I blame myself for everything, but mostly my stupidity. So I’m not going to try and change what’s not broken.

30. I blame myself for everything going wrong in my life, and I will not let anyone else do the same.

31. I blame myself for everything, from crooked teeth to bad backs. It’s all my fault. I’m not perfect. But it doesn’t mean I can’t be perfect for someone else.

32. I blame myself for everything and accept that, but I also know it’s not my fault. The only person who can make a difference in me, and that’s what keeps me going.

33. I blame myself for everything. I promise to change, but it’s always going to be me that chooses when and if that happens.

34. The only person you can control is yourself. I blame myself for everything that has happened in my life, but the past is the past, and there’s no point in dwelling on it.

35. Don’t blame others or the world for your problems. It’s much easier to focus on what you can control, and that’s always you.

36. I blame myself for everything that has happened; it’s not the world”s fault or anyone else’s. I can’t be responsible for what happened to me if I don’t take care of myself first.

37. I blame myself for everything, but the truth is that I always give credit to others. I’m still a work in progress.

38. I blame myself for everything because I try harder than anyone else, but it never seems enough.

39. I blame myself for everything. I don’t know how to be happy, but I know how to make people around me happy.

40. I blame myself for everything. I should have done more; I should have said the right things. I can’t believe this is happening to me.

I blame myself for everything. For not being strong, smart, or tall enough to fix the broken things in my life. I blame myself for my mistakes and poor decisions. I blame myself for being in an unhappy relationship with someone who doesn’t respect me and makes me feel safe.

41. I blame myself for everything, but when I look back on my life, I remember how I was always there for you.

42. I blame myself for everything. I say this to myself every day, every hour of every day. The voices say it louder and louder, but they don’t matter anymore because I’m done listening. I could’ve done things better, but I didn’t.

43. I blame myself for everything. If I had been more patient and understanding, then maybe the person wouldn’t have hurt me the way they did.

44. I blame myself for everything. My lack of self-confidence, my lack of confidence in myself, my lack of goals, and my lack of hope for the future.

45. I blame myself for everything that happened to me in the past, so I have no choice but to face my fears, conquer them and move forward.

46. I tried to do too many things, and I got nothing out of it. I blame myself for everything that happened.

47. I blame myself for everything in my life that goes wrong. I feel so disappointed and sad when things don’t go right. So why do I keep doing this to myself?

48. I blame myself for everything. I am too hard on myself; I’m not good enough. If it wasn’t for me, everything would be perfect.

49. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I blame myself for everything; there’s nothing I can do but move on.

50. I blame myself for everything. I am the failure, the mistake. Everything that went wrong was my fault, even when it was somebody else’s fault.

51. I blame myself for everything. If only I was better, I wouldn’t have had to say these things. Everyone else has it easy. I’ll never be good enough to make up for my past mistakes.

52. I blame myself for everything regarding my relationship, business and career. The only thing I can do is learn from my mistakes.

53. I blame myself for everything. I was never good enough, wasn’t smart enough, and didn’t have the right stuff.

54. I blame myself for everything. I could’ve been more responsible and less trusting. But it is too late now.

55. I blame myself for everything, for the way I look and for the way I feel. I’ve tried my best, but it’s still not enough. I’m alone and don’t know how to change this anymore.

56. I blame myself for everything. There’s no such thing as a happy ending, just different chapters in the book of life.

57. I blame myself for everything that has happened to me this week. I don’t know why things keep going wrong, but it’s always my fault.

58. I blame myself for everything because I don’t have enough self-confidence to stand up and tell the truth.

59. I blame myself for everything. I thought I was doing good, but no. It’s not my fault.

60. I blame myself for everything. I hate myself; I hate my life. I just run away and don’t come back. I hate it all, but I’m stuck in there like a rock buried alive, and I can’t get out.

61. I blame myself for everything. I should have done better, said something kinder, and been on time more often. If only I had left work early, I wouldn’t be in this mess. I should be better than this I’ll never get over myself.

62. I blame myself for everything. I did wrong; I broke promises and betrayed all of you. But most of all, I let myself down.

63. I blame myself for everything bad that happens to me. I don’t want to blame anyone else for something I can control, but there are times when I feel helpless, and there’s so much going on in my life that I have no control over.

64. I blame myself for all my problems, but I don’t have time to feel sad because I need to fix this.

65. I blame myself for everything. I get a little down and start losing sight of who I am. That’s why I do this every day.

66. I blame myself for everything. I’m tired of being messed around with no one to depend on.

67. I blame myself for everything. I don’t know how to stop blaming myself and being such a loser.

68. I blame myself for everything. I’m sorry, but you were a victim, too, and you’ll never get to fully comprehend how it felt to be in your shoes.

69. I blame myself for everything that happened; I should have known better than to fall in love.

70. I blame myself for everything that goes wrong in my life. Maybe if I didn’t do this, this wouldn’t have happened. Maybe if I made that choice, it would be different.

I blame myself for everything and everyone in my life. I’m not happy, and it’s only because of me. I’m always disappointed in myself. This is not good enough. I feel the weight on my shoulders, and my head weighs a ton.

71. I blame myself for everything; I’ve done it all. And I can’t fix it. Why? Because there’s nothing that can be done when you cannot see your flaws. 

72. I can’t do anything right. I blame myself for everything, but you know what? I’m gonna keep trying.

73. I blame myself for everything. Life is a series of lessons. I’m just not very good at learning.

74. I blame myself for everything that has happened to me; I’m the reason why everything went wrong.

75. I blame myself for everything I’ve allowed in and for everything I haven’t. I’m sorry for those things, but my only hope is that I can do better tomorrow.

76. I blame myself for everything. I wish I could take back one single day in the past. But that’s not how life works. Now, I must move forward and try to be a better version of myself daily.

77. I blame myself for everything. For being so naive and doing things wrong. I blame myself for leaving you behind and not loving you enough. I blame myself for not changing my lifestyle and making new friends. I blame myself for not being there when you needed me the most.

78. I’ve let myself down again. I blame myself for everything around me, and I am such a disappointment in my own eyes.

79. I’m so sick of blaming myself for everything. I feel like I’ve been this way my whole life, and there’s no way out.

80. I blame myself for everything. If I were smart or cute or just better, I would have been happier

81. I blame myself for everything; I am the one who made all of this happen. I am pretty much responsible for you and everyone around me. I mean, if I don’t do anything about it, no one will ever help you.

82. I blame myself for everything. If only I had been better, then if only I was different, then I had done this instead. But I did, and it all went wrong. Time to move on.

83. I blame myself for everything. I gave away the power to change my life, but I can’t live without it anymore.

84. I blame myself for everything. I didn’t pick the right colours, I did not choose the clothes that fit my body type and style, and I am sorry that I did not make it my goal to be healthier.

85. I blame myself for everything. And it’s all my fault because I am the one who will remember none of them.

86. I blame myself for everything. It’s all my fault; I should have known better than to go out that night, but even though I blacked out, somehow, I still ended up in jail.

87. I blame myself for everything that has happened to me and will continue to blame myself until I lose faith in everything I have done.

88. I blame myself for everything. I can’t even blame it because I don’t want to feel like this anymore.”

89. I blame myself for everything; I’ve fallen for every stupid lie. I’ve been broken and ignored, but nobody cares about me anyway.

90. I blame myself for everything wrong in the world, but I don’t have to keep blaming myself. It’s not my fault.

91. I blame myself for everything. I have to have my way and always be in charge. It’s just too much responsibility sometimes.

92. I’ll blame myself for everything; I’ll love the way you think, And all the words you don’t say.

93. When somebody loves me or I love myself, I always blame myself. The truth is that I don’t deserve happiness, and I don’t deserve to be loved. The truth is that my happiness is not important to other people.

94. I blame myself for everything. I hate my job and how much it sucks to be me. I wish I had the confidence to speak up more so I could move on with my life.

95. I blame myself for everything, but I’m not perfect. Don’t blame yourself. You did nothing wrong.

96. I blame myself for everything that’s going on in my life. If I was a better person, doing better things, it’d be easier to deal with all this bullshit.

97. I blame myself for everything. I can’t decide who to blame for what happened because it all started with me.

98. I blame myself for everything that has gone wrong. I’m so sorry you have to see me like this.

99. I blame myself for everything. I’ll always fight with myself, and nothing will ever be okay. It’s all my fault. I just don’t know why. How did I get so sad? Why do bad things happen to me?

100. I blame myself for everything, but it’s my fault. I’m the victim of my own stupidity, so I have no life.

It’s horrible to live with regret over something you could have done better or differently, something you probably had the power to change by doing things differently. Something you do or say that comes back to haunt you. And it makes you feel guilty and wish things were different.

Well, having gone through these I blame myself quotes and go ahead and express yourself with the quotes, then you’ll get some relief and set things right.

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